-- -- IRT4004DVA-MIB.my (MIB for DVA-4004) -- v1.0 05/12/2005 -- - Original Issue. -- -- -- IRT4004DVA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS irtProducts, irt FROM IRT-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 sysObjectID, sysName FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- -- Node definitions -- -- irt4004DVA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { irtProducts 20 } -- irt4004InputPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), present(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An indication that an input signal is present." ::= { irt4004DVA 1 } -- irt4004AmplifierPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonInverting(1), inverting(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether the amplifier will or will not invert the input signal. The amplifier can be commanded to invert either by the front panel switch or by SNMP control, connected in a logical OR mode." ::= { irt4004DVA 2 } -- irt4004SnmpAmplifierPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nonInverting(1), inverting(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An indication of the state of the SNMP command to Invert the input signal. This command is logically OR'd with the front panel switch." ::= { irt4004DVA 3 } -- irt4004DataReclockingRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate270MHz(1), rate360MHz(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "In indication of the frequency to which the reclocking circuits have been set by LK3. " ::= { irt4004DVA 4 } -- -- irt4004Reset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Writing a 2 to this object will cause the agent to reset." ::= { irt4004DVA 5 } -- irt4004Trap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { onInputChange(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If enabled, Traps will be sent when the input signal is removed or restored." ::= { irt4004DVA 6 } -- irt4004TrapSeqNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that increases by one for every trap sent." ::= { irt4004DVA 7 } -- -- Trap definitions -- -- Trap definitions -- irt4004DVAInputLossTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE irt VARIABLES { sysObjectID, sysName, irt4004TrapSeqNo } DESCRIPTION "If enabled, this Trap will be sent when the input signal is removed." ::= 20 irt4004DVAInputRestoreTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE irt VARIABLES { sysObjectID, sysName, irt4004TrapSeqNo } DESCRIPTION "If enabled, this trap will be sent when the input signal is restored." ::= 148 END -- -- IRT4004DVA-MIB.my --