RC-BRIDGE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI BridgeId, Timeout FROM BRIDGE-MIB TruthValue, MacAddress, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB rcBridge, rcStg, PortSet, IdList, EnableValue FROM RAPID-CITY; rcBridgeMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200806270000Z" ORGANIZATION "Bay Networks, Rapid-City Group" CONTACT-INFO " Edwin Tsang Postal: Bay Networks, Inc. 4401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185 Tel: 408-495-6159 Fax: 408-495-5215 E-mail: edwin_tsang@baynetworks.com " DESCRIPTION "Enterprise MIB for the Accelar product family." REVISION "200806270000Z" -- 27 June 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 19: Update DESCRIPTION of rcBridgeNewFdbVlanId." REVISION "200806060000Z" -- 06 June 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 18: Added an enum value discard (6) to rcBridgeNewFdbStatus" REVISION "200803140000Z" -- 14 March 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 17: Added an enum value plsb (6) to rcStgType, rcBridge 19" REVISION "200510210000Z" -- 23 October 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 16: Added an enum value pbt (3) to rcStgType" REVISION "200505230000Z" -- 23 May 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 15: Added an enum value to rcRateLimitIfTrafficType" REVISION "200502220000Z" -- 22 Feb 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 14: Changed syntax of rcStgPortMembers & description of rcBridgeNewFdbPort" REVISION "200502040000Z" -- 04 Feb 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 13: Added new table rcBridgeNewFdbTable & deprecated rcBridgeFdbTable" REVISION "200502010000Z" -- 01 Feb 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 12: Added 'discard' enum value for rcBridgeFdbStatus" REVISION "200412080000Z" -- 08 Dec 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 11: Add pvst(4) enumerations to rcStgProtocolSpecification." REVISION "200408030000Z" -- 03 August 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 9: Add rcRateLimitEgressRateLimit and rcRateLimitEgressRateLimitState to rcRateLimitEntry." REVISION "200406110000Z" -- 11 June 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 8: Extended range of rcRateLimitIfAllowedRate from 1..25 to 0.25, added to DESRIPTION that a value of 0 means no limit." ::= { rcBridge 0 } -- Spanning Tree Group (STG) rcStgMaxStgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of spanning tree groups this device can support concurrently." ::= { rcStg 1 } rcStgNumStgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of spanning tree groups that are currently defined." ::= { rcStg 2 } rcStgUnassignedPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bitfield used to identify which ports in the system currently not assigned to any STG. The bitfield is 32 octets long representing ports 0 to 255 (inclusive)." ::= { rcStg 3 } -- STG Table rcStgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcStgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table used to store Spanning Tree Group (STG) information. Each row in the table specifies a different STG in the device." ::= { rcStg 4 } rcStgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcStgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "STG attributes" INDEX { rcStgId } ::= { rcStgTable 1 } RcStgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcStgId Integer32, rcStgTaggedBpduAddress MacAddress, rcStgTaggedBpduVlanId Integer32, rcStgBridgeAddress MacAddress, rcStgNumPorts Integer32, rcStgProtocolSpecification INTEGER, rcStgPriority Integer32, rcStgTimeSinceTopologyChange TimeTicks, rcStgTopChanges Counter32, rcStgDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rcStgRootCost Integer32, rcStgRootPort Integer32, rcStgMaxAge Timeout, rcStgHelloTime Timeout, rcStgHoldTime Integer32, rcStgForwardDelay Timeout, rcStgBridgeMaxAge Timeout, rcStgBridgeHelloTime Timeout, rcStgBridgeForwardDelay Timeout, rcStgEnableStp TruthValue, rcStgStpTrapEnable TruthValue, rcStgPortMembers OCTET STRING, rcStgRowStatus RowStatus, rcStgPortStpState OCTET STRING, rcStgType INTEGER, rcStgNtStgEnable TruthValue } rcStgId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identifier used to identify a STG in the device." ::= { rcStgEntry 1 } rcStgTaggedBpduAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address to be assigned to the destination mac address field in tagged BPDUs. The default address is the well known multicast group address 01-80-c2-00-00-00." DEFVAL { "01:80:c2:00:00:00" } ::= { rcStgEntry 2 } rcStgTaggedBpduVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID to be used for tagging BPDUs." ::= { rcStgEntry 3 } rcStgBridgeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address used by this bridge when it must be referred to in a unique fashion. It is recommended that this be the numerically smallest MAC address of all ports that belong to this bridge. However it is only required to be unique. When concatenated with rcStgPriority a unique BridgeIdentifier is formed which is used in the Spanning Tree Protocol." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Sections and 3.12.5" ::= { rcStgEntry 4 } rcStgNumPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of ports controlled by this bridging entity." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 5 } rcStgProtocolSpecification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), decLb100(2), ieee8021d(3), pvst(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of what version of the Spanning Tree Protocol is being run. The value 'decLb100(2)' indicates the DEC LANbridge 100 Spanning Tree protocol. IEEE 802.1d implementations will return 'ieee8021d(3)'. If future versions of the IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol are released that are incompatible with the current version a new value will be defined." ::= { rcStgEntry 6 } rcStgPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet long) Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the Bridge ID are given by the value of rcStgBridgeAddress." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { 32768 } ::= { rcStgEntry 7 } rcStgTimeSinceTopologyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (in hundredths of a second) since the last time a topology change was detected by the bridge entity." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 8 } rcStgTopChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of topology changes detected by this bridge since the management entity was last reset or initialized." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 9 } rcStgDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol as executed by this node. This value is used as the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration Bridge PDUs originated by this node." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 10 } rcStgRootCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cost of the path to the root as seen from this bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 11 } rcStgRootPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port which offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 12 } rcStgMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol information learned from the network on any port before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 13 } rcStgHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between the transmission of Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying to become so, in units of hundredths of a second. This is the actual value that this bridge is currently using." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 14 } rcStgHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This time value determines the interval length during which no more than two Configuration bridge PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units of hundredths of a second." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 15 } rcStgForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This time value, measured in units of hundredths of a second, controls how fast a port changes its spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding state. The value determines how long the port stays in each of the Listening and Learning states, which precede the Forwarding state. This value is also used, when a topology change has been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic entries in the Forwarding Database. [Note that this value is the one that this bridge is currently using, in contrast to rcStgBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that this bridge and all others would start using if/when this bridge were to become the root.]" REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgEntry 16 } rcStgBridgeMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout (600..4000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of rcStgBridgeHelloTime. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { 2000 } ::= { rcStgEntry 17 } rcStgBridgeHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout (100..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value that all bridges use for HelloTime when this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D- 1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { rcStgEntry 18 } rcStgBridgeForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Timeout (400..3000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of rcStgBridgeMaxAge. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value which is not a whole number of seconds." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { rcStgEntry 19 } rcStgEnableStp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate whether the spanning tree protocol should be active in this STG." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rcStgEntry 20 } rcStgStpTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate whether traps relating to the spanning tree protocol should be sent for this STG." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rcStgEntry 21 } rcStgPortMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..88)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bitfield used to identify which ports in the system are members this STG. The bitfield is 32 octets long representing ports 0 to 255 (inclusive)." ::= { rcStgEntry 22 } rcStgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status." ::= { rcStgEntry 23 } rcStgPortStpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(176)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Every 2 bitfields used to identify a port state in this STG. Port state is cataloged as non-stp(0), blocking(1), learning(2), and forwarding(3)." ::= { rcStgEntry 24 } rcStgType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), svlan(2), pbt(3), plsb(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of Stg." DEFVAL { normal } ::= { rcStgEntry 25 } rcStgNtStgEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this STG is Operating in Nortel Mode or in Cisco Mode. true = Nortel Mode false = Cisco Mode." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rcStgEntry 26 } -- STG Port Table rcStgPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcStgPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table used to store Spanning Tree Group (STG) port related information. If a port is associated with more than one STGs, the port will have one entry in this table for each STG it assigned to." ::= { rcStg 5 } rcStgPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcStgPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "STG Port attributes" INDEX { rcStgPort, rcStgPortStgId } ::= { rcStgPortTable 1 } RcStgPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcStgPort InterfaceIndex, rcStgPortStgId INTEGER, rcStgPortPriority INTEGER, rcStgPortState INTEGER, rcStgPortEnableStp TruthValue, rcStgPortFastStart TruthValue, rcStgPortPathCost INTEGER, rcStgPortDesignatedRoot BridgeId, rcStgPortDesignatedCost Integer32, rcStgPortDesignatedBridge BridgeId, rcStgPortDesignatedPort OCTET STRING, rcStgPortForwardTransitions Counter32, rcStgPortInConfigBpdus Counter32, rcStgPortInTcnBpdus Counter32, rcStgPortInBadBpdus Counter32, rcStgPortOutConfigBpdus Counter32, rcStgPortOutTcnBpdus Counter32, rcStgPortRowStatus RowStatus, rcStgPortChangeDetection TruthValue, rcStgPortPathCost32 Integer32, rcStgPortAdminPathCost INTEGER, rcStgPortAdminPathCost32 Integer32 } rcStgPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry contains Spanning Tree Protocol management information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 1 } rcStgPortStgId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The STG identifier this port is assigned to." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 2 } rcStgPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the priority field which is contained in the first (in network byte order) octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The other octet of the Port ID is given by the value of rcStgPort." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { 128 } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 3 } rcStgPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), blocking(2), listening(3), learning(4), forwarding(5), broken(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port's current state as defined by application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This state controls what action a port takes on reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected a port that is malfunctioning it will place that port into the broken(6) state. For ports which are disabled (see rcStgPortEnable), this object will have a value of disabled(1)." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 4 } rcStgPortEnableStp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enabled/disabled status of the port." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" DEFVAL { true } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 5 } rcStgPortFastStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When this flag is set, the port is moved straight to the forwarding(5) state upon being enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 6 } rcStgPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. 802.1D-1990 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 7 } rcStgPortDesignatedRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the segment to which the port is attached." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 8 } rcStgPortDesignatedCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path cost of the Designated Port of the segment connected to this port. This value is compared to the Root Path Cost field in received bridge PDUs." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 9 } rcStgPortDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BridgeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port considers to be the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 10 } rcStgPortDesignatedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge for this port's segment." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section" ::= { rcStgPortEntry 11 } rcStgPortForwardTransitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 12 } rcStgPortInConfigBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Config BPUDs received by this port." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 13 } rcStgPortInTcnBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Topology Change Notification BPUDs received by this port." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 14 } rcStgPortInBadBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Bad BPUDs received by this port." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 15 } rcStgPortOutConfigBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Config BPUDs transmitted by this port." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 16 } rcStgPortOutTcnBpdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Topology Change Notification BPUDs transmitted by this port." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 17 } rcStgPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 18 } rcStgPortChangeDetection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If disabled, topology change notifications are not sent for the port." DEFVAL { true } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 19 } rcStgPortPathCost32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..200000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of paths towards the spanning tree root which include this port. 802.1D-1998 recommends that the default value of this parameter be in inverse proportion to the speed of the attached LAN. Replacement for deprecated object dot1dStpPortPathCost." ::= { rcStgPortEntry 20 } rcStgPortAdminPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative value of rcStgPortPathCost. This is the value that has been configured by the user, or 0 if there is no user-configured value. Note that a Set request on rcStgPortPathCost will also modify the corresponding value of this object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 21 } rcStgPortAdminPathCost32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..200000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative value of rcStgPortPathCost32. This is the value that has been configured by the user, or 0 if there is no user-configured value. Note that a Set request on rcStgPortPathCost32 will also modify the corresponding value of this object." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rcStgPortEntry 22 } rcStgNotAllowedPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bitfield used to identify which ports in the system that cannot be assigned to any STG (i.e., which ports are single routable ports). The bitfield is 32 octets long representing ports 0 to 255 (inclusive)." ::= { rcStg 6 } -- rcBridge Group -- Forwarding Database for Transparent Bridges rcBridgeFdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This table is an replacement to the standard dot1dTpFdbTable in rfc1493." ::= { rcBridge 1 } rcBridgeFdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the bridge has some forwarding information." INDEX { rcBridgeFdbStatus, rcBridgeFdbAddress, rcBridgeFdbVlanId } ::= { rcBridgeFdbTable 1 } RcBridgeFdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeFdbStatus INTEGER, rcBridgeFdbAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeFdbPort InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeFdbMonitor TruthValue, rcBridgeFdbPriority INTEGER, --excluded rcBridgeFdbQosLevel INTEGER, rcBridgeFdbSmltRemote TruthValue, rcBridgeFdbVlanId INTEGER } rcBridgeFdbStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), learned(3), self(4), mgmt(5), discard(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 1 } rcBridgeFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section 3.9.1, 3.9.2" ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 2 } rcBridgeFdbPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of rcBridgeFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that the bridge does have some forwarding/filtering information about this address (e.g. in the dot1dStaticTable). Implementors are encouraged to assign the port value to this object whenever it is learned even for addresses for which the corresponding value of rcBridgeFdbStatus is not learned(3)." ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 3 } rcBridgeFdbMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate whether monitoring should be performed on this unicast MAC address. If monitoring is enabled, any packet received with a matching destination MAC address will be forwarded to the port configured to receive monitor traffic." ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 4 } rcBridgeFdbPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(0), high(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the priority of the incoming frames with this destination Mac Address." DEFVAL { low } ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 5 } rcBridgeFdbQosLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level0(0), level1(1), level2(2), level3(3), level4(4), level5(5), level6(6), level7(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the qos level of the incoming frames with this destination Mac Address." DEFVAL { level1 } ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 6 } rcBridgeFdbSmltRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A MAC address indicate for remote learnt, either local or remote." ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 7 } rcBridgeFdbVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridgeFdbEntry 8 } rcBridgeFdbTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the bridge forwarding database table." ::= { rcBridge 2 } -- The Static (Destination-Address) Database rcBridgeStaticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is a proprietary replacement to the standard dot1dStaticTable in rfc1493." ::= { rcBridge 3 } rcBridgeStaticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing forwarding information about unicast entries configured into the bridge by management. This information is used by the transparent bridging function in determining how to propagate a received frame." INDEX { rcBridgeStaticAddress, rcBridgeStaticPort, rcBridgeStaticVlanId } ::= { rcBridgeStaticTable 1 } RcBridgeStaticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeStaticAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeStaticPort InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeStaticMonitor TruthValue, rcBridgeStaticPriority INTEGER, --excluded rcBridgeStaticStatus INTEGER, rcBridgeStaticQosLevel INTEGER, rcBridgeStaticVlanId INTEGER } rcBridgeStaticAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of this entry." ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 1 } rcBridgeStaticPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port on which the MAC address is found." ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 2 } rcBridgeStaticMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate whether monitoring should be performed on incoming packets that match this entry." ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 3 } rcBridgeStaticPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(0), high(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate forwarding priority of incoming packets that match this entry." DEFVAL { low } ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 4 } rcBridgeStaticStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), permanent(3), deleteOnReset(4), deleteOnTimeout(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry. The default value is permanent(3)." ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 5 } rcBridgeStaticQosLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level0(0), level1(1), level2(2), level3(3), level4(4), level5(5), level6(6), level7(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the qos level." DEFVAL { level1 } ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 6 } rcBridgeStaticVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridgeStaticEntry 7 } rcBridgeStaticTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the bridge static table." ::= { rcBridge 4 } -- The filtering (Destination-Address) Database rcBridgeFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is a proprietary replacement to the standard dot1dStaticTable (Filtering information) in rfc1493." ::= { rcBridge 5 } rcBridgeFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing filtering information configured into the bridge by management specifying a dest- ination address on a specific port and a set of incoming ports. Frames received from one of the incoming ports and containing the specific destination addresses are not allowed to be forwarded." INDEX { rcBridgeFilterAddress, rcBridgeFilterPort, rcBridgeFilterVlanId } ::= { rcBridgeFilterTable 1 } RcBridgeFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeFilterAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeFilterPort InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeFilterNotAllowedFrom OCTET STRING, rcBridgeFilterStatus INTEGER, rcBridgeFilterVlanId INTEGER, rcBridgeFilterPcap TruthValue, rcBridgeFilterDestDiscard OCTET STRING, rcBridgeFilterSrcDiscard OCTET STRING } rcBridgeFilterAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of this entry. This address is used to match the destination address of incoming packets." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 1 } rcBridgeFilterPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port on which this MAC address is found." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 2 } rcBridgeFilterNotAllowedFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(88)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate a set of ports. Traffic arriving on any of the specified ports is not forwarded to this MAC address." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 3 } rcBridgeFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), permanent(3), deleteOnReset(4), deleteOnTimeout(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry. The default value is permanent(3)." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 4 } rcBridgeFilterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 5 } rcBridgeFilterPcap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To enable pcap for the fdb-filter" DEFVAL { false } ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 6 } rcBridgeFilterDestDiscard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(88)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate a set of ports. Traffic arriving on any of the specified ports from this MAC address." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 7 } rcBridgeFilterSrcDiscard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(88)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate a set of ports. Traffic arriving on any of the specified ports is not forwarded to this MAC address." ::= { rcBridgeFilterEntry 8 } rcBridgeFilterTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the bridge filter table." ::= { rcBridge 6 } -- The unknown mac discard config table rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the 'unknown mac discard' feature. This feature applies to layer 2 and layer 3 packets coming from or going out to a specific physical port." ::= { rcBridge 7 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing information configuring the 'unknown mac discard' feature." INDEX { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardIfIndex } ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardTable 1 } RcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnEnable TruthValue, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnMode INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnTableMode INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardLogViolations INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardSendTrap INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDisablePort INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDefaultAutoLearnMonitor INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDefaultAutoLearnPriority INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardMacCountMax INTEGER, rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardMacCountCur INTEGER } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port on which this 'unknown mac discard' configuration applied to." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 1 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to enable/disable the auto-learn capability of a specific port. The default value is auto-learn disabled." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 2 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oneShot(1), continuous(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to control the auot-learn mode to either one-shot or continuous. In one-shot mode, the first n MAC addresses will be learned. The number n is dependents on the system's available resource. In continuous mode, MAC address is continuous learned until the resource limit is reached. After that the subsequent MAC will be disallowed until one of the original learned MAC is aged out. The default value is one-shot mode." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 3 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardAutoLearnTableMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unlock(1), lock(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB variable is used to lock or unlock the auto-learn MAC table. When the auto-learn table is lock neither new MAC will be learned nor the original learned MAC will be aged out. User needs to lock the auto-learn table before MAC addresses can be save to the NVRAM. The whole auto-learn table will be flushed when the setting change from lock to unlock mode. The default value is unlock mode." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 4 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardLogViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable controls the logging action that the system will take when a MAC address violation event was detected. The value 'enable' means a log record will be written to the system log file when a violation event was detected. The default value is enable." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 5 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardSendTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable controls the send trap action that system will take when a MAC address violation event was detected. The value 'enable' means a SNMP trap packet will be send to the management station when a violation event was detected. The default value is disable." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 6 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDisablePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable controls the 'disable-port' action that system will take when a MAC address violation event was detected. The value 'enable' means the specific port will be disabled when the violation event was detected. It needs user manually to bring the port back once it was disabled. The default value is disable." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 7 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDefaultAutoLearnMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), monitor(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This variable controls the default monitor setting of an auto-learn MAC address. The value 'monitor' means a copy of packet that send from or to the auto-learned MAC address will be forwarded to the designated monitoring port on the system. The default value is none." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 8 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardDefaultAutoLearnPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), high(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This variable controls the default priority setting of an auto-learn MAC address. The value 'low' means packets send from the MAC address is forwarded at low priority. The value 'high' means packets send from the MAC address is forwarded at high priority. The default value is low." ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 9 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardMacCountMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2048) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the maxium number of MACc that can be added to some port." DEFVAL { 2048 } ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 10 } rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardMacCountCur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2048) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the current number of MACs that have been added to some port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rcBridgeUnknownMacDiscardEntry 11 } -- The Manual Edit table rcBridgeManualEditTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeManualEditEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to specify what MAC addresses can be learned on each port." ::= { rcBridge 8 } rcBridgeManualEditEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeManualEditEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing information of MAC addresses that can be learned." INDEX { rcBridgeManualEditAddress } ::= { rcBridgeManualEditTable 