------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Tandem SNMP Trap Multiplexer MIB definitions. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ SNMP-TMUX-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, Gauge, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- TMUX-MIB tandem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 169 } nonstopsystems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tandem 3 } ztmx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nonstopsystems 185 } -- groups in TMX-MIB ztmxPDUStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ztmx 1 } ztmxProcess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ztmx 2 } ztmxSpecial OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ztmx 3 } ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- ztmxPDUStatistics: the PDU statistics group -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ztmxUdpStatsCurrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the current time." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 1 } ztmxUdpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of UPD datagrams delivered to the TMUX process." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 2 } ztmxInDecodeErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of UPD datagrams delivered to the TMUX process that could not be interpreted as SNMP V.1 PDUs." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 3 } ztmxInGetPdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Get PDUs received by the TMUX process. These are probably strayed PDUs as the TMUX process is bound to the TRAP port." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 4 } ztmxInGetNextPdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of GetNext PDUs received by the TMUX process. These are probably strayed PDUs as the TMUX process is bound to the TRAP port." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 5 } ztmxInSetPdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Set PDUs received by the TMUX process. These are probably strayed PDUs as the TMUX process is bound to the TRAP port." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 6 } ztmxInGetResponsePdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of GetResponse PDUs received by the TMUX process. These are probably strayed PDUs as the TMUX process is bound to the TRAP port." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 7 } ztmxInTrapPdus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process." ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 8 } ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Trap Statistic Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ztmxTrapStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ztmxPDUStatistics 9 } ztmxTrapStatsCurrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the current time." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 1 } ztmxInColdStartTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report reinitiation but the configuration of the sender may change." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 2 } ztmxInWarmStartTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report reinitiation but the configuration of the sender will not change." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 3 } ztmxInLinkDownTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report a failure in one of the agent's links." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 4 } ztmxInLinkUpTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report one of the links has come up." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 5 } ztmxInAuthFailTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report improper authentication." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 6 } ztmxInEgpNeighborLossTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report an exterior gateway protocol neighbor is lost." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 7 } ztmxInEnterpriseSpecificTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Trap PDUs received by the TMUX process that report an enterprise specific event." ::= { ztmxTrapStatistics 8 } ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- ztmxSaProcess: the Subagent Process group -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ztmxProcCurrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the current time." ::= { ztmxProcess 1 } ztmxProcVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the version of the subagent." ::= { ztmxProcess 2 } ztmxProcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the process name." ::= { ztmxProcess 3 } ztmxProcPaid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the process access id ('group.user')." ::= { ztmxProcess 4 } ztmxProcPrimPID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the primary process PID ('CPU,PIN')." ::= { ztmxProcess 5 } ztmxProcBkupPID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the backup process PID ('CPU,PIN')." ::= { ztmxProcess 6 } ztmxProcCreatTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the process creation time." ::= { ztmxProcess 7 } ztmxProcCpuTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Process CPU time." ::= { ztmxProcess 8 } ztmxProcPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Intitial process priority. Valid range 1-199" ::= { ztmxProcess 9 } ztmxProcHomeTerm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the process home terminal name." ::= { ztmxProcess 10 } ztmxProcHeapInitial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Intial heap size (in Bytes)." ::= { ztmxProcess 11 } ztmxProcHeapCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current heap size (in Bytes)." ::= { ztmxProcess 12 } ztmxProcEmsCollector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the name of the EMS collector process the TMUX process is writing the translated EMS events to." ::= { ztmxProcess 13 } ztmxProcAgent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the name of the agent process the TMUX process is interfacing with." ::= { ztmxProcess 14 } ztmxProcAgentSessionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), close(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the session between the TMUX process and the agent. If state is not 'open' the TMUX process was not able to establish communication with the agent." ::= { ztmxProcess 15 } ztmxProcUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UDP Port number the TMUX process binds to to receive TRAP PDUs." ::= { ztmxProcess 16 } ztmxProcTcpIpProcess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the name(s) of the TCP/IP process the TMUX process is receiving TRAP PDUs from." ::= { ztmxProcess 17 } ztmxSwitchToBackupNow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoProcessPairControl(0), forceBackupTakeover(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If set to forceBackupTakeover, the backup process will take over and a new backup is created." ::= { ztmxProcess 18 } ztmxProcProgramFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String showing the proram file name of the TMUX process." ::= { ztmxProcess 19 } ztmxProcEmsWriteTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total count of write operations to the EMS collector process. Each write operation attempts to send a trap event to the EMS collector." ::= { ztmxProcess 20 } ztmxProcEmsWriteErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Count of write operations to the EMS collector process that did not complete normally. It's likely that the trap event that was sent with such operation was not successfully stored in the EMS database." ::= { ztmxProcess 21 } END -- SNMP-TMUX-MIB