-- MIB created 9/13/95 11:13:54, by -- SMIC (the next generation) version 1.6.29, November 22, 1994. VINES-EVS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- From file: "evs.mib" -- Compile options "V M" IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 RowStatus, DisplayString, TimeStamp FROM RFC1213-MIB ; banyan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 130 } vinesmibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { banyan 1 } mib3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vinesmibs 3 } services OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib3 1 } banyanmodules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib3 2 } evsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { banyanmodules 1 } -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- LastUpdated -- 9403010000Z -- OrgName -- Banyan Systems, Incorporated -- ContactInfo -- -- Banyan Systems, Inc. -- -- Postal: Banyan Systems, Inc. -- 120 Flanders Road -- Westboro, Ma 01581 -- USA -- -- Tel: +1 508 898 1000 -- -- E-mail: mibsupport@banyan.com -- Descr -- The MIB module for Banyan's Event Management Service (EVS) evs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { services 1 } svcsummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 1 } evmask OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 3 } svcrpcstats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 4 } evsAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 5 } evsFilters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 6 } evsActions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 7 } evsEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 8 } trapdata OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 9 } trapdefs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { evs 10 } svcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Textual name of the service. This will usually be the StreetTalk name. " ::= { svcsummary 1 } svcCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..2000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VINES category number of the service" ::= { svcsummary 2 } svcLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location and/or resources of the service" ::= { svcsummary 3 } svcActiveSes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..10000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of active sessions of the service." ::= { svcsummary 4 } svcTotalSes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..100000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of total sessions of the service." ::= { svcsummary 5 } svcUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time the service has been running (in hundredths of seconds)." ::= { svcsummary 6 } svcStatFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { isOpen(1), isCLosed(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status flags of the service. isOpen indicates that EVS is ready and running. isClosed indicates that EVS is not accepting RPC calls." ::= { svcsummary 7 } svcRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The revision number of this particular service. This can be used by management applications to determine which MIB variables are appropriate for this particular component instance." ::= { svcsummary 8 } svcMibRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The revision number of this MIB. This can be used by management applications to determine which MIB variables are appropriate for this particular component instance." ::= { svcsummary 9 } evmaskSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), minimal(2), default(3), all(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether alarm/warning/audit events are to be sent to the Event Service. The allowed values are : off(1) - No events are sent to EVS. minimal(2) - only alarm type events sent to EVS. default(3) - alarm, warning type events sent to EVS. all(4) - alarm, warning,audit events sent to EVS." ::= { evmask 1 } evmaskWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), low(2), medium(3), high(4), default(5), debug(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates which event types are written to the local log file. off(1): none low(2): alarm medium(3): alarm, warning high(4): alarm, warning, audit default(5): alarm,warning,audit,info debug(6):alarm, warning,audit,info,debug." ::= { evmask 2 } evmaskLocalLog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the full path name of the file which events will be written to depending on the evmaskWrite value. " ::= { evmask 3 } svcRpcKeepStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether RPC statistics should be collected. The allowed values are : off(1) - no statistics collected. on(2) - statistics collected." ::= { svcrpcstats 1 } svcRpcThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold in TimeTicks for tracking RPC call durations." ::= { svcrpcstats 2 } svcRpcInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SvcRpcInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Statistics for remote procedure calls supported by the service." ::= { svcrpcstats 3 } svcRpcInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SvcRpcInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry for each remote procedure call supported by the service." INDEX { svcRpcIndex } ::= { svcRpcInfoTable 1 } SvcRpcInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { svcRpcIndex INTEGER, svcRpcName DisplayString, svcRpcNumCalls INTEGER, svcRpcNumOverThresh INTEGER, svcRpcTotalTime TimeTicks, svcRpcHighWater TimeTicks } svcRpcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique value used to index into the list of remote procedure calls supported by the service." ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 1 } svcRpcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the remote procedure call." ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 2 } svcRpcNumCalls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of calls to this procedure" ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 3 } svcRpcNumOverThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of calls that took longer than the threshold." ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 4 } svcRpcTotalTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cumulative time for this procedure in TimeTicks." ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 5 } svcRpcHighWater OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The longest duration for this procedure in TimeTicks." ::= { svcRpcInfoEntry 6 } evsDBThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the threshold for the size of an EVS database file, which when exceeded causes an alarm to be issued. The specified value is in bytes, i.e. a value of 100 indicates that an alarm will be omitted when a DB file exceeds 100 bytes in size. A seperate database file is used for each calendar day." ::= { evsAdmin 1 } evsDBMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the maximum size of an EVS database file. When a database file reaches this size, then no more events are written to it, instead being discarded. The specified value is in bytes, i.e. a value of 150 indicates that no more event records are written when a DB file exceeds 150 bytes in size. A seperate database file is used for each calendar day. This value should be set higher than that of evsDBThres, providing an administrator with a means to take corrective action on receiving the threshold alarms and avoid this maximum file size ever being reached (and hence avoid the possibility of events being discarded)." ::= { evsAdmin 2 } evsDBSaved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(2..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the number of calendar days that the EVS database will be saved on the system. Event records are removed from the database when their age exceeds this value." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { evsAdmin 3 } evsResetDefFilters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doNothing(1), reset(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Filter table is cleared out and default filters restored when this variable is set to reset(2). Object resets itself to doNothing(1) when the filters have been reset." ::= { evsAdmin 4 } evsEventsProcessed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the total number of events processed by evs since the service came up." ::= { evsAdmin 5 } evsTrapsGenerated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the total number of traps generated since the service came up." ::= { evsAdmin 6 } evsEventsRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the average number of events processed by EVS over the past five minutes." ::= { evsAdmin 7 } evsTrapsRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enumerates the average number of traps generated by EVS over the past five minutes." ::= { evsAdmin 8 } evsEventsRateThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies a rate that defines a critical number of events being processed by evs. If this threshold is exceeded a trap will be gererated." ::= { evsAdmin 9 } evsRemoveTodaysFIle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { donothing(1), remove(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Removes Today's events database file" ::= { evsAdmin 10 } evsRemoveAllDBFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { donothing(1), remove(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to 2 all of the database files are removed including the current file" ::= { evsAdmin 11 } evsAuditList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the list that auditors must be on to retrieve auditing events through the API" ::= { evsAdmin 12 } evsDataBaseLoc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the location of the EVS database files with the first part of the database file name. The default is /disk1/banyan/evs/data/EVS. This indicates that the data is kept on /disk/banyan/evs/data and the files begin with EVS. To set this object, specify the new filesystem. EVS will automatically create an EVS directory in this filesystem. If EVS is able to create the directory, the set will be successful. However, the set will not take affect until the next day when the database files rollover or until EVS is restarted. Existing files in the old directory will be removed." ::= { evsAdmin 13 } evsRTFilterIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The next index available in the real-time filter table. Managers wishing to place a new filter request into this filter table must read this value to determine which index in the filter table to use. EVS will update value of this variable to aid in row creation." ::= { evsFilters 1 } evsRTFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EvsRTFilterTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Real-Time Event Filter Table. Each row in the table represents a real-time filter currently in service with EVS. Every event received by EVS from any other component is tested against each filter in this table." ::= { evsFilters 2 } evsRTFilterTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EvsRTFilterTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in evsRTFilterTable." INDEX { evsRTIndex } ::= { evsRTFilterTable 1 } EvsRTFilterTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { evsRTIndex INTEGER, evsRTFilterStatus RowStatus, evsRTFilterCreateTime INTEGER, evsRTFilterTimeout INTEGER, evsRTFilterMatchCount INTEGER, evsRTEventID DisplayString, evsRTEventType INTEGER, evsRTServerName DisplayString, evsRTServiceType INTEGER, evsRTServiceName DisplayString, evsRTAction INTEGER, evsRTTrapParty OBJECT IDENTIFIER, evsRTTrapComm DisplayString, evsRTTrapAddress DisplayString, evsRTSTList DisplayString, evsRTIntlCode DisplayString } evsRTIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "evsRTIndex used to uniquely identify each row in the evsRTFilterTable. A filter table customer can read evsRTFilterIndexNext to get a reference to the next available row in this filter table." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 1 } evsRTFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- Rsyntax INTEGER { -- active(1), -- notInService(2), -- notReady(3), -- createAndGo(4), -- createAndWait(5), -- destroy(6) -- } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows within the evsRTFilterTable, as defined by the RowStatus textual convention. When this value is active(1), then this particular filter is in operation. Prior to modifying the filter, i.e. the conceptual row, it is necessary to set this variable to notInService(2)." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 2 } evsRTFilterCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the time in seconds that the filter was put in service in EVS, (i.e. When evsRTFilterStatus was set to active)." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 3 } evsRTFilterTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time (in minutes) to keep this filter active. This time is relative to when the filter was put into operation, as provided by evsRTFilterCreateTime. A value of zero (0) indicates that the filter persists indefinitely, until evsRTFilterStatus is set to destroy." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 4 } evsRTFilterMatchCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of events which have matched the specified filter criteria." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 5 } evsRTEventID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Every event has a unique identifier. If this object has a value other than NULL, then only events with this value of EventID could pass this filter. If the value of this object is NULL, then the EventID is not being used as one of the filter criteria in this filter." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 6 } evsRTEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The event type(s) which satisfy this filter. The value is represented as a bitmask with the following values: Alarm (1) Warning (2) Audit (4)" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 7 } evsRTServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies a particular Server name to be part of a matched event. A value of NULL indicates that ServerName is not being used as one of the filter criteria in this filter." DEFVAL { "0" } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 8 } evsRTServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies a service category to be part of a matched event. A value of zero(0) indicates that ServiceType is not being used as one of the filter criteria in this filter." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 9 } evsRTServiceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies a Streetalk name for a service to be part of a matched event. A value of NULL indicates that ServiceName is not being used as one of the filter criteria in this filter." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 10 } evsRTAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bleep(1), mail(2), trapv1-ip(3), trapv1-vip(4), trapv2(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The action to be performed when an event satisfies this filter. The action is selected as one of the following: BLEEP(1) - send bleep to the ST List identified by evsRTSTList MAIL(2) - send mail to the ST list identified by evsRTSTList. TRAPV1_IP(3) - send trap to the ipaddress and community string TRAPV1_VIP(4) - send trap the ipcport and community name specified in the string TRAPV2(5) - send v2 trap to the ipaddress and party oid" ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 11 } evsRTTrapParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "snmp Party to send snmp Trap to for each event which satisfies the filter. This object is only valid if evsRTAction has a value of trapsend(1)." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 12 } evsRTTrapComm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNMP Community String to send SNMP Trap to for each event which satisfies the filter. This object is only valid if evsRTAction has a value of TRAPV1(3)." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 13 } evsRTTrapAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " IP Adress to send the trap to." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 14 } evsRTSTList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Streetalk list to use to send mail or bleep messages to for each event which satisfies the filter. This object is only valid if evsRTAction has a value of mailsend(2) or bleepsend(3)." ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 15 } evsRTIntlCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the international code that the event should be translated to. It should be used in conjuntion with the STList for generating Bleep actions in Version 1 of EVS" ::= { evsRTFilterTableEntry 16 } tpSvrName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the server" ::= { trapdata 1 } tpAlertTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp -- Rsyntax TimeTicks ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The System time when an alert was issued to EVS - specified in UNIX time() format." ::= { trapdata 2 } tpSvcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The streettalk name of the service that issued the trap" ::= { trapdata 3 } tpEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of event" ::= { trapdata 4 } tpstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The stats of executing a command" ::= { trapdata 5 } tpfilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..200)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of a file" ::= { trapdata 6 } tpAudInitiator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the name of the object that initiated the generation of an audit event. In most cases it will be a streettalk name." ::= { trapdata 7 } tpAudObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -- Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the name of the object that was acted upon which caused the generation of an audit event. In most cases this will be a streettalk name" ::= { trapdata 8 } tpAudResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), failure(2) } ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This was the result of the action that caused the generation of the audit event." ::= { trapdata 9 } trap1 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpSvcName, evmaskSend } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Signifies a change to the services event mask." ::= 1 trap2 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to execute VNSlogin command" ::= 2 trap3 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to get filenames for the event file database" ::= 3 trap4 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to open todays events database file " ::= 4 trap5 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to load filter from default filter file, can't open file" ::= 5 trap6 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to read default filters successfully" ::= 6 trap7 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to register port" ::= 7 trap8 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpfilename } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Removed an old event database file at startup" ::= 8 trap9 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpfilename, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Couldn't