-- Ascend mibinternetProfile MIB -- -- Ascend Communications, Inc -- 1275 Harbor Bay Pkwy -- Alameda, CA 94502 -- +1 510 769 6001 -- info@ascend.com -- -- Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ascend Communications, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Do not edit this file directly. -- It is generated automatically by mibgen for use with -- TAOS version 7.11-104.0 or newer. -- ASCEND-MIBINTERNETPROFILE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS mibinternetProfile FROM ASCEND-MIB IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; -- If any of the MIB compilers have problems with the DisplayString -- or PhysAddress, uncomment the next two lines. DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING -- PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING -- The mibinternetProfile table -- -- This table contains parameters for the mibinternetProfile profile -- mibinternetProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MibinternetProfileEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of mibinternetProfile profile entries." ::= { mibinternetProfile 1 } mibinternetProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MibinternetProfileEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A mibinternetProfile entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibinternetProfile profile." INDEX { internetProfile__station } ::= { mibinternetProfileTable 1 } MibinternetProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { internetProfile__station DisplayString, internetProfile__active INTEGER, internetProfile__encapsulation_protocol INTEGER, internetProfile__called_number_type INTEGER, internetProfile__dial_number DisplayString, internetProfile__sub_address DisplayString, internetProfile__clid DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__ip_routing_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__vj_header_prediction INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__remote_address IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__netmask_remote IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__local_address IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__netmask_local IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__routing_metric INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__preference INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__down_preference INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__private_route INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_allowed INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__address_pool INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ip_direct IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__rip INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__route_filter DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__source_ip_check INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__active INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__area IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__area_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__hello_interval INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__dead_interval INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__priority INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__authen_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__auth_key DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__key_id INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__cost INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__down_cost INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__ase_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__ase_tag DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__transit_delay INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__retransmit_interval INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__non_multicast INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__network_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__poll_interval INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__md5_auth_key DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_rate_limit INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_group_leave_delay INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_primary_addr IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_secondary_addr IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_addr_assign INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__client_default_gateway IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__active INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__precedence INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__type_of_service INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__apply_to INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__tos_filter DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_primary_addr IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_secondary_addr IpAddress, internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_addr_assign INTEGER, internetProfile__ip_options__private_route_table DisplayString, internetProfile__ip_options__private_route_profile_required INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_routing_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__peer_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__rip INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__sap INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__dial_query INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__net_number DisplayString, internetProfile__ipx_options__net_alias DisplayString, internetProfile__ipx_options__sap_filter DisplayString, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_spoofing INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__spoofing_timeout INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_header_compression INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__bridging_group INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__dial_on_broadcast INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__ipx_spoofing INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__spoofing_timeout INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__fill_2 INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__bridge_type INTEGER, internetProfile__bridging_options__egress INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__call_filter DisplayString, internetProfile__session_options__data_filter DisplayString, internetProfile__session_options__filter_persistence INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__filter_required INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__idle_timer INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ts_idle_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ts_idle_timer INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__backup DisplayString, internetProfile__session_options__secondary DisplayString, internetProfile__session_options__atmp_gateway INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__max_call_duration INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__vtp_gateway INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__blockcountlimit INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__blockduration INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__max_atmp_tunnels INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__max_vtp_tunnels INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__redial_delay_limit INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_rate_type INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_rate_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_cap_up_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_cap_down_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_sdsl_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_dmt_up_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_dmt_down_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__rx_data_rate_limit INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__tx_data_rate_limit INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__traffic_shaper INTEGER, internetProfile__session_options__maxtap_log_server DisplayString, internetProfile__session_options__maxtap_data_server DisplayString, internetProfile__telco_options__answer_originate INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__callback INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__call_type INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__nailed_groups DisplayString, internetProfile__telco_options__ft1_caller INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__force_56kbps INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__data_service INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__call_by_call INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__billing_number DisplayString, internetProfile__telco_options__transit_number DisplayString, internetProfile__telco_options__expect_callback INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__dialout_allowed INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__delay_callback INTEGER, internetProfile__telco_options__nas_port_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__send_auth_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__send_password DisplayString, internetProfile__ppp_options__substitute_send_name DisplayString, internetProfile__ppp_options__recv_password DisplayString, internetProfile__ppp_options__link_compression INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__mru INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm_minimum_period INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm_maximum_period INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__cbcp_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__mode_callback_control INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__delay_callback_control INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__trunk_group_callback_control INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__split_code_dot_user_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__ppp_interface_type INTEGER, internetProfile__ppp_options__mtu INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__base_channel_count INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__minimum_channels INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__maximum_channels INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__bacp_enable INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__bod_enable INTEGER, internetProfile__mp_options__callbackrequest_enable INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__aux_send_password DisplayString, internetProfile__mpp_options__dynamic_algorithm INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__bandwidth_monitor_direction INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__increment_channel_count INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__decrement_channel_count INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__seconds_history INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__add_persistence INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__sub_persistence INTEGER, internetProfile__mpp_options__target_utilization INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__frame_relay_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__fr_options__circuit_type INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__dlci INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__circuit_name DisplayString, internetProfile__fr_options__fr_link_type INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_dlci INTEGER, internetProfile__fr_options__mfr_bundle_name DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host2 DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port2 INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host3 DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port3 INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host4 DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port4 INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__detect_end_of_packet INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__end_of_packet_pattern DisplayString, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__flush_length INTEGER, internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__flush_time INTEGER, internetProfile__ara_options__recv_password DisplayString, internetProfile__ara_options__maximum_connect_time INTEGER, internetProfile__comb_options__password_required INTEGER, internetProfile__comb_options__interval INTEGER, internetProfile__comb_options__base_channel_count INTEGER, internetProfile__comb_options__compression INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__x25_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__lcn INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__x3_profile INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__max_calls INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__vc_timer_enable INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__x25EncapsType INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__auto_call_x121_address DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__reverse_charge INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__call_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__answer DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__inactivity_timer INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__x25_rpoa DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__x25_cug_index DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__x25_nui DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_banner DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_prompt DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_nui_prompt DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_nui_pw_prompt DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias1 DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias2 DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias3 DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_diag_disp INTEGER, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_default_listen DisplayString, internetProfile__x25_options__pad_default_pw DisplayString, internetProfile__eu_options__dce_addr INTEGER, internetProfile__eu_options__dte_addr INTEGER, internetProfile__eu_options__mru INTEGER, internetProfile__x75_options__k_frames_outstanding INTEGER, internetProfile__x75_options__n2_retransmissions INTEGER, internetProfile__x75_options__t1_retran_timer INTEGER, internetProfile__x75_options__frame_length INTEGER, internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_routing_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_ZoneName DisplayString, internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_NetStart INTEGER, internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_NetEnd INTEGER, internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_Peer_Mode INTEGER, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_type INTEGER, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_host IpAddress, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_port INTEGER, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_key DisplayString, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_timeout INTEGER, internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_id_base INTEGER, internetProfile__calledNumber DisplayString, internetProfile__dhcp_options__reply_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__dhcp_options__pool_number INTEGER, internetProfile__dhcp_options__maximum_leases INTEGER, internetProfile__shared_prof INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__max_calls INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__auto_call_x121_address DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__reverse_charge INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__answer DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosHostInitMode INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosDteInitMode INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosEnqHandling INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosMaxBlockSize INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT1 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT2 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT3 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT4 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT5 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT6 INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosMethodOfHostNotif INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosPidSelection INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosAckSuppression INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_rpoa DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_cug_index DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_nui DisplayString, internetProfile__t3pos_options__data_format INTEGER, internetProfile__t3pos_options__link_access_type INTEGER, internetProfile__framed_only INTEGER, internetProfile__altdial_number1 DisplayString, internetProfile__altdial_number2 DisplayString, internetProfile__altdial_number3 DisplayString, internetProfile__x32_options__x32_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__x32_options__call_mode INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__profile_type INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__tunneling_protocol INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__max_tunnels INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__atmp_ha_rip INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__primary_tunnel_server DisplayString, internetProfile__tunnel_options__secondary_tunnel_server DisplayString, internetProfile__tunnel_options__udp_port INTEGER, internetProfile__tunnel_options__password DisplayString, internetProfile__tunnel_options__home_network_name DisplayString, internetProfile__tunnel_options__unused DisplayString, internetProfile__pri_numbering_plan_id INTEGER, internetProfile__vrouter DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__atm1483type INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__vpi INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__vci INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__nailed_group INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__atm_service_type INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__atm_service_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__vp_switching INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__qos_contract DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__atm_direct_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__atm_direct_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__numbering_plan INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__e164_native_address DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__format INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__numbering_plan INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__e164_native_address DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__format INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__insert_calling_party_addr INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__cdvt_us INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_options__atm_inverse_arp INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__snrm_response_timeout INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__snrm_retry_counter INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_timeout INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_retry_count INTEGER, internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__primary INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm1483type INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vpi INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vci INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__nailed_group INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_service_type INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_service_rate INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vp_switching INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__qos_contract DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_direct_enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_direct_profile DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__enabled INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__numbering_plan INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__e164_native_address DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__format INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__numbering_plan INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__e164_native_address DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__format INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__insert_calling_party_addr INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__cdvt_us INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_inverse_arp INTEGER, internetProfile__visa2_options__idle_character_delay INTEGER, internetProfile__visa2_options__first_data_forward_character DisplayString, internetProfile__visa2_options__second_data_forward_character DisplayString, internetProfile__visa2_options__third_data_forward_character DisplayString, internetProfile__visa2_options__fourth_data_forward_character DisplayString, internetProfile__visa2_options__1_char_sequence DisplayString, internetProfile__visa2_options__2_char_sequence DisplayString, internetProfile__sdtn_packets_server INTEGER, internetProfile__AT_string DisplayString, internetProfile__port_redirect_options__protocol INTEGER, internetProfile__port_redirect_options__port_number INTEGER, internetProfile__port_redirect_options__redirect_address IpAddress, internetProfile__pppoe_options__pppoe INTEGER, internetProfile__pppoe_options__bridge_non_pppoe INTEGER, internetProfile__atm_qos_options__usr_up_stream_contract DisplayString, internetProfile__atm_qos_options__usr_dn_stream_contract DisplayString, internetProfile__bir_options__enable INTEGER, internetProfile__bir_options__proxy_arp INTEGER, internetProfile__action__ INTEGER } internetProfile__station OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the host we will be communicating with. This name is used as part of the authentication process when authentication is being used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 1 } internetProfile__active OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A profile can be disabled by setting this field to no. There is no difference between an inactive profile and no profile at all to the remainder of the code." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 2 } internetProfile__encapsulation_protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mpp (1), mp (2), ppp (3), combinet (9), slip (4), cslip (5), frame_relay (6), frame_relay_circuit (10), x25pad (11), euraw (12), euui (13), tcp_raw (7), rfc_1356_x25 (14), ara (15), t3pos (17), dtpt (8), x_32 (18), atm (21), atm_frame_relay_circuit (22), hdlc_nrm (23), atm_circuit (24), visa_2 (26), atm_svc_sig (27) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The encapsulation protocol to be used when communicating with the named station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 3 } internetProfile__called_number_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), international (2), national (3), network_specific (4), local (5), abbrev (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indication of whether national number, international number, etc. is specified." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 4 } internetProfile__dial_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phone number of the named station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 5 } internetProfile__sub_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sub-address extension to the dialed number of the station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 292 } internetProfile__clid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The calling line number for authentication." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 6 } internetProfile__ip_options__ip_routing_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable IP routing for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 7 } internetProfile__ip_options__vj_header_prediction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable Van Jacabson TCP Header prediction processing on this connection if supported by the selected encapsulation protocol." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 8 } internetProfile__ip_options__remote_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote address with netmask of the named host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 9 } internetProfile__ip_options__netmask_remote OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The netmask of the remote address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 10 } internetProfile__ip_options__local_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface address with netmask, if required, of the local end. If left zero the interface is assumed to be an unnumbered interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 11 } internetProfile__ip_options__netmask_local OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The netmask of the local interface address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 12 } internetProfile__ip_options__routing_metric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The routing metric, typically measured in number of hops, to be used in the routing table entry created for this connection when the connection is active." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 13 } internetProfile__ip_options__preference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The preference used for comparing this route to other routes. Preference has a higher priority than metric. As with the metric field, the lower the number, the higher the preference." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 14 } internetProfile__ip_options__down_preference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The preference used for comparing the down-metric route to other routes. Preference has a higher priority than metric. As with the metric field, the lower the number, the higher the preference." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 15 } internetProfile__ip_options__private_route OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable distribution of the route created for this connection via routing protocols. Private routes are used internally, but never advertized to the outside world." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 16 } internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_allowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable this connection as a multicast traffic client." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 17 } internetProfile__ip_options__address_pool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the address pool from which an address for this host should be obtained when using assigned addresses." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 18 } internetProfile__ip_options__ip_direct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address of the next-hop when IP direct routing is used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 19 } internetProfile__ip_options__rip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { routing_off (1), routing_send_only (2), routing_recv_only (3), routing_send_and_recv (4), routing_send_only_v2 (5), routing_recv_only_v2 (6), routing_send_and_recv_v2 (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specify if RIP or RIP-2 should be used over this connection and if used in both directions or not." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 20 } internetProfile__ip_options__route_filter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of this filter. All filters are referenced by name so a name must be assigned to active filters." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 21 } internetProfile__ip_options__source_ip_check OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable source ip checking. Packets with source ip address which doesn't match with negotiated remote ip address will be dropped." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 22 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__active OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Is OSPF active on this interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 23 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__area OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The area that this interface belongs to." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 24 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__area_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), stub (2), nSSA (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of Area. Normal, Stub, NSSA" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 25 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__hello_interval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hello interval (seconds)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 26 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__dead_interval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The dead interval (seconds)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 27 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The priority of this router in DR elections." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 28 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__authen_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), simple (2), md5 (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of OSPF authentication in effect." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 29 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__auth_key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The authentication key." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 30 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__key_id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The key identifier for MD5 authentication." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 31 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__cost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output cost." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 32 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__down_cost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output cost when the link is physically down but virtually up." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 33 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__ase_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { type_1 (1), type_2 (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The OSPF ASE type of this LSA." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 34 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__ase_tag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The OSPF ASE tag of this link." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 35 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__transit_delay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The estimated transit delay (seconds)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 36 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__retransmit_interval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The retransmit time (seconds)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 37 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__non_multicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Use direct addresses instead of multicast addresses." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 38 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__network_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { broadcast (2), point_to_Point (4), nonBroadcast (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of network attachment." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 250 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__poll_interval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The poll interval for non-broadcast multi-access network (seconds)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 251 } internetProfile__ip_options__ospf_options__md5_auth_key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MD5 authentication key." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 252 } internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_rate_limit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The multicast rate limit in seconds." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 39 } internetProfile__ip_options__multicast_group_leave_delay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The multicast group leave in seconds. This is only for IGMP Version 2" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 40 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_primary_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User specific DNS Primary Address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 41 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_secondary_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User specific DNS Secondary Address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 42 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_dns_addr_assign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A flag to control assigning user specific DNS Addresses." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 43 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_default_gateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default gateway to be used for traffic from this connection, if no specific route is found in the routing table. If left zero, the system's default route will be used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 44 } internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__active OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Activate type of service for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 45 } internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__precedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n-000 (1), n-001 (33), n-010 (65), n-011 (97), n-100 (129), n-101 (161), n-110 (193), n-111 (225) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tag the precedence bits (priority bits) in the TOS octet of IP datagram header with this value when match occurs." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 46 } internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__type_of_service OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), cost (3), reliability (5), throughput (9), latency (17) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tag the type of service field in the TOS octet of IP datagram header with this value when match occurs." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 47 } internetProfile__ip_options__tos_options__apply_to OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { incoming (1025), outgoing (2049), both (3073) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Define how the type-of-service applies to data flow for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 48 } internetProfile__ip_options__tos_filter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of type-of-service filter. All filters are referenced by name so a name must be assigned to active filters." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 49 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_primary_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User specific WINS Primary Address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 293 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_secondary_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User specific WINS Secondary Address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 294 } internetProfile__ip_options__client_wins_addr_assign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A flag to control assigning user specific WINS Addresses." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 295 } internetProfile__ip_options__private_route_table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Private route table ID for this connection" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 296 } internetProfile__ip_options__private_route_profile_required OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parameter to decide default action,if private route table not found. If set to yes, the call will be cleared if the private route profile cannot be found. If set to no, the call will be allowed to complete, even if the private route profile cannot be found." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 297 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_routing_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable IPX routing for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 50 } internetProfile__ipx_options__peer_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { router_peer (1), dialin_peer (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable full routing between peer or use the pool to assign a network number." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 51 } internetProfile__ipx_options__rip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both (1), send (2), recv (3), off (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This field specifies RIP traffic when peer is a Router." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 52 } internetProfile__ipx_options__sap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both (1), send (2), recv (3), off (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This field specifies SAP traffic when peer is a Router." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 53 } internetProfile__ipx_options__dial_query OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicate if we should dial to this connection if our SAP table contains no NetWare file servers, and a workstation makes a get-nearest-server query." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 54 } internetProfile__ipx_options__net_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network number of the other router. May be zero, if we don't know what it is." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 55 } internetProfile__ipx_options__net_alias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network number of the point to point link." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 56 } internetProfile__ipx_options__sap_filter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the IPX SAP filter, if any, to use with this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 57 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_spoofing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), client_spoofing (2), server_spoofing (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selects the IPX spoofing mode when bridging." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 58 } internetProfile__ipx_options__spoofing_timeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IPX NetWare connection timeout value." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 59 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Use IPX SAP Home Server Proxy." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 60 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_header_compression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Use IPX header compression if encapsulation supports it." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 61 } internetProfile__bridging_options__bridging_group OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Select the bridging group for this connection. Group 0 disables bridging. All packets not routed will be bridged to interfaces belonging to the same group." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 62 } internetProfile__bridging_options__dial_on_broadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable outdial when broadcast frames are received." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 63 } internetProfile__bridging_options__ipx_spoofing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), client_spoofing (2), server_spoofing (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selects the IPX spoofing mode when bridging." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 64 } internetProfile__bridging_options__spoofing_timeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IPX NetWare connection timeout value." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 65 } internetProfile__bridging_options__fill_2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "filler to get to 32 bit boundary" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 253 } internetProfile__bridging_options__bridge_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transparent_bridging (1), ipx_client_bridging (2), no_bridging (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For the P25 user interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 66 } internetProfile__bridging_options__egress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable Egress on this interface. This interface will become the exit path for all packets destined to the network." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 285 } internetProfile__session_options__call_filter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the filter used to determine if a packet should cause the idle timer to be reset or, when the answer profile is used for connection profile defaults, if a call should be placed." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 67 } internetProfile__session_options__data_filter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the filter used to determine if packets should be forwarded or dropped." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 68 } internetProfile__session_options__filter_persistence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines if filters should persist between calls." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 69 } internetProfile__session_options__filter_required OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If No, the call will be allowed to come up even if the specified filter was not found either locally, in the cache or in RADIUS. If Yes, then the call will be cleared if the specified filter was not found either locally, in the cache or in RADIUS." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 298 } internetProfile__session_options__idle_timer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds of no activity before a call will be dropped. The value 0 disables the idle timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 70 } internetProfile__session_options__ts_idle_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no_idle (1), input_only_idle (2), input_output_idle (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The method used to determine when the terminal server idle session timer is reset." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 71 } internetProfile__session_options__ts_idle_timer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds of no activity as defined by the idle mode before a session will be terminated." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 72 } internetProfile__session_options__backup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the backup connection profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 73 } internetProfile__session_options__secondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A secondary internet profile used for dial back-up support." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 74 } internetProfile__session_options__atmp_gateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This profile is an ATMP gateway connection to an mobile client's home network." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 75 } internetProfile__session_options__max_call_duration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes of connect time before a call will be dropped. The value 0 disables the connection timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 76 } internetProfile__session_options__vtp_gateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This profile is an VTP gateway connection to an mobile client's home network." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 77 } internetProfile__session_options__blockcountlimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of failed attempts allowed for connection before blocking the call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 78 } internetProfile__session_options__blockduration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds that connection attempts to non responding network will be blocked before allowing retries." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 79 } internetProfile__session_options__max_atmp_tunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this profile is an ATMP gateway, then this parameter specifies the maximum number of ATMP tunnels allowed to the ATMP home network specified by the name of this profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 80 } internetProfile__session_options__max_vtp_tunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this profile is a VTP gateway, then this parameter specifies the maximum number of VTP tunnels allowed to the VTP home network specified by the name of this profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 81 } internetProfile__session_options__redial_delay_limit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds delay before allowing a redial" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 82 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_rate_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), sdsl (2), adsl_cap (3), adsl_cell (4), adsl_dmt (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per ses rate type." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 83 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_rate_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autobaud (2), singlebaud (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per ses rate mode." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 84 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_cap_up_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n-1088000 (51), n-952000 (52), n-816000 (53), n-680000 (54), n-544000 (55), n-408000 (56), n-272000 (57) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per session adsl-cap up stream data rate" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 85 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_cap_down_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n-7168000 (1), n-6272000 (2), n-5120000 (3), n-4480000 (4), n-3200000 (5), n-2688000 (6), n-2560000 (7), n-2240000 (8), n-1920000 (9), n-1600000 (10), n-1280000 (11), n-960000 (12), n-640000 (13) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per session adsl-cap down stream data rate" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 86 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_sdsl_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n-144000 (1), n-272000 (2), n-400000 (3), n-528000 (4), n-784000 (5), n-1168000 (6), n-1552000 (7), n-2320000 (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per session symetrical data rate. This parameter only pertains to the 24sdsl_data_card and 24sdsl_voice_card." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 87 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_dmt_up_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upstrm_meg_max (151), n-1088000 (152), n-928000 (153), n-896000 (154), n-800000 (155), n-768000 (156), n-640000 (157), n-512000 (158), n-384000 (159), n-256000 (160), n-128000 (161) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per session adsl-dmt up stream data rate" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 88 } internetProfile__session_options__ses_adsl_dmt_down_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dwnstrm_meg_max (101), n-9504000 (102), n-8960000 (103), n-8000000 (104), n-7168000 (105), n-6272000 (106), n-5120000 (107), n-4480000 (108), n-3200000 (109), n-2688000 (110), n-2560000 (111), n-2240000 (112), n-1920000 (113), n-1600000 (114), n-1280000 (115), n-960000 (116), n-768000 (117), n-640000 (118), n-512000 (119), n-384000 (120), n-256000 (121), n-128000 (122) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The per session adsl-dmt down stream data rate" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 89 } internetProfile__session_options__rx_data_rate_limit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum information rate to be received from the named station (kbps)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 90 } internetProfile__session_options__tx_data_rate_limit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum information rate to be transmitted to the named station (kbps)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 91 } internetProfile__session_options__traffic_shaper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The traffic shaper assigned to this profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 286 } internetProfile__session_options__maxtap_log_server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name or the IP Address of the host to which the MaxTap start/stop notifications has to be sent." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 299 } internetProfile__session_options__maxtap_data_server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name or the IP Address of the host to which the tapped data has to be sent." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 300 } internetProfile__telco_options__answer_originate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ans_and_orig (1), answer_only (2), originate_only (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies if this profile can be used for incoming calls, outgoing calls, or both." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 92 } internetProfile__telco_options__callback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When true a call received from the named host requires callback security. The number dialed is the phoneNumber from this connection profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 93 } internetProfile__telco_options__call_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), ft1 (2), ft1_mpp (3), bri (4), ft1_bo (5), d_chan (6), aodi (7), megamax (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Nailed channel usage for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 94 } internetProfile__telco_options__nailed_groups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "All the nailed groups belonging to a session. MPP supports multiple groups." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 95 } internetProfile__telco_options__ft1_caller OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies if this side should initiate calls when a mix of nailed and switched calls are being used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 96 } internetProfile__telco_options__force_56kbps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If yes then inbound 64 kbps calls are connected at 56 kbps." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 97 } internetProfile__telco_options__data_service OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { voice (1), n-56k_restricted (2), n-64k_clear (3), n-64k_restricted (4), n-56k_clear (5), n-384k_restricted (6), n-384k_clear (7), n-1536k_clear (8), n-1536k_restricted (9), n-128k_clear (10), n-192k_clear (11), n-256k_clear (12), n-320k_clear (13), dws_384_clear (14), n-448_clear (15), n-512_clear (16), n-576_clear (17), n-640_clear (18), n-704_clear (19), n-768_clear (20), n-832_clear (21), n-896_clear (22), n-960_clear (23), n-1024_clear (24), n-1088_clear (25), n-1152_clear (26), n-1216_clear (27), n-1280_clear (28), n-1344_clear (29), n-1408_clear (30), n-1472_clear (31), n-1600_clear (32), n-1664_clear (33), n-1728_clear (34), n-1792_clear (35), n-1856_clear (36), n-1920_clear (37), x30_restricted_bearer (39), v110_clear_bearer (40), n-64k_x30_restricted (41), n-56k_v110_clear (42), modem (43), atmodem (44), n-2_4_56k_v110 (46), n-4_8_56k_v110 (47), n-9_6_56k_v110 (48), n-19_2_56k_v110 (49), n-38_4_56k_v110 (50), n-2_4_56kr_v110 (51), n-4_8_56kr_v110 (52), n-9_6_56kr_v110 (53), n-19_2_56kr_v110 (54), n-38_4_56kr_v110 (55), n-2_4_64k_v110 (56), n-4_8_64k_v110 (57), n-9_6_64k_v110 (58), n-19_2_64k_v110 (59), n-38_4_64k_v110 (60), n-2_4_64kr_v110 (61), n-4_8_64kr_v110 (62), n-9_6_64kr_v110 (63), n-19_2_64kr_v110 (64), n-38_4_64kr_v110 (65), v32 (66), phs_64k (67), voice_over_ip (68), pots (69), atm_svc (70), frame_relay_svc (71) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of bearer channel capability to set up for each switched call in the session." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 98 } internetProfile__telco_options__call_by_call OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The call-by-call signaling value for PRI lines." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 99 } internetProfile__telco_options__billing_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number used for billing purposes. This number, if present, is used as either a 'billing suffix' or the 'calling party number'." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 100 } internetProfile__telco_options__transit_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string for use in the 'transit network IE' for PRI calling when going through a LEC." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 101 } internetProfile__telco_options__expect_callback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When true we expect calls to the named host will result in a callback from that host. This would occur if the remote host were authenticating us based on Caller ID." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 102 } internetProfile__telco_options__dialout_allowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When true, this connection is allowed to use the LAN modems to place outgoing calls." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 103 } internetProfile__telco_options__delay_callback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to delay before dialing back. Values of 0-3 seconds are treated as 3 seconds." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 104 } internetProfile__telco_options__nas_port_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any (1), digital (2), analog (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of physical port being used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 254 } internetProfile__ppp_options__send_auth_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no_ppp_auth (1), pap_ppp_auth (2), chap_ppp_auth (3), any_ppp_auth (4), des_pap_ppp_auth (5), token_pap_ppp_auth (6), token_chap_ppp_auth (7), cache_token_ppp_auth (8), ms_chap_ppp_auth (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of PPP authentication to use for this call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 105 } internetProfile__ppp_options__send_password OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the password sent to the far end; used for MPP and PPP PAP and CHAP security." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 106 } internetProfile__ppp_options__substitute_send_name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name send to the far end, if different from the global system name." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 107 } internetProfile__ppp_options__recv_password OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the password received from the far end; used for MPP and PPP PAP and CHAP security." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 108 } internetProfile__ppp_options__link_compression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), stac (2), stac_9 (3), ms_stac (4), mppc (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of link compression to use for PPP, MP, and MPP calls." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 109 } internetProfile__ppp_options__mru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Maximum Receive Unit, i.e. the largest frame we will accept." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 110 } internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link Quality Monitoring. Set to Yes to enable the PPP LQM protocol." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 111 } internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm_minimum_period OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum period, in 1/100 of a second, that we will accept/send link quality monitoring packets." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 112 } internetProfile__ppp_options__lqm_maximum_period OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum period, in 1/100 of a second, that we will accept/send link quality monitoring packets." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 113 } internetProfile__ppp_options__cbcp_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable Microsoft Callback Control Protocol Negotiation." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 114 } internetProfile__ppp_options__mode_callback_control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cbcp_no_callback (2), cbcp_user_number (3), cbcp_profile_num (4), cbcp_all (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CBCP operation allowed on to use for this call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 115 } internetProfile__ppp_options__delay_callback_control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay to request before callback to us is initiated" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 116 } internetProfile__ppp_options__trunk_group_callback_control OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trunk group to use for the callback." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 117 } internetProfile__ppp_options__split_code_dot_user_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TRUE if local splitting of passwords is desired in CACHE-TOKEN. This feature permits the use of usernames longer than five chars, when using a typical 4 digit pin and 6 digit ACE token code." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 118 } internetProfile__ppp_options__ppp_interface_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hdlc_like (1), frame_relay (2), aal5 (3), x25 (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PPP network interface for this profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 119 } internetProfile__ppp_options__mtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Maximum Transmit Unit, i.e. the largest frame we will transmit." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 301 } internetProfile__mp_options__base_channel_count OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the session is initially set up, and if it is a fixed session, the number of channels to be used for the call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 120 } internetProfile__mp_options__minimum_channels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default value for the minimum number of channels in a multi-channel call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 121 } internetProfile__mp_options__maximum_channels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default value for the maximum number of channels in a multi-channel call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 122 } internetProfile__mp_options__bacp_enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 123 } internetProfile__mp_options__bod_enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable Bandwidth On Demand." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 255 } internetProfile__mp_options__callbackrequest_enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allow BAP CallBackRequest." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 284 } internetProfile__mpp_options__aux_send_password OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the password sent to the far end; used for MPP PAP-TOKEN-CHAP security." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 124 } internetProfile__mpp_options__dynamic_algorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { constant (1), linear (2), quadratic (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The algorithm to use to calculate the average link utilization. Bandwidth changes are performed on the average utilization, not current utilization." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 125 } internetProfile__mpp_options__bandwidth_monitor_direction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transmit (1), transmit_recv (2), none (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The direction to monitor link utilization. A unit can monitor transmit, transmit and receive, or turn off monitoring entirely." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 126 } internetProfile__mpp_options__increment_channel_count OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of channels to increment as a block." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 127 } internetProfile__mpp_options__decrement_channel_count OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of channels to decrement as a block." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 128 } internetProfile__mpp_options__seconds_history OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds of history that link utilization is averaged over to make bandwidth changes." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 129 } internetProfile__mpp_options__add_persistence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds of that the average line utilization must exceed the target utilization before bandwidth will be added." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 130 } internetProfile__mpp_options__sub_persistence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds of that the average line utilization must fall below the target utilization before bandwidth will be reduced. Bandwidth will not be reduced if the reduced bandwidth would exceed the target utilization." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 131 } internetProfile__mpp_options__target_utilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default value for the target utilization. Bandwidth changes occur when the average utilization exceeds or falls below this value." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 132 } internetProfile__fr_options__frame_relay_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frame Relay profile name, specifies link over which this circuit is established." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 133 } internetProfile__fr_options__circuit_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pvc (1), svc (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of circuit, permanent (PVC) or switched (SVC)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 302 } internetProfile__fr_options__dlci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The assigned DLCI value for this connection, for PVC." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 134 } internetProfile__fr_options__circuit_name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The peer frame relay datalink for a FR circuit." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 135 } internetProfile__fr_options__fr_link_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transparent_link (1), host_link (2), trunk_link (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The frame relay link type." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 303 } internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable the frame relay direct option for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 136 } internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the frame relay profile that will be used for frame-relay-direct routing." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 137 } internetProfile__fr_options__fr_direct_dlci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The DLCI of the frame relay direct connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 138 } internetProfile__fr_options__mfr_bundle_name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the multi-link frame-relay profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 287 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The first TCP CLEAR login host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 139 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TCP port of the first login-host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 140 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The second TCP CLEAR login host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 141 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TCP port of the second login-host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 142 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The third TCP CLEAR login host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 143 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TCP port of the third login-host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 144 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__host4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fourth TCP CLEAR login host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 145 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__port4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TCP port of the fourth login-host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 146 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__detect_end_of_packet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set to yes to attempt packet detection" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 147 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__end_of_packet_pattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "End of packet pattern to match" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 148 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__flush_length OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the maximum packet length before flush" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 149 } internetProfile__tcp_clear_options__flush_time OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the maximum packet hold time before flush" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 150 } internetProfile__ara_options__recv_password OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The password received from the far end." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 151 } internetProfile__ara_options__maximum_connect_time OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum time in minutes that an ARA session can stay connected." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 152 } internetProfile__comb_options__password_required OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Should a password be sent to the far end when placing a combinet style call." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 153 } internetProfile__comb_options__interval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The combinet link integrety interval." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 154 } internetProfile__comb_options__base_channel_count OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of channels that should be dialed." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 155 } internetProfile__comb_options__compression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), stac (2), stac_9 (3), ms_stac (4), mppc (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Should compression be used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 156 } internetProfile__x25_options__x25_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the x25 profile that this profile is associated with." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 157 } internetProfile__x25_options__lcn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The LCN (if any) for this profile (for PVCs)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 158 } internetProfile__x25_options__x3_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { crt_profile (1), infonet_profile (2), default_profile (3), scen_profile (4), cc_ssp_profile (5), cc_tsp_profile (6), hardcopy_profile (7), hdx_profile (8), shark_profile (9), pos_profile (12), null_profile (10), custom_profile (11) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.3 profile parameter index" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 159 } internetProfile__x25_options__max_calls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of unsuccessful calls" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 160 } internetProfile__x25_options__vc_timer_enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD VCE enable flag" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 161 } internetProfile__x25_options__x25EncapsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rfc877 (1), snap (2), null (3), ppp (4), aodi (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFC1356 encaps Type: RFC877/SNAP/NULL" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 162 } internetProfile__x25_options__auto_call_x121_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.121 address to auto-call upon session startup." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 163 } internetProfile__x25_options__reverse_charge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reverse charge request" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 164 } internetProfile__x25_options__call_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both (1), outgoing (2), incoming (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Call mode for this interface: Both/Outgoing/Incoming" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 165 } internetProfile__x25_options__answer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Answer number: mandatory if call mode is incoming or both." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 166 } internetProfile__x25_options__inactivity_timer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 Inactivity Timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 167 } internetProfile__x25_options__x25_rpoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 RPOA facility." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 169 } internetProfile__x25_options__x25_cug_index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 CUG index." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 170 } internetProfile__x25_options__x25_nui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 NUI facility." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 171 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_banner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD banner message." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 172 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_prompt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD prompt." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 173 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_nui_prompt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NUI prompt." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 174 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_nui_pw_prompt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NUI password prompt." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 175 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD Alias number 1." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 176 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD Alias number 2." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 177 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_alias3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD Alias number 3." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 178 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_diag_disp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD D/B channel Diagnostic display." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 179 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_default_listen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD diag listen address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 180 } internetProfile__x25_options__pad_default_pw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PAD diag password." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 181 } internetProfile__eu_options__dce_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address of the DCE side of the link when the EUNET UI protocol is used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 182 } internetProfile__eu_options__dte_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address of the DTE side of the link when the EUNET UI protocol is used." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 183 } internetProfile__eu_options__mru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRU used for EUNET protocol connections." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 184 } internetProfile__x75_options__k_frames_outstanding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of frames outstanding before we require an ack. Defaults to 7." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 185 } internetProfile__x75_options__n2_retransmissions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of retransmissions allowed. Defaults to 10." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 186 } internetProfile__x75_options__t1_retran_timer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of milliseconds between retransmissions. Defaults to 1000." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 187 } internetProfile__x75_options__frame_length OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frame length to use for incoming X.75 connections. Defaults to 1024." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 188 } internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_routing_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable AppleTalk routine for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 189 } internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_ZoneName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The static Zone Name to show for this route." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 190 } internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_NetStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Net Number start value for this route." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 191 } internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_static_NetEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Net Number end value for this route." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 192 } internetProfile__appletalk_options__atalk_Peer_Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { router_peer (1), dialin_peer (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable full routing between peer or using proxy AARP to assign a network address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 193 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { global (1), local (2), both (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specify where accounting information for this connection will be sent, either the global server list, a per-user override, or both." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 194 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_host OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the RADIUS accounting host." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 195 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP port of the RADIUS Accounting server." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 196 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_key OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RADIUS accounting key." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 197 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_timeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds to wait for a response to accounting request." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 198 } internetProfile__usrRad_options__acct_id_base OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { acct_base_10 (1), acct_base_16 (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Base to use in reporting the Account ID" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 199 } internetProfile__calledNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The called line number for authentication." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 200 } internetProfile__dhcp_options__reply_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set to yes to enable replies to DHCP clients." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 201 } internetProfile__dhcp_options__pool_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allocate addresses from this pool." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 202 } internetProfile__dhcp_options__maximum_leases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of leases allowed on this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 203 } internetProfile__shared_prof OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When TRUE multiple users may share a connection profile, as long as IP addresses are not duplicated." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 283 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the x25 profile that this profile is associated with." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 205 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__max_calls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of unsuccessful calls" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 206 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__auto_call_x121_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.121 address to auto-call upon session startup." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 207 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__reverse_charge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reverse charge request" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 208 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__answer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Answer number: mandatory if call mode is incoming or both." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 209 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosHostInitMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local (1), bin_Local (2), transparent (3), blind (4), unknown (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS Host Initialization mode: LOCAL/BIN-LOCAL/TRANSPARENT/BLIND" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 210 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosDteInitMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local (1), bin_Local (2), transparent (3), blind (4), unknown (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS DTE Initialization mode: LOCAL/BIN-LOCAL/TRANSPARENT/BLIND" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 211 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosEnqHandling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS ENQ handling param" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 212 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosMaxBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n-512 (1), n-1024 (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS Max block size: 512/1024" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 213 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T1 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 214 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T2 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 215 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T3 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 216 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T4 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 217 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T5 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 218 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosT6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS T6 timer." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 219 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosMethodOfHostNotif OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), call_request_packet (2), mode_switch_frame (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS Method of Host Notification." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 220 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosPidSelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { x_29 (1), t3pos (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS PID selection: X.29, T3POS." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 221 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__t3PosAckSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (1), on (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS ACK suppression." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 222 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_rpoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 RPOA facility." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 223 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_cug_index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 CUG index." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 224 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__x25_nui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "X.25 NUI facility." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 225 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__data_format OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { data_format_7e1 (1), data_format_7o1 (2), data_format_7m1 (3), data_format_7s1 (4), data_format_8n1 (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS Open/Local Data Format." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 226 } internetProfile__t3pos_options__link_access_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { axtype_dedicated (1), axtype_dial_in (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "T3POS Link access type." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 227 } internetProfile__framed_only OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A profile can be restricted to only doing the framed commands (ppp, mpp, slip, and quit) by setting this to YES" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 228 } internetProfile__altdial_number1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The first alternate phone number of the named station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 229 } internetProfile__altdial_number2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The second alternate phone number of the named station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 230 } internetProfile__altdial_number3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The third alternate phone number of the named station." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 231 } internetProfile__x32_options__x32_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the x25 profile that this profile is associated with." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 232 } internetProfile__x32_options__call_mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both (1), outgoing (2), incoming (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Call mode for this interface: Incoming" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 233 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__profile_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), mobile_client (2), gateway_profile (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of connection this profile describes" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 234 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__tunneling_protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), pptp_protocol (2), l2f_protocol (3), l2tp_protocol (4), atmp_protocol (5), vtp_protocol (6), ipinip_protocol (8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The protocol used for tunneling, if enabled" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 235 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__max_tunnels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this profile is a tunnel gateway, then this parameter specifies the maximum number of tunnels allowed to the home network specified by the name of this profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 236 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__atmp_ha_rip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rip_off (1), rip_send_v2 (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows an ATMP home agent to send routing updates to the home network consisting of the mobile nodes' addresses." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 237 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__primary_tunnel_server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address or hostname of the primary tunnel server if this is a mobile client's profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 238 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__secondary_tunnel_server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address or hostname of the secondary tunnel server if this is a mobile client's profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 239 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__udp_port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default UDP port to use when communicating with the ATMP home agent, if this is a mobile client's profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 240 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__password OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The password required by the tunnel server, if this is a mobile client profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 241 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__home_network_name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the home network if the ATMP home agent is operating in gateway mode. It should be empty if the ATMP home agent is operating in router mode. Used only if this is an ATMP mobile client's profile." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 242 } internetProfile__tunnel_options__unused OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This field was temporarily assigned at the early stages of 3.0/7.0 It is now unused." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 243 } internetProfile__pri_numbering_plan_id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), iSDN (2), private (10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PRI Called Party element's Numbering-Plan-ID value for outgoing PRI calls." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 244 } internetProfile__vrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the VRouter in which this profile belongs." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 245 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm1483type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { aal5_llc (1), aal5_vc (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of AAL5 multiplexing." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 246 } internetProfile__atm_options__vpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VPI of this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 247 } internetProfile__atm_options__vci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VCI of this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 248 } internetProfile__atm_options__nailed_group OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that identifies the set of lines that makes up a nailed-group." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 256 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm_service_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { atm_ubr_service (1), atm_cbr_service (2), atm_abr_service (3), atm_vbr_service (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATM service type." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 257 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm_service_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATM service rate is the minimum bits per second that is required." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 258 } internetProfile__atm_options__vp_switching OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Is this VP switching? VP = 0 is used for VC switching and VP > 0 is used for VP switching." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 304 } internetProfile__atm_options__qos_contract OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service contract for Quality of Service (QoS)" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 305 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm_direct_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable ATM Direct." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 306 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm_direct_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The atm connection profile name to be used for the ATM Direct connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 307 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable ATM SVC." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 308 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__numbering_plan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), isdn (2), aesa (3), unknown (5), x121 (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbering plan for an SVC address" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 309 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__e164_native_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An SVC address in a native E.164 format." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 310 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__format OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), dcc_aesa (2), idc_aesa (3), e164_aesa (4), custom_aesa (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An AESA address format used to define this SVC address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 311 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Authority and Format Identifier(AFI) for AESA address. Must be defined for every AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 312 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) portion of the AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 313 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A High-Order Domain-Specific Part of AESA address. The IDP portion determine the format of the HO-DSP." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 314 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An End System Identifier (ESI) which uniquely identifies the end system within the specified subnetwork." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 315 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A selector (SEL) field that may be used by the end system." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 316 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__numbering_plan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), isdn (2), aesa (3), unknown (5), x121 (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbering plan for an SVC address" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 317 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__e164_native_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An SVC address in a native E.164 format." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 318 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__format OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), dcc_aesa (2), idc_aesa (3), e164_aesa (4), custom_aesa (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An AESA address format used to define this SVC address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 319 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Authority and Format Identifier(AFI) for AESA address. Must be defined for every AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 320 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) portion of the AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 321 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A High-Order Domain-Specific Part of AESA address. The IDP portion determine the format of the HO-DSP." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 322 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An End System Identifier (ESI) which uniquely identifies the end system within the specified subnetwork." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 323 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A selector (SEL) field that may be used by the end system." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 324 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__insert_calling_party_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Insert calling party address if one is available during call setup." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 325 } internetProfile__atm_options__svc_options__cdvt_us OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cell Delay Variation Tolerance(CDVT) (in microseconds) used to police the requested traffic descriptor." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 326 } internetProfile__atm_options__atm_inverse_arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send Atm Inverse Arp request for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 327 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__snrm_response_timeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNRM Response Timeout in milliseconds." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 259 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__snrm_retry_counter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNRM Retry Counter in units." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 260 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_timeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HDLC-NRM Poll Reponse Timeout in milliseconds" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 261 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HDLC-NRM Poll Rate in milliseconds" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 262 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__poll_retry_count OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Poll Response Retry Counter in units" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 263 } internetProfile__hdlc_nrm_options__primary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary station (Yes) or Secondary station (No)." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 264 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm1483type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { aal5_llc (1), aal5_vc (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of AAL5 multiplexing." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 265 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VPI of this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 266 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VCI of this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 267 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__nailed_group OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that identifies the set of lines that makes up a nailed-group." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 268 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_service_type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { atm_ubr_service (1), atm_cbr_service (2), atm_abr_service (3), atm_vbr_service (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATM service type." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 269 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_service_rate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATM service rate is the minimum bits per second that is required." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 270 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__vp_switching OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Is this VP switching? VP = 0 is used for VC switching and VP > 0 is used for VP switching." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 328 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__qos_contract OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service contract for Quality of Service (QoS)" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 329 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_direct_enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable ATM Direct." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 330 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_direct_profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The atm connection profile name to be used for the ATM Direct connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 331 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable ATM SVC." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 332 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__numbering_plan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), isdn (2), aesa (3), unknown (5), x121 (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbering plan for an SVC address" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 333 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__e164_native_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An SVC address in a native E.164 format." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 334 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__format OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), dcc_aesa (2), idc_aesa (3), e164_aesa (4), custom_aesa (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An AESA address format used to define this SVC address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 335 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Authority and Format Identifier(AFI) for AESA address. Must be defined for every AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 336 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) portion of the AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 337 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A High-Order Domain-Specific Part of AESA address. The IDP portion determine the format of the HO-DSP." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 338 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An End System Identifier (ESI) which uniquely identifies the end system within the specified subnetwork." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 339 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__called_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A selector (SEL) field that may be used by the end system." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 340 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__numbering_plan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), isdn (2), aesa (3), unknown (5), x121 (9) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Numbering plan for an SVC address" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 341 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__e164_native_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An SVC address in a native E.164 format." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 342 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__format OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined (1), dcc_aesa (2), idc_aesa (3), e164_aesa (4), custom_aesa (5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An AESA address format used to define this SVC address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 343 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__afi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Authority and Format Identifier(AFI) for AESA address. Must be defined for every AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 344 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__idp_portion__idi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) portion of the AESA address." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 345 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__ho_dsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A High-Order Domain-Specific Part of AESA address. The IDP portion determine the format of the HO-DSP." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 346 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__esi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An End System Identifier (ESI) which uniquely identifies the end system within the specified subnetwork." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 347 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__caller_addr__aesa_address__dsp_portion__sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A selector (SEL) field that may be used by the end system." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 348 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__insert_calling_party_addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Insert calling party address if one is available during call setup." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 349 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__svc_options__cdvt_us OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cell Delay Variation Tolerance(CDVT) (in microseconds) used to police the requested traffic descriptor." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 350 } internetProfile__atm_connect_options__atm_inverse_arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send Atm Inverse Arp request for this connection." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 351 } internetProfile__visa2_options__idle_character_delay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Idle Character Delay in milliseconds." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 271 } internetProfile__visa2_options__first_data_forward_character OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "First Data Forwarding Character. Default is 0x04" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 272 } internetProfile__visa2_options__second_data_forward_character OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Second Data Forwarding Character. Default is 0x06" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 273 } internetProfile__visa2_options__third_data_forward_character OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Third Data Forwarding Character. Default is 0x15" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 274 } internetProfile__visa2_options__fourth_data_forward_character OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fourth Data Forwarding Character. Default is 0x05" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 275 } internetProfile__visa2_options__1_char_sequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1 character data forwarding sequence. Default is 0x03" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 276 } internetProfile__visa2_options__2_char_sequence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "2 character data forwarding sequence. Default is 0x00:0x03" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 277 } internetProfile__sdtn_packets_server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Decides if this profile Handles sdtn-packets. Note, the Sdtn data packets may still be encapsulated" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 278 } internetProfile__AT_string OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to enter customized AT commands in the modem dial or answer string." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 279 } internetProfile__port_redirect_options__protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), tcp (7), udp (18) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The protocol to be redirected." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 280 } internetProfile__port_redirect_options__port_number OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number to be redirected." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 281 } internetProfile__port_redirect_options__redirect_address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address of server to which packet is to be redirected." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 282 } internetProfile__pppoe_options__pppoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the ability to establish PPP over Ethernet session over this interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 288 } internetProfile__pppoe_options__bridge_non_pppoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "States wheather to bridge all other protocols except PPPoE on this interface or not." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 289 } internetProfile__atm_qos_options__usr_up_stream_contract OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Quality of Service (QOS) contract for user up stream traffic" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 352 } internetProfile__atm_qos_options__usr_dn_stream_contract OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Quality of Service (QOS) contract for user down stream traffic" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 353 } internetProfile__bir_options__enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the BIR on this interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 290 } internetProfile__bir_options__proxy_arp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no (1), yes (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specify how proxy arp is to be used on an interface." ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 291 } internetProfile__action__ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction (1), createProfile (2), deleteProfile (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mibinternetProfileEntry 249 } mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net profile entries." ::= { mibinternetProfile 2 } mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net entry containing objects that maps to the parameters of mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net profile." INDEX { internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__station, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__index__ } ::= { mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netTable 1 } MibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry ::= SEQUENCE { internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__station DisplayString, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__index__ INTEGER, internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net INTEGER } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__station OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry 1 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net__index__ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry 2 } internetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_net OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Network# for IPX SAP Proxy Home Server." ::= { mibinternetProfile__ipx_options__ipx_sap_hs_proxy_netEntry 3 } END