ADTRAN-TSUESP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- TITLE: TSU ESP Product (1200.169L1) MIB -- PARTNUMBER: 9950.017-30A -- FILENAME: TSUESP.MIB -- AUTHOR: John Thorington -- DATE: 97/02/10 -- This MIB defines the TSU ESP product configuration and status -- information. IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 dsx1LineStatus FROM RFC1406-MIB adProdPhysAddress FROM ADTRAN-MIB; -- OBJECT IDENTIFIERS adtran OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 664 } adProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adtran 1 } adMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adtran 2 } adTSUESPmg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adMgmt 127 } adTSUESP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adProducts 127 } --______________________________________________________________________________ -- Operation Groups adTSUESPStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPmg 1} adTSUESPTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPmg 2} adTSUESPConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPmg 3} adTSUESPDial OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPmg 4} -- Configuration Groups adTSUESPCfgUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 1} adTSUESPCfgNet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 2} adTSUESPCfgPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 3} adTSUESPCfgTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 4} adTSUESPCfgDial OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 5} adTSUESPCfgDBU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {adTSUESPConfig 6} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPStatus --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPselfTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { selfTestPASS(1), selfTestFAIL(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set starts TSU ESP self-test operation. " ::= {adTSUESPStatus 1} adTSUESPstatusHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TSU ESP status history of alarms, errors and tests. The adTSUESPstatusHistory is a bit map represented as a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple failures (alarms) and a LoopbackState simultaneously. adTSU ESPNoAlarm should be set if and only if no flag is set in adTSUESPAlarmMask. The bit positions are defined: 1 adTSUESPNoAlarm No Alarm Present 2 adTSUESPRcvYellow Rcv Yellow Alarm (aka: Far end LOF ) 4 adTSUESPXmtYellow Xmt Yellow Alarm (aka: Near sending LOF) 8 adTSUESPRcvBlue Rcv Blue Alarm (aka: Far end sending AIS) 16 adTSUESPXmtBlue Xmt Blue Alarm (aka: Near end sending AIS) 32 adTSUESPRcvRed Rcv Red Alarm (aka: Near end LOF) 64 adTSUESPRcvLOS Rcv (Near end) Loss Of Signal 128 adTSUESPLocalLB Local LoopBack 256 adTSUESPRemoteLB Remote LoopBack 512 adTSUESPXmtPattern Xmt Pattern generation 1024 adTSUESPCodeViol Code Violation (eg: Bipolar Violation) 2048 adTSUESPRcvBPVS Rcv Bipolar Violations 4096 adTSUESPFrmBitErr Frame Bit Errors 8192 adTSUESPPhaseLock Phase Lock Loop Alarm 16384 adTSUESPDialBackup Dial Backup 0x3C7E adTSUESPAlarmMask Mask for any Alarm Condition" ::= {adTSUESPStatus 2} adTSUESPclearHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set resets the status history alarms, errors and tests." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 3} adTSUESPcurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TSU ESP current status of alarms, errors and tests. The adTSUESPcurrentStatus is a bit map represented as a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple failures (alarms) and a LoopbackState simultaneously. adTSUESPNoAlarm should be set if and only if no flag is set in adTSUESPAlarmMask. The bit positions are defined: 1 adTSUESPNoAlarm No Alarm Present 2 adTSUESPRcvYellow Rcv Yellow Alarm (aka: Far end LOF ) 4 adTSUESPXmtYellow Xmt Yellow Alarm (aka: Near sending LOF) 8 adTSUESPRcvBlue Rcv Blue Alarm (aka: Far end sending AIS) 16 adTSUESPXmtBlue Xmt Blue Alarm (aka: Near end sending AIS) 32 adTSUESPRcvRed Rcv Red Alarm (aka: Near end LOF) 64 adTSUESPRcvLOS Rcv (Near end) Loss Of Signal 128 adTSUESPLocalLB Local LoopBack 256 adTSUESPRemoteLB Remote LoopBack 512 adTSUESPXmtPattern Xmt Pattern generation 1024 adTSUESPCodeViol Code Violation (eg: Bipolar Violation) 2048 adTSUESPRcvBPVS Rcv Bipolar Violations 4096 adTSUESPFrmBitErr Frame Bit Errors 8192 adTSUESPPhaseLock Phase Lock Loop Alarm 16384 adTSUESPDialBackup Dial Backup 0x3C7E adTSUESPAlarmMask Mask for any Alarm Condition" ::= {adTSUESPStatus 4} adTSUESPdtePortData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TSU ESP DTE port txd, rxd, etc and phase lock values are returned in four bytes with the 1st byte = txd on/off (1/0), the 2nd byte rxd, the 3rd etc and the 4th pll lock detect." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 5} adTSUESPdtePortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TSU ESP DTE port status rts, cts, dcd and dsr are returned in 4 bytes with the 1st byte = rts on/off (1/0), the 2nd byte cts, the 3rd dcd and the 4th dsr." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 6} adTSUESPUnitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), alarm(2), dialBackup(3), test(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This status contains the current TSU ESP operational state." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 7} adTSUESPDBUCard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInstalled(1), espDbuDTE(2), espDbuISDN(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type ESP Dial Backup Card installed in the TSU ESP unit." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 8} adTSUESPLanCard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInstalled(1), espEthernet(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type ESP Lan Card installed in the TSU ESP unit." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 9} adTSUESPLeds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This status value contains the on or off state of the TSU ESP unit's front panel indicators. Each LED is represented by a bit in the status value. A bit value of one indicates the LED is on. The LED bit values are: 1 RS 2 CS 4 TD 8 RD 16 ERR 32 ALM 64 TST" ::= {adTSUESPStatus 10} adTSUESPDialStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This status variable indicates dialing status information. The status is a bit mapped sum, multiple bits can be active simultaneoulsy. The status bit positions are: 1 TSU ESP is dialing a number 2 TSU ESP is online passing data 4 No wink from switch(cleared after 5 seconds) 8 Number is busy 16 No answer(cleared after 5 seconds) 32 Ringing" ::= {adTSUESPStatus 11} adTSUESPCmdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), fail(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This status variable indicates the result of the last command executed." ::= {adTSUESPStatus 12} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- CONFIG --______________________________________________________________________________ --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPCfgUnit --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPpasscode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The passcode string used for authentication of ADLP messages between T-Watch and TSU ESP." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 1} adTSUESPtime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current TSU ESP time value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as HR-Hour, MN-Minute, SC-Second. For example, HRMNSC = 123059." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 2} adTSUESPdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current TSU ESP date value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as MN-Month, DY-Day, YR-Year. For example, MNDYYR = 073193." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 3} adTSUESPresetPM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set resets DS1 Performance Statistics in TSU ESP." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 4} adTSUESPmaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slave(1), master(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select master or slave mode for TSU ESP. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 5} adTSUESPinitModem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set operation performs TSU ESP modem initialization. " ::= { adTSUESPCfgUnit 6} adTSUESPconnect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { direct(1), dialUp(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select direct or dial-up connection for the TSU ESP Chain In Port. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 7} adTSUESPphone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Chain In Port dialing sequence (phone number) to reach the network manager." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 8} adTSUESPfactoryRestore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set reloads the factory options. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 9} adTSUESPGlobalTrapSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trapsDisabled(1), trapsEnabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables TSU ESP sending of ADLP Traps." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 10} adTSUESPEnaTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enaMib2StdTraps(2), enaALLtraps(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option enables the unit to send SNMP Trap messages for alarm conditions. The SNMP Traps are sent to stations specified in the TRAP IP Address table. The options are disable(1), send mib 2 standard traps(2), or enable all traps, including TSU ESP enterprise specific(3)." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 11} -- -- Trap Address Table -- adTSUESPTrapAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdTSUESPTrapAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Trap Host Address Table." ::= {adTSUESPCfgUnit 12} adTSUESPTrapAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdTSUESPTrapAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Trap Address Table" INDEX { adTSUESPTrapAddrIndex } ::= { adTSUESPTrapAddrTable 1 } AdTSUESPTrapAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adTSUESPTrapAddrIndex INTEGER, adTSUESPTrapAddress DisplayString } adTSUESPTrapAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The corresponding index that identifies the stored Host Trap Address." ::= {adTSUESPTrapAddrEntry 1} adTSUESPTrapAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Host Trap IP Address in dotted notation. For example:" ::= {adTSUESPTrapAddrEntry 2} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPCfgNet --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPyellowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yelAlmEnable(1), yelAlmDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP to send Yellow Alarm. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 1} adTSUESPpmReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { prmEnable(1), prmDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP to send Performance Reports. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 2} adTSUESPlineBuildOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lineBOauto(1), lineBO00(2), lineBO75(3), lineBO150(4), lineBO225(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select TSU ESP transmission Line Build Out. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 3} adTSUESPbitStuff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bitStuffEnable(1), bitStuffDisable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP T1 bit stuffing. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 4} adTSUESPframing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { d4(1), esf(2), auto(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option sets the network framing format to D4, ESF or auto." ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 5} adTSUESPlineCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option sets the network line code to B8ZS or straight AMI." ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 6} adTSUESPclockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { network(1), internal(2), dte(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option sets the network transmit clock source to network, internal or dte." ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 7} adTSUESPrxSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), extended(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option sets the network receiver sensitivity to normal or externed." ::= {adTSUESPCfgNet 8} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPCfgPort --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPrate64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ds0rate56(1), ds0rate64(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selects DS0 rate 56kbps or 64kbps. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 1} adTSUESPchannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { altChan(1), contChan(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selects alternating or consecutive DS0 channels for Fractional T1. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 2} adTSUESPinvertData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalData(1), invData(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP data inversion. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 3} adTSUESPforceCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalCTS(1), forceCTSon(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP forced CTS. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 4} adTSUESPforceDCD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalDCD(1), forcedDCD(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable TSU ESP DCD forced on. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 5} adTSUESPextTxClock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internalTxClock(1), externalTxClock(2), internalinvert(3), autoTxClock(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select internal,external or internal-invert TSU ESP DTE transmit clock source. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 6} adTSUESPstartChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..24) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select start channel number of Fractional T1. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 7} adTSUESPnumberChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..24) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select number of channels in Fractional T1. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 8} adTSUESPforceDSR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normalDSR(1), forcedDSR(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select TSU ESP normal/forced DSR." ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 9} adTSUESPinband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), auto(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select TSU ESP inband mode." ::= {adTSUESPCfgPort 10} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --The TSU ESP Configure Test Group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adTSUESPTestTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option sets the length of time the TSU ESP remains in a test before automatically exiting. The time is in seconds. A zero value disables the timeout operation." ::= {adTSUESPCfgTest 1} adTSUESPDBUAnswerTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This DBU test option enables the unit to answer a dial backup call to perform a DBU Connection test. When enabled, and not in dial backup, the unit will answer an incoming call and loopback the DBU receiver to the DBU transmitter. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgTest 2} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPCfgDial --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPPhoneNumTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The dial phone number table." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDial 1} adTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the phone number table" INDEX { adTSUESPPhoneNumberIndex } ::= { adTSUESPPhoneNumTable 1 } AdTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adTSUESPPhoneNumberIndex INTEGER, adTSUESPPhoneNumber DisplayString } adTSUESPPhoneNumberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The corresponding index that identifies the stored phone number." ::= {adTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry 1} adTSUESPPhoneNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The stored phone number." ::= {adTSUESPPhoneNumberEntry 2} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPCfgDBU --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPDBUweekend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lockOutEnabled(1), lockOutDisabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option selects whether the weekend lockout feature is enabled or disabled." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 1} adTSUESPDBUEnaHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..23) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option selects the hour to resume enabling the entry into dial backup operation when daily or weekend lockout mode is active." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 2} adTSUESPDBUDisHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..23) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option selects the hour to disable dial backup operation when daily or weekend lockout mode is active." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 3} adTSUESPDBUNumToDial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { huntFromNumber1(1), dialNumber1only(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option offers a selection of stored numbers for the unit to automatically dial. If the primary TSU ESP line fails, and the TSU ESP is set to originate, the TSU ESP dials the numbers in chronological order to setup the dial backup line. Option (1) performs a circular hunt operation through the list of phone numbers in the phone number table. Option (2) will only select phone number 1 in the table for dialing." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 4} adTSUESPDBUMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), originate(2), answer(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option specifies the dial backup operating mode for the unit as orginate or answer. One end must be set to originate and the other end to answer." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 5} adTSUESPAutoRestoreTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oneSecond(1), threeSeconds(2), tenSeconds(3), thirtySeconds(4), oneMinute(5), fiveMinutes(6), tenMinutes(7), never(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option selects the amount of time that the TSU ESP circuit must be active before the unit switches from backup to normal mode of operation. The NEVER setting disables automatic restore, TSU ESP operation must be restored manually." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 6} adTSUESPRedialCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..99) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option allows the selection of the number of times the unit will redial the Far End unit when attempting to go to backup and a busy or reorder condition occurs. Redial count can be set for a maximum of 99." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 7} adTSUESPDBUFailTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oneSecond(1), threeSeconds(2), tenSeconds(3), thirtySeconds(4), oneMinute(5), fiveMinutes(6), tenMinutes(7), never(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option allows the selection of the amount of time that the dedicated circuit failure condition is active before attempting to enter dial backup mode." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 8} adTSUESPDBURedialTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { oneSecond(1), threeSeconds(2), tenSeconds(3), thirtySeconds(4), oneMinute(5), fiveMinutes(6), tenMinutes(7), never(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option works in conjunction with the Redial Counter option. The Redial Timer specifies the amount of time between redial attempts." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 9} -- -- External DCE DBU Options -- adTSUESPDBUpatternVerify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option is used to select the DBU pattern verification option available with the External DCE DBU module. If enabled then the TSU ESP will send a test pattern and verify syncronization before switching from the main connection to the DBU connection. If there is no pattern sync the TSU ESP will terminate the call." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 10} adTSUESPDBUinterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { v35(1), eia232(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option is used to select the physical interface option available with the External DCE DBU module. The DB25 connector on the module may provide a V.35 or EIA-232 electrical interface. " ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 11} -- -- ISDN Dial Backup Options -- adTSUESPDBUISDNNet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { att-5ess(1), nt-dms-100(2), national-isdn1(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option is used to select the company to provide the switched Digital Service. When US Sprint is selected, an automatic Echo Canceller Suppressor tone is emitted by the TSU ESP unit when dialing." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 12} adTSUESPDBUisdnRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nx56(1), nx64(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option is used to select Nx56 kbps or Nx64 kbps as the backup rate for the ISDN module where N = the number of B channels selected." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 13} adTSUESPDBUnumBchan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..6) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This option selects the number of ISDN B channels to be bonded together and used for the ISDN dial backup connection. The maximum number of B channels will depend on the type of ISDN module installed." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 14} -- -- ISDN SPID (Service Profile ID) Table -- adTSUESPspidNumTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdTSUESPspidNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ISDN SPID number table." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 15} adTSUESPspidNumberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdTSUESPspidNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ISDN SPID number table" INDEX { adTSUESPspidNumberIndex } ::= { adTSUESPspidNumTable 1 } AdTSUESPspidNumberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adTSUESPspidNumberIndex INTEGER, adTSUESPspidNumber DisplayString } adTSUESPspidNumberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The corresponding index that identifies the stored ISDN SPID number." ::= {adTSUESPspidNumberEntry 1} adTSUESPspidNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The stored ISDN SPID number." ::= {adTSUESPspidNumberEntry 2} -- -- ISDN LDN (Local Directory Number) Table -- adTSUESPldnNumTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdTSUESPldnNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ISDN LDN number table." ::= {adTSUESPCfgDBU 16} adTSUESPldnNumberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdTSUESPldnNumberEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the ISDN LDN number table" INDEX { adTSUESPldnNumberIndex } ::= { adTSUESPldnNumTable 1 } AdTSUESPldnNumberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adTSUESPldnNumberIndex INTEGER, adTSUESPldnNumber DisplayString } adTSUESPldnNumberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The corresponding index that identifies the stored ISDN LDN number." ::= {adTSUESPldnNumberEntry 1} adTSUESPldnNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The stored ISDN LDN number." ::= {adTSUESPldnNumberEntry 2} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPTest --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPloopbackDTE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopbackDTEoff(1), loopbackDTEon(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn on or off TSU ESP DTE loopback. " ::= {adTSUESPTest 1} adTSUESPloopbackRemote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { remNoLoop(1), remPayloadATT(2), remPayloadANSI(3), remLineATT(4), remLineANSI(5), remPayloadV54(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select remote TSU ESP loopback test function. " ::= {adTSUESPTest 2} adTSUESPtestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allOnes(1), pattern511(2), noPattern(3), allZeros(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select TSU ESP test pattern. " ::= {adTSUESPTest 3} adTSUESPtestResults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TSU ESP test pattern results. A set to one clears the error total. A set to two injects an error. " ::= {adTSUESPTest 4} adTSUESPcancelAllTests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set cancels all tests." ::= {adTSUESPTest 5} --______________________________________________________________________________ -- adTSUESPDial --______________________________________________________________________________ adTSUESPDBUDial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..10) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This Dial Backup command makes a call through the ESP Dial Backup Card. A Set operation commands the TSU ESP Dial Backup Card to go off hook and dial the number selected by the value. A value of 0 selects the DBU Dial String, 1 to 10 selects the corresponding stored number in the phone number table." ::= {adTSUESPDial 1} adTSUESPDBUDialString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The dial string used to make a call for ESP Dial Backup Card for DBU Dial Command value 0." ::= {adTSUESPDial 2} adTSUESPHangUpCall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hangup(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Set operation commands the TSU ESP to terminate the current call." ::= {adTSUESPDial 3} --------------------------------------- -- TSU ESP Enterprise Specific Traps --------------------------------------- adTSUESPNoAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the alarm state has occurred." -- #TYPE "Status - Alarm State" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12701: Change in alarm state has occurred for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12701 adTSUESPRxYellow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12702: Received yellow alarm state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12702 adTSUESPTxYellow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - TX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12703: Transmit yellow alarm state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12703 adTSUESPRxAIS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12704: Receive Alarm Indication Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12704 adTSUESPTxAIS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - TX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12705: Transmit Alarm Indication Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12705 adTSUESPRedAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the red alarm state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - RED Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12706: RED Alarm is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12706 adTSUESPLOS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loss of signal state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Error - Loss of Signal" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12707: Loss of Signal state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12707 adTSUESPLoopback TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loopback state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Status - Loopback" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12708: Loopback state is active for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12708 adTSUESPCurrentES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12717: Current interval errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12717 adTSUESPCurrentSES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval severely errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Severely Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12718: Current interval severely errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12718 adTSUESPCurrentSEFS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval severely errored framing second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Severely Errored Framing Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12719: Current interval severely errored framing second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12719 adTSUESPCurrentUAS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval unavailable second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Unavailable Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12720: Current interval unavailable second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12720 adTSUESPCurrentCSS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval controlled slip second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Controlled Slip Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12721: Current interval controlled slip second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12721 adTSUESPCurrentPCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval path coding violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Path Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12722: Current interval path code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12722 adTSUESPCurrentLES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval line errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Line Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12723: Current interval line errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12723 adTSUESPCurrentLCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the current interval line code violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Current Line Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12726: Current interval line code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12726 adTSUESPTotalES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12733: Total errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12733 adTSUESPTotalSES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total severely errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Severely Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12734: Total severely errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12734 adTSUESPTotalSEFS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total severely errored framing second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Severely Errored Framing Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12735: Total severely errored framing second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12735 adTSUESPTotalUAS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total unavailable second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Unavailable Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12736: Total unavailable second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12736 adTSUESPTotalCSS TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total controlled slip second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Controlled Slip Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12737: Total controlled slip second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12737 adTSUESPTotalPCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total path coding violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Path Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12738: Total path code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12738 adTSUESPTotalLES TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total line errored second threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Line Errored Seconds" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12739: Total line errored second threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12739 adTSUESPTotalLCV TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the total line code violations threshold has been exceeded." -- #TYPE "Threshold - Total Line Code Violations" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12742: Total line code violations threshold exceeded for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Threshold Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12742 adTSUESPRxYellowOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12752: Received yellow alarm state is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12752 adTSUESPTxYellowOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit yellow alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - TX Yellow Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12753: Transmit yellow alarm state is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12753 adTSUESPRxAISoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the received alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12754: Received Alarm Indication Signal state is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12754 adTSUESPTxAISoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the transmit alarm indication signal (AIS) state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - TX AIS Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12755: Transmit Alarm Indication Signal state is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MINOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12755 adTSUESPRedAlarmOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the red alarm state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - RED Alarm" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12756: Red alarm is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12756 adTSUESPLOSoff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loss of signal state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Error - Loss of Signal" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12757: Loss of Signal alarm state is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY MAJOR -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Error Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12757 adTSUESPLoopbackOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the loopback state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Status - Loopback" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12758: Loopback condition is cleared for " -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12758 adTSUESPInDBU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the dial backup state has occurred and that it is active." -- #TYPE "Status - Dial Backup Mode" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12760: Dial Backup Active" -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12759 adTSUESPEndDBU TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE adTSUESP VARIABLES { ifIndex, adProdPhysAddress, dsx1LineStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a change in the dial backup state has occurred and that it is inactive." -- #TYPE "Status - Dial Backup Mode" -- #SUMMARY "TSU ESP 12760: Dial Backup Inactive" -- #SUMMARY "Line %d, Unit Id: %x, Line Status: %d" -- #ARGUMENTS {0,1,2} -- #SEVERITY WARNING -- #GENERIC 6 -- #CATEGORY "Status Events" -- #SOURCE_ID "A" -- #TIMEINDEX 0 ::= 12760 END