remove an old event file database" ::= 9 trap10 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpfilename } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "After File Rollover, unable to open new events file" ::= 10 trap11 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION " An event was received with tomorrows timestamp" ::= 11 trap12 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to write to the config file" ::= 12 trap13 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpfilename } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The persistant filer file does not exist or can not open it" ::= 13 trap14 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Received old event - can't store because it execeeds days_back" ::= 14 trap15 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum size of the database file reached" ::= 15 trap16 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to store old event, max file reached" ::= 16 trap17 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to set up real time filter, out of memory" ::= 17 trap18 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to add real time filter, no memory" ::= 18 trap19 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to add filter to the database" ::= 19 trap21 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to set up replay filters, out of memory" ::= 20 trap22 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't process replay request, out of memory" ::= 21 trap23 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, tpAudInitiator } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't process replay request: verify nonce failed" ::= 22 trap24 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, tpAudInitiator, evsAuditList } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't process replay request, not an auditor" ::= 23 trap25 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to establish streettalk session" ::= 24 trap26 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Insufficient memory to read streettalk configuration record" ::= 25 trap27 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't get the streettalk configuration record" ::= 26 trap28 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to translate event to send bleep" ::= 27 trap29 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "SvrError called with the following error" ::= 28 trap30 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "EVS received SC_DeathPrep signal" ::= 29 trap31 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Not enough memory to allocate a return buffer from a retrieve request" ::= 30 trap32 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsDBSaved } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of days back to maintain EVS database files has been changed" ::= 31 trap33 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpfilename } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't remove old database event file" ::= 32 trap34 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Received snmp request to remove todays database file. This is generally called when the file reaches the maximum size" ::= 33 trap35 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to check the size of today's event database file" ::= 34 trap36 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Event Database file has exceeded the threshold size" ::= 35 trap39 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, evsEventsRate } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Event rate exceeds threshold rate" ::= 36 trap40 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, evsTrapsRate } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current trap rate exceeds trap threshold rate" ::= 37 trap41 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, evsRTEventID } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't generate a trap for the event. The file with the oids is either missing or corrupt." ::= 38 trap42 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, evsRTEventID } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to generate trap for the event. Unable to make VARBIND list." ::= 39 trap43 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsDBThres } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold size for the database file has been changed" ::= 40 trap44 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsEventsRateThreshold } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The event threshold rate has been changed" ::= 41 trap45 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsDBMaxSize } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum file size for the database file has been changed" ::= 42 trap46 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsAuditList } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "The names for the list of auditors has been changed" ::= 43 trap47 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Resetting to default filters....." ::= 44 trap48 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, evsRTIndex, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to add new filter to the filter database" ::= 45 trap49 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult, evsRTIndex } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Added a new filter to the filter database" ::= 46 trap50 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to load filters from attribute, can't access attribute" ::= 47 trap51 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Can't allocate memory, EVS exiting....." ::= 48 trap52 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Removed a trap v1 filter over vines IP, IPCPORT is no longer valid" ::= 49 trap53 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to initialize the mail gateway" ::= 50 trap54 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpstatus } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unable to update the filter in the database from an SNMP request" ::= 51 trap55 TRAP-TYPE --?? Non-reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE evs VARIABLES { tpSvrName, tpSvcName, tpAlertTime, tpEventType, tpAudInitiator, tpAudObject, tpAudResult } -- Status -- mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNMP request to remove all database files. This may happen if the disk is getting full or if the event database files are no longer needed" ::= 52 END