SWITCH-MIB { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) 295 } -- Title: Ethernet Switching Device Enterprise MIB Extension -- Version: 2.3 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, Counter, DisplayString FROM RFC1155-SMI TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- ******************************************************************* -- Type Aliases -- ******************************************************************* -- All representations of MAC addresses in this MIB Module use, -- as a textual convention (i.e., this convention does not affect -- their encoding), the following data types: MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) -- a 6 octet address in the "canonical" -- order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., -- as if it were transmitted least -- significant bit first. -- ******************************************************************* -- High-level identifiers -- ******************************************************************* vendor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 295 } ethernetSwitchingDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vendor 3 } deviceHardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ethernetSwitchingDevice 1 } deviceChassis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceHardware 1 } devicePort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceHardware 2 } ethernetPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devicePort 1 } waveBusPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devicePort 2 } fddiPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { devicePort 3 } deviceSoftware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ethernetSwitchingDevice 2 } deviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceSoftware 1 } basicTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BasicEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Basic information about the unit." ::= { deviceInfo 1 } basicEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BasicEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification information about the unit." INDEX { basicIndex } ::= { basicTable 1 } BasicEntry ::= SEQUENCE { productCode DisplayString, serialNumber DisplayString, placeOfManufacture INTEGER, dateOfManufacture DisplayString, macAddress MacAddress, codeVersion DisplayString, bpeEnabled INTEGER, eraseSnmpConfigInfo INTEGER, restoreDot1dDefaults INTEGER, performReset INTEGER, identPressed INTEGER, ageFilterDatabase INTEGER, clearStatistics INTEGER, tcpKeepAlivesEnabled INTEGER, tcpKeepAlivePeriod INTEGER, basicIndex INTEGER } productCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the product code of the unit." ::= { basicEntry 1 } serialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the unit's serial number." ::= { basicEntry 2 } placeOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { Ottawa (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number identifying where the unit was built." ::= { basicEntry 3 } dateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the date of manufacture of the unit." ::= { basicEntry 4 } macAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IEEE 802 MAC address of the unit." ::= { basicEntry 5 } codeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the version number of the control software." ::= { basicEntry 6 } bpeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the bridge protocol engine to perform the Spanning Tree Protocol as defined in IEEE802.1d. Setting this variable to FALSE (0) causes the BPE to stop performing the Spanning Tree Protocol. The value of this variable when the unit starts operating is 1." ::= { basicEntry 7 } eraseSnmpConfigInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the unit to erase its SNMP configuration information both from memory and from permanent store. The unit the requests new configuration information using the BOOTP protocol. Setting this variable to any other value has no effect. This variable will always return 0 when read." ::= { basicEntry 8 } restoreDot1dDefaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the BPE to restore the default spanning tree values given in the IEEE 802.1d specification. This resets all writeable Bridge MIB variables in the dot1dStp group of the Bridge MIB. Setting the variable to any other value has no effect. This variable will always return 0 when read." ::= { basicEntry 9 } performReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the unit to perform a cold restart. As a result of this action a coldRestart trap will be sent. Setting this variable to any other value has no effect. This variable will always return 0 when read." ::= { basicEntry 10 } identPressed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is TRUE (1) if the IDENTIFY button on the chassis has been pressed since the variable was last read. After this variable has been read it will be set to 0." ::= { basicEntry 11 } ageFilterDatabase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to FALSE (0) causes the unit to stop aging out entries from its filter database. Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the unit to age out filter database entries as defined in IEEE 802.1D. This variable is set to 0 whenever the unit restarts." ::= { basicEntry 12 } clearStatistics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) clears the traffic statistics accumulators. Setting this variable to any other value has no effect. The variable always returns 0 when read." ::= { basicEntry 13 } tcpKeepAlivesEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes keep alive packets to be transmitted on an idle TCP connection. The period of the keep alive packets is defined by the MIB variable tcpKeepAlivePeriod. Setting this variable to FALSE (0) stops keep alives from being transmitted. The default value of this variable is FALSE (0) keep alives disabled." ::= { basicEntry 14 } tcpKeepAlivePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable defines the time period in seconds between keep alive packets transmitted on an idle TCP connection. This value must be equal to or greater than 30 seconds and less than or equal to 24 hours (86,400) seconds. The MIB value tcpSendKeepAlivesEnabled must be set TRUE (1) in order for the keep alive packets to be transmitted. The default value of this variable is 2 hours (7,200) seconds." ::= { basicEntry 15 } basicIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a dummy variable which provides a meta-index for the Basic Information Table." ::= { basicEntry 100 } -- ******************************************************************* -- Port Information -- ******************************************************************* portTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification information about the ports." ::= { deviceInfo 2 } portEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification information about a particular port." INDEX { portIndex } ::= { portTable 1 } PortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { portIndex INTEGER, portProductCode DisplayString, portSerialNumber DisplayString, portPlaceOfManufacture INTEGER, portDateOfManufacture DisplayString, portState DisplayString, portHighSensitivity INTEGER, restoreFddiMibDefaults INTEGER, translateAllEthertypes INTEGER, portTxFrames Counter, portRxFrames Counter, portFcsErrors Counter, portFilterDiscards Counter, portDelayExceededDiscards Counter, portMtuExceededDiscards