ADTRAN-T1CSURM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- TITLE: T1 ESF CSU Rack Mount Product (1200.066L1) MIB -- FILENAME: CSURM.MIB -- PARTNUMBER: 9950.017-32A -- AUTHOR: John Thorington -- DATE: 96/05/08 -- This MIB defines the T1 ESF CSU ACE configuration. IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 dsx1LineStatus FROM RFC1406-MIB adProdPhysAddress FROM ADTRAN-MIB; -- OBJECT IDENTIFIERS adtran OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 664 } adProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adtran 1 } adCSURM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adProducts 66 } adMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adtran 2 } adCSURMmg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adMgmt 66 } adCSURMconfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adCSURMmg 1 } -- -- The CSURM Configuration Group -- adCSURMtime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current CSU time value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as HR-Hour, MN-Minute, SC-Second. For example, HRMNSC = 123059." ::= { adCSURMconfig 1 } adCSURMdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current CSU date value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as MN-Month, DY-Day, YR-Year. For example, MNDYYR = 073193." ::= { adCSURMconfig 2 } adCSURMresetPM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set resets DS1 Performance Statistics in CSU." ::= { adCSURMconfig 3 } adCSURMselfTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUselfTestPASS(1), adCSUselfTestFAIL(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set starts CSU self-test operation. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 4 } adCSURMyellowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUyelAlmEnable(1), adCSUyelAlmDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable CSU to send Yellow Alarm. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 5 } adCSURMpmReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUprmEnable(1), adCSUprmDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable CSU to send Performance Reports. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 6 } adCSURMniLineBuildOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUniLineBOauto(1), adCSUniLineBO00(2), adCSUniLineBO75(3), adCSUniLineBO150(4), adCSUniLineBO225(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select CSU network interface transmission Line Build Out. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 7 } adCSURMbitStuff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUbitStuffEnable(1), adCSUbitStuffDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable CSU T1 bit stuffing. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 8 } adCSURMkeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUkeepAliveFramed(1), adCSUkeepAliveUnframed(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure CSU to send keep alive framed or unframed" ::= { adCSURMconfig 9 } adCSURMnetworkLoopbacks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUnetLBenable(1), adCSUnetLBdisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable responses to loopback codes from the network. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 10 } adCSURMtiFraming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUtiFramingESF(1), adCSUtiFramingD4(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup CSU terminal interface framing format to ESF or D4. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 11 } adCSURMtiLineCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUtiLineCodeB8ZS(1), adCSUtiLineCodeAMI(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setup CSU terminal interface line code to B8ZS or AMI. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 12 } adCSURMtiLineBuildOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUtiLineBO0ft(1), adCSUtiLineBO110ft(2), adCSUtiLineBO220ft(3), adCSUtiLineBO330ft(4), adCSUtiLineBO440ft(5), adCSUtiLineBO550ft(6), adCSUtiLineBOminus3dBdsx(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select CSU terminal interface transmission Line Build Out. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 13 } adCSURMloopbackRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUremNoLoop(1), adCSUremPayload(2), adCSUremLine1(3), adCSUremLine2(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select remote CSU loopback test function. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 14 } adCSURMloopbackLocal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUlocNoLoop(1), adCSUlocPayload(2), adCSUlocLine(3), adCSUlocDTE(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select local CSU loopback test function. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 15 } adCSURMtestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUnoPatern(1), adCSUallOnes(2), adCSU3in24(3), adCSU1in8(4), adCSUallZeros(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select CSU test pattern. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 16 } adCSURMcancelAllTests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set cancels all tests." ::= { adCSURMconfig 17 } adCSURMfactoryRestore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set reloads the factory options. " ::= { adCSURMconfig 18 } adCSURMstatusHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CSU status history of alarms, errors and tests." ::= { adCSURMconfig 19 } adCSURMclearHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set resets the status history alarms, errors and tests." ::= { adCSURMconfig 20 } adCSURMcurrentNIstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CSU current network status of alarms, errors and tests." ::= { adCSURMconfig 21 } adCSURMcurrentTIstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CSU current terminal status of alarms, errors and tests." ::= { adCSURMconfig 22 } adCSURMtiStatusHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CSU terminal interface status history of alarms and errors." ::= { adCSURMconfig 23 } adCSURMGlobalTrapSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adCSUTrapsDisabled(1), adCSUTrapsEnabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables CSU sending of Traps" ::= { adCSURMconfig 24 } --------------------------------------- -- CSU Enterprise Specific Traps --------------------------------------- adCSURMColdStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { adProdPhysAddress } DESCRIPTION "The unit has powered up." -- #TYPE "Status - Cold Start" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6100: A Cold Start has occurred for " -- #SUMMARY "Unit Id: %x" -- #ARGUMENTS {0} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6100 adCSURMNoAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the alarm state has occurred." -- #TYPE "Status - Alarm State" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6101: Change in alarm state has occurred for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6101 adCSURMRxYellow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6102: Receive yellow alarm state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6102 adCSURMTxYellow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - TX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6103: Transmit yellow alarm state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6103 adCSURMRxAIS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6104: Receive Alarm Indication Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6104 adCSURMTxAIS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - TX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6105: Transmit Alarm Indication Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6105 adCSURMRedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the red alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RED Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6106: RED Alarm is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6106 adCSURMLOS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loss of signal state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - Loss of Signal" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6107: Loss of Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6107 adCSURMLoopback TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loopback state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Status - Loopback State" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6108: Loopback state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6108 adCSURMCurrentES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6117: Current interval errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6117 adCSURMCurrentSES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval severely errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Severely Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6118: Current interval severely errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6118 adCSURMCurrentSEFS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval severely errored framing second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Severely Errored Framing Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6119: Current interval severely errored framing second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6119 adCSURMCurrentUAS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval unavailable second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Unavailable Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6120: Current unavailable second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6120 adCSURMCurrentCSS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval controlled slip second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Controlled Slip Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6121: Current interval controlled slip second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6121 adCSURMCurrentPCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval path coding violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Path Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6122: Current interval path code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6122 adCSURMCurrentLES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval line errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Line Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6123: Current interval line errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6123 adCSURMCurrentLCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval line code violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Line Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6126: Current interval line code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6126 adCSURMTotalES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6133: Total errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6133 adCSURMTotalSES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total severely errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Severely Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6134: Total severely errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6134 adCSURMTotalSEFS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total severely errored framing second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Severely Errored Framing Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6135: Total severely errored framing second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6135 adCSURMTotalUAS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total unavailable second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Unavailable Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6136: Total unavailable second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6136 adCSURMTotalCSS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total controlled slip second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Controlled Slip Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6137: Total controlled slip second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6137 adCSURMTotalPCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total path coding violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Path Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6138: Total path code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6138 adCSURMTotalLES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total line errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Line Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6139: Total line errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6139 adCSURMTotalLCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total line code violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Line Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6142: Total line code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6142 adCSURMRxYellowOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6152: Receive yellow alarm state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6152 adCSURMTxYellowOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - TX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6153: Transmit yellow alarm state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6153 adCSURMRxAISoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6154: Receive Alarm Indication Signal state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6154 adCSURMTxAISoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - TX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6155: Transmit Alarm Indication Signal state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6155 adCSURMRedAlarmOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the red alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RED Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6156: RED Alarm is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6156 adCSURMLOSoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loss of signal state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - Loss of Signal" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6157: Loss of Signal state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6157 adCSURMLoopbackOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adCSURM VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loopback state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Status - Loopback State" -- #SUMMARY "CSURM 6158: Loopback state is OFF for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 6158 END