1 } RcBridgeManualEditEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeManualEditAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeManualEditPorts PortSet, rcBridgeManualEditMonitor TruthValue, rcBridgeManualEditPriority INTEGER, rcBridgeManualEditStatus INTEGER } rcBridgeManualEditAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the source MAC address of an entry." ::= { rcBridgeManualEditEntry 1 } rcBridgeManualEditPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the allowed ports on which the MAC address of this entry can be learned." ::= { rcBridgeManualEditEntry 2 } rcBridgeManualEditMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies the monitoring setting of the MAC address. The value 'true' means a copy of packet frame that send from or to the MAC address is forwarded to the designated monitoring port on the system. The default value is false." ::= { rcBridgeManualEditEntry 3 } rcBridgeManualEditPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), high(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies the priority setting of the MAC address. The value 'low' means packet frames send from the MAC address is forwarded at low priority. The default value is low." ::= { rcBridgeManualEditEntry 4 } rcBridgeManualEditStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), active(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The variable controls the status of a MAC address in the table. The value 'active' is used to add the MAC address entry into the table. The value 'invalid' is used to delete the MAC address from the table." ::= { rcBridgeManualEditEntry 5 } rcBridgeManualEditTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the manual edit table." ::= { rcBridge 9 } -- The Auto Learn table rcBridgeAutoLearnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeAutoLearnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information of auto-learned MAC address when the 'unknow MAC discard' table's auto-learn is enabled. User must explicitly lock and save the table into NVRAM in order to have this table has the same configuration cross the system reset." ::= { rcBridge 10 } rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeAutoLearnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entries in this table are created automatically when the user explicitly does a lock operation on the auto-learn-table (i.e., when 'AutoLearnTableMode' is set to lock(2))." INDEX { rcBridgeAutoLearnAddress } ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnTable 1 } RcBridgeAutoLearnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeAutoLearnAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeAutoLearnPort PortSet, rcBridgeAutoLearnMonitor TruthValue, rcBridgeAutoLearnPriority INTEGER, rcBridgeAutoLearnAction INTEGER } rcBridgeAutoLearnAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the source MAC address of the entries." ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry 1 } rcBridgeAutoLearnPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the port where the MAC address was learned." ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry 2 } rcBridgeAutoLearnMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the monitor setting of the MAC address. The value 'true' means a copy of packet frame that send from or to the MAC address is forwarded to the designated monitoring port on the system. This value should be synchronized with the setting of 'unknow MAC discard' table's 'Default AutoLearnMonitor' setting when the MAC address was learned." ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry 3 } rcBridgeAutoLearnPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), high(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains the priority setting of the MAC address. The value 'low' means packet frames send from the MAC address is forwarded at low priority. The value 'high' means packet frames send from the MAC address is forwarded at high priority. This value should be synchronized with the setting of 'unknow MAC discard' table's 'DefaultAutoLearnPriority' setting when the MAC address was learned." ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry 4 } rcBridgeAutoLearnAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), convertToManualEdit(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is for converting an auto-learned MAC address entry to a manual edit MAC address entry. This variable provides a mechanism for user to move a MAC address entry from auto-learn table to manual edit table." ::= { rcBridgeAutoLearnEntry 5 } rcBridgeAutoLearnTblSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the auto learn table." ::= { rcBridge 11 } -- The Statis Multicast table rcBridgeStaticMulticastTable OBJECT-TYPE --excluded SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridge 12 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { rcBridgeStaticMulticastAddress, rcBridgeStaticMulticastVlanId } ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastTable 1 } RcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeStaticMulticastAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeStaticMulticastForwardingPorts PortSet, rcBridgeStaticMulticastMltIds IdList, rcBridgeStaticMulticastRowStatus RowStatus, rcBridgeStaticMulticastVlanId INTEGER, rcBridgeStaticMulticastNumMltIds Integer32 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "src mac addr." ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 1 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastForwardingPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "ports for forward this mac" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 2 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastMltIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IdList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "list of mlts this mac will be forwarded on" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 3 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "row status" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 4 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Vlan Id" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 5 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastNumMltIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "number of mlts Ids" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMulticastEntry 6 } rcBridgeStaticMulticastTblSize OBJECT-TYPE --excluded SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the number of entries in the static multicast table." ::= { rcBridge 13 } rcRateLimitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcRateLimitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridge 14 } rcRateLimitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcRateLimitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { rcRateLimitIfIndex, rcRateLimitIfTrafficType } ::= { rcRateLimitTable 1 } RcRateLimitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcRateLimitIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rcRateLimitIfTrafficType INTEGER, rcRateLimitIfAllowedRate INTEGER, rcRateLimitIfEnable TruthValue, rcRateLimitIfAllowedRatePps Integer32, rcRateLimitIfAllowedRateKbps Integer32, rcRateLimitEgressRateLimit Integer32, rcRateLimitEgressRateLimitState EnableValue } rcRateLimitIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port ifindex." ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 1 } rcRateLimitIfTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { multicast(1), broadcast(2), broadcast-multicast(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of traffic allowed." DEFVAL { broadcast } ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 2 } rcRateLimitIfAllowedRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..25) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allowed traffic rate. If chassis type is 8100. Also used by BayStack to indicate rate limit percent. For BayStack, a value of 0 indicates no limit." DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 3 } rcRateLimitIfEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Turn on/off rate limiting on this interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 4 } rcRateLimitIfAllowedRatePps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allowed traffic rate packets per second. If chassis type is 8600." ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 5 } rcRateLimitIfAllowedRateKbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (250..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allowed traffic rate Kbits per second. If chassis type is R-module." ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 6 } rcRateLimitEgressRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress Rate Limit." ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 7 } rcRateLimitEgressRateLimitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable/disable shape/egress-rate-limit functionality." ::= { rcRateLimitEntry 8 } -- The Static Multicast table rcBridgeStaticMcastTable OBJECT-TYPE --excluded SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeStaticMcastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridge 15 } rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeStaticMcastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { rcBridgeStaticMcastVlanId, rcBridgeStaticMcastAddress } ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastTable 1 } RcBridgeStaticMcastEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeStaticMcastVlanId INTEGER, rcBridgeStaticMcastAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeStaticMcastForwardingPorts PortSet, rcBridgeStaticMcastMltIds IdList, rcBridgeStaticMcastNumMltIds Integer32, rcBridgeStaticMcastRowStatus RowStatus } rcBridgeStaticMcastVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vlan Id" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 1 } rcBridgeStaticMcastAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "src mac addr." ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 2 } rcBridgeStaticMcastForwardingPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ports for forward this mac" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 3 } rcBridgeStaticMcastMltIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IdList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "list of mlts this mac will be forwarded on" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 4 } rcBridgeStaticMcastNumMltIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "number of mlts Ids" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 5 } rcBridgeStaticMcastRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "row status" ::= { rcBridgeStaticMcastEntry 6 } -- The filtering (Destination-Address) Database for PP8300 rcBridgePP8300FilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgePP8300FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is a proprietary replacement to the standard dot1dStaticTable (Filtering information) in rfc1493. This table is specific for PP8300." ::= { rcBridge 16 } rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgePP8300FilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { rcBridgePP8300FilterAddress, rcBridgePP8300FilterVlanId } ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterTable 1 } RcBridgePP8300FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgePP8300FilterAddress MacAddress, rcBridgePP8300FilterVlanId INTEGER, rcBridgePP8300FilterDropCommand INTEGER, rcBridgePP8300FilterQosLevel INTEGER, rcBridgePP8300FilterPort Integer32, rcBridgePP8300FilterStatus INTEGER } rcBridgePP8300FilterAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of this entry. This address is used to match the destination address of incoming packets." ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 1 } rcBridgePP8300FilterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 2 } rcBridgePP8300FilterDropCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), srcDrop(2), dstDrop(3), bothDrop(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 3 } rcBridgePP8300FilterQosLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level0(0), level1(1), level2(2), level3(3), level4(4), level5(5), level6(6), level7(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the qos level." DEFVAL { level1 } ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 4 } rcBridgePP8300FilterPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mac filter needs the device Id and port Id programmed properly to make the SA drop working properly" ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 5 } rcBridgePP8300FilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), permanent(3), deleteOnReset(4), deleteOnTimeout(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry. The default value is permanent(3)." ::= { rcBridgePP8300FilterEntry 6 } -- rcBridge Fdb Protect Table rcBridgeFdbProtectTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeFdbProtectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table gives information about the mac learning limits on a particular port." ::= { rcBridge 17 } rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeFdbProtectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific MAC address learning limits of a specific port." INDEX { rcBridgeFdbProtectPortNum } ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectTable 1 } RcBridgeFdbProtectEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeFdbProtectPortNum InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeFdbProtectMaxMacCount INTEGER, rcBridgeFdbProtectMinMacCount INTEGER, rcBridgeFdbProtectEnable EnableValue, rcBridgeFdbProtectCurrentMacCount Integer32, rcBridgeFdbProtectMacLearning TruthValue, rcBridgeFdbProtectViolationLogTrap EnableValue, rcBridgeFdbProtectViolationDownPort EnableValue } rcBridgeFdbProtectPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the interface on which MAC address learning limit is applied." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 1 } rcBridgeFdbProtectMaxMacCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate maximum number of MAC address that can be learnt on the port." DEFVAL { 1024 } ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 2 } rcBridgeFdbProtectMinMacCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate minimum number of MAC address learnt which mac address learning will be re-enabled on the port." DEFVAL { 512 } ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 3 } rcBridgeFdbProtectEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable or disable MAC learning limit feature on the port." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 4 } rcBridgeFdbProtectCurrentMacCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current number of MAC address learnt on the port." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 5 } rcBridgeFdbProtectMacLearning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the port can currrently learn new MAC addresses or not." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 6 } rcBridgeFdbProtectViolationLogTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable or disable logging and sending of snmp trap, once MAC learning limit is reached for the port." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 7 } rcBridgeFdbProtectViolationDownPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable or disable the action of disabling the port, once MAC learning limit is reached for the port." ::= { rcBridgeFdbProtectEntry 8 } -- Forwarding Database for Transparent Bridges rcBridgeNewFdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeNewFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is an replacement to the standard dot1dTpFdbTable in rfc1493." ::= { rcBridge 18 } rcBridgeNewFdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeNewFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the bridge has some forwarding information." INDEX { rcBridgeNewFdbAddress, rcBridgeNewFdbVlanId } ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbTable 1 } RcBridgeNewFdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeNewFdbStatus INTEGER, rcBridgeNewFdbAddress MacAddress, rcBridgeNewFdbPort InterfaceIndex, rcBridgeNewFdbMonitor TruthValue, rcBridgeNewFdbQosLevel INTEGER, rcBridgeNewFdbSmltRemote TruthValue, rcBridgeNewFdbVlanId INTEGER } rcBridgeNewFdbStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), invalid(2), learned(3), self(4), mgmt(5), discard(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 1 } rcBridgeNewFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information." REFERENCE "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section 3.9.1, 3.9.2" ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 2 } rcBridgeNewFdbPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of rcBridgeNewFdbAddress has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that the bridge does have some forwarding/filtering information about this address (e.g. in the dot1dStaticTable). Implementors are encouraged to assign the port value to this object whenever it is learned even for addresses for which the corresponding value of rcBridgeNewFdbStatus is not learned(3)." ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 3 } rcBridgeNewFdbMonitor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate whether monitoring should be performed on this unicast MAC address. If monitoring is enabled, any packet received with a matching destination MAC address will be forwarded to the port configured to receive monitor traffic." ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 4 } rcBridgeNewFdbQosLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level0(0), level1(1), level2(2), level3(3), level4(4), level5(5), level6(6), level7(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the qos level of the incoming frames with this destination Mac Address." DEFVAL { level1 } ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 5 } rcBridgeNewFdbSmltRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A MAC address indicate for remote learnt, either local or remote." ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 6 } rcBridgeNewFdbVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the Vlan ID for this MAC address." ::= { rcBridgeNewFdbEntry 7 } -- rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdb rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is for multicast group fdb entries" ::= { rcBridge 19 } rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific multicast group MAC address for which the bridge has some forwarding information." INDEX { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbVlanId, rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbAddr} ::= { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbTable 1 } RcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbVlanId Integer32, rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbAddr MacAddress, rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbPortList PortSet } rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to indicate the Vlan ID for this MAC address." ::= { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry 1 } rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A multicast group MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding and/or filtering information." REFERENCE "" ::= { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry 2 } rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSet MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of ports" ::= { rcBridgeMmrpGrpFdbEntry 3 } END