CUBIX-QL4-SUPERVISOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; cubix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 708} mibdoc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cubix 1} ql4smib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mibdoc 9} -- Definitions Boolean ::= INTEGER {disabled(0), enabled(1)} QLStatus ::= INTEGER {absent(0), txhold(2), present(4), download(8), active(16), offline (32), reset(64), timeout(128), pendingCPR (512)} EnableDisableStatus::= INTEGER {disabled(0), enabled(1)} QLCommand ::= INTEGER {noCommand(0), online(1), offline(2), enableCPR(3), disableCPR(4), enablePOL(5), disablePOL(6), clearResetCounters(7), reset(8)} QLOS ::= INTEGER {indeterminate(0), dos(1), os2(2)} ql4SuperInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ql4smib 1} ql4Info OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ql4smib 2} ql4TrapInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ql4smib 3} ql4NetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE 8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ipx net address of the QL 4000 Series processors in this server/router." ::={ql4SuperInfo 1} ql4NumBoards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of QL 4000 Series processors at this ipx net address." ::={ql4SuperInfo 2} ql4RebootTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "After resetting a QL 4000 Series processor, the QL Supervisor Module will wait this amount of time for the QL processor to reboot. After this time period, if CPR (the Cubix Processor Recovery function) is enabled and the QL processor is not responding, the IES will again reset the processor. After resetting a processor, the QL Supervisor checks once per poll interval to determine if the amount of time specified by the reboot timeout has elapsed, at which time the QL Supervisor will resume monitoring the activity of the QL processor. Therefore, the observed reboot timeout is based upon the poll interval. Specify a reboot timeout