-- -- Copyright (c) ADC Kentrox 1997 -- -- Filename: MAGNUM3.DOC -- Revision: -- Product code: -- Date: -- -- ADC Kentrox -- 14375 NW Science Park Dr -- Portland, OR 97229 -- (503) 643-1681 -- http://www.kentrox.com/ -- ftp://ftp.kentrox.com/ -- info@kentrox.com -- -- This module provides authoritative definitions for ADC Kentrox's -- enterprise-specific Magnum SNMP MIBs. -- -- This module will be extended as required. -- -- ADC Kentrox reserves the right to make changes in specification and -- other information contained in this document without prior notification. -- The reader should consult ADC Kentrox to determine if such changes have -- been made. -- In no event shall ADC Kentrox be liable for any incidental, indirect, -- special or consequential damages whatsoever (including but not limited -- to lost profits) arising out of or related to this document or the -- information contained in it, even if ADC Kentrox has been advised of, -- known, or should have known the possibility of such damages. -- -- ADC Kentrox grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties -- a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection with the -- management of ADC Kentrox products. -- -- -- Crossbow ASN.1 Definitions -- -- See update history at end of the file. -- -- FIBERMUX-MAGNUM3-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 enterprises, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI; DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING fibermux OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 120 } fmxProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 1 } fmxCrossbow OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxProducts 1 } fmxFX68XZ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxProducts 2 } fmxVariables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 2 } fmxHubs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxVariables 1 } fmxSystemGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxHubs 1 } fmxCrossbowGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxHubs 2 } fmxBootGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 3 } fmxFX500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 4 } fmxMagnumMux OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 5 } fmxMagnum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibermux 6 } fmxMagSystemGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagnum 1 } fmxMagBackplaneGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagnum 2 } fmxMagComLogicGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagnum 3 } fmxMagComFiber OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagComLogicGrp 1 } fmxMagComDS3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagComLogicGrp 2 } fmxMagComOC3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagComLogicGrp 3 } fmxMagComT3E3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagComLogicGrp 4 } fmxMagIOCardGrp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagnum 4 } fmxMag100Grp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fmxMagnum 5 } -- Magnum System Group fmxMagHwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision number." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 1 } fmxMagFwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision number." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 2 } fmxMagCurrentTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current real-time calendar date and time set for the Control Logic module. Returned as a structure in the form: typedef struct { byte year; byte month; byte day; byte hour; byte minutes; byte seconds; } TIME; " ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 3 } fmxMagMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the Magnum Plus chassis represented in a six-byte field." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 4 } fmxMagReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Software reset of the Control Logic module." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 5 } fmxMagEraseConfigNVRAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { erase(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Erase the configuration data currently saved in non-volatile random access memory (i.e., NV RAM). When the erase is complete, the current configuration read from the backplane will be saved back to NVRAM." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 6 } fmxMagIPAddrNVRAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is the IP Address of the Magnum Plus module. The CC8834 SNMP Control Logic module must be reset in order for this IP address to take affect." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 7 } fmxMagIPMaskNVRAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is the IP Address mask of the Magnum Plus module." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 8 } fmxMagBackboneType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fiber(1), ds3(2), oc3(3), t3e3(4), none(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object defines what type of backbone the ring is using." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 9 } fmxMagPowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "16-bit map of the power supply + expansion power supply status. Bit 0 is power A+5V, bit 1 is power A-5V, bit 2 is power A+12V, bit 3 is power A-12V, bit 4 is power B+5V, bit 5 is power B-5V, bit 6 is power B+12V, bit 7 is power B-12V. The expansion power supply status is located as follows: bit 8 is expansion power A+5V, bit 9 is expansion power B+5V. The rest of the bits (10-15) are unused. For each bit, 0 indicates OKAY status, 1 indicates ERROR." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 10 } fmxMagNodeListA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is a structure that contains the number of nodes in the ring for Common Logic module A followed by the last two bytes of every MAC address in the ring." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 11 } fmxMagNodeListB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is a structure that contains the number of nodes in the ring for Common Logic module B followed by the last two bytes of every MAC address in the ring." ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 12 } fmxMagConfigDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object sets the Magnum to default configuration. It always returns 1 when read." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagReset ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 13 } fmxMagRingConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { magnum100(1), rotate(2), merge(3), split(4), unknown(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object describes the current Magnum ring configuration." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagRingConfiguration ::= { fmxMagSystemGrp 14 } -- Magnum Backplane Group fmxMagBPHwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware revision number." ::= { fmxMagBackplaneGrp 1 } fmxMagBPFwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision number." ::= { fmxMagBackplaneGrp 2 } fmxMagBPMerge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is a bit mask of the partitions assigned to merge in the Magnum chassis. It is in theform of a bit mask; for example, 0x0011 would mean than partitions 1 and 5 are being merged. This variable does not apply to OC3 rings." ::= { fmxMagBackplaneGrp 3 } fmxMagBPUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { update(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to tell the backplane to update the configuration. It returns 1 when read." ::= { fmxMagBackplaneGrp 4 } fmxMagBPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMagBPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing the backplane information about each Slot in the Magnum chassis." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagBPTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMagBPTable ::= { fmxMagBackplaneGrp 5 } fmxMagBPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMagBPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { fmxMagBPSlot } ::= { fmxMagBPTable 1 } FmxMagBPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMagBPSlot INTEGER, fmxMagBPSlotStatus INTEGER, fmxMagBPSlotPartition INTEGER, fmxMagBPSlotComLog INTEGER } fmxMagBPSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the physical slot location in the Magnum chassis." ::= { fmxMagBPEntry 1 } fmxMagBPSlotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bypass(1), drop(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set up the backplane status for either bypass or drop." ::= { fmxMagBPEntry 2 } fmxMagBPSlotPartition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is a bit mask of the partitions assigned to a physical location in the Magnum chassis. It is in the form of a bit mask; for example, 0x0011 would mean that partitions 1 & 5 are assigned to this slot. Assignment of partitions automatically sets the slot to drop." ::= { fmxMagBPEntry 3 } fmxMagBPSlotComLog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { comloga(1), comlogb(2), both(3), notapply(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable assigns a common logic module to all partitions assigned to this slot & sets the slot to drop. Setting this variable to 'notapply(4)' unassigns the partition from this slot. This variable does not apply to OC3." ::= { fmxMagBPEntry 4 } -- Magnum Common Logic Group -- Fiber fmxMagFiberGlobalStru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The global table for the entire Magnum ring. This table is used where the Common Logic module is mixed with non-SNMP control logic modules." --DEFAULT next-function a_next%n ::= { fmxMagComFiber 1 } fmxMagFiberComLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMagFiberComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This group of variables provide information for the Common Logic A and Common Logic B modules." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagFiberComLogTable --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagFiberComLogTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMagFiberComLogTable ::= { fmxMagComFiber 2 } fmxMagFiberComLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMagFiberComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { fmxMagFiberComLogIndex } ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogTable 1 } FmxMagFiberComLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMagFiberComLogIndex INTEGER, fmxMagFiberComLogStatus INTEGER, fmxMagFiberComLogMaster INTEGER, fmxMagFiberComLogSync INTEGER, fmxMagFiberComLogLocLoop INTEGER } fmxMagFiberComLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { comlogA(1), comlogB(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the index that was used to access it." ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogEntry 1 } fmxMagFiberComLogStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notactive(2), wrap(3), notpresent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the ring status of the common logic is wrap, active, or not active." ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogEntry 2 } fmxMagFiberComLogMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in master or slave mode." ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogEntry 3 } fmxMagFiberComLogSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in sync." ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogEntry 4 } fmxMagFiberComLogLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in local loopback mode." ::= { fmxMagFiberComLogEntry 5 } -- DS3 fmxMagDS3GlobalStru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The global table for the entire Magnum ring. This table is used where the Common Logic module is mixed with non-SNMP control logic modules." --DEFAULT next-function a_next%n ::= { fmxMagComDS3 1 } fmxMagDS3ComLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMagDS3ComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This group of variables provide information for the Common Logic A and Common Logic B modules." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagDS3ComLogTable --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagDS3ComLogTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMagDS3ComLogTable ::= { fmxMagComDS3 2 } fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMagDS3ComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { fmxMagDS3ComLogIndex } ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogTable 1 } FmxMagDS3ComLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMagDS3ComLogIndex INTEGER, fmxMagDS3ComLogStatus INTEGER, fmxMagDS3ComLogMaster INTEGER, fmxMagDS3ComLogSync INTEGER, fmxMagDS3ComLogRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMagDS3ComLogLocLoop INTEGER } fmxMagDS3ComLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { comlogA(1), comlogB(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the index that was used to access it." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 1 } fmxMagDS3ComLogStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notactive(2), notpresent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the ring status of the common logic is wrap, active, or not active." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 2 } fmxMagDS3ComLogMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in master or slave mode." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 3 } fmxMagDS3ComLogSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in sync." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 4 } fmxMagDS3ComLogRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loop back mode." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 5 } fmxMagDS3ComLogLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in local loopback mode." ::= { fmxMagDS3ComLogEntry 6 } -- T3E3 fmxMagT3E3GlobalStru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The global table for the entire Magnum ring. This table is used where the Common Logic module is mixed with non-SNMP control logic modules." --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagDS3GlobalStru --DEFAULT next-function a_next%n ::= { fmxMagComT3E3 1 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This group of variables provide information for the Common Logic A and Common Logic B modules." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagT3E3ComLogTable --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagDS3ComLogTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMagT3E3ComLogTable ::= { fmxMagComT3E3 2 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { fmxMagT3E3ComLogIndex } ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogTable 1 } FmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMagT3E3ComLogIndex INTEGER, fmxMagT3E3ComLogStatus INTEGER, fmxMagT3E3ComLogMaster INTEGER, fmxMagT3E3ComLogSync INTEGER, fmxMagT3E3ComLogRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMagT3E3ComLogLocLoop INTEGER } fmxMagT3E3ComLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { comlogA(1), comlogB(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the index that was used to access it." ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 1 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notactive(2), notpresent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the ring status of the common logic is wrap, active, or not active." ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 2 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in master or slave mode." ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 3 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in sync." ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 4 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loop back mode." --DEFAULT set-function a_setfmxMagDS3ComLogRemLoop ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 5 } fmxMagT3E3ComLogLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic is in local loopback mode." ::= { fmxMagT3E3ComLogEntry 6 } -- Magnum IO Card Group fmxMagCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMagCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This group of variables provide access to the IO modules within the Common Logic module chassis." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagCardTable --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMagCardTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMagCardTable ::= { fmxMagIOCardGrp 1 } fmxMagCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMagCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { fmxMagCardSlot } ::= { fmxMagCardTable 1 } FmxMagCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMagCardSlot INTEGER, fmxMagCardDescrip DisplayString, fmxMagCardNChans INTEGER, fmxMagCardRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMagCardLocLoop INTEGER, fmxMagCardSync INTEGER, fmxMagCardCommand INTEGER } fmxMagCardSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the physical slot location of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 1 } fmxMagCardDescrip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A desctription of the card." --DEFAULT get-function a_get%n ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 2 } fmxMagCardNChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the number of I/O channels that the module is currently configured for." ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 3 } fmxMagCardRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2), notapply(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loop back mode. Note - not all I/O modules may be set to remote loopback mode. These I/O modules will always return the value 'normal'." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagCardLoopback ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 4 } fmxMagCardLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2), notapply(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in local loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into local loopback mode. Note - not all I/O modules may be set to local loopback mode. These I/O modules will always return the value 'normal'" --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMagCardLoopback ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 5 } fmxMagCardSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2), notapply(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in sync. Note - this variable may not apply to certain I/O modules & will therefore always return the value 'notapply'." ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 6 } fmxMagCardCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a card-specific 8-bit command byte that will be written into the I/O module. It will return a -1 if read." ::= { fmxMagCardEntry 7 } -- Magnum 100 Group; provided for backwards compatibility with Magnum 100 fmxMag100RingID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 ring number." ::= { fmxMag100Grp 1 } fmxMag100NodeID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 node number for this module." ::= { fmxMag100Grp 2 } fmxMag100NodeOrderList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is an 8-byte structure that contains the order of nodes on the Magnum100 ring." ::= { fmxMag100Grp 3 } fmxMag100NodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMag100NodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing information about the nodes within a Magnum 100 ring. This table is indexed by node id." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100NodeTable --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMag100NodeTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMag100NodeTable ::= { fmxMag100Grp 4 } fmxMag100NodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMag100NodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in fmxMag100NodeTable." INDEX { fmxMag100Node } ::= { fmxMag100NodeTable 1 } FmxMag100NodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMag100Node INTEGER, fmxMag100NodePowerSupply INTEGER, fmxMag100NodeBypassSw INTEGER } fmxMag100Node OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 node number." ::= { fmxMag100NodeEntry 1 } fmxMag100NodePowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "16-bit map of the power supply + expansion power supply status for Magnum 100. Bit 0 is power A+5V, bit 4 is power B+5V. The expansion power supply status is located as follows: bit 8 is expansion power A+5V, bit 9 is expansion power B+5V. The rest of the bits (10-15) are unused. For each bit, 0 indicates OKAY status, 1 indicates ERROR." ::= { fmxMag100NodeEntry 2 } fmxMag100NodeBypassSw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable defines the current value of the channel bypass switches as the decimal equivalent of the 16 bypass DIP switch positions assigned to bits of a binary word (16 bits, LSB = channel 1)." ::= { fmxMag100NodeEntry 3 } fmxMag100NodeComLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMag100NodeComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing information about the common logic modules on nodes within a Magnum 100 ring. This table is indexed by node id." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100NodeComLogTable --DEFAULT set-function a_set%n --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMag100NodeComLogTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMag100NodeComLogTable ::= { fmxMag100Grp 5 } fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMag100NodeComLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in fmxMag100NodeComLogTable." INDEX { fmxMag100NComLogNode, fmxMag100NComLogIndex } ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogTable 1 } FmxMag100NodeComLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMag100NComLogNode INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogIndex INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogStatus INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogSync INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogMaster INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogLocLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100NComLogSwapSw INTEGER } fmxMag100NComLogNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 node id." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 1 } fmxMag100NComLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { comloga(1), comlogb(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the common logic module used to index into this table." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 2 } fmxMag100NComLogStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), backup(2), wrap(3), notpresent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable defines the status of a common logic module." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 3 } fmxMag100NComLogSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic module has sync or not." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 4 } fmxMag100NComLogMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the common logic module is providing the master clock for this ring." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 5 } fmxMag100NComLogRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if a common logic module is in remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loopback mode." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 6 } fmxMag100NComLogLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if a common logic module is in local loopback mode. This will never be true for CC8811 and CC8814 modules." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 7 } fmxMag100NComLogSwapSw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the value of the swap switches for a common logic module as the decimal equivalent of the eight bypass DIP switch positions assigned to bits of a binary word (8 bits, LSB = channel 1)." ::= { fmxMag100NodeComLogEntry 8 } fmxMag100CardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMag100CardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing information about I/O modules within a Magnum 100 ring. This table is indexed by node and logical slot number of the I/O module." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CardTable --DEFAULT set-function a_setfmxMag100CardTable --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMag100CardTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMag100CardTable ::= { fmxMag100Grp 6 } fmxMag100CardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMag100CardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in fmxMag100CardTable." INDEX { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot } ::= { fmxMag100CardTable 1 } FmxMag100CardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMag100CNode INTEGER, fmxMag100CSlot INTEGER, fmxMag100CIDNum INTEGER, fmxMag100CDescrip DisplayString, fmxMag100CProfile1 INTEGER, fmxMag100CProfile2 INTEGER, fmxMag100CNChans INTEGER, fmxMag100CClkMode INTEGER, fmxMag100CClkSpeed INTEGER, fmxMag100CRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100CLocLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100CRxSync INTEGER, fmxMag100CTxSync INTEGER, fmxMag100CSync INTEGER, fmxMag100CEnabled INTEGER, fmxMag100CHiSpeed INTEGER, fmxMag100CTestMode INTEGER, fmxMag100CHSControl INTEGER, fmxMag100CAddrFltr INTEGER, fmxMag100CCRCFltr INTEGER, fmxMag100CSTP INTEGER, fmxMag100CPort INTEGER, fmxMag100COpMode INTEGER, fmxMag100CTimeSlot INTEGER, fmxMag100C48V INTEGER, fmxMag100CModAddr INTEGER, fmxMag100CInsAddr INTEGER, fmxMag100CNearFlt INTEGER, fmxMag100CNearSync INTEGER, fmxMag100CFarSync INTEGER, fmxMag100CReset INTEGER } fmxMag100CNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 node number." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 1 } fmxMag100CSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the logical slot location of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 2 } fmxMag100CIDNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable has a unique value for each I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 3 } fmxMag100CDescrip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description of the module, including the part number." --DEFAULT get-function a_get%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 4 } fmxMag100CProfile1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is a 4-bytes bit mask that defines which variables are supported by this module. The meanings of the bits are: bit 0 - clock mode bit 1 - clock speed bit 2 - remote loopback for the module bit 3 - local loopback for the module bit 4 - receive sync for the module bit 5 - transmit sync for the module bit 6 - generic sync for the module bit 7 - module enabled bit 8 - high speed mode bit 9 - test mode bit 10 - CRC error bit 11 - sampling rate bit 12 - remote loopback for a channel bit 13 - local loopback for a channel bit 14 - receive sync for a channel bit 15 - transmit sync for a channel bit 16 - generic sync for a channel bit 17 - channel is master/slave bit 18 - generic buffer overflow bit 19 - receive buffer overflow bit 20 - transmit buffer overflow bit 21 - code violation bit 22 - near fault bit 23 - far fault bit 24 - near sync bit 25 - far sync bit 26 - packet length error bit 27 - collision bit 28 - address filtering enabled bit 29 - controller is polling device(s) bit 30 - device on this channel is reponding to poll bit 31 - data on this channel is present" ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 5 } fmxMag100CProfile2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a continuation of fmxMag100CProfile1. The meanings of the bits are: bit 0 - modify address mode bit 1 - insert address mode bit 2 - sw/hw control mode bit 3 - CRC filtering mode ful bit 4 - STP mode bit 5 - time slot bit 6 - 48V signal bit 7 - wrap status of a channel bit 8 - module type of a channel bit 9 - resetable" ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 6 } fmxMag100CNChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the number of I/O channels that the module is currently configured for." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CNChans ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 7 } fmxMag100CClkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { external(1), internal(2), async(3), slave(4), channel(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable says what the source of the clock is, on those modules that have a configurable clock source." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 8 } fmxMag100CClkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the speed that the module's internal clock is set to." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 9 } fmxMag100CRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in remote loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into remote loop back mode." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100Loopback ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 10 } fmxMag100CLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in local loopback mode. Setting this variable to 1 will force the module to go into local loopback mode." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100Loopback ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 11 } fmxMag100CRxSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if receive sync is present on the module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 12 } fmxMag100CTxSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if transmit sync is present on the module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 13 } fmxMag100CSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the I/O module is in sync. If this variable is defined on an I/O module, then fmxMag100CTxSync and fmxMag100CRxSync will not be." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 14 } fmxMag100CEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable says whether this module is enabled or disabled. A module that is disabled will not pass data in either direction, but it will still respond to LightWatch queries and commands. A module may be enabled or disabled by writing to this variable." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 15 } fmxMag100CHiSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), hispeed(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates whether the module is running some of its channels at high speed. Setting this variable to 2 will force the module into high speed mode. The meaning of 'high speed' varies depending on the I/O module implementing it. Note that high speed mode does not usually change the combined data rate of all the channels on the I/O module." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 16 } fmxMag100CTestMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), test(2), localtest(3), remotetest(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the test status of the module. You can force a module into a test status by writing to this variable." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 17 } fmxMag100CHSControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { software-control(1), hardware-control(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the control status of the module. The status software-control means the module is under software control." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 18 } fmxMag100CAddrFltr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if address filtering is being enabled on this module. You can write to this variable to enable or disable filtering." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CAddrFltr ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 19 } fmxMag100CCRCFltr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if CRC filtering is being enabled on this module. You can write to this variable to enable or disable filtering." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 20 } fmxMag100CSTP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the Spanning Tree Protocol is being enabled on this module. You can write to this variable to enable or disable protocol." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CAddrFltr ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 21 } fmxMag100CPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), aui(2), rj45(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the connection status of the module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 22 } fmxMag100COpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), error(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the dianostic is passed and the module is under normal operation." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 23 } fmxMag100CTimeSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the number of TimeSlots are used by this module. For CC8873C only." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 24 } fmxMag100C48V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), notpresent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if 48V Ok signal on the module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 25 } fmxMag100CModAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 1, then modify address mode is enabled on this module." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 26 } fmxMag100CInsAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 1, then insert address mode is enabled on this module." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CModAddr ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 27 } fmxMag100CNearFlt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fault(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a near fault on this module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 28 } fmxMag100CNearSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if near sync is present on the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 29 } fmxMag100CFarSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if far sync is present on the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 30 } fmxMag100CReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Software reset for the module." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100CCRCFltr --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMag100CReset ::= { fmxMag100CardEntry 31 } fmxMag100ChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FmxMag100ChanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing information about all the data channels in a particular I/O module. This table is indexed by node, logical slot number of the I/O module and channel." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100ChanTable --DEFAULT set-function a_setfmxMag100ChanTable --DEFAULT get-function a_getfmxMag100ChanTable --DEFAULT next-function a_nextfmxMag100ChanTable ::= { fmxMag100Grp 7 } fmxMag100ChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FmxMag100ChanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry in fmxMag100ChanTable." INDEX{ fmxMag100ChanNode, fmxMag100ChanSlot, fmxMag100Channel } ::= { fmxMag100ChanTable 1 } FmxMag100ChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fmxMag100ChanNode INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanSlot INTEGER, fmxMag100Channel INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanCRCErr INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanSampleRate INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanRemLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanLocLoop INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanRxSync INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanTxSync INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanSync INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanMaster INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanOverflow INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanRxOverflow INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanTxOverflow INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanCV INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanPktLenErr INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanCollide INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanPoll INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanResponse INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanData INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanWrap INTEGER, fmxMag100ChanSubPartType INTEGER } fmxMag100ChanNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the Magnum 100 node number." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 1 } fmxMag100ChanSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the logical slot location of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 2 } fmxMag100Channel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this variable is the channel number on the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 3 } fmxMag100ChanCRCErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { error(1), noerror(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a CRC error on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 4 } fmxMag100ChanSampleRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the rate at which asynchronous data can be read on this channel, measured in bits per second." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 5 } fmxMag100ChanRemLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if this channel of the I/O module is in remote loopback mode. It is not currently possible to set a specific channel into loopback mode." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 6 } fmxMag100ChanLocLoop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopback(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if this channel of the I/O module is in local loopback mode. It is not currently possible to set a specific channel into loopback mode." --DEFAULT test-function a_testfmxMag100ChanWrap ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 7 } fmxMag100ChanRxSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if receive sync is present on a specific channel of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 8 } fmxMag100ChanTxSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if transmit sync is present on a specific channel of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 9 } fmxMag100ChanSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(1), nosync(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if sync is present on a specific channel of the I/O module." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 10 } fmxMag100ChanMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates whether a specific channel of the I/O module is acting as master or slave. A module can be set to slave or master by writing to this variable." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 11 } fmxMag100ChanOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { overflow(1), nooverflow(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the receive buffer or the transmit buffer has overflowed on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 12 } fmxMag100ChanRxOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { overflow(1), nooverflow(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a receive buffer overflow on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 13 } fmxMag100ChanTxOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { overflow(1), nooverflow(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a transmit buffer overflow on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 14 } fmxMag100ChanCV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { violation(1), normal(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a code violation on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 15 } fmxMag100ChanPktLenErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { error(1), noerror(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a packet length error on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 16 } fmxMag100ChanCollide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { collision(1), nocollision(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if there is a collision on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 17 } fmxMag100ChanPoll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { polling(1), notpolling(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 1, then the controller connected to this channel is polling the device(s) connected to the channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 18 } fmxMag100ChanResponse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { responding(1), notresponding(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 1, then the device connected to this channel is responding to the poll from the controller." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 19 } fmxMag100ChanData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-data(1), data(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 2, then receiving data on this channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 20 } fmxMag100ChanWrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wrap-mode(1), normal-mode(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to 1, then the channel is in wrap mode." --DEFAULT test-function a_test%n ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 21 } fmxMag100ChanSubPartType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e-m(1), sub(2), co(3), nomodule(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the sub-partition type on the channel." ::= { fmxMag100ChanEntry 22 } -- -- Trap Definition -- fmxMagPowerSupplyTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagPowerSupply } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagPowerSupplyTrap trap signifies that the power supply(ies) status has changed (when 2 power supplies are installed in the node). The value from fmxMagPowerSupply contains the power supply status." ::= 1 fmxMagFiberSyncComLogTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagFiberComLogIndex, fmxMagFiberComLogStatus, fmxMagFiberComLogSync} DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagFiberSyncComLogTrap signifies that the sync status of the common logic modules has changed." ::= 11 fmxMagDS3SyncComLogTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagDS3ComLogIndex, fmxMagDS3ComLogStatus, fmxMagDS3ComLogSync} DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagDS3SyncComLogTrap signifies that the sync status of the common logic modules has changed." ::= 12 fmxMagT3E3SyncComLogTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagT3E3ComLogIndex, fmxMagT3E3ComLogStatus, fmxMagT3E3ComLogSync} DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagT3E3SyncComLogTrap signifies that the sync status of the common logic modules has changed." ::= 13 fmxMagSyncIOCardTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagCardSlot, fmxMagCardSync } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagSyncIOCardTrap signifies that the sync status of the IO card has changed." ::= 31 fmxMagIOCardRemovedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagCardSlot } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagCardRemovedTrap trap signifies that a card was removed. The value of fmxMagCardSlot will indicate the removed card's position in the chassis." ::= 32 fmxMagIOCardInstalledTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagCardSlot } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagIOCardInstalledTrap trap signifies that a card was installed into the chassis. The value of fmxMagCardSlot will indicate the installed card's position in the chassis" ::= 33 fmxMagCardRemLoopbackTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagCardSlot, fmxMagCardRemLoop } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagCardRemLoopbackTrap trap signifies that the card is in remote loopback." ::= 34 fmxMagCardLocLoopbackTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMagCardSlot, fmxMagCardLocLoop } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMagCardLocLoopbackTrap trap signifies that the card is in local loopback." ::= 35 -- -- Magnum 100 Traps -- fmxMag100NodeDownTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100Node } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100NodeDown trap signifies that a Magnum 100 node went down." ::= 50 fmxMag100NodeUpTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100Node } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100NodeUp trap signifies that a Magnum 100 node went up." ::= 51 fmxMag100NodePowerSupplyTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100Node, fmxMag100NodePowerSupply } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100NodePowerSupplyTrap trap signifies that the power supply(ies) status has changed (when 2 power supplies are installed in the node). The value from fmxMag100NodePowerSupply contains the power supply status." ::= 52 fmxMag100ComLogSyncTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100NComLogNode, fmxMag100NComLogIndex, fmxMag100NComLogStatus, fmxMag100NComLogSync} DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100ComLogSyncTrap trap signifies that the sync status of the common logic modules has changed." ::= 61 fmxMag100NodeCardSyncTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot, fmxMag100CSync } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100NodeCardSyncTrap trap signifies that the sync status of the IO card has changed on a Magnum 100 ring. The value of fmxMag100CSync will indicate the card's sync status." ::= 71 fmxMag100CradRemovedTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100CradRemovedTrap trap signifies that a card was removed. The value of fmxMag100CSlot will indicate the removed card's position in the chassis." ::= 72 fmxMag100CardInstalledTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100CardInstalledTrap trap signifies that a card was installed into the chassis. The value of fmxMag100CSlot will indicate the installed card's position in the chassis" ::= 73 fmxMag100CardRemLoopTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot, fmxMag100CRemLoop } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100CardRemLoopTrap trap signifies that the card is in remote loopback." ::= 74 fmxMag100CardLocLoopTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE fmxMagnum VARIABLES { fmxMag100CNode, fmxMag100CSlot, fmxMag100CLocLoop } DESCRIPTION "A fmxMag100CardLocLoopback trap signifies that the card is in local loopback." ::= 75 END