Counter, portFddiTooLongNonIpFrames Counter, portConnected INTEGER } portIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the port to which the management information applies." ::= { portEntry 1 } portProductCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the product code of the card on which this port is located." ::= { portEntry 2 } portSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the serial number of the card on which this port is located." ::= { portEntry 3 } portPlaceOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { Ottawa (1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number identifying where the card on which this port is located was built." ::= { portEntry 4 } portDateOfManufacture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the date of manufacture of the card on which this port is located." ::= { portEntry 5 } portState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An ASCII string giving the port's operational state." ::= { portEntry 6 } portHighSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is only valid if the port is an Ethernet port. If this variable is set to TRUE (1), the receiver of the Ethernet NIC controlling the port is set to high sensitivity. If the variable is set to 0, the port is set to normal sensitivity. If the ports on both ends of the 10BaseT link are set to high sensitivity, the maximum permissable length of the link is increased from 100 meters to 120 meters. Caution: a high sensitivity receiver may be overdriven by transmitters closer than 100 meters. This variable is 0 when the unit is powered up for the first time. Changes to this variable are preserved across system restarts." ::= { portEntry 7 } restoreFddiMibDefaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is ony valid if the port is an FDDI station. Setting this variable to TRUE (1) causes the agent to restore the default MIB values given in the ANSI X3T9.5/84-49 Rev 7.2 specification. This resets all writable FDDI MIB variables. Setting the variable to any other value has no effect. This variable will always return 0 when read." ::= { portEntry 8 } translateAllEthertypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable is only valid if the port is an FDDI port. If this variable is set to TRUE (1), the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol will be applied to frames containing any Ethertypes, not just the ones in the Selective Translation Table. If this variable is set to FALSE (0), the protocol will only be applied to Ethertypes in the translation table." ::= { portEntry 9 } portTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each frame transmitted to the network segment attached to the port." ::= { portEntry 10 } portRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each valid frame received from the network segment attached to the port." ::= { portEntry 11 } portFcsErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This counter is incremented by one for each received frame which failed its FCS check." ::= { portEntry 12 } portFilterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of frames received on this port which have been discarded due to the filtering action of the port's bridge circuit." ::= { portEntry 13 } portDelayExceededDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of frames discarded by this port due to excessive transit delay through the unit. It reports the same value as the object dot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards in the Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)." ::= { portEntry 14 } portMtuExceededDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of frames discarded by this port due to excessive size. It is the same value reported in the object dot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards in the Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)." ::= { portEntry 15 } portFddiTooLongNonIpFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of unfragmentable (non-IP) frames greater than ethernet length (1514 bytes) discarded by this port. This object is valid only for FDDI ports." ::= { portEntry 16 } portConnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The variable is TRUE (1) if the port is connected to a network segment. The variable is FALSE (0) if the port is not connected to a network segment." ::= { portEntry 17 } -- 802.1H Selective Translation Table -- Maximum 3 entries, valid only if the port is an FDDI port. selectiveTranslationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TranslationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Selective Translation Table as defined in IEEE 802.1h." ::= { deviceInfo 3 } translationTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TranslationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One entry in the STT." INDEX { translationTablePortIndex } ::= { selectiveTranslationTable 1 } TranslationTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { translationTablePortIndex INTEGER, translationTableEthertype1 INTEGER, translationTableEntryValid1 INTEGER, translationTableEthertype2 INTEGER, translationTableEntryValid2 INTEGER, translationTableEthertype3 INTEGER, translationTableEntryValid3 INTEGER } translationTablePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table index - the port number on which the STT resides." ::= { translationTableEntry 1 } translationTableEthertype1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The first Ethertype for which the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol should be used." ::= { translationTableEntry 2 } translationTableEntryValid1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to TRUE (1), the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol will be applied to frames containing the first Ethertype. If this variable is set to FALSE (0), the protocol will not be applied to the Ethertype." ::= { translationTableEntry 3 } translationTableEthertype2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The second Ethertype for which the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol should be used." ::= { translationTableEntry 4 } translationTableEntryValid2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to TRUE (1), the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol will be applied to frames containing the second Ethertype. If this variable is set to FALSE (0), the protocol will not be applied to the Ethertype." ::= { translationTableEntry 5 } translationTableEthertype3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The third Ethertype for which the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol should be used." ::= { translationTableEntry 6 } translationTableEntryValid3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this variable is set to TRUE (1), the Bridge Tunnel Encapsulation Protocol will be applied to frames containing the third Ethertype. If this variable is set to FALSE (0), the protocol will not be applied to the Ethertype." ::= { translationTableEntry 7 } -- ******************************************************************* -- TRAPS -- ******************************************************************* touched TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE vendor VARIABLES { identPressed } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the IDENTIFY button is pressed. The agent throttles the generation of consecutive touched traps so that there is at least a two second gap between them." ::= 9 END