CPQN2FE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- COMPAQ NETELLIGENT 2000 FAST ETHERNET REPEATER MIB -- -- Compaq Part Number 299449-000 -- -- -- October 23, 1997 -- -- This MIB is designed for the Management Agent for Compaq's Netelligent -- 2000 Fast Ethernet family of repeater products. The management agent -- acts as an SNMP agent for the entire stack. -- -- "Management Software" refers to any SNMP-based network management -- application. -- -- Note that the term DURABLE implies that the value for the object is -- stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained across power cycles. -- -- The SUM (Smart Uplink Module) is a modular 100Mbps half-bridge which can -- be plugged into the Netelligent 2000 family of units as a 25th port. -- -- The term "managing unit" refers to a unit that contains an embedded -- firmware management agent. A managing unit is capable of communicating -- with network management applications on behalf of the whole stack. -- -- The term "manageable unit" refers to a unit that does not contain a -- firmware management agent. In order to be manageable, it must be -- managed by a "managing" unit. -- -- CPQNUNIF-MIB is the name of Compaq's Netelligent Unified MIB. -- -- The definitions provided are as concise as possible due to space -- limitations. For further details about repeater-level descriptions, -- please reference the IEEE Std 802.3u and 802.3k documents. -- -- -- ASN1 Prefix : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IMPORTS CpqnRowStatus FROM CPQNUNIF-MIB enterprises, Counter, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString, PhysAddress FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; compaq OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 232 } compaqProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaq 101 } compaqConcentrators OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqProducts 1 } compaqN2000FE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqConcentrators 3 } n2feStackInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 1 } n2feUnitInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 2 } n2feRedundantPortInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 3 } n2feSecurityInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 4 } n2fePortIntrusionInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 5 } n2fePortStatusInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 6 } n2feExtPortInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 7 } n2feMemoryInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 8 } n2feTFTPDownloadInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 9 } n2feRptrStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 10 } n2feTen100Switch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 11 } n2feAdvSUMInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaqN2000FE 12 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "STACKINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group provide basic information about each of -- the units in the stack. Some of this information will be useful -- when it comes from the field in relation to unit problems. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feStackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feStackEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table describes the types of units that exist in the stack." ::= { n2feStackInfo 1 } n2feStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feStackEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "There is one entry for each unit (all entries in a maximum size stack are shown), regardless of whether a unit is present." INDEX { n2feUnitIndex } ::= { n2feStackTable 1 } N2feStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feUnitIndex INTEGER, n2feUnitDescr DisplayString, n2feBaseUnitType INTEGER, n2feSUMType INTEGER, n2feManUnmSwitchStatus INTEGER, n2feSUMResetStatus INTEGER, n2feBkplnStatus INTEGER, n2fePOSTStatus INTEGER, n2feForce10MbpsSwitchStatus INTEGER } n2feUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the unit in the stack. The managing unit is always unit 1 in the stack. A manageable unit can be connected to the managing unit through any of the backplane connectors on the rear panel of the managing unit. 2624 models have 2 backplane connectors; 2824 models have 4. The backplane connectors are marked as A and B on the 2-connector models, and A, B, C, and D on the 4-connector models. A manageable unit's index is: 2 if connected to connector A; 3 if connected to connector B; 4 if connected to connector C; 5 if connected to connector D." ::= { n2feStackEntry 1 } n2feUnitDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A text description of the unit." ::= { n2feStackEntry 2 } n2feBaseUnitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { empty(1), -- No unit in position cpqn2524(2), -- 24 Port 100Base-TX, Manageable cpqn2624(3), -- 24 Port 100Base-TX, Managing cpqn2724(4), -- 24 Port 10Base-T/100Base-TX, Manageable cpqn2824(5), -- 24 Port 10Base-T/100Base-TX, Managing unknown(1000) -- Unknown unit type } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of unit in this physical position. A value of unknown(1000) indicates a newer unit than this version of the agent supports or a hardware problem." ::= { n2feStackEntry 3 } n2feSUMType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), -- No SUM Installed sum-tx(2), -- 100Base-TX SUM sum-fxst(3), -- 100Base-FX-ST SUM (2 bayonet connectors) sum-fxsc(4), -- 100Base-FX-SC SUM (one duplex plug) sum-10t-100tx(7), -- 10Base-T/100Base-TX SUM sum-hdfd-fxst(8), -- Half/full duplex 100Base-FX-ST SUM sum-hdfd-fxsc(9), -- Half/full duplex 100Base-FX-SC SUM unknown(1000) -- Unknown SUM type } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of Smart Uplink Module (SUM) attached to the unit in this physical position." ::= { n2feStackEntry 4 } n2feManUnmSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { managed(1), -- Switch is set to MAN (managed) unmanaged(2), -- Switch is set to UNM (unmanaged) not-applicable(3) -- Switch setting is not valid, no unit exists } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the MAN/UNM (Managed/Unmanaged) DIP switch. This switch is present on the rear panel of manageable units only. Managing units always return managed(1). When the switch is set to MAN (managed), the unit's initial port enable/disable statuses and initial backplane connected/isolated status are set according to the configuration the management agent saved in that unit's non-volatile memory. When the switch is set to UNM (unmanaged), the unit's initial port statuses default to all enabled and the unit is connected to the common backplane. However, when the stack's managing unit comes on-line, it can override the defaults." ::= { n2feStackEntry 5 } n2feSUMResetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-resetting(1), -- standard answer for a GET request reset-SUM-port(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object allows the user to physically reset the SUM port on a unit in the stack. Issuing the reset-SUM-port(2) value causes the agent to reset the SUM circuitry. Sets on units without SUMs are rejected with a BAD VALUE error. The Management Agent always returns not-resetting(1) when the object is read." ::= { n2feStackEntry 7 } n2feBkplnStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { connected(1), isolated(2), not-applicable(3) -- No unit in position } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The backplane connection status of the unit. If no unit is present, not-applicable(3) is returned. Attempts to set this object to not-applicable(3) are rejected with a BAD VALUE error. NOTE: Models 2524 and 2624 are always connected to the backplane and always return connected(1) when read. Attempts to set this object for these models to isolated(2) are rejected with a BAD VALUE error." ::= { n2feStackEntry 8 } n2fePOSTStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A bitmap summary of any failures detected during the unit's Power On Self Test (POST). If the value of this object is 0, then no failures were detected. A value of 0 is also returned if there is no unit in that position. Users should refer to the n2feBaseUnitType object above to determine if the unit is present. For each type of detected failure, 2 raised to the power noted below is logically ORed into this object. Power Post Failure ----- ------------------------------------------------------- 0 NVRAM failure 1 CAM/internal switch failure Note these are non-fatal POST errors. The agent cannot report fatal POST errors in most cases since such errors prevent the affected unit from being recognizable." ::= { n2feStackEntry 9 } n2feForce10MbpsSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { force10(1), allow10or100(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the 10Mbps-only rotary switch on port 1 of models 2724 and 2824. When this object is force10(1), auto-negotiation is disabled on port 1 and cannot be overridden by management. When this object is allow10or100(2), port 1's connection speed is determined by n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised. Models 2524 and 2624 return not-applicable(3) for this object." ::= { n2feStackEntry 10 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "AGENTINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group manage diverse operational parameters -- of the agent. Some objects are simply informational, but most -- allow the user to modify the behavior of the agent. Care must be -- taken when setting these objects as changes may drastically affect -- the agent's operation. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feThisAgent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the managing unit in this stack. For 2624/2824 models, this is always 1." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 1 } n2feBootWriteCycles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of erase/writes that have been made to the Boot block on the Flash PROM chip." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 2 } n2feRuntimeWriteCycles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of erase/writes that have been made to the Runtime block on the Flash PROM chip." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 3 } n2feVT100ScreenRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The rate, in seconds, at which the agent refreshes (i.e., updates) the automatic fields (e.g., statistics values) of its VT100 display. The factory setting is 5 seconds." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 4 } n2feTrapSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfc1516-traps-only(1), -- factory setting novell-traps-only(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The type of certain traps issued by the agent. The agent supports both the standard Ethernet repeater MIB (RFC1516) and Novell's Ethernet hub MIB (HUBNVLE), both of which define traps. The conditions which cause traps are the same in both MIBs, but the trap contents are slightly different. The factory setting is rfc1516-traps-only(1). NOTE: MIB-II and RMON traps are not affected by this object." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 5 } n2feBootpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable-boot-and-runtime(1), -- factory setting enable-boot-only(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: This object controls whether the agent issues BOOTP requests during the Boot phase only, or during both Boot and Runtime -- provided that cpqnBootpEnable in CPQNUNIF-MIB is NOT set to disable-bootp(1). If n2feBootpEnable is set to enable-boot-and-runtime(1), then the agent will issue BOOTP requests during both Boot and Runtime. If this object is set to enable-boot-only(2), then BOOTP requests are issued only during Boot. The number and frequency of BOOTP requests during Boot is controlled by cpqnBootpRetries and cpqnBootpRetryInterval in CPQNUNIF-MIB. The agent retries until it obtains a valid IP address or it reaches the retry limit. If the agent enters Runtime without a valid IP address, and if this object is set to enable-boot-and-runtime(1), the agent issues BOOTP requests every 5 minutes until it obtains a valid IP address. There is no limit on retries. To disable BOOTP completely, set cpqnBootpEnable to disable-bootp(1). Note that if a user changes the value of this object in Runtime, it will not take effect until the unit is reset or cycled power." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 6 } n2feSerialAutoBaudEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) -- factory setting } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: This object controls whether or not the agent attempts to automatically determine the baud rate between its serial port and an attached device. Note that this behavior is different from that controlled by cpqnSPortModemAutoNegotiateState in CPQNUNIF-MIB, which controls how the agent handles differences between the modem-modem speed and the modem-serial port speed. If this object is set to enabled(1), the agent will cycle its serial port baud rate through all the supported baud rates, waiting a certain period time at each rate to detect a connection. If this object is set to disabled(2), the agent disables this feature and the serial port is set to a constant baud rate specified by cpqnSPortBaudRate in CPQNUNIF-MIB." ::= { n2feUnitInfo 7 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "REDUNDANTPORT" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group allow a user to set up redundant (backup) -- ports for any port in the stack. A redundant port can be on any unit -- in the stack. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feRedPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feRedPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each redundant (backup) port defined." ::= { n2feRedundantPortInfo 1 } n2feRedPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feRedPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the backup ports." INDEX { n2fePriRptrId, n2fePriUnitId, n2fePriPortId } ::= { n2feRedPortTable 1 } N2feRedPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2fePriRptrId INTEGER, n2fePriUnitId INTEGER, n2fePriPortId INTEGER, n2feRedUnitId INTEGER, n2feRedPortId INTEGER, n2feRedPortStatus INTEGER } n2fePriRptrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The primary port's logical repeater ID. This number is always 1." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 1 } n2fePriUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The primary port's unit ID within the stack." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 2 } n2fePriPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The primary port's port ID." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 3 } n2feRedUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The redundant port's unit ID within the stack. A value of 0 indicates that no redundant port has been specified." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 4 } n2feRedPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The redundant port's port ID. A value of 0 indicates that no redundant port has been specified." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 5 } n2feRedPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), -- No backup is specified. enabled(2), -- Monitoring of primary port is enabled. -- Backup port is disabled. disabled(3), -- Monitoring of primary port is disabled. tripped(4) -- The backup port has taken over for the primary port. } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The status of the redundant port pair. The port being monitored is termed the primary port, and is specified by n2fePriUnitId and n2fePriPortId. The redundant, or backup, port is specified by n2feRedUnitId and n2feRedPortId. Writing enabled(2) to this object enables monitoring of the primary port. This causes the backup port to be disabled, and remain disabled until an event (link loss or autopartition) occurs which causes the backup port to take over for the primary port. Writing disabled(3) to this object disables monitoring for link status changes on this port. However, if a port was designated as the backup port for this one, it is not reenabled. Writing none(1) to this object deletes the entry from the table. Writing tripped(4) to this object is rejected with a BAD VALUE error; this status is generated only by the internal backup port monitor. NOTE: The SUM port cannot detect autopartitions." ::= { n2feRedPortEntry 6 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "SECURITYINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group allow the user to enable enhanced -- security for n2fePortIntrusionTable objects. Note that port -- intrusion detection can be configured without using enhanced -- security. -- -- NOTE: The enhanced security feature is specifically designed to be -- used with a cognizant Network Management Application and NOT with -- a MIB Browser. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feSecurityPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines the password for enabling/disabling port intrusion." ::= { n2feSecurityInfo 1 } n2feSecuritySeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value for encryption seed." ::= { n2feSecurityInfo 2 } n2feSecurityCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines which port, value, and password an intrusion variable can be set to." ::= { n2feSecurityInfo 3 } n2feSecurityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) -- factory setting } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines whether enhanced security is enabled or disabled for intrusion detection. If this object is set to disabled(2), the SNMP Manager can enable/disable intrusion detection directly without a password. If this object is set to enabled(1), the SNMP Manager must use the n2feSecurityCommand object to set intrusion detection status. If an SNMP Manager tries to set intrusion detection objects directly when enhanced security is enabled, the agent will reject the command. WARNING: DO NOT ENABLE this object unless you have a Network Management application which has been designed to support the enhanced Security features for this product. Security cannot be disabled without such a Network Management Application." ::= { n2feSecurityInfo 4 } n2feSecurityResetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the command to disable security." ::= { n2feSecurityInfo 5 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "PORTINTRUSIONTABLE" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group manage port intrusion detection. -- Intrusion detection allows a user to ensure that only one -- authorized hardware address can transmit on an Ethernet port. -- All other addresses transmitting on the port will cause the port -- to be disabled and trigger a Trap. -- -- WARNING: Intrusion Detection should NOT be set up for an uplink -- port or a SUM port. Uplink ports almost always have multiple -- hardware addresses transmitting on them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2fePortIntrusionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2fePortIntrusionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table defines the intrusion status for each port in the stack." ::= { n2fePortIntrusionInfo 1 } n2fePortIntrusionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2fePortIntrusionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each port defined. The indices into the table are UnitID and PortID." INDEX { n2feIntrusionUnitId, n2feIntrusionPortId } ::= { n2fePortIntrusionTable 1 } N2fePortIntrusionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feIntrusionUnitId INTEGER, n2feIntrusionPortId INTEGER, n2feIntrusionPortStatus INTEGER, n2feIntrusionPortMACAddress PhysAddress } n2feIntrusionUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The unit ID within the stack of the port being configured for intrusion detection." ::= { n2fePortIntrusionEntry 1 } n2feIntrusionPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The port ID of the port being configured for intrusion detection." ::= { n2fePortIntrusionEntry 2 } n2feIntrusionPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), -- port not enabled for intrusion detection, intrusion -- not detected enabled(2), -- port enabled for intrusion detection, intrusion not -- detected tripped(3) -- intrusion was detected, port is disabled } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines whether or not Intrusion Detection is enabled for the port and whether or not an intruder has been detected. Attempts to set this object to tripped(3) are rejected with a BAD VALUE error; only the internal port intrusion monitor may set this object to tripped(3)." ::= { n2fePortIntrusionEntry 3 } n2feIntrusionPortMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The MAC Address of the station that is authorized to transmit on this port. No validation is performed." ::= { n2fePortIntrusionEntry 4 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "PORTSTATUSTABLE" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group provide status information about a port -- without distinguishing between 10Mbps and 100Mbps operations. -- There are two tables in this group: n2fePortStatusTable and -- n2fePortAutoNegTable. