RC-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI rcTraps, rcCardIndex, rcCardAdminStatus, rcCardOperStatus, rcChasPowerSupplyId, rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus, rcChasFanId, rcChasFanOperStatus, rcChasFanType, rcChasEmModeError, rcCliPasswordChange, rcCliPassChangeResult, rcSyslogHostSeverity, rcSshGlobalPort, rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr, rcSysAction, rcSysMsgLogFrequency, rcSysMsgLogText, rcSysConfigFileName, rcSysIpAddr, rcSysDnsServerListIpAddr, rcSysDnsRequestType, rcSysMacFlapLimitTime, rcSysMacFlapLimitCount, rcSysExtCplimitSysOctapidCongested,rcSysExtCplimitPortsMonitored, rcCsuGlobalStartUpMode, rcCsuInfoTypeOfCardDesc,rcSysLicenseTrialDaysLeft FROM RAPID-CITY rcErrorLevel, rcErrorCode, rcErrorText FROM RC-ERROR-MIB rcStgId, rcStgBridgeAddress,rcBridgeNewFdbAddress FROM RC-BRIDGE-MIB rcPortIndex, rcPortCpLimitShutDown, rcPortPoeMainPseExtnPwrAdmin, rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex, rcPortBpduFilteringTimeout, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rcPortMltId, rcPortRemoteMirroringMode, rcPortRemoteMirroringEnable, rcPortRemoteMirroringIndex, rcPortCtrlPktDropLimit, rcPortCtrlPktShutdownLimit FROM RC-PORT-MIB pethPsePortDetectionStatus, pethMainPseConsumptionPower FROM POWER-ETHERNET-MIB rcPosSonetTrapType, rcPosSonetTrapIndication FROM RC-POS-MIB rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus, rc2kChassisTemperature, rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr, rc2kChassisUserLabel1,rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot, rc2kCardPerfCPUUtilization FROM RC-2K-MIB rc2kQosQosRow, rc2kQosQosDropThresholdPercentage, rc2kQosQosDropActualPercentage, rc2kQosTotalDropReadings,rc2kQosDropReadings FROM RC-2K-QOS-MIB rc2kAtmPvcIfIndex, rc2kAtmPvcVpi, rc2kAtmPvcVci, rc2kAtmPvcOamVcStatus FROM RC-2K-ATM-MIB rcMltId, rcMltSmltId, rcL2RedundancyHaCpuState, rcMltAggTrapEvent FROM RC-MLT-MIB rcVpnVpnId, rcVpnTunnelLspId, rcVpnRemotePeerId FROM RC-OPM-MIB rcIpMplsGlobalRouterId FROM RC-IP-MPLS-MIB ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus FROM IF-MIB rcIpBgpPeerIpAddress, rcIpBgpPeerLastError, rcIpBgpPeerState FROM RC-IP-BGP-MIB rcIgmpGroupIfIndex, rcIgmpGroupIpAddress, rcIgmpGroupInPort, rcIgmpGroupMembers, rcIgmpInterfaceIfIndex, rcIgmpInterfaceQuerier, rcIgmpInterfaceExtnNewQuerier FROM RC-IGMP-MIB rcVlanId, rcVlanNewLoopDetectedAction, rcVlanName FROM RC-VLAN-MIB rcTlsTdiEndptTdId, rcTlsTdiEndptUniAddr, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication, rcTlsTestTdcTestId, rcTlsTdcTestResultIndication, rcTlsUniIpServiceWatermarkIndication, rcTlsTdcTestRttExceedIndication, rcTlsTdiMdName, rcTlsTdiMaName, rcTlsTdiEndptMepId, rcBanRingId, rcBanRingTrapIndication, rcBanRingTrapReason, rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcIsidBackboneVlan, rcTlsTdiId, rcTlsSlot, rcTlsIsidId, rcBanRingTopoRbsId, rcBanRingTopoRbsMac, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcTlsIpCustIpVlan, rcTlsIpCustIpWatermarkIndication, rcTlsRmodLane FROM RC-TLS-MIB rcPlugOptModTemperatureStatus, rcPlugOptModVoltageStatus, rcPlugOptModBiasStatus, rcPlugOptModTxPowerStatus, rcPlugOptModRxPowerStatus, rcPlugOptModAux1Monitoring, rcPlugOptModAux1Status, rcPlugOptModAux2Monitoring, rcPlugOptModAux2Status FROM RC-POM-MIB ipNetToMediaPhysAddress, ipNetToMediaNetAddress FROM IP-MIB rcTacacsGlobalLastUserName, rcTacacsGlobalLastAddressType, rcTacacsGlobalLastAddress FROM RC-TACACS-MIB rcRadiusPaePortNumber, rcRadiusEapLastAuthMac, rcRadiusEapLastRejMac FROM RC-RADIUS-MIB rcCfmEndPointCcmIndication, rcCfmTrunkCcmIndication, rcCfmTrunkMdName, rcCfmTrunkMaName, rcCfmTrunkMepId, rcCfmServiceGroupMdName, rcCfmServiceGroupMaName, rcCfmServiceGroupMepId, rcCfmServiceGroupCcmIndication, rcCfmTrunkGroupProtected, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcCfmCvid, rcCfmTrunkGroupActiveTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupIndication, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmDirection, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2, rcCfmDhuId, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointServiceDescription, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointLabel FROM RC-CFM-MIB rcVrfName, rcVrfOperStatus FROM RC-VRF-MIB lldpRemPortIdSubtype,lldpRemPortId FROM LLDP-MIB rcBfdTmpSessDiscriminator, rcBfdTmpSessRemoteDiscr, rcBfdTmpSessAddr, rcBfdTmpSessState FROM RC-BFD-TMP-MIB rcIpResourceUsageGlobalIngressRecInUse,rcIpResourceUsageGlobalEgressRecInUse, rcIpResourceUsageGlobalIngressThreshold, rcIpResourceUsageGlobalEgressThreshold FROM RC-IP-MIB rcIsisLocalLspId, rcIsisLocall1Metric, rcIsisNgbLspId, rcIsisNgbl1Metric, rcIsisPlsbTrapType, rcIsisLocalSysId, rcIsisLocalInterface, rcIsisLocalNickname, rcIsisNgbNickname, rcIsisNgbSysId, rcIsisTrapIndicator FROM RC-ISIS-MIB rcLinkOamTrapIndication, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress FROM RC-LINK-OAM-MIB; rcTrapsMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200904150000Z" ORGANIZATION "Bay Networks, Rapid-City Group" CONTACT-INFO "Yu-Ten Lee Postal: Nortel Networks, Inc. 4655 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185 Tel: 408-495-2560 Fax: 408-495-6680 E-mail: ylee@nortelnetworks.com" DESCRIPTION "Enterprise MIB for the Accelar product family." REVISION "200904150000Z" -- 15 April 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 79: Fix to rcnCfmMepCcmOperStateChange." REVISION "200904100000Z" -- 10 April 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 78: Changed rcnCfmFaultAlarm to rcnCfmMepCcmOperStateChange." REVISION "200903170000Z" -- 17 March 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 77: Added rcTrapsMib 216 to 264 except 220, 229, 230, 241, 244" REVISION "200902200000Z" -- 20 February 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 76: Added rcnPimMaxPassiveInterfaceWarnSet." REVISION "200902110000Z" -- 11 February 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 75: Added rcnPimMaxInterfaceWarnSet and rcnPimMaxNeighborsWarnSet." REVISION "200902090000Z" -- 09 February 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 74: SMIv2 cleanup. Added rcCfmFaultAlarm." REVISION "200901270000Z" -- 27 January 2009 DESCRIPTION "Version 73: Imported rcCfmDhuId, rc2kCardPerfCPUUtilization." REVISION "200810030000Z" -- 03 October 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 72: Added rcnCfmDualHomeUniClientMepCcmTrap as attribute 211 under rcTrapsMib group" REVISION "200809250000Z" -- 25 September 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 71: Added traps rcnUpgradeSuccessful, rcnUpgradeFailure, rcnVersionMisMatch, rcnHighCopUtil." REVISION "200809220000Z" -- 22 September 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 70: Added traps rcnSmpFtpFail, rcnSmpLogFileDeleted." REVISION "200808070000Z" -- 07 August 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 69: Change rcnDuplexMismatch/rcDuplexMismatch OBJECTS to rcPortIndex." REVISION "200807240000Z" -- 24 July 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 68: Added trap rcnLockupDetected, rcnMacResetForLockup, rcnModuleResetForLockup, rcnModuleFatalError." REVISION "200807140000Z" -- 14 July 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 67: Modified rcnIsisPlsbDuplicateNicknameTrap, rcnIsisPlsbMetricMismatchTrap, rcTlsTdiWatermarkTrap, rcTlsIsidWatermarkTrap, rcnFOQDropTrap, rcnFabricDropTrap" REVISION "200806180000Z" -- 18 Jun 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 66: Add rcVlanName in IMPORTS clause, update DESCRIPTION of rcn2kGbicRemovedTrap." REVISION "200806170000Z" -- 17 Jun 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 65: Change rcVlanId of rcnRsmltEdgePeerModified to rcVlanName." REVISION "200805180000Z" -- 18 May 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 64: Imported rcChasFanType." REVISION "200805140000Z" -- 14 May 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 63: Change trap rcnTripodRSlotActiveTrap to rcnRSlotFabricActiveTrap, rcnTripodRSlotInactiveTrap to rcnRSlotFabricInactiveTrap" REVISION "200805070000Z" -- 07 May 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 62: Added trap rcnFOQDropTrap, rcnFabricDropTrap, rcnTripodRSlotActiveTrap, rcnTripodRSlotInactiveTrap" REVISION "200804190000Z" -- 19 April 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 61: Added rcnChasFanCoolingLow as 196th child of rcTrapsMib." REVISION "200803170000Z" -- 17 March 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 60: Changed traps: rcnBfdSessExceedThreshold, rcnBfdStatusChange" REVISION "200803130000Z" -- 13 March 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 59: Changed module name to 'RC-VRF-MIB' from 'RC-VIRTUAL-ROUTING-MIB'." REVISION "200803050000Z" -- 05 March 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 58: Added trap rcnCfmEndptClientFlrNearEndTrap, rcnCfmEndptClientFlrFarEndTrap, rcnTosBufferLimitTrap, rcnTosBufferClearTrap, rcnChasCoolingInsufficientTrap, rcnChasCoolingSufficientTrap, rcnIsisPlsbMetricMismatchTrap, rcnIsisPlsbDuplicateSysidTrap, rcnIsisPlsbLsdbUpdateTrap, rcnIsisPlsbDuplicateNicknameTrap Modified rcnCfmPortMepCcmExpandedTrap, rcnCfmVlanPortMepCcmExpandedTrap, rcnCfmEndptClientMepCcmExpandedTrap, rcnCfmMltEndptClientMepCcmTrap, rcnCfmVlanMltMepCcmTrap, rcnCfmRingEndptClientMepCcmTrap, rcnCfmTrunkMepCcmExpandedTrap, rcnCfmStandEndptClientMepCcmTrap, rcnCfmDHRingEndptClientMepCcmTrap" REVISION "200802010000Z" -- 01 Feb 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 57: Modified the name of the trap rcnChasPowerSupplyNotEnough to rcnChasPowerSupplyRunningLow" REVISION "200801300000Z" -- 30 Jan 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 56: Added trap rcnChasPowerSupplyNotEnough" REVISION "200801100000Z" -- 10 Jan 2008 DESCRIPTION "Version 55: Added trap rcnBfdSessExceedThreshold, rcnBfdStatusChange" REVISION "200712200000Z" -- 20 Dec 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 54: Added trap rcnAggLinkStateChange" REVISION "200712060000Z" -- 06 Dec 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 53: Added trap rcnMaxMrouteWarnSet, rcnMaxMrouteDropSet, rcnMaxMrouteWarnClear and rcnMaxMrouteDropClear ." REVISION "200711201000Z" -- 20 Nov 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 52: Added trap rcnRemoteMirroringStatus." REVISION "200711200000Z" -- 20 Nov 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 51: Added traps rcnMrouteIngressThresholdExceeded and rcnMrouteEgressThresholdExceeded." REVISION "200710180000Z" -- 18 Oct 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 50: Modified rc2kCardDown status to obsolete, rc2kCardUp status to obsolete, Fixed quotes for rcnMcInRecMoreThanThreshold, rcnMcEgRecMoreThanThreshold, Added rcSysLicenseTrialDaysLeft, rcBridgeNewFdbAddress, rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot in IMPORTS section" REVISION "200710150000Z" -- 15 Oct 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 49: Updated rcnLicenseTrialPeriodExpiry" REVISION "200710120000Z" -- 12 Oct 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 48: Added traps rcnVrfUp, rcnVrfDown" REVISION "200709280000Z" -- 28 Sep 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 47: Added traps 171, 172 for licensing" REVISION "200708230000Z" -- 23 Aug 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 46: Added rcnCfmDHRingEndptClientMepCcmTrap, rcnChasPowerSupplyNoRedundancy, rcnChasPowerSupplyRedundancy, rcnPortAdminStatusChangeTrap, rcnSaveConfigFailTrap" REVISION "200708200000Z" -- 20 Aug 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 45: Added rcnTmuxParityError" REVISION "200707270000Z" -- 27 Jul 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 44: Added rcnMcInRecMoreThanThreshold & rcnMcEgRecMoreThanThreshold" REVISION "200707190000Z" -- 19 Jul 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 43: Added rcnLinkBadConnection" REVISION "200706270000Z" -- 27 Jun 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 42: Added additional parameters for traps rcnLoopDetectMacDiscard and rcnAutoRecoverLoopDetectedPort" REVISION "200706010000Z" -- 01 Jun 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 41: Added rcnMltLinkUp and rcnMltLinkDown traps" REVISION "200705040000Z" -- 04 May 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 40: Added 89-109 and 125-159 for OE" REVISION "200704030000Z" -- 3 Apr 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 39: Added rcnRsmltEdgePeerModified" REVISION "200703260000Z" -- 26 Mar 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 38: Added rcDuplexMismatch as rcTraps 123 and rcnDuplexMismatch as rcTrapsMib 123" REVISION "200703160000Z" -- 16 Mar 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 37: Obsoleted rcIgmpNewQuerier, rcnIgmpNewQuerier, rcIgmpQuerierChange, rcnIgmpQuerierChange. Added rcIgmpNewQuerierOnIf, rcnIgmpNewQuerierOnIf, rcIgmpQuerierChanged, rcnIgmpQuerierChanged" REVISION "200702280000Z" -- 28 Feb 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 36: Added rcMstpNewCistRoot, rcMstpNewMstiRoot, rcMstpNewCistRegionalRoot, and rcRstpNewRoot" REVISION "200702230000Z" -- 23 Feb 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 35: Add rcnVrfForwardingEnabled and rcnVrfForwardingDisabled." REVISION "200702200000Z" -- 20 Feb 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 34: Fixed a MIB compilation error" REVISION "200701300000Z" -- 30 Jan 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 33: Added rcnMaxRouteWarnClear, rcnMaxRouteWarnSet, rcnMaxRouteDropClear, rcnMaxRouteDropSet and rcnTrialPeriodExpired (rcTrapsMib 110-114)." REVISION "200701020000Z" -- 02 Jan 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 32: Reserved Trap OID 88 -109 for OE feature" REVISION "200602100000Z" -- 10 February 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 31: Added rcnCfmTrunkCcmTrap, rcnCfmServiceGroupCcmTrap, rcnCfmEndPointCcmTrap" REVISION "200602080000Z" -- 08 Feb 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 30: Added rcnInterCpuCommStatus" REVISION "200601030000Z" -- 03 Jan 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 29: Added missing objects to IMPORTS" REVISION "200512170000Z" -- 17 Dec 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 28: Changed trap rcnEapMacIntrusion" REVISION "200512120000Z" -- 12 Dec 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 27: Added rcnEapMacIntrusion" REVISION "200510250000Z" -- 25 Oct 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 26: Added trap rcnExtCpLimitShutDownNormal." REVISION "200509200000Z" -- 20 September 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 25: Fix typo." REVISION "200508050000Z" -- 5 August 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 24: Added rcnVlacpPortDown, rcnVlacpPortUp." REVISION "200506200000Z" -- 1 June 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 23: Added rcnBpduReceived." REVISION "200506010000Z" -- 1 June 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 22: Fixed SMIv2 violations." REVISION "200504140000Z" -- 14 April 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 21: Updated rcnTacacsRxUnSupportedFrame. Added rcTraps 39 - 55 as they currently exist in code." REVISION "200504060000Z" -- 06 April 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 20: Added TACACS+ traps." REVISION "200503280000Z" -- 28 March 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 19: Added rcnTlsUniIpServiceWatermarkTrap trap. IMPORT rcTlsUniIpServiceWatermarkIndication" REVISION "200503040000Z" -- 04 March 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 18: Added rcnNonEapIntrusion trap" REVISION "200501040000Z" -- 04 January 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 17: Imports added for rcnExtCpLimitShutDown, rcnExtCpLimitSopCongestion added" REVISION "200412210000Z" -- 21 December 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 16: Added rcnExtCpLimitShutDown, rcnExtCpLimitSopCongestion" REVISION "200409300000Z" -- 30 September 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 14: Removed rcVlanNewLoopDetectedMac, rcVlanNewLoopDetectedPortIndex from trap definition." REVISION "200409200000Z" -- 20 September 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 13: Changed 'rcnBgpEstablished' and 'rcnBgpBackwardTransition' to 'rcnbgpEstablished' and 'rcnbgpBackwardTransition' to be in sync with the ClearCase branches/releases." REVISION "200409080000Z" -- 08 September 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 12: Added rcnLoopDetectMacDiscard, rcnAutoRecoverPort, rcnAutoRecoverLoopDetectedPort trap" REVISION "200408250000Z" -- 25 August 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 11: Added rcnTlsPortWatermark trap" REVISION "200407220000Z" -- 22 July 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 10: Changed description of rcnLoopDetectOnPort" REVISION "200407020000Z" -- 2 July 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 9: Added rcnUnauthorizedAccessToStandByCPU" REVISION "200406240000Z" -- 24 June 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 8: Added rcnLoopDetectPortdown" ::= { rcTraps 0 } rcnCardDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCardIndex, rcCardAdminStatus, rcCardOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 1 } rcnCardUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCardIndex, rcCardAdminStatus, rcCardOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 2 } rcnErrorNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcErrorLevel, rcErrorCode, rcErrorText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcErrorNotification trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that an error condition has occured." ::= { rcTrapsMib 3 } rcnStpNewRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpNewRoot trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new root of the spanning tree." ::= { rcTrapsMib 4 } rcnStpTopologyChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpTopologyChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has gone due a topology change event." ::= { rcTrapsMib 5 } rcnChasPowerSupplyDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasPowerSupplyId, rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasPowerSupplyDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 6 } rcnChasFanDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasFanId, rcChasFanOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasFanDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasFanOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 7 } rcnLinkOscillation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcLinkOscillation trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected an excessive number of link state transitions on the specified port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 8 } rcnMacViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcErrorText, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMacViolation trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received a PDU with an invalid source MAC address." ::= { rcTrapsMib 9 } rcnSonetTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPosSonetTrapType, rcPosSonetTrapIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSonetTrap trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a change of status on a Sonet port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 10 } rcn2kCardDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 11 } rcn2kCardUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 12 } rcn2kTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rc2kTemperature trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the chassis is over-heating." ::= { rcTrapsMib 13 } rcnChasPowerSupplyUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasPowerSupplyId, rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasPowerSupplyUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 14 } rcn2kAtmPvcLinkStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kAtmPvcIfIndex, rc2kAtmPvcVpi, rc2kAtmPvcVci, rc2kAtmPvcOamVcStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rc2kAtmPvcLinkStateChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rc2kAtmPvcOamVcStatus object for one of PVC is about to transition into different state, either from up to down or from down to up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 15 } rcnStpTCN NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId, rcPortIndex, rcStgBridgeAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpTopologyChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has gone due a topology change event." ::= { rcTrapsMib 16 } rcnSmltIstLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmltIstLinkUp trap signifies that the split MLT link is from down to up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 17 } rcnSmltIstLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmltIstLinkDown trap signifies that the split MLT link is from up to down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 18 } rcnSmltLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltSmltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltSmltId trap signifies that the split SMLT link is up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 19 } rcnSmltLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltSmltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltSmltId trap signifies that the split SMLT link is down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 20 } rcnChasFanUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasFanId, rcChasFanOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasFanUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasFanOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 21 } rcnPasswordChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCliPasswordChange, rcCliPassChangeResult} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPasswordChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the one of the cli password is changed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 22 } rcnEmError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcChasEmModeError} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcEmError trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected Em error." ::= { rcTrapsMib 23 } rcnVpnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVpnVpnId, rcErrorText, rcVpnTunnelLspId, rcIpMplsGlobalRouterId, rcVpnRemotePeerId, rcSyslogHostSeverity} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "L2Vpn will send trap when the Lsp goes down, which would affect the operational status of the Vpn (given by the VpnId). The Cause will indicate the reason for sending the trap. It can either LSP down/failure or to the bandwidth requirements cannot be fulfilled. Severity Level can be Warning/Error/Fatal." ::= { rcTrapsMib 24 } rcnPcmciaCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPcmciaRemoved trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the PCMCIA card is being removed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 25 } rcnSmartCpldTimerFired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmartCpldTimerFired trap signifies that the cpld timer fired." ::= { rcTrapsMib 26 } rcnCardCpldNotUpDate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardCpldNotUpDate trap signifies that the cpld is not up to date." ::= { rcTrapsMib 27 } rcnIgapLogFileFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcIgapLogFileFull trap signifies that the Igap accounting time-out Log File reach the maximum." ::= { rcTrapsMib 28 } rcnCpLimitShutDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, rcPortCpLimitShutDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCpLimitShutDown trap signifies that the cp limit for the port is shutting down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 29 } rcnSshServerEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshServerEnabled trap signifies that the SSH server is enabled." ::= { rcTrapsMib 30 } rcnSshServerDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshServerDisabled trap signifies that the SSH server is disabled." ::= { rcTrapsMib 31 } rcnSshSessionLogin NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshSessionLogin trap signifies that there is a SSH session login." ::= { rcTrapsMib 32 } rcnSshSessionLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshSessionLogout trap signifies that there is a SSH session logout." ::= { rcTrapsMib 33 } rcnSshUnauthorizedAccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshUnauthorizedAccess trap signifies that an unauthorized access has occured." ::= { rcTrapsMib 34 } rcnHaCpuState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcL2RedundancyHaCpuState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcHaCpuState trap signifies that the state of the HA-CPU." ::= { rcTrapsMib 35 } rcnInsufficientMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcInsufficientMemory trap indicates insufficient memory on CPU blade for proper operation. Recommended memory = 256 MB available through Nortel Networks upgrade kit" ::= { rcTrapsMib 36 } rcnSaveConfigAction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSaveConfigAction trap indicates the switch run time or boot configuration is being saved" ::= { rcTrapsMib 37 } rcnLoopDetectOnPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVlanId, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLoopDetectOnPort trap indicates that a loop has been detected on a port. The vlan on that port will be disabled." ::= { rcTrapsMib 38 } rcnbgpEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpBgpPeerIpAddress, rcIpBgpPeerLastError, rcIpBgpPeerState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BGP Established event is generated when the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 39 } rcnbgpBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpBgpPeerIpAddress, rcIpBgpPeerLastError, rcIpBgpPeerState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BGPBackwardTransition Event is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 40 } rcnAggLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcAggLinkUp trap is generated when the operational state of the aggregator changes from down to up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 41 } rcnAggLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcAggLinkDown trap is generated when the operational state of the aggregator changes from up to down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 42 } rcnIgmpNewGroupMember NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpGroupIfIndex, rcIgmpGroupIpAddress, rcIgmpGroupInPort, rcIgmpGroupMembers } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IgmpNewGroupMember trap signifies that a new member has come on an interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 43 } rcnIgmpLossGroupMember NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpGroupMembers, rcIgmpGroupIpAddress, rcIgmpGroupInPort, rcIgmpGroupIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IgmpLossGroupMember trap signifies that a group member has been lost on an interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 44 } rcnIgmpNewQuerier NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- cannot include igmpInterfaceIfIndex in the OBJECTS clause because it -- is not-accessible -- OBJECTS { igmpInterfaceIfIndex, -- igmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An igmpNewQuerier trap signifies that a new querier has come up on an interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 45 } rcnIgmpQuerierChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- cannot include igmpInterfaceIfIndex in the OBJECTS clause because it -- is not-accessible -- OBJECTS { igmpInterfaceIfIndex, -- rcIgmpInterfaceExtnNewQuerier, -- igmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An rcIgmpQuerierChange trap signifies that the querier has changed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 46 } rcnDvmrpIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpInterfaceIfIndex, -- dvmrpInterfaceOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 47 } rcnDvmrpNewNbrChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpNeighborIfIndex, -- dvmrpNeighborAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpNewNbrChange trap signifies that a new neighbor has come up on a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 48 } rcnDvmrpNbrLossChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpNeighborIfIndex, -- dvmrpNeighborAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpNbrLossChange trap signifies that a new neighbor has gone down on a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 49 } rcnPsePortOnOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot include pethPsePortGroupIndex or pethPsePortIndex in OBJECTS -- clause because they are not-accessible -- OBJECTS { pethPsePortGroupIndex, -- pethPsePortIndex, -- pethPsePortDetectionStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPsePortOnOff trap signifies that if Pse Port is delivering or not power to the This Notification SHOULD be sent on every status change except in the searching mode." ::= { rcTrapsMib 50 } rcnPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- pethPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus no longer exists, cannot use it here -- Also, cannot include pethPsePortGroupIndex or pethPsePortIndex in OBJECTS -- clause because they are not-accessible -- OBJECTS { pethPsePortGroupIndex, -- pethPsePortIndex, -- pethPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus trap signifies that a Port change Status and it SHOULD be sent on every status change." ::= { rcTrapsMib 51 } rcnMainPseBackupActivate NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot include pethPsePortGroupIndex or pethPsePortIndex in OBJECTS -- clause because they are not-accessible -- OBJECTS { pethPsePortGroupIndex, -- pethPsePortIndex, -- pethMainPseBackupActivated } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPseBackupActivate trap signifies that a Backup is Activated or BackUp is released on a Pse Port Group." ::= { rcTrapsMib 52 } rcnMainPowerUsageOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot include pethPsePortGroupIndex or pethPsePortIndex in OBJECTS -- clause because they are not-accessible -- OBJECTS { pethPsePortGroupIndex, -- pethMainPseConsumptionPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPowerUsageOn trap signifies that PSE Threshold Usage indication of a PSE Port Group is on, the usage power is above the threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 53 } rcnMainPowerUsageOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot include pethPsePortGroupIndex or pethPsePortIndex in OBJECTS -- clause because they are not-accessible -- OBJECTS { pethPsePortGroupIndex, -- pethMainPseConsumptionPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPowerUsageOn trap signifies that PSE Threshold Usage indication of a PSE Port Group is off, the usage power is above the threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 54 } rcnPseCardOnOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortPoeMainPseExtnPwrAdmin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPoeMainPwrFailure trap signifies that the main power admin status is up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 55 } rcnTlsWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTdId, rcTlsTdiEndptUniAddr, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the Mac Table for the endpoint has reached its high watermark or is already full." ::= { rcTrapsMib 56 } rcnTdcTestResultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTestTdcTestId, rcTlsTdcTestResultIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Tdc test fail trap indicates that the tdc test test identified by test ID failed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 57 } rcnTdcTestRttExceedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTestTdcTestId, rcTlsTdcTestRttExceedIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Tdc Rtt Exceed trap indicates that the round trip time of the tdc test identified by test ID exceeded the configured threshold value." ::= { rcTrapsMib 58 } rcnFdbProtectViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcVlanId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rcFdbProtectViolation trap signifies that the port has violated the user configured limit for total number of fdb-entries learned on that port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 59 } rcnLogMsgControl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysMsgLogFrequency, rcSysMsgLogText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMsgControl trap signifies whether the number of times of repeatation of the particular Log message has exceeded the particular frequency/count or not." ::= { rcTrapsMib 60 } rcnSaveConfigFile NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysAction, rcSysConfigFileName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSaveConfig trap signifies that either the runtime config or the boot config has been saved on the switch" ::= { rcTrapsMib 61 } rcnDNSRequestResponse NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysDnsServerListIpAddr, rcSysDnsRequestType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDnsRequestResponse trap signifies that the switch had sent a query to the DNS server or it had received a successful response from the DNS Server" ::= { rcTrapsMib 62 } rcnDuplicateIpAddress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipNetToMediaNetAddress , ipNetToMediaPhysAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDuplicateIpAddressTrap signifies that a duplicate IP address is detected on the subnet" ::= { rcTrapsMib 63 } rcnLoopDetectPortDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcLoopDetectPortDown trap signifies that a loop has been detected on a port and the port is going to shut down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 64 } rcnUnauthorizedAccessToStandByCPU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnUnauthorizedAccessToStandByCPU trap signifies that the user attempt to access standby CPU." ::= { rcTrapsMib 65 } rcnTlsPortWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the Mac Table for the port has reached its high watermark or already full" ::= { rcTrapsMib 66 } rcnLoopDetectMacDiscard NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcBridgeNewFdbAddress,rcPortIndex,rcPortIndex, rcSysMacFlapLimitTime, rcSysMacFlapLimitCount} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcLoopDetectMacDiscard trap signifies that a loop has been Detected on a port and the mac address will be discarded on all ports in that vlan" ::= { rcTrapsMib 67} rcnAutoRecoverPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnAutoRecoverPort trap signifies that autorecover has re-enabled a port disabled by link flap or cp limit" ::= {rcTrapsMib 68 } rcnAutoRecoverLoopDetectedPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex,rcVlanNewLoopDetectedAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnAutoRecoverPort trap signifies that autorecover has cleared the action taken on a port by loop detect" ::= {rcTrapsMib 69 } rcnExtCpLimitShutDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnExtCpLimitShutDown trap signifies that port is shut down due to Extended CP-Limit." ::= { rcTrapsMib 70 } rcnExtCpLimitSopCongestion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysExtCplimitSysOctapidCongested, rcSysExtCplimitPortsMonitored } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnExtCpLimitSopCongestion signifies that system octapid polling finds that system octapid is congested or not. rcSysExtCplimitSysOctapidCongested signifies whether system octapid is congested or not. rcSysExtCplimitPortsMonitored signifies whether ports are selected for monitoring the ingress traffic utilization." ::= {rcTrapsMib 71 } rcnNonEapIntrusion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcErrorText, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcNonEapIntrusion trap signifies that the an intrusion has occurred in the port. This occurs when the number of non-eap clients exceed the maximum allowed non-eap clients on the port " ::= { rcTrapsMib 72 } rcnTlsUniIpServiceWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsUniIpServiceWatermarkIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the Ip Table for the Uni Ip Service (Cust Ip) has reached its high watermark or already full" ::= { rcTrapsMib 73 } rcnTacacsAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTacacsGlobalLastUserName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TACACS+ authentication failed for user" ::= { rcTrapsMib 74 } rcnTacacsNoServers NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unable to use any TACACS+ servers for authentication" ::= { rcTrapsMib 75 } rcnTacacsRxUnsupportedFrame NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTacacsGlobalLastAddressType, rcTacacsGlobalLastAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received unsupported frame from TACACS+ server" ::= { rcTrapsMib 76 } rcnTacacsExceededMaxLogins NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attempted to exceed the maximum number of allowed TACACS+ logins" ::= { rcTrapsMib 77 } rcnTacacsClientFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TACACS+ Client application is down" ::= { rcTrapsMib 78 } rcnBpduReceived NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortBpduFilteringTimeout } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification will be generated when a BPDU is received on a port which has BPDU filtering enabled." ::= { rcTrapsMib 79 } rcnVlacpPortDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnVlacpPortDown trap signifies that Vlacp is down on the port specified." ::= { rcTrapsMib 80 } rcnVlacpPortUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnVlacpPortUp trap signifies that Vlacp is Up on the port specified." ::= { rcTrapsMib 81 } rcnExtCpLimitShutDownNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rcnExtCpLimitShutDownNormal trap signifies that Ports are shut down due to Extended CP-Limit in Normal mode." ::= { rcTrapsMib 82 } rcnEapMacIntrusion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rcSysIpAddr, rcRadiusPaePortNumber, rcRadiusEapLastAuthMac, rcRadiusEapLastRejMac} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnEapMacIntrusion trap signifies that an EAP MAC intrusion had occurred on this port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 83 } rcnInterCpuCommStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcCardOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnInterCpuCommStatus trap signifies the current communication status between primary and secondary CPU." ::= { rcTrapsMib 84 } rcnCfmTrunkCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrunkMdName, rcCfmTrunkMaName, rcCfmTrunkMepId, rcCfmTrunkCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkCcm trap signifies that the trunk CCM operational state has been changed" ::= { rcTrapsMib 85 } rcnCfmServiceGroupCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmServiceGroupMdName, rcCfmServiceGroupMaName, rcCfmServiceGroupMepId, rcCfmServiceGroupCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ServiceGroupCcm trap signifies that the Service Group CCM operational state has been changed" ::= { rcTrapsMib 86 } rcnCfmEndPointCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiMdName, rcTlsTdiMaName, rcTlsTdiEndptMepId, rcCfmEndPointCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ServiceGroupCcm trap signifies that the Service Group CCM operational state has been changed" ::= { rcTrapsMib 87 } rcnBanRingStateChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcBanRingId, rcBanRingTrapIndication, rcBanRingTrapReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ring State change Trap" ::= { rcTrapsMib 88 } -- The following are traps that will notify the network management of changes -- in the status (normal,warning,alarm) of DDI variables rcPlugOptModTemperatureStatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModTemperatureStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the temperature status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 89} rcPlugOptModVoltageStatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModVoltageStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the voltage level" ::= { rcTrapsMib 90 } rcPlugOptModBiasStatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModBiasStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the laser bias status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 91 } rcPlugOptModTxPowerStatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModTxPowerStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the transmit power status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 92 } rcPlugOptModRxPowerStatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModRxPowerStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the received power status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 93 } rcPlugOptModAux1StatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModAux1Monitoring, rcPlugOptModAux1Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the Aux1 status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 94 } rcPlugOptModAux2StatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPlugOptModAux2Monitoring, rcPlugOptModAux2Status } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to trap changes in the Aux2 status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 95 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcCfmTrunkGroupProtected, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkGroupCcm trap signifies that two trunks in the trunk group are not operational, This trap is replaced by rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownExpandedTrap (156) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 96 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkGroupCcm trap signifies that the active trunk has been changed. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionExpandedTrap (153) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 97 } rcnCfmPortMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmPortMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a port. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmPortMepCcmExpandedTrap (127) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 98 } rcnCfmVlanPortMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmVlanPortMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a vlan. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmVlanPortMepCcmExpandedTrap (128) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 99 } rcnCfmEndptMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcIsidBackboneVlan, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on an endpoint. it is not being used in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 100 } rcnCfmEndptClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmEndptClientMepCcmExpandedTrap (129) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 101 } rcnCfmEndptCvidClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcPortIndex, rcCfmCvid, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptCvidClientMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 102 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupNewActiveTrunkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcCfmTrunkGroupActiveTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkGroupCcm trap signifies that the active trunk has been changed. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmTrunkGroupNewActiveTrunkExpandedTrap (155) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 103 } rcTlsTdiWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiId, rcTlsSlot, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication, rcTlsRmodLane} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the r-mod Mac Table for a TDI/lane has reached its high watermark or is already full" ::= { rcTrapsMib 104 } rcTlsIsidWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsIsidId, rcTlsSlot, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication, rcTlsRmodLane} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the r-mod Mac Table for an ISID/lane has reached its high watermark or is already full" ::= { rcTrapsMib 105 } rcnCfmTrunkMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmTrunkMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a Trunk. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmTrunkMepCcmExpandedTrap (158) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 106 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcCfmTrunkGroupProtected, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmTrunkGroupTrap trap signifies that two trunks in the trunk group are not operational or at least one trunk in the trunk group comes back up. This trap is replaced by two new traps rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownExpandedTrap(156) and rcnCfmTrunkGroupUpExpandedTrap (157) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 107 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTrunkGroup, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionTrap trap signifies that trunk group has recovered protection. This trap is replaced by rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionExpandedTrap (154) in release 4.2 onwards" ::= { rcTrapsMib 108 } rcInvalidEsuModIdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcBanRingTopoRbsId, rcBanRingTopoRbsMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcEsuInvalidModIdTrap trap signifies that invalid ModID is configured on the ESU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 109 } -- OID from 88 to 109 have been reseved for OE feature Trap definition, -- Please used 110 and up. Thanks. rcnMaxRouteWarnClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxRouteWarnClear trap signifies that the number of routes in the routing table of the Virtual Router has droped below its warning threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 110 } rcnMaxRouteWarnSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxRouteWarnSet trap signifies that the given Virtual Routers routing table is reaching its maximum size. Action should be taken to prevent this" ::= { rcTrapsMib 111 } rcnMaxRouteDropClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxRouteDropClear signifies that the given Virtual Routers routing table is no longer dropping new routes as it is below its maximum size." ::= { rcTrapsMib 112 } rcnMaxRouteDropSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxRouteDropSet trap signifies that the given Virtual Routers routing table has reached its maximum size, and is now dropping all new non static routes." ::= { rcTrapsMib 113 } rcnTrialPeriodExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trial period expired." ::= { rcTrapsMib 114 } rcnVrfForwardingEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnVrfForwardingEnable trap signifies that the given Virtual Router's route forwarding is enabled. The VRF is functioning normally." ::= { rcTrapsMib 115 } rcnVrfForwardingDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnVrfForwardingDisabletrap signifies that the given Virtual Router's route forwarding is disabled. The VRF is no longer forwarding routes." ::= { rcTrapsMib 116 } rcnMstpNewCistRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgBridgeAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMstpNewCistRoottrap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new root of the common internal spanning tree." ::= { rcTrapsMib 117 } rcnMstpNewMstiRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgBridgeAddress, rcStgId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMstpNewMstiRoot signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new root of the spanning tree instance." ::= { rcTrapsMib 118 } rcnMstpNewCistRegionalRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgBridgeAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMstpNewCistRegionalRoottrap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new regional root of the common internal spanning tree." ::= { rcTrapsMib 119 } rcnRstpNewRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgBridgeAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcRstpNewRoot signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new root of the spanning tree." ::= { rcTrapsMib 120 } rcnIgmpNewQuerierOnIf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpInterfaceIfIndex, rcIgmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An igmpNewQuerier trap signifies that a new querier has come up on an interface." ::= { rcTrapsMib 121 } rcnIgmpQuerierChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpInterfaceIfIndex, rcIgmpInterfaceExtnNewQuerier, rcIgmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rcIgmpQuerierChange trap signifies that the querier has changed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 122 } rcnDuplexMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex,lldpRemPortIdSubtype,lldpRemPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnDuplexMismatch trap signifies that a LLDP Neighbor Port's Duplex/Speed mismatches with local port" ::= { rcTrapsMib 123 } rcnRsmltEdgePeerModified NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVlanName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnRsmltEdgePeerModified signifies that the RSMLT Peer address is different from that of the stored address. Save config is necessary if EdgeSupport has to use this info on next reboot." ::= { rcTrapsMib 124 } rcn2kLinkDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus." ::= { rcTrapsMib 125 } rcn2kLinkUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus." ::= { rcTrapsMib 126 } rcnCfmPortMepCcmExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmPortMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a port.. If no UserLabes are configured for the port, a NULL string will be included.This is a set and clear trap. The clearing is indicated by the rcCfmMepCcmIndication field. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmPortMepCcmTrap(98) in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 127 } rcnCfmVlanPortMepCcmExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmVlanPortMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a vlan.The UserLabels are copied from the UserLabel field of the Vlan. This is a set and clear trap. The clearing is indicated by the rcCfmMepCcmIndication field. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmVlanPortMepCcmTrap (99) in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 128 } rcnCfmEndptClientMepCcmExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP. UserLabels are copied from the UserLabel1 field of the EndPoint This is a set and clear trap. The clearing is indicated by the rcCfmMepCcmIndication field. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmEndptCvidClientMepCcmTrap(101) in release 4.2 " ::= { rcTrapsMib 129 } rcnPbtUnknownDiscardTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcVlanId, rcPortIndex, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of UnknownMac Discard exceeded the threshold. Make sure that the FDB entry exists for specified vlan and that the port is a member of the vlan. The chassis Mac address is given in rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr which identifies the chassis " ::= { rcTrapsMib 130 } rcnPbtUnknownDiscardClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of UnknownMac Discard exceeded the threshold. Make sure that the FDB entry exists for specified vlan and that the port is a member of the vlan. The chassis Mac address is given in rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr which identifies the chassis " ::= { rcTrapsMib 131 } rcn2kQosDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr, rc2kQosQosRow, rcPortIndex, rc2kQosQosDropThresholdPercentage, rc2kQosQosDropActualPercentage, rc2kChassisUserLabel1} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Drop count of packets for a specific QoS level has exceeded the configured threshold " ::= { rcTrapsMib 132} rcn2kQosDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr, rc2kQosQosRow, rcPortIndex, rc2kQosQosDropThresholdPercentage, rc2kQosQosDropActualPercentage, rc2kChassisUserLabel1} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Drop count of packets for a specific QoS level is with in the limits. Clears rcTrapsMib 132." ::= { rcTrapsMib 133} rcnCfmTrunkFlrNearEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmTrunkFlrNearEnd trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for ingress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 134 } rcnCfmTrunkFlrFarEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmTrunkFlrFarEnd trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for egress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 135} rcnCfmTrunkFdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmTrunkFd trap signifies that the Frame Delay over Short Period threshold has been crossed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 136 } rcnCfmTrunkFdvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cfmTrunkFdv trap signifies that the Frame Delay Variation over Short Period threshold has been crossed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 137 } rcnCfmEndptClientFdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cfmEndptClientFdTrap signifies that the Frame Delay over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcIsidBackboneVlan, rcPortIndex Customer Label: rcCfmUserLabel1, rcCfmUserLabel2 FD info: rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage,rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 138 } rcnCfmEndptClientFdvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cfmEndptClientFdvTrap signifies that the Frame Delay Variation over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcIsidBackboneVlan, rcPortIndex Customer Label: rcCfmUserLabel1, rcCfmUserLabel2 FD info: rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage,rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 139 } rcnCfmMltEndptClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmMltEndptClientMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MLT MEP." ::= {rcTrapsMib 140 } rcnCfmVlanMltMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcPortMltId, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmVlanMltMepCcmTrap trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MLT MEP associated with a vlan" ::= { rcTrapsMib 141 } rcnCfmRingEndptClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmRingEndptClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a Ring MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 142 } rcn2kGbicRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcPortIndex, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcGbicRemoved trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the an Xfp/Sfp is removed from the specified slot and port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 143 } rcn2kGbicInsertedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcPortIndex, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcGbicInserted trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the an Xfp/Sfp is inserted to the specified slot and port. " ::= { rcTrapsMib 144 } rcn2kCardDownExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTrapsMib 145 } rcn2kCardUpExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus, rc2kChassisUserLabel1 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the up state. Clears rcn2kCardDownExpanded." ::= { rcTrapsMib 146 } rcnCSUStartTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCsuGlobalStartUpMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCSUStartTrap trap signifies that the controlled software upgrade has started in the specified mode" ::= { rcTrapsMib 147 } rcnCSUEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCsuGlobalStartUpMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCSUEndTrap trap signifies that the controlled software upgrade has ended in the specified mode" ::= { rcTrapsMib 148 } rcnCSUCardResetStartTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCsuInfoTypeOfCardDesc, rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCSUCardResetStartTrap trap signifies that the card in the specified slot reset process has started as part of the CSU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 149 } rcnCSUCardResetEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCsuInfoTypeOfCardDesc, rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCSUCardResetEndTrap trap signifies that the card in the specified slot reset process has ended as part of the CSU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 150 } rcnCSUInProgressTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCSUInProgressTrap signifies that the CSU in progress and some cards need to be upgraded" ::= { rcTrapsMib 151 } rcnTlsIpServiceWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsIpCustIpVlan, rcTlsIpCustIpWatermarkIndication, rcTlsRmodLane} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the Ip Table for the Ip Service (Cust Ip) has reached its high watermark or already full" ::= { rcTrapsMib 152 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkGroupCcm trap signifies that on of the trunks in the truck group has failed and so the path is not protected anymore. The trap information includes the names of primary trunk and the secondary trunk and the name of the trunk that filed. In release 4.2, this repalcess the old trap rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionTrap (97)" ::= { rcTrapsMib 153 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionTrap trap signifies that trunk group has recovered protection. Trunk that was don earlier as reported in trap rcnTrapsMib 114 (rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionExpandedTrap) is up.The trap information includes the names of primary trunk and the secondary trunk and the name of the trunk that came up. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmTrunkGroupRecoverProtectionTrap(108) in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 154 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupNewActiveTrunkExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TrunkGroupCcm trap signifies that the active trunk has been changed. The user has manually switched the active trunk. The trap gives the name of both trunks in the group and the name on the user selected active trunk. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmTrunkGroupNewActiveTrunkTrap (103) in release 4.2 " ::= { rcTrapsMib 155 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmTrunkGroupTrap trap signifies that both the trunks in the trunk group are not operational. One trunk was already down as reported by rcnCfmTrunkGroupLostProtectionTrap (rcTrapsMib 114). Now the scecod trunk has done down. Tne trap contains the names of both trunks and the neme of the trunk that just went down. The trap contains the names of both trunks and the name of the trunk that just went down.This condition will result in traffic loss and should be corrected. It repleaces the old trap rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownTrap (96) in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 156 } rcnCfmTrunkGroupUpExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmTrapTrunkGroupName, rcCfmTrunkGroupPrimaryTrunk, rcCfmTrunkGroupSecondaryTrunk, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkGroupUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmTrunkGroupTrap trap signifies that one of the trunks in the trunk group is operational. Earlier both trunks tn the trunk group was down. This clears the condition as reported in rcTrapsMib 117 (rcnCfmTrunkGroupDownExpandedTrap). Tne trap contains the names of both trunks and the neme of the trunk that just became operational." ::= { rcTrapsMib 157 } rcnCfmTrunkMepCcmExpandedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmTrunkSourceMac, rcCfmTrapTrunkName, rcPortIndex, rcVlanId, rcCfmTrunkReverseVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel1, rcCfmTrunkUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmTrunkMepCcmExp trap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP configured on a Trunk. The rcCfmMepCcmIndication will be set to 1 when the trunk is operational and set to 2 if the trunk is down. This trap replaces the old trap rcnCfmTrunkMepCcmTrap (106) in release 4.2" ::= { rcTrapsMib 158 } rcnCfmStandEndptClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmStandaloneEndptClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a Standalone-Esu MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 159 } rcnMltLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltLinkUp trap signifies that the MLT link is up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 160 } rcnMltLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltLinkDown trap signifies that the MLT link is down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 161 } rcnLinkBadConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkBadConnection trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a bad fiber connection to the receiver on the specified port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 162 } rcnMcInRecMoreThanThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rcnMcInRecMoreThanThreshold signifies that number of MC Ingress records has exceeded the configured ingress-threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 163 } rcnMcEgRecMoreThanThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rcnMcEgRecMoreThanThreshold signifies that number of MC Egress records has exceeded the configured Egress-threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 164 } rcnTmuxParityError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnTmuxParityError trap identifies a problem in the FAD/SWIP based on the number of parity errors." ::= { rcTrapsMib 165 } rcnCfmDHRingEndptClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmDHRingEndptClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a Dual-Home Ring MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 166 } rcnChasPowerSupplyNoRedundancy NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnChasPowerSupplyNoRedundancy signifies that the chassis is running on power supply without redundancy." ::= { rcTrapsMib 167 } rcnChasPowerSupplyRedundancy NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnChasPowerSupplyRedundancy signifies that the chassis is running on power supply with redundancy." ::= { rcTrapsMib 168 } rcnPortAdminStatusChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In an event of admin status change from enable to disable or vice-versa, this trap is sent to notify change in admin status" ::= { rcTrapsMib 169 } rcnSaveConfigFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysConfigFileName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnSaveConfigFail trap signifies that the runtime config save is unsuccessful on the switch" ::= { rcTrapsMib 170 } rcnLicenseTrialPeriodExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLicenseTrialPeriodExpired signifies that Trial Period License has expired." ::= { rcTrapsMib 171 } rcnLicenseTrialPeriodExpiry NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysLicenseTrialDaysLeft } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLicenseTrialPeriodExpiry signifies the time remaining before License Trial Period expires in days." ::= { rcTrapsMib 172 } rcnVrfUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName, rcVrfOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the specified VRF's operational status is toggled from down to up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 173 } rcnVrfDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName, rcVrfOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the specified VRF's operational status is toggled from up to down." ::= { rcTrapsMib 174 } rcnMrouteIngressThresholdExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpResourceUsageGlobalIngressRecInUse, rcIpResourceUsageGlobalIngressThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the number of mroute ingress records exceeds the ingress threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 175 } rcnMrouteEgressThresholdExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpResourceUsageGlobalEgressRecInUse, rcIpResourceUsageGlobalEgressThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the number of mroute egress records exceeds the egress threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 176 } rcnRemoteMirroringStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortRemoteMirroringIndex, rcPortRemoteMirroringEnable, rcPortRemoteMirroringMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A rcRemoteMirroringStatus trap signifies whether the remote mirroring is enabled or disabled on a particular port." ::= { rcTrapsMib 177 } rcnMaxMrouteWarnSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxMrouteWarnSet trap signifies that the given Virtual Routers multicast routing table is reaching its maximum size. Action should be taken to prevent this" ::= { rcTrapsMib 178 } rcnMaxMrouteDropSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxMrouteDropSet trap signifies that the given Virtual Routers multicast routing table has reached its maximum size, and is now dropping all new non static routes" ::= { rcTrapsMib 179 } rcnMaxMrouteWarnClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxMrouteWarnClear trap signifies that the number of routes in the multicast routing table of the Virtual Router has dropped below its warning threshold." ::= { rcTrapsMib 180 } rcnMaxMrouteDropClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVrfName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMaxMrouteDropClear trap signifies that the given Virtual Routers multicast routing table is no longer dropping new routes as it is below its maximum size." ::= { rcTrapsMib 181 } rcnAggLinkStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rcMltId, rcMltAggTrapEvent} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the operational state of the LAG changes; it identifies three events: local down, remote down, up." ::= { rcTrapsMib 182 } rcnBfdSessExceedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcBfdTmpSessDiscriminator,rcBfdTmpSessAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnBfdSessExceedThreshold signifies that the BFD session have exceed system limit and hence creation of new session failed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 183 } rcnBfdStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcBfdTmpSessDiscriminator, rcBfdTmpSessRemoteDiscr, rcBfdTmpSessAddr, rcBfdTmpSessState, rcBfdTmpSessState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnBfdSessChange signifies that the status of BFD session changed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 184 } rcnChasPowerSupplyRunningLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnChasPowerSupplyRunningLow signifies that the chassis is running on low power supply." ::= { rcTrapsMib 185 } rcnCfmEndptClientFlrNearEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmEndptClientFlrNearEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for ingress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 186 } rcnCfmEndptClientFlrFarEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmEndptClientFlrFarEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for egress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 187 } rcnTosBufferLimitTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcErrorText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TOS Buffer limit trap signifies that the TOS Buffer value does not fall within the permissible limit" ::= { rcTrapsMib 188 } rcnTosBufferClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcErrorText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A TOS Buffer clear trap signifies that the TOS Buffer corruption is now cleared" ::= { rcTrapsMib 189 } rcnChasCoolingInsufficientTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnChasCoolingInsufficientTrap trap signifies that the fan tray(s) is not providing sufficient cooling power for the chassis configuration and that a fan tray upgrade is recommended. This trap is cleared by rcnChasCoolingSufficientTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 190} rcnChasCoolingSufficientTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rcnChasCoolingSufficientTrap trap signifies that the fan tray(s) is now providing sufficient cooling power for the chassis. Clears rcnChasCoolingInsufficientTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 191} rcnIsisPlsbMetricMismatchTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIsisLocalLspId, rcIsisLocall1Metric, rcIsisNgbLspId, rcIsisNgbl1Metric, rcIsisPlsbTrapType, rcIsisTrapIndicator} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A PLSB ISIS trap signifies that a LSP with a different value of l1-metric is received" ::= { rcTrapsMib 192 } rcnIsisPlsbDuplicateSysidTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIsisLocalSysId, rcIsisLocalInterface, rcIsisPlsbTrapType} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A PLSB ISIS trap signifies that a Hello packet with a duplicate system-id is received" ::= { rcTrapsMib 193 } rcnIsisPlsbLsdbUpdateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIsisPlsbTrapType} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A PLSB ISIS trap signifies that LSDB information has changed" ::= { rcTrapsMib 194 } rcnIsisPlsbDuplicateNicknameTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIsisLocalNickname, rcIsisPlsbTrapType, rcIsisNgbNickname, rcIsisTrapIndicator, rcIsisNgbSysId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A PLSB ISIS trap signifies that a LSP with duplicate nickname is received" ::= { rcTrapsMib 195 } rcnChasFanCoolingLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasFanOperStatus, rcChasFanType, rcErrorLevel, rcErrorText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnChasFanCoolingLow signifies that the chassis is running on low fan cooling." ::= { rcTrapsMib 196 } rcnFOQDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcTlsRmodLane, rc2kQosTotalDropReadings, rc2kQosDropReadings} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnFOQDropTrap signifies that there are FOQ Drops. CardIndex indicates the slot number, RmodLane indicates the lane number, TotalDropReadings indicates the total count of drop samples and DropReadings indicates the drop samples observed within the drop-trap time interval." ::= { rcTrapsMib 197} rcnFabricDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcTlsRmodLane, rc2kQosTotalDropReadings, rc2kQosDropReadings } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnFabricDropTrap signifies that there are Fabric Drops. CardIndex indicates the slot number, RmodLane indicates the lane number, TotalDropReadings indicates the total count of drop samples and DropReadings indicates the drop samples observed within the drop-trap time interval." ::= { rcTrapsMib 198} rcnRSlotFabricActiveTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnTripodSlotRStateActiveTrap signifies that Slot R mapped to Slot 5 or Slot 6." ::= { rcTrapsMib 199 } rcnRSlotFabricInactiveTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnTripodSlotRStateInactiveTrap signifies that Slot R unmapped from Slot 5 or Slot 6." ::= { rcTrapsMib 200 } rcnLockupDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLockupDetected trap identifies a lock-up in the specified module and requests the user to take corrective action" ::= { rcTrapsMib 201 } rcnMacResetForLockup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnMacResetForLockup trap is sent when lock-up was detected in a slot and a mac reset has been done as a corrective action." ::= { rcTrapsMib 202 } rcnModuleResetForLockup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnModuleResetForLockup trap is sent when lock-up was detected in a slot and a module has been reset as a corrective action." ::= { rcTrapsMib 203 } rcnModuleFatalError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {rc2kDeviceGlobalSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnModuleFatalError trap is sent when a fatal error is detected in a module and the user has to take corrective action." ::= { rcTrapsMib 204 } rcnSmpFtpFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnSmpFtpFail trap signifies that Ftp/Tftp of a logfile has failed in SMP (System Messaging Platform). Ftp of a logfile fails when the configured remote server is not reachable or remote server is not configured." ::= { rcTrapsMib 205 } rcnSmpLogFileDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnSmpLogFileDeleted trap signifies that a logfile has been deleted from PCMCIA. Deletion of a logfile happens when either FTP of the logfile is successful or PCMCIA has no space to create another logfile." ::= { rcTrapsMib 206 } rcnUpgradeSuccessful NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnUpgradeSuccessful signifies that The switch upgraded successfully." ::= { rcTrapsMib 207 } rcnUpgradeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnUpgradeFailure signifies that The switch upgrade failed." ::= { rcTrapsMib 208 } rcnVersionMisMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnVersionMisMatch signifies that The switch has CPUs on different software versions." ::= { rcTrapsMib 209 } rcnHighCopUtil NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardPerfCPUUtilization } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnHighCopUtil signifies that the COP utilization has exceeded for a given slot above the defined thereshold limits" ::= { rcTrapsMib 210 } rcnCfmDualHomeUniClientMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection, rcCfmDhuId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmDualHomeUniClientMepCcmtrap signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a Dual Home UNI MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 211 } rcnCfmMepCcmOperStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointServiceDescription, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointLabel, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmMepCcmOperStateChange signifies that the CCM operational state has been changed for a MEP. This is a set and clear trap. The clearing is indicated by the rcCfmMepCcmIndication field." ::= { rcTrapsMib 212 } rcnPimMaxInterfaceWarnSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnPimMaxInterfaceWarnSet trap signifies that the pim interface count has exceeded the maximum set limit of 200." ::= { rcTrapsMib 213 } rcnPimMaxNeighborsWarnSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnPimMaxNeighborsWarnSet trap signifies that the pim neighbor count has exceeded the maximum set limit of 200." ::= { rcTrapsMib 214 } rcnPimMaxPassiveInterfaceWarnSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnPimMaxPassiveInterfaceWarnSet trap signifies that the pim passive interface count has exceeded the maximum set limit of 2000." ::= { rcTrapsMib 215 } rcnLinkOamRemoteCriticalEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress, rcLinkOamTrapIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteCriticalEventTrap is raised when received a 'critical event' protocol packet from peer, cleared when the 'critical event' indicator is no longer set in the received OAMPDU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 216} rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackActiveTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackActiveTrap is raised when remote port has been successfully put into remote loopback mode" ::= { rcTrapsMib 217} rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackFailureTrap is raised when the remote port cannot be put into remote loopback mode" ::= { rcTrapsMib 218} rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryFailureTrap is raised to identify cases where the discovery protocol fails to execute successfully. Cleared by rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryTrap" ::= { rcTrapsMib 219} rcnLinkOamRemoteLinkHeartbeatFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLinkHeartbeatFailureTrap is raised when the peer heartbeat message is no longer being received. Cleared by rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryTrap" ::= { rcTrapsMib 221} rcnCfmEndptClientMltFdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMltFdTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FD info: rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 222 } rcnCfmEndptClientMltFdvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMltFdvTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay Variation over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FDV info: rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 223 } rcnCfmEndptClientMltFlrNearEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMltFlrNearEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for ingress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 224 } rcnCfmEndptClientMltFlrFarEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientMltFlrFarEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for egress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 225 } rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackTerminateSucceedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackTerminateSucceedTrap is raised when the remote loopback mode has been terminated successfully" ::= { rcTrapsMib 226} rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackTerminateFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLoopbackTerminateFailureTrap is raised when the remote loopback mode has failed to be terminated" ::= { rcTrapsMib 227} rcnUpgradeSuccessfulAckRequired NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnUpgradeSuccessful signifies that The switch upgraded successfully and acknowlwedgement is required." ::= { rcTrapsMib 228 } rcnLacpNegotiated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLacpNegotiation signifies if Lacp negotiation successful between link on both ends" ::= { rcTrapsMib 231 } rcnLacpNotNegotiated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLacpNotNegotiation signifies if LACP not negotiated" ::= { rcTrapsMib 232 } rcnCtrlPktRateLimitDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPortCtrlPktDropLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the number of control packets on the port has exceeded the configured drop limit." ::= { rcTrapsMib 233 } rcnCtrlPktRateLimitDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPortCtrlPktDropLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the count of Control Packets on the port had exceeded the configured drop limit and is currently within the configured limits. Clears rcnCtrlPktRateLimitDropTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 234 } rcnCtrlPktRateLimitShutdownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPortCtrlPktShutdownLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the count of Control Packets on the port has exceeded the configured shutdown limit." ::= { rcTrapsMib 235 } rcnCtrlPktRateLimitShutdownClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPortCtrlPktShutdownLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the count of Control Packets on the port had exceeded the configured shutdown limit and is currently within the configured limits. Clears rcnCtrlPktRateLimitShutdownTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 236 } rcnIngAggregateRateLimitDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the ingress control traffic on the lane has exceeded the drop limit(1000 pps)." ::= { rcTrapsMib 237 } rcnIngAggregateRateLimitDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the ingress control traffic on the lane had exceeded the drop limit(1000 pps) and it is currently within the configured drop limit. Clears rcnIngAggregateRateLimitDropTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 238 } rcnEgrAggregateRateLimitDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane has exceeded the drop limit(1000 pps)." ::= { rcTrapsMib 239 } rcnEgrAggregateRateLimitDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane had exceeded the drop limit(1000 pps) and it is currently within the configured drop limit. Clears rcnEgrAggregateRateLimitDropTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 240 } rcnCfmVlanNodalMepCcmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcVlanId, rcCfmMepCcmIndication, rcPortUserLabel1, rcPortUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmVlanNodalMepCcm trap signifies that the CCM operations state has been changed for a MEP configured on a vlan. The UserLabels are copied from the UserLabel field of the Vlan. This is a set and clear trap. The clearing is indicated by the rcCfmMepCcmIndication field. " ::= { rcTrapsMib 242} rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryTrap is raised when the peer is discovered. Clears rcnLinkOamRemoteDiscoveryFailureTrap and rcnLinkOamRemoteLinkHeartbeatFailureTrap " ::= { rcTrapsMib 243} rcnCfmEndptClientMepIftlvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcPortIndex, rcCfmVid, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmEndptClientMepIftlvTrap signifies that there has been a state change in the rcCfmIftlvIndication for the MEP specified " ::= { rcTrapsMib 245} rcnCfmMltEndptClientMepIftlvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortMltId, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmMltEndptClientMepIftlvTrap signifies that there has been a state change in the rcCfmIftlvIndication for the MEP specified " ::= { rcTrapsMib 246} rcnCfmRingEndptClientMepIftlvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmRingEndptClientMepIftlvTrap signifies that there has been a state change in the rcCfmIftlvIndication for the MEP specified " ::= { rcTrapsMib 247} rcnCfmStandEndptClientMepIftlvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmStandEndptClientMepIftlvTrap signifies that there has been a state change in the rcCfmIftlvIndication for the MEP specified " ::= { rcTrapsMib 248} rcnCfmDHUniEntptClientMepIftlvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcCfmIftlvIndication, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection, rcCfmDhuId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnCfmDHUniEntptClientMepIftlvTrap signifies that there has been a state change in the rcCfmIftlvIndication for a Dual Home UNI MEP" ::= { rcTrapsMib 249 } rcnCfmEndptClientRingFdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientRingFdTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid,rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId,rcIsidEndptEsuPort Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FD info: rcCfmMonitorCosPriority,rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 250 } rcnCfmEndptClientRingFdvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientRingFdvTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay Variation over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid,rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId,rcIsidEndptEsuPort Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FDV info: rcCfmMonitorCosPriority,rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 251 } rcnCfmEndptClientRingFlrNearEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientRingFlrNearEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for ingress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 252 } rcnCfmEndptClientRingFlrFarEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcIsidEndptRingId, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientRingFlrFarEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for egress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 253 } rcnCfmEndptClientStandAloneFdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientStandAloneFdTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid,rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId,rcIsidEndptEsuPort Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FD info: rcCfmMonitorCosPriority,rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdTarget, rcCfmFdAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 254 } rcnCfmEndptClientStandAloneFdvTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientStandAloneFdvTrap trap signifies that the Frame Delay Variation over Short Period threshold has been crossed. CCM origin: rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmDirection L1-L3 origin: rcCfmRemoteMacAddr,rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid,rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId,rcIsidEndptEsuPort Customer Label: rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2 FDV info: rcCfmMonitorCosPriority,rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcCfmFdvTarget, rcCfmFdvAverage" ::= { rcTrapsMib 255 } rcnCfmEndptClientStandAloneFlrNearEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientStandAloneFlrNearEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for ingress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 256 } rcnCfmEndptClientStandAloneFlrFarEndTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointDomainName, rcCfmMaintenanceEndPointAssociationName, rcCfmRemoteMepId, rcCfmLocalMepId, rcCfmRemoteMacAddr, rcCfmIsidId, rcCfmVid, rcPortIndex, rcIsidEndptModId, rcIsidEndptEsuPort, rcCfmMonitorCosPriority, rcCfmThresholdIndication, rcCfmActualPercentage, rcCfmActualSubPercentage, rcCfmAlarmThreshold, rcCfmAlarmSubThreshold, rcCfmClearThreshold, rcCfmClearSubThreshold, rcIsidEndptUserLabel1, rcIsidEndptUserLabel2, rcCfmDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CfmEndptClientStandAloneFlrFarEndTrap trap signifies that the Frame Loss Ratio over Short Period threshold has been crossed for egress data frames." ::= { rcTrapsMib 257 } rcnAutoSaveFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnAutoSaveFailed signifies that Autosave of the configurations on the switch failed because of the lack of storage space." ::= { rcTrapsMib 258 } rcnEgrAggregateCirRateLimitDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane has exceeded the cir limit." ::= { rcTrapsMib 259 } rcnEgrAggregateCirRateLimitDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane had exceeded the cir limit and it is currently within the limit. Clears rcnEgrAggregateCirRateLimitDropTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 260 } rcnEgrAggregatePirRateLimitDropTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane has exceeded the pir limit." ::= { rcTrapsMib 261 } rcnEgrAggregatePirRateLimitDropClearTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsRmodLane, rcTlsSlot} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the egress control traffic on the lane had exceeded the pir limit and it is currently within the limit. Clears rcnEgrAggregatePirRateLimitDropTrap." ::= { rcTrapsMib 262 } rcnLinkOamRemoteDyingGaspTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress, rcLinkOamTrapIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteDyingGaspTrap is raised when received a 'dying gasp' protocol packet from peer (for example, the far-end line card has a power loss), cleared when 'dying gasp' indicator is no longer set in the received OAMPDU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 263} rcnLinkOamRemoteLinkFaultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcLinkOamPeerMacAddress, rcLinkOamTrapIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcnLinkOamRemoteLinkFaultTrap is raised raised when received a 'link fault' protocol packet from peer, cleared when the 'link fault' indicator is no longer set in the received OAMPDU" ::= { rcTrapsMib 264} -- -- IMPORTANT NOTE: The following section contains older definitions of -- notifications that do not follow the standard format -- for OIDs for notifications. New notifications should -- *NOT* be added to this section. Instead, they should -- be added above, under the snmpTrapsMib branch. -- rcCardDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCardIndex, rcCardAdminStatus, rcCardOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTraps 1 } rcCardUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCardIndex, rcCardAdminStatus, rcCardOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTraps 2 } rcErrorNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcErrorLevel, rcErrorCode, rcErrorText } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcErrorNotification trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that an error condition has occured." ::= { rcTraps 3 } rcStpNewRoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpNewRoot trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has declared the device to be the new root of the spanning tree." ::= { rcTraps 4 } rcStpTopologyChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpTopologyChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has gone due a topology change event." ::= { rcTraps 5 } rcChasPowerSupplyDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasPowerSupplyId, rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasPowerSupplyDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTraps 6 } rcChasFanDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasFanId, rcChasFanOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasFanDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasFanOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTraps 7 } rcLinkOscillation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcLinkOscillation trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected an excessive number of link state transitions on the specified port." ::= { rcTraps 8 } rcMacViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcErrorText, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMacViolation trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received a PDU with an invalid source MAC address." ::= { rcTraps 9 } rcSonetTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, rcPosSonetTrapType, rcPosSonetTrapIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSonetTrap trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a change of status on a Sonet port." ::= { rcTraps 10 } rc2kCardDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A rcCardDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the down state." ::= { rcTraps 11 } rc2kCardUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rc2kCardFrontAdminStatus, rc2kCardFrontOperStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A rcCardUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcCardOperStatus object for one of its cards is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTraps 12 } rc2kTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kChassisTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rc2kTemperature trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the chassis is over-heating." ::= { rcTraps 13 } rcChasPowerSupplyUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasPowerSupplyId, rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasPowerSupplyUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTraps 14 } rc2kAtmPvcLinkStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kAtmPvcIfIndex, rc2kAtmPvcVpi, rc2kAtmPvcVci, rc2kAtmPvcOamVcStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rc2kAtmPvcLinkStateChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rc2kAtmPvcOamVcStatus object for one of PVC is about to transition into different state, either from up to down or from down to up." ::= { rcTraps 15 } rcStpTCN NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcStgId, rcPortIndex, rcStgBridgeAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcStpTopologyChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the Spanning Tree Protocol has gone due a topology change event." ::= { rcTraps 16 } rcSmltIstLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmltIstLinkUp trap signifies that the split MLT link is from down to up." ::= { rcTraps 17 } rcSmltIstLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmltIstLinkDown trap signifies that the split MLT link is from up to down." ::= { rcTraps 18 } rcSmltLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltSmltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltSmltId trap signifies that the split SMLT link is up." ::= { rcTraps 19 } rcSmltLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltSmltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMltSmltId trap signifies that the split SMLT link is down." ::= { rcTraps 20 } rcChasFanUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcChasFanId, rcChasFanOperStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcChasFanUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the rcChasFanOperStatus object for one of its power supply unit is about to transition into the up state." ::= { rcTraps 21 } rcPasswordChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcCliPasswordChange, rcCliPassChangeResult} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPasswordChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the one of the cli password is changed." ::= { rcTraps 22 } rcEmError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcChasEmModeError} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcEmError trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected Em error." ::= { rcTraps 23 } rcVpnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVpnVpnId, rcErrorText, rcVpnTunnelLspId, rcIpMplsGlobalRouterId, rcVpnRemotePeerId, rcSyslogHostSeverity} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "L2Vpn will send trap when the Lsp goes down, which would affect the operational status of the Vpn (given by the VpnId). The Cause will indicate the reason for sending the trap. It can either LSP down/failure or to the bandwidth requirements cannot be fulfilled. Severity Level can be Warning/Error/Fatal." ::= { rcTraps 24 } rcPcmciaCardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPcmciaRemoved trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the PCMCIA card is being removed." ::= { rcTraps 25 } rcSmartCpldTimerFired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSmartCpldTimerFired trap signifies that the cpld timer fired." ::= { rcTraps 26 } rcCardCpldNotUpDate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCardCpldNotUpDate trap signifies that the cpld is not up to date." ::= { rcTraps 27 } rcIgapLogFileFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcIgapLogFileFull trap signifies that the Igap accounting time-out Log File reach the maximum." ::= { rcTraps 28 } rcCpLimitShutDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, rcPortCpLimitShutDown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcCpLimitShutDown trap signifies that the cp limit for the port is shutting down." ::= { rcTraps 29 } rcSshServerEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshServerEnabled trap signifies that the SSH server is enabled." ::= { rcTraps 30 } rcSshServerDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshServerDisabled trap signifies that the SSH server is disabled." ::= { rcTraps 31 } rcSshSessionLogin NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshSessionLogin trap signifies that there is a SSH session login." ::= { rcTraps 32 } rcSshSessionLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshSessionLogout trap signifies that there is a SSH session logout." ::= { rcTraps 33 } rcSshUnauthorizedAccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSshGlobalHostIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSshUnauthorizedAccess trap signifies that an unauthorized access has occured." ::= { rcTraps 34 } rcHaCpuState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex, rcL2RedundancyHaCpuState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcHaCpuState trap signifies that the state of the HA-CPU." ::= { rcTraps 35 } rcInsufficientMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rc2kCardIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcInsufficientMemory trap indicates insufficient memory on CPU blade for proper operation. Recommended memory = 256 MB available through Nortel Networks upgrade kit" ::= { rcTraps 36 } rcSaveConfigAction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcSysAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSaveConfigAction trap indicates the switch run time or boot configuration is being saved" ::= { rcTraps 37 } rcLoopDetectOnPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcVlanId, rcPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcSaveConfigAction trap indicates that a loop has been detected on a port. The vlan on that port will be disabled." ::= { rcTraps 38 } rcbgpEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpBgpPeerIpAddress, rcIpBgpPeerLastError, rcIpBgpPeerState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BGP Established event is generated when the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state." ::= { rcTraps 39 } rcbgpBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIpBgpPeerIpAddress, rcIpBgpPeerLastError, rcIpBgpPeerState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BGPBackwardTransition Event is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state." ::= { rcTraps 40 } rcAggLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcAggLinkUp trap is generated when the operational state of the aggregator changes from down to up." ::= { rcTraps 41 } rcAggLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcMltId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcAggLinkDown trap is generated when the operational state of the aggregator changes from up to down." ::= { rcTraps 42 } rcIgmpNewGroupMember NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpGroupIfIndex, rcIgmpGroupIpAddress, rcIgmpGroupInPort, rcIgmpGroupMembers } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IgmpNewGroupMember trap signifies that a new member has come on an interface." ::= { rcTraps 43 } rcIgmpLossGroupMember NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpGroupMembers, rcIgmpGroupIpAddress, rcIgmpGroupInPort, rcIgmpGroupIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IgmpLossGroupMember trap signifies that a group member has been lost on an interface." ::= { rcTraps 44 } rcIgmpNewQuerier NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- cannot include igmpInterfaceIfIndex in the OBJECTS clause because it -- is not-accessible -- OBJECTS { igmpInterfaceIfIndex, igmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An igmpNewQuerier trap signifies that a new querier has come up on an interface." ::= { rcTraps 45 } rcIgmpQuerierChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- cannot include igmpInterfaceIfIndex in the OBJECTS clause because it -- is not-accessible -- OBJECTS { igmpInterfaceIfIndex, -- rcIgmpInterfaceExtnNewQuerier, -- igmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An rcIgmpQuerierChange trap signifies that the querier has changed." ::= { rcTraps 46 } rcDvmrpIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpInterfaceIfIndex, dvmrpInterfaceOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpIfStateChange trap signifies that there has been a change in the state of a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTraps 47 } rcDvmrpNewNbrChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpNeighborIfIndex, dvmrpNeighborAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpNewNbrChange trap signifies that a new neighbor has come up on a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTraps 48 } rcDvmrpNbrLossChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- Cannot use these, as they are either not-accessible, or no longer exist -- in the current draft of the DVMRP-STD-MIB -- OBJECTS { dvmrpNeighborIfIndex, dvmrpNeighborAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDvmrpNbrLossChange trap signifies that a new neighbor has gone down on a DVMRP interface." ::= { rcTraps 49 } rcPsePortOnOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex, pethPsePortDetectionStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPsePortOnOff trap signifies that if Pse Port is delivering or not power to the This Notification SHOULD be sent on every status change except in the searching mode." ::= { rcTraps 50 } rcPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- pethPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus no longer exists, cannot use it here -- OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, -- rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex, -- pethPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus } OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPsePortPowerMaintenanceStatus trap signifies that a Port change Status and it SHOULD be sent on every status change." ::= { rcTraps 51 } rcMainPseBackupActivate NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- pethMainPseBackupActivated no longer exists, cannot use it here -- OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, -- rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex, -- pethMainPseBackupActivated } OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, rcPortPoePseIndexPortIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPseBackupActivate trap signifies that a Backup is Activated or BackUp is released on a Pse Port Group." ::= { rcTraps 52 } rcMainPowerUsageOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, pethMainPseConsumptionPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPowerUsageOn trap signifies that PSE Threshold Usage indication of a PSE Port Group is on, the usage power is above the threshold." ::= { rcTraps 53 } rcMainPowerUsageOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortPoePseIndexGroupIndex, pethMainPseConsumptionPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcMainPowerUsageOn trap signifies that PSE Threshold Usage indication of a PSE Port Group is off, the usage power is above the threshold." ::= { rcTraps 54 } rcPseCardOnOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortPoeMainPseExtnPwrAdmin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcPoeMainPwrFailure trap signifies that the main power admin status is up." ::= { rcTraps 55 } rcTlsWatermarkTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTdiEndptTdId, rcTlsTdiEndptUniAddr, rcTlsEndptWatermarkIndication} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Watermark trap signifies that the Mac Table for the endpoint has reached its high watermark or is already full." ::= { rcTraps 56 } rcTdcTestResultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTestTdcTestId, rcTlsTdcTestResultIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Tdc test fail trap indicates that the tdc test test identified by test ID failed." ::= { rcTraps 57 } rcTdcTestRttExceedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcTlsTestTdcTestId, rcTlsTdcTestRttExceedIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Tdc Rtt Exceed trap indicates that the round trip time of the tdc test identified by test ID exceeded the configured threshold value." ::= { rcTraps 58 } rcIgmpNewQuerierOnIf NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpInterfaceIfIndex, rcIgmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An igmpNewQuerier trap signifies that a new querier has come up on an interface." ::= { rcTraps 121 } rcIgmpQuerierChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcIgmpInterfaceIfIndex, rcIgmpInterfaceExtnNewQuerier, rcIgmpInterfaceQuerier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An rcIgmpQuerierChange trap signifies that the querier has changed." ::= { rcTraps 122 } rcDuplexMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rcPortIndex,lldpRemPortIdSubtype,lldpRemPortId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rcDuplexMismatch trap signifies that a LLDP Neighbor Port's Duplex/Speed mismatches with local port" ::= { rcTraps 123 } END