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2fePortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2fePortStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table defines certain Port Level parameters for each port in the stack." ::= { n2fePortStatusInfo 1 } n2fePortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2fePortStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each port defined in the stack. The indices into the table are n2feUnitId and n2fePortId." INDEX { n2feUnitId, n2fePortId } ::= { n2fePortStatusTable 1 } N2fePortStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feUnitId INTEGER, n2fePortId INTEGER, n2fePortSpeed INTEGER, n2fePortDuplexMode INTEGER } n2feUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit ID within the stack of the port being queried." ::= { n2fePortStatusEntry 1 } n2fePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port ID, within the unit specified by n2feUnitId, of the port being queried." ::= { n2fePortStatusEntry 2 } n2fePortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hundred-Mbps(1), ten-Mbps(2), no-connection(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link speed of the connection on the port. If there is no link on the port, this object returns no-connection(3)." ::= { n2fePortStatusEntry 3 } n2fePortDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half-duplex(1), full-duplex(2), no-connection(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The duplex mode of the connection on the port. If there is no link on the port, this object returns no-connection(3)." ::= { n2fePortStatusEntry 4 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The ports on Netelligent 2724 and 2824 repeaters are implemented with -- manageable, auto-negotiating devices which conform to IEEE 802.3 Media -- Access Unit (MAU) specification. The Port Auto-Negotiation Table -- provides management of these devices using objects patterned after -- those in the IETF Internet-Draft MAU MIB. -- -- Netelligent 2524 and 2624 repeaters do not provide auto-negotiating -- ports. Objects in this table may be read for the ports on these repeaters, -- but not written. Attempts to set these objects for 2524/2625 repeaters -- are rejected with a BAD VALUE error. -- -- The reference [draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04] refers to the IETF Internet- -- Draft "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment -- Units (MAUs) using SMIv2" dated 28 February 1997. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2fePortAutoNegTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2fePortAutoNegEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration and status objects for the auto-negotiation function of Netelligent 2000 repeater ports." ::= { n2fePortStatusInfo 2 } n2fePortAutoNegEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2fePortAutoNegEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing configuration and status information for the auto-negotiation function of a particular port." INDEX { n2feUnitId, n2fePortId } ::= { n2fePortAutoNegTable 1 } N2fePortAutoNegEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2fePortTypeList INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegSupported INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegRemoteSignaling INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegConfig INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegCapability INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegCapReceived INTEGER, n2fePortAutoNegRestart INTEGER } n2fePortTypeList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of possible IEEE 802.3 types that the MAU could be. The value is a sum which initially takes the value zero. Then, for each type capability of this MAU, 2 raised to the power noted below is added to the sum. For example, a MAU which has the capability to be only 10BASE-T would have a value of 512 (2**9). In contrast, a MAU which supports both 10Base-T (half duplex) and 100BASE-TX (half duplex) would have a value of ((2**10) + (2**15)) or 33792. The powers of 2 assigned to the capabilities that Netelligent 2000 Fast Ethernet repeater ports support are these: Power Capability 0 other or unknown 10 10BASE-T half duplex mode 11 10BASE-T full duplex mode 15 100BASE-TX half duplex mode 16 100BASE-TX full duplex mode 17 100BASE-FX half duplex mode 18 100BASE-FX full duplex mode If auto-negotiation is present on this MAU, this object will map to n2fePortAutoNegCapability, defined below." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauTypeList." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 1 } n2fePortAutoNegSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported(1), not-supported(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not auto-negotiation is supported on this MAU." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegSupported." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 2 } n2fePortAutoNegRemoteSignaling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detected(1), notdetected(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value indicating whether the remote end of the link is using auto-negotiation signaling. It takes the value detected(1) if and only if, during the previous link negotiation, FLP Bursts were received." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegRemoteSignaling." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 3 } n2fePortAutoNegConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), configuring(2), complete(3), disabled(4), parallelDetectFail(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the current status of the auto-negotiation process. The enumeration parallelDetectFail(5) maps to a failure in parallel detection as defined in of [IEEE 802.3 Std]." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegConfig." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 4 } n2fePortAutoNegCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of capabilities of the local auto-negotiation entity. The value is a sum which initially takes the value zero. Then, for each capability of this interface, 2 raised to the power noted below is added to the sum. For example, an interface which has the capability to support only 100Base-TX half duplex would have a value of 32768 (2**15). In contrast, an interface which supports both 100Base-TX half duplex and and 10Base-T half duplex would have a value of 33792 ((2**15) + (2**10)). The powers of 2 assigned to the capabilities are these: Power Capability 0 other or unknown 10 10BASE-T half duplex mode 11 10BASE-T full duplex mode 15 100BASE-TX half duplex mode 16 100BASE-TX full duplex mode Note that ports that do not support auto-negotiation will have only one capability." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegCapability." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 5 } n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: A value that uniquely identifies the set of capabilities advertised by the local auto-negotiation entity. Refer to n2fePortAutoNegCapability for a description of the possible values of this object. Capabilities in this object that are not available in n2fePortAutoNegCapability cannot be enabled." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 6 } n2fePortAutoNegCapReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A value that uniquely identifies the set of capabilities received from the remote auto-negotiation entity. The value is a sum which initially takes the value zero. Then, for each capability of remote partner, 2 raised to the power noted below is added to the sum. For example, an interface which has the capability to support only 100Base-TX half duplex would have a value of 32768 (2**15). In contrast, an interface which supports both 100Base-TX half duplex and and 10Base-T half duplex would have a value of 33792 ((2**15) + (2**10)). The powers of 2 assigned to the capabilities are these: Power Capability 0 other or unknown (1-9) (reserved) 10 10BASE-T half duplex mode 11 10BASE-T full duplex mode 12 (reserved) 13 (reserved) 14 100BASE-T4 15 100BASE-TX half duplex mode 16 100BASE-TX full duplex mode 17 (reserved) 18 (reserved) 19 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode 20 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode Note that remote partners may have capabilities that extend beyond the scope of this MIB." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegCapReceived." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 7 } n2fePortAutoNegRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1), norestart(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the value of this object is set to restart(1) then this will force auto-negotiation to begin link renegotiation. If auto-negotiation signaling is disabled, a write to this object has no effect. Setting the value of this object to norestart(2) has no effect." REFERENCE "[draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04], ifMauAutoNegRestart." ::= { n2fePortAutoNegEntry 8 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "EXTENDEDPORTINFOTABLE" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group allow the user to obtain port-level -- statuses and statistics based on two different "views" of the -- port: 100Mbps-only or 10Mbps-only. -- -- For convenience' sake, this group uses the term "repeater" to refer -- to the view of port statistics. This terminology makes more sense -- when one recalls that model 2824/2724 10/100Mbps repeaters actually -- consist of 2 separate internal repeaters, one 10Mbps and one 100Mbps, -- connected together via an internal 2-port 10/100 switch. -- -- Note that a port's n2feExtRptrId is not related to the speed that the -- port is currently operating on. In other words, a port will always -- have two separate entries in this table, one with n2feExtRptrId being -- hundred-Mbps-rptr(100) and the other ten-Mbps-rptr(10). Therefore for -- a 24-port unit, this table will always have at least 48 entries (24 for -- each repeater), and possibly 49 entries if a 100Mbps SUM is present. -- A SNMP Get-Next action will not skip any port. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feExtPortInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feExtPortInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table reports 10Mbps and 100Mbps port statuses and statistics for each port in the stack." ::= { n2feExtPortInfo 1 } n2feExtPortInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feExtPortInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each port defined in the stack. The indices into the table are n2feExtUnitId, n2feExtRptrId and n2feExtPortId." INDEX { n2feExtUnitId, n2feExtRptrId, n2feExtPortId } ::= { n2feExtPortInfoTable 1 } N2feExtPortInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feExtUnitId INTEGER, n2feExtRptrId INTEGER, n2feExtPortId INTEGER, n2feExtPortJabberInfo INTEGER, n2feExtPortCIMInfo INTEGER, n2feExtPortResetStatus INTEGER, n2feExtPortReadableFrames Counter, n2feExtPortReadableOctets Counter, n2feExtPortFCSErrors Counter, n2feExtPortAlignmentErrors Counter, n2feExtPortFramesTooLong Counter, n2feExtPortShortEvents Counter, n2feExtPortRunts Counter, n2feExtPortCollisions Counter, n2feExtPortLateEvents Counter, n2feExtPortVeryLongEvents Counter, n2feExtPortDataRateMismatches Counter, n2feExtPortAutoPartitions Counter, n2feExtPortCodingErrors Counter, n2feExtPortIsolates Counter } n2feExtUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit ID within the stack of the port being queried." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 1 } n2feExtRptrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hundred-Mbps-rptr(100), ten-Mbps-rptr(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The repeater ID of the port being queried. Note that 2624/2524 models do not support ten-Mbps-rptr(10)." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 2 } n2feExtPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port ID of the port being queried." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 3 } n2feExtPortJabberInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { jabber-port-enabled(1), -- port enabled by jabber state machine jabber-port-disabled(2), -- port disabled by jabber state machine not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not the port is getting excessively long receptions. When the carrier reaches 65535 bit times, the port is disabled until the carrier is no longer present. Refer to the IEEE 802.3u specification for further details. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns not-applicable(3)." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 4 } n2feExtPortCIMInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { carrier-detected(1), carrier-not-detected(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The 100Mbps CIM (Carrier Integrity Monitor) state machine disables a port when it detects either 3 consecutive false carrier events or carrier for a period of 480 bit times. The port re-enables itself after detecting 35600 bit times of idle or 64 bit times of idle followed by a valid carrier event. Refer to the IEEE 802.3u specification for further details. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns a value of not-applicable(3)." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 5 } n2feExtPortResetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { port-not-resetting(1), -- standard response to a GET request reset-port(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object allows the user to reset a 100Mbps repeater port without affecting the operation of any other ports. Only the internal repeater state machines of the port are affected; the PHY is left alone and port statistics remain unchanged. This object cannot reset 10Mbps ports or the SUM port. For 100Mbps ports, this object always returns port-not-resetting(1) when read. For 10Mbps ports and the SUM port, this object always returns not-applicable(3)." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 6 } n2feExtPortReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize and for which FCSError is not asserted. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 8 hours for 100Mbps operation and 80 hours for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 7 } n2feExtPortReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by OctetCount for each frame which has been determined to be a readable frame. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 7.5 minutes for 100Mbps operation and 58 minutes for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 8 } n2feExtPortFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and without FramingError and whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 9 } n2feExtPortAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and FramingError and whose octetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 10 } n2feExtPortFramesTooLong OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 11 } n2feExtPortShortEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMinTime and less than ShortEventMaxTime. ShortEventMinTime represents any event of sufficient duration to initiate transmission by a repeater. Note: shortEvents may indicate an externally generated noise hit which will cause the repeater to transmit Runts to its other ports, or propagate a collision (which may be late) back to the transmitting DTE and damaged frames to the rest of the network. Such shortEvents are not a feature of normal network activity." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 12 } n2feExtPortRunts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMaxTime and less than RuntMaxTime. Note: Runts do not indicate a problem in the network." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 13 } n2feExtPortCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CIPresent(X) variable has the value SQE (a collision condition)." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 14 } n2feExtPortLateEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CollIn(X) variable transitions to the value SQE while the activity duration is greater than the LateEventThreshold. Such a carrier event is counted twice, as both a Collision and as a LateEvent. The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit times and less than 565 bit times. LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to permit an implementation to build a single threshold to serve as both the LateEventThreshold and ValidPacketMinTime threshold." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 15 } n2feExtPortVeryLongEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a packet was received by this port that was so long that the repeater was forced to go into a jabber protection condition." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 16 } n2feExtPortDataRateMismatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a packet was received by this port with the transmission frequency (data rate) detectably mismatched from the local transmit frequency. The exact degree is implementation-specific and is to be defined by the implementor for conformance testing. Note: Whether or not the repeater was able to maintain data integrity is beyond the scope of this document." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 17 } n2feExtPortAutoPartitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time that the repeater automatically partitioned this port. A port will be autopartitioned if the repeater detects a certain number of consecutive collisions." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 18 } n2feExtPortCodingErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a valid-length packet was received by this port and there was at least one occurrence of an invalid data symbol. This counter can increment only once per valid carrier event. A collision presence at any port of the repeater will not cause this counter to increment. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns 0." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 19 } n2feExtPortIsolates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time the repeater port automatically isolates as a consequence of false carrier events. The conditions which cause a port to automatically isolate are defined in IEEE Std 802.3u. Isolates do not affect the value of rptrPortAdminState. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns 0." ::= { n2feExtPortInfoEntry 20 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "MEMORYINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group manage the memory allocated to individual -- RMON functions. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feCreateTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum number of 5 minute intervals a table entry can have a status of underCreate before the agent may delete the object. The factory setting is 1." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 1 } n2feMaxMemory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes of memory that can be used for RMON." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 2 } n2feMemAllocFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in seconds since the agent became active, of the last RMON memory allocation failure that resulted from no more memory available in the requested pool. The agent organizes RMON memory into 4 pools corresponding to the RMON groups it supports: Statistics, History, Alarm, and Event. Memory failure can occur for each group as follows: Statistics: too many etherStatsTable entries defined. History: too many historyControlTable entries defined, or an entry's historyControlBucketsRequested too large. Alarm: too many alarmTable entries defined. Event: too many eventTable entries defined, or too many entries logged to logTable. To change the amount of memory allocated to a pool, modify the appropriate n2feMemoryCeiling object. The total of the 4 ceilings cannot exceed nw2RmonMemoryCeiling. Note on historyControlTable bucket allocation: On power-up, the agent grants historyControlTable buckets for each entry according to its historyControlBucketsRequested. The number of buckets granted may not match the previous historyControlBucketsGranted if n2feHistoryMemoryCeiling was reconfigured. Starting with the first historyControlTable entry, the agent attempts to grant the entire number of buckets requested. If all buckets can be granted, an etherHistoryTable entry is created, and the agent proceeds to the next historyControlTable entry. This continues until the agent cannot grant all of the requested buckets. The agent will create an etherHistoryTable entry if at least some of the buckets were granted. After that, no more entries are created." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 3 } n2feRmonMemoryCeiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes of memory RMON code may use not counting any overhead. Attempts to set this object to a value greater than n2feMaxMemory are rejected with a BAD VALUE error." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 4 } n2feStatisticsMemoryCeiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes that the statistics group may use." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 5 } n2feHistoryMemoryCeiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes that the history group may use." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 6 } n2feAlarmMemoryCeiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes that the alarm group may use." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 7 } n2feEventMemoryCeiling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Kbytes that the event group may use." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 8 } n2feRmonMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High watermark, in Kbytes of memory, that RMON has used." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 9 } n2feStatisticsMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High watermark, in Kbytes of memory, that the statistics group has used." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 10 } n2feHistoryMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High watermark, in Kbytes of memory, that the history group has used." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 11 } n2feAlarmMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High watermark, in Kbytes of memory, that the alarm group has used." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 12 } n2feEventMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High watermark, in Kbytes of memory, that the event group has used." ::= { n2feMemoryInfo 13 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "DOWNLOADINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group allow the user to set up the agent for a -- TFTP download of new firmware from some designated server. -- The user must input the IP Address of the server, the path to the -- filename, and whether or not he/she wishes to program the Runtime -- image only or both the Boot and Runtime images. Once this -- information has been set, the user should start the download -- by setting n2feTFTPDownloadState. -- -- Note that there is only one download file; it contains both the -- Boot and Runtime images. The entire file is downloaded. The -- n2feTFTPProgramStatus object in this section determines which of -- the images will actually be programmed into Flash. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feTFTPImagePathname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (64)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fully qualified path and filename of the image file to download. On DOS and OS/2 systems this should include a drive letter." ::= { n2feTFTPDownloadInfo 1 } n2feTFTPServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the TFTP Server." ::= { n2feTFTPDownloadInfo 2 } n2feTFTPImageVersions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (64)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of firmware that the user wishes to be programmed into Flash. The user must place the entire version as it is done in the Hostname field (hn) in the bootptab file used by the BOOTP server but must exclude the MAC Address at the end of the string. The user has the option of either entering the Runtime string only or both the Boot(CPB) and Runtime(CPR) strings. Examples are as follows: CPR010231 - Runtime for Compaq N2000FE v2.31 CPB010101CPR010231 - Boot for Compaq N2000FE v1.01, Runtime for v2.31 Note that all leading zeroes must be entered." ::= { n2feTFTPDownloadInfo 3 } n2feTFTPProgramStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-download-ipr(1), -- Standard return value when object is read runtime-only(2), -- program Runtime image only boot-and-runtime(3) -- program both Boot and Runtime images } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The image that the user wishes to be programmed into Flash. The user may choose to program only the Runtime image or both the Boot and Runtime images. Note that this input must correspond to the n2feTFTPImageVersions; otherwise the download will fail. The default value is no-download-ipr(1)." ::= { n2feTFTPDownloadInfo 4 } n2feTFTPDownloadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-download-ipr(1), -- Standard return value when object is read download(2) -- Use this to initiate download } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to download(2) initiates a TFTP download of the agent from the server specified by n2feTFTPServerIp. All SNMP communication to the unit will be lost after this is set. The agent always returns no-download-ipr(1) when the object is read. NOTE: In cases where the network is extremely heavily loaded, the agent may not be able to return the correct SNMP set response to the management station before it starts the download." ::= { n2feTFTPDownloadInfo 5 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "RPTRSTATS" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group allow the user to obtain unit-level -- statuses and statistics based on three different "views" of the -- unit: 100Mbps-only, 10Mbps-only, or unified. -- -- For convenience' sake, this group uses the term "repeater" to refer -- to the view of unit statistics. This terminology makes more sense -- when one recalls that model 2824/2724 10/100Mbps repeaters actually -- consist of 2 separate internal repeaters, one 10Mbps and one 100Mbps, -- connected together via a simple switch device. The unified repeater -- statistics are actually the sum of the 100Mbps-only and 10Mbps-only -- repeater statistics. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feRptrStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feRptrStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains information maintained for each repeater. " ::= { n2feRptrStats 1 } n2feRptrStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feRptrStatsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the information maintained for each repeater." INDEX { n2feRptrStatsUnitId, n2feRptrStatsRptrId } ::= { n2feRptrStatsTable 1 } N2feRptrStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feRptrStatsUnitId INTEGER, n2feRptrStatsRptrId INTEGER, n2feRptrReadableFrames Counter, n2feRptrReadableOctets Counter, n2feRptrFCSErrors Counter, n2feRptrAlignmentErrors Counter, n2feRptrFramesTooLong Counter, n2feRptrShortEvents Counter, n2feRptrRunts Counter, n2feRptrCollisions Counter, n2feRptrLateEvents Counter, n2feRptrVeryLongEvents Counter, n2feRptrDataRateMismatches Counter, n2feRptrAutoPartitions Counter, n2feRptrDroppedEvents Counter } n2feRptrStatsUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a unit within the stack for which this entry contains information." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 1 } n2feRptrStatsRptrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unified-rptr(1), hundred-Mbps-rptr(100), ten-Mbps-rptr(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a repeater (or statistical view) in a unit for which this entry contains information. Statistics for the unified-rptr(1) are the sum of the 10Mbps and 100Mbps repeaters." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 2 } n2feRptrReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize and for which FCSError is not asserted. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 8 hours for 100Mbps operation and 80 hours for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 3 } n2feRptrReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by OctetCount for each frame which has been determined to be a readable frame. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 7.5 minutes for 100Mbps operation and 58 minutes for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 4 } n2feRptrFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and without FramingError and whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 5 } n2feRptrAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and FramingError and whose octetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 6 } n2feRptrFramesTooLong OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 7 } n2feRptrShortEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMinTime and less than ShortEventMaxTime. ShortEventMinTime represents any event of sufficient duration to initiate transmission by a repeater. Note: shortEvents may indicate an externally generated noise hit which will cause the repeater to transmit Runts to its other ports, or propagate a collision (which may be late) back to the transmitting DTE and damaged frames to the rest of the network. Such shortEvents are not a feature of normal network activity." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 8 } n2feRptrRunts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMaxTime and less than RuntMaxTime. Note: Runts do not indicate a problem in the network." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 9 } n2feRptrCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CIPresent(X) variable has the value SQE." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 10 } n2feRptrLateEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CollIn(X) variable transitions to the value SQE while the activity duration is greater than the LateEventThreshold. Such a carrier event is counted twice, as both a Collision and as a LateEvent. The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit times less than 565 bit times. LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to permit an implementation to build a single threshold to serve as both the LateEventThreshold and ValidPacketMinTime threshold." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 11 } n2feRptrVeryLongEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each packet received by this repeater that was so long that the repeater was forced to go into a jabber protection condition." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 12 } n2feRptrDataRateMismatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each packet received by this repeater with the transmission frequency (data rate) detectably mismatched from the local transmit frequency. The exact degree is implementation-specific and is to be defined by the implementor for conformance testing. Note: Whether or not the repeater was able to maintain data integrity is beyond the scope of this standard." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 13 } n2feRptrAutoPartitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time that the repeater automatically partitioned any port. A port will be autopartitioned if the repeater detects a certain number of consecutive collisions." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 14 } n2feRptrDroppedEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each packet dropped by this repeater due to internal constraints. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeater only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns 0." ::= { n2feRptrStatsEntry 15 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The "TEN100SWITCH" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group manage the internal 2-port 10/100 switch in -- each 2724 and 2824 unit. This group is divided into subgroups to -- manage entries at the agent/stack level and at the unit level. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Agent Level: Objects in this subgroup provide control of the internal -- 2-port 10/100 switch at the 'agent' or 'stack' level. -- -- The user is allowed to configure these objects even if there are no -- 10/100 units in the stack. The configuration will be activated when -- a 10/100 unit is added to the stack. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feTen100SwAgentInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { n2feTen100Switch 1 } n2feTen100SwAgeingEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- factory setting disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Enables/disables Address Table ageing for the entire stack. The ageing algorithm will clear the entire Address Table in each 2724/2824 unit in the stack; it is used to periodically remove unused entries. The factory setting is enabled(1). Note that the Address Table is automatically cleared if it becomes full. The Static Addresses are automatically loaded after the Address Table is cleared." ::= { n2feTen100SwAgentInfo 1 } n2feTen100SwAgeingInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..720) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines the interval in hours between Address Table ageing events. This object is only useful when n2feTen100SwAgeingEnable is set to enabled(1). The factory setting is 168 hours (i.e., once a week). Warning: Packets may be dropped from the 100 Mbps to 10 Mbps segments while the Address Table is cleared. It is recommended that this object be set to a relatively large value." ::= { n2feTen100SwAgentInfo 2 } n2feTen100SwPktBufOverflowTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- factory setting disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Enables/disables rptrHealth traps for packet buffer overflow events for both the 10 and 100 Mbps segments. This trap occurs each time internal 2-port 10/100 switch had to drop a packet because the buffer containing packets waiting to be forwarded to the other segment was full. The agent will not generate this trap more than once per 5-second interval (per the RFC1516 rptrHealth trap definition). Packet buffer full events generally indicate inadequate flow control. The n2feTrapSupport object determines if the traps are RFC1516 or Novell Hub MIB style health state traps. The factory setting is enabled(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwAgentInfo 3 } n2feTen100SwAddrTableOverflowTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- factory setting disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Enables/disables rptrHealth traps for Address Table overflow events. The Address Table overflows only when there are more than 511 different MAC addresses (including the Static Addresses) on the 10 Mbps ports for any unit in the stack. An overflow indicates an improper network configuration. This trap will not occur more frequently than once every 5 seconds. The n2feTrapSupport object determines if the traps are RFC1516 or Novell Hub MIB style health state traps. The factory setting is enabled(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwAgentInfo 4 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Static Address Table is used to hold MAC addresses for passive 10 Mbps -- devices (i.e., devices that do not initiate traffic) for the entire stack. -- The static address entries can be distributed in any desired manner -- among the units in a stack. However, the combined number of entries in -- n2feStaticAddrTable and n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrTable cannot exceed 64. -- Newly-added Static Addresses are immediately stored in the Address Table. -- Deleted Static Addresses are removed at the next ageing event or when the -- 2-port 10/100 switch is reset using n2feTen100SwReset. -- -- SNMP Get-nexts will skip this table if it is empty. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feStaticAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feStaticAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the Static Address table. It contains MAC addresses for the passive 10 Mbps devices for the entire stack." ::= { n2feTen100SwAgentInfo 5 } n2feStaticAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feStaticAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines each entry in the Static Address Table." INDEX { n2feTen100SwUnitIndex, n2feTen100SwMacAddr } ::= { n2feStaticAddrTable 1 } N2feStaticAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feTen100SwUnitIndex INTEGER, n2feTen100SwMacAddr PhysAddress, n2feTen100SwRowStatus CpqnRowStatus } n2feTen100SwUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines the unit in the stack for this entry." ::= { n2feStaticAddrEntry 1 } n2feTen100SwMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The MAC Address for a device connected to a 10 Mbps port." ::= { n2feStaticAddrEntry 2 } n2feTen100SwRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqnRowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The status of this row entry. When a new entry is added, this object must be set to valid(1). To delete an entry form this table, set this object to invalid(2). This object will always read as valid(1). If no more entries can be added to the table, then a set will return BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feStaticAddrEntry 3 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Unit Level: Objects in this subgroup provide control of the internal -- 2-port 10/100 switch at the 'unit' level. -- -- The user is allowed to configure objects for 100Mbps-only and -- non-existent units even though the configuration cannot be used. -- When such a unit is replaced with a 10/100 unit, the configuration -- will take effect when the new unit is detected. -- -- The user is NOT allowed to read the status or cause a reset on a -- 100Mbps-only or non-existent unit. Such requests are rejected with -- a BAD VALUE error. -- -- SNMP Get-nexts for 100Mbps-only or non-existent units skip this group. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feTen100SwUnitInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { n2feTen100Switch 2 } n2feTen100SwUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feTen100SwUnitEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Objects in this table provide control of the internal 2-port 10/100 switch for each 2724/2824 unit in a stack." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitInfo 1 } n2feTen100SwUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feTen100SwUnitEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies each entry in the 2-port 10/100 Switch Unit Table. There is one entry for each potential unit in a maximum sized stack." INDEX { n2feTen100SwUnitId } ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitTable 1 } N2feTen100SwUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feTen100SwUnitId INTEGER, n2feTen100SwHardwareDisableSwitchStatus INTEGER, n2feTen100SwEnable INTEGER, n2feTen100SwAddrTableOverflows Counter, n2feTen100SwTenPktBufferOverflows Counter, n2feTen100Sw100PktBufferOverflows Counter, n2feTen100SwReset INTEGER, n2feTen100SwPktBufRatio INTEGER, n2feTen100SwTenBcastFilter INTEGER, n2feTen100SwTenMcastFilter INTEGER, n2feTen100Sw100BcastFilter INTEGER, n2feTen100Sw100McastFilter INTEGER } n2feTen100SwUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index into the 2-port 10/100 Switch Unit Table." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 1 } n2feTen100SwHardwareDisableSwitchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- Switch is set to ENABLED disabled(2), -- Switch is set to DISABLED not-applicable(3) -- Switch setting is not valid, no unit exists } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the Internal 10/100 Switch Disable DIP switch. This switch is present on the rear panel of 2724 models only. When the switch is set to ENABLED, the internal 2-port 10/100 switch is enabled and packets are allowed to be forwarded between the 10Mbps segment and the 100Mbps segment. When the switch is set to DISABLED, the internal 2-port 10/100 switch is disabled and packets are never forwarded between the 10Mbps segment and the 100Mbps segment. The 10Mbps segment is isolated from both the unit's 100Mbps segment and the stack's common 100Mbps backplane. The 10Mbps segment is also isolated from the repeater management agent." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 2 } n2feTen100SwEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- factory setting disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Used to enable or disable the internal 2-port 10/100 switch for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. If disabled(2), the 10 Mbps segment is isolated. The factory setting is enabled(1). When this object is set to enabled(1), the internal 2-port 10/100 switch is enabled and packets are allowed to be forwarded between the 10Mbps segment and the 100Mbps segment. When this object is set to disabled(2), the internal 2-port 10/100 switch is disabled and packets are never forwarded between the 10Mbps segment and the 100Mbps segment. The 10Mbps segment is isolated from both the unit's 100Mbps segment and the stack's common 100Mbps backplane. The 10Mbps segment is also isolated from the repeater management agent. NOTE: A n2feTen100SwHardwareDisableSwitchStatus of disabled(2) supersedes this object." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 3 } n2feTen100SwAddrTableOverflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "More addresses were discovered on the 10Mbps segment than would fit in the internal 10/100 switch's Address Table at least this many times since the agent was last re-initialized. The Address Table can hold 511 addresses, including static addresses." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 4 } n2feTen100SwTenPktBufferOverflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "10Mbps packets were dropped because the buffer containing packets waiting to be forwarded to the 100Mbps segment was full at least this many times since the agent was last re-initialized. Packet buffer full events generally indicate inadequate flow control." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 5 } n2feTen100Sw100PktBufferOverflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "100Mbps packets were dropped because the buffer containing packets waiting to be forwarded to the 10Mbps segment was full at least this many times since the agent was last re-initialized. Packet buffer full events generally indicate inadequate flow control." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 6 } n2feTen100SwReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-resetting(1), reset(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Used to reset the 2-port 10/100 switch and Address Table for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. The Static Addresses for this unit are reloaded at the conclusion of the reset. Requests for 100Mbps-only or non-existent units are rejected with a BAD VALUE error. For valid units, this object always returns not-resetting(1) when read. Warning: Switched packets are dropped while the 10/100 switch is resetting." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 7 } n2feTen100SwPktBufRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fifteen-100-to-one-ten(15), -- factory setting seven-100-to-one-ten(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines the packet buffer split between the 100 and 10 Mbps segments for the 2-port 10/100 switch in the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. To minimize dropped packets from the 100 Mbps segment, use the largest ratio. It is recommended that the user leave this object at the factory setting of fifteen-100-to-one-ten(15). Warning: Switched packets are dropped while the packet buffer ratio is changed." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 8 } n2feTen100SwTenBcastFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(1), -- factory setting block(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Forwards/blocks broadcast traffic from the 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps segments for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. The factory setting is forward(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 9 } n2feTen100SwTenMcastFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(1), -- factory setting block(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Forwards/blocks multicast traffic from the 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps segments for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. The factory setting is forward(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 10 } n2feTen100Sw100BcastFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(1), -- factory setting block(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Forwards/blocks broadcast traffic from the 100 Mbps to 10 Mbps segments for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. The factory setting is forward(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 11 } n2feTen100Sw100McastFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(1), -- factory setting block(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Forwards/blocks multicast traffic from the 100 Mbps to 10 Mbps segments for the unit referenced by n2feTen100SwUnitId. The factory setting is forward(1)." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitEntry 12 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The 10/100 Switch Port Info Table provides statuses and statistics for -- both the 10Mbps port and the 100Mbps port connected to the internal -- 2-port 10/100 switch. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feTen100SwPortInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table reports statuses and statistics for the 10Mbps and the 100Mbps ports to the internal 2-port 10/100 switch." ::= { n2feTen100SwUnitInfo 2 } n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each port to the internal 2-port 10/100 switch. The indices into the table are n2feTen100SwUnitId and n2feTen100SwPortId." INDEX { n2feTen100SwUnitId, n2feTen100SwPortId } ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoTable 1 } N2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feTen100SwPortId INTEGER, n2feTen100SwPortJabberInfo INTEGER, n2feTen100SwPortResetStatus INTEGER, n2feTen100SwPortReadableFrames Counter, n2feTen100SwPortReadableOctets Counter, n2feTen100SwPortFCSErrors Counter, n2feTen100SwPortAlignmentErrors Counter, n2feTen100SwPortFramesTooLong Counter, n2feTen100SwPortShortEvents Counter, n2feTen100SwPortRunts Counter, n2feTen100SwPortCollisions Counter, n2feTen100SwPortLateEvents Counter, n2feTen100SwPortVeryLongEvents Counter, n2feTen100SwPortDataRateMismatches Counter, n2feTen100SwPortCodingErrors Counter } n2feTen100SwPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hundred-Mbps-port(100), ten-Mbps-port(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port ID of the switch port being queried." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 1 } n2feTen100SwPortJabberInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { jabber-port-enabled(1), -- port enabled by jabber state machine jabber-port-disabled(2), -- port disabled by jabber state machine not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not the port is getting excessively long receptions. When the carrier reaches 65535 bit times, the port is disabled until the carrier is no longer present. Refer to the IEEE 802.3u specification for further details. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns not-applicable(3)." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 2 } n2feTen100SwPortResetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { port-not-resetting(1), -- standard response to a GET request reset-port(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object allows the user to reset the 100Mbps repeater port that is connected to the internal 10/100 switch without affecting the operation of any other ports. Only the internal repeater state machines of the port are affected; Port statistics remain unchanged. For the 100Mbsp port, this object always returns port-not-resetting(1) when read. For the 10Mbps port, this object always returns not-applicable(3)." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 3 } n2feTen100SwPortReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize and for which FCSError is not asserted. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 8 hours for 100Mbps operation and 80 hours for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 4 } n2feTen100SwPortReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by OctetCount for each frame which has been determined to be a readable frame. Note: The approximate minimum time between Counter rollovers is 7.5 minutes for 100Mbps operation and 58 minutes for 10Mbps operation." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 5 } n2feTen100SwPortFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and without FramingError and whose OctetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 6 } n2feTen100SwPortAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame with FCSError and FramingError and whose octetCount is greater than or equal to minFrameSize and less than or equal to maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 7 } n2feTen100SwPortFramesTooLong OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each frame whose OctetCount is greater than maxFrameSize." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 8 } n2feTen100SwPortShortEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMinTime and less than ShortEventMaxTime. ShortEventMinTime represents any event of sufficient duration to initiate transmission by a repeater. Note: shortEvents may indicate an externally generated noise hit which will cause the repeater to transmit Runts to its other ports, or propagate a collision (which may be late) back to the transmitting DTE and damaged frames to the rest of the network. Such shortEvents are not a feature of normal network activity." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 9 } n2feTen100SwPortRunts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event whose ActivityDuration is greater than ShortEventMaxTime and less than RuntMaxTime. Note: Runts do not indicate a problem in the network." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 10 } n2feTen100SwPortCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CIPresent(X) variable has the value SQE (a collision condition)." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 11 } n2feTen100SwPortLateEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each carrier event in which the CollIn(X) variable transitions to the value SQE while the activity duration is greater than the LateEventThreshold. Such a carrier event is counted twice, as both a Collision and as a LateEvent. The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit times and less than 565 bit times. LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to permit an implementation to build a single threshold to serve as both the LateEventThreshold and ValidPacketMinTime threshold." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 12 } n2feTen100SwPortVeryLongEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a packet was received by this port that was so long that the repeater was forced to go into a jabber protection condition." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 13 } n2feTen100SwPortDataRateMismatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a packet was received by this port with the transmission frequency (data rate) detectably mismatched from the local transmit frequency. The exact degree is implementation-specific and is to be defined by the implementor for conformance testing. Note: Whether or not the repeater was able to maintain data integrity is beyond the scope of this standard." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 14 } n2feTen100SwPortCodingErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Increment Counter by one for each time a valid-length packet was received by this port and there was at least one occurrence of an invalid data symbol. This counter can increment only once per valid carrier event. A collision presence at any port of the repeater will not cause this counter to increment. This object is valid for 100Mbps repeaters only. For requests on 10Mbps repeaters, this object returns 0." ::= { n2feTen100SwPortInfoEntry 15 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- THE "ADVSUMINFO" GROUP: -- -- The objects in this group provide information about Advanced -- SUMs (Smart Uplink Modules). There are two tables in this group: -- the n2feAdvSUMConfig table and the n2feAdvSUMStaticAddr table. -- -- A SNMP Get-next will skip the n2feAdvSUMConfig entry for a unit -- if an Advanced SUM is not present. Get-nexts will skip -- n2feAdvSUMStaticAddr only if no addresses are in the table; -- the presence or absence of the unit has no effect. -- -- Advanced SUMS and auto-negotiation: -- The 10Base-T/100Base-TX SUM supports auto-negotiation for connection -- speed and duplex mode. The 100Base-FX SUMs do not support auto- -- negotiation, although the duplex mode is management-selectable. -- -- Furthermore, the SUMs can be configured to use hardware switch -- settings or allow the management agent to override those settings. -- On all Advanced SUMs, there is one switch to enable/disable filtering. -- On 100Base-FX Advanced SUMs, there is one additional hardware switch -- for selecting half or full duplex. On 10Base-T/100Base-TX Advanced -- SUMs, there are three additional switches: one for half/full duplex, -- one for 10Mbps/100Mbps connection speed, and one for enable/disable -- auto-negotiation. -- -- NOTE: THE MANAGEMENT AGENT CANNOT OVERRIDE THE HARDWARE SETTINGS -- UNTIL IT REACHES RUNTIME MODE. In Preboot and Boot phases, the SUM -- operates according to its hardware settings. -- -- n2fePortTypeList always reflects all possible capabilities of the -- SUM, regardless of whether they are disabled via hardware or -- management. For example, n2fePortTypeList indicates both half- -- and full-duplex 100Base-FX for FX SUMs, even though the SUM must -- be configured to operate in one mode or the other. -- -- For FX SUMs, n2fePortAutoNegSupported is always not-supported(2). -- n2fePortAutoNegCapability and n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised are always -- other(1). -- -- For 10Base-T/100Base-TX SUMs, n2fePortAutoNegSupported is always -- supported(1). n2fePortAutoNegCapability is determined by -- n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feAdvSUMConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feAdvSUMConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each unit in the stack." ::= { n2feAdvSUMInfo 1 } n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feAdvSUMConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the configuration for an Advanced SUM." INDEX { n2feAdvSUMUnitId } ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigTable 1 } N2feAdvSUMConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feAdvSUMUnitId INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMFilteringMgmt INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMFXDuplexMode INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMFilteringSwitch INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMDuplexSwitch INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMSpeedSwitch INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMAutoNegSwitch INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMLocalBufferFull INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMUplinkBufferFull INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMAddrTableFull INTEGER, n2feAdvSUMFlushAddrTable INTEGER } n2feAdvSUMUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unit ID of the Advanced SUM being accessed." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 1 } n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hardware(1), -- filtering, duplex, speed set per hardware mgmt-override(2), -- use mgmt for filtering, duplex, speed not-applicable(3) -- n/a for SUM type or SUM/unit not present } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: Defines whether or not the Advanced SUM's filtering and port connection mode are set by hardware or the management agent. When set to hardware(1), the SUM port's filtering mode and advertised speed and duplex mode (n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised) are configured according to the hardware settings. When set to mgmt-override(2), the management agent controls the filtering mode and which capabilities are advertised; the hardware settings are ignored. n2feAdvSUMFilteringMgmt controls the filtering mode. n2feAdvSUMFXDuplexMode controls the duplex mode on 100Base-FX Advanced SUMs. On 10Base-T/100Base-TX SUMs, the objects in n2fePortAutoNegTable control the port connection parameters. 10Base-T/100Base-TX Advanced SUMs support auto-negotiation for both connection speed and duplex mode parameters. NOTE: THE MANAGEMENT AGENT CANNOT OVERRIDE THE HARDWARE SETTINGS UNTIL IT REACHES RUNTIME MODE. In Preboot and Boot phases, the SUM operates according to its hardware settings." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 2 } n2feAdvSUMFilteringMgmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- filtering is enabled disabled(2), -- filtering is disabled not-applicable(3) -- SUM or unit not present } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: If n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride is set to mgmt-override(2), then this object enables or disables the SUM's filtering. If n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride is set to hardware(1), then this object is ignored. When filtering is enabled, packet filtering occurs based on addresses learned on the uplink segment. If filtering is disabled, no filtering occurs and all packets are passed between the local and uplink segments. NOTE: THE MANAGEMENT AGENT CANNOT OVERRIDE THE HARDWARE SETTINGS UNTIL IT REACHES RUNTIME MODE. In Preboot and Boot phases, the SUM operates according to its hardware settings. Both 10Base-T/100Base-TX and 100Base-FX Advanced SUMs support this object." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 3 } n2feAdvSUMFXDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half-duplex(1), -- half duplex, mgmt overrides hardware full-duplex(2), -- full duplex, mgmt overrides hardware not-applicable(3) -- n/a for SUM type or SUM/unit not present } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: If n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride is set to mgmt-override(2), then this object controls the 100Base-FX SUM's duplex mode. If n2feAdvSUMMgmtOverride is set to hardware(1), then this object is ignored and sets are rejected with BAD VALUE. On FX SUMs, the duplex mode is management-configurable, but it is not auto-negotiating. Therefore, n2fePortAutoNegCapability and n2fePortAutoNegCapAdvertised indicate other(1). NOTE: THE MANAGEMENT AGENT CANNOT OVERRIDE THE HARDWARE SETTINGS UNTIL IT REACHES RUNTIME MODE. In Preboot and Boot phases, the SUM operates according to its hardware settings. Attempts to set this object for any SUM type other than 100Base-FX Advanced SUMs are rejected with BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 4 } n2feAdvSUMFilteringSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- filtering is enabled disabled(2), -- filtering is disabled not-applicable(3) -- SUM or unit not present } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The setting of the filtering hardware switch on the Advanced SUM." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 5 } n2feAdvSUMDuplexSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half-duplex(1), -- half-duplex mode full-duplex(2), -- full-duplex mode not-applicable(3) -- SUM or unit not present } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The setting of the duplex mode hardware switch on the Advanced SUM." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 6 } n2feAdvSUMSpeedSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hundred-Mbps(1), -- 100Mbps connection speed ten-Mbps(2), -- 10Mbps connection speed not-applicable(3) -- n/a for SUM type or SUM/unit not present } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The setting of the speed hardware switch on the Advanced SUM." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 7 } n2feAdvSUMAutoNegSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), -- advertise all capabilities disabled(2), -- advertise per speed and duplex switches not-applicable(3) -- n/a for SUM type or SUM/unit not present } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The setting of the auto-negotiation hardware switch on the Advanced SUM." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 8 } n2feAdvSUMLocalBufferFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-full(1), full-once-or-more(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the local packet buffer has become full or has overflowed since this object was last set to not-full(1). Packet buffer full events generally indicate inadequate flow control. This object is set to not-full(1) on power-up. Attempts to set this object to anything other than not-full(1) are rejected with BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 9 } n2feAdvSUMUplinkBufferFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-full(1), full-once-or-more(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the uplink packet buffer has become full or has overflowed since this object was last set to not-full(1). Packet buffer full events generally indicate inadequate flow control. This object is set to not-full(1) on power-up. Attempts to set this object to anything other than not-full(1) are rejected with BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 10 } n2feAdvSUMAddrTableFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-full(1), full-once-or-more(2), not-applicable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not the address table has become full or has overflowed since this object was last set to not-full(1). The Advanced SUM address table can hold 1023 addresses. This object is set to not-full(1) on power-up. Attempts to set this object to anything other than not-full(1) are rejected with BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 11 } n2feAdvSUMFlushAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal-operation(1), -- response to GET request if SUM present flush(2), -- used in SETs only not-applicable(3) -- SUM/unit not present } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to flush(2), the address table in the SUM is flushed and static addresses are reloaded." ::= { n2feAdvSUMConfigEntry 12 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Advanced SUM Static Address Table stores MAC addresses for passive -- devices (i.e., devices that do not initiate traffic) that reside on a -- SUM's uplink segment. An individual SUM may have up to 16 addresses -- configured. However, the combined number of entries in -- n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrTable and n2feStaticAddrTable cannot exceed 64. -- -- Newly-added SUM static addresses are immediately stored in the SUM's -- address table. Deleted SUM static addresses are removed when the agent -- is reset or when n2feAdvSUMFlushAddrTable is set to flush(2). -- -- SNMP Get-nexts will skip this table if it is empty. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF N2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each unit in the stack. It contains MAC addresses of the passive devices attached to the Advanced SUM on the uplink segment." ::= { n2feAdvSUMInfo 2 } n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX N2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines static addresses for an Advanced SUM. The number of static addresses that can be configured for an individual SUM is limited to 16." INDEX { n2feAdvSUMUnitId, n2feAdvSUMMacAddr } ::= { n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrTable 1 } N2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { n2feAdvSUMMacAddr PhysAddress, n2feAdvSUMAddrStatus CpqnRowStatus } n2feAdvSUMMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The MAC Address for a device connected to the SUM's uplink segment." ::= { n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry 1 } n2feAdvSUMAddrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqnRowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DURABLE: The status of this row entry. When a new entry is added, this object must be set to valid(1). To delete an entry form this table, set this object to invalid(2). This object will always read as valid(1). If no more entries can be added to the table, then a set will return BAD VALUE." ::= { n2feAdvSUMStaticAddrEntry 2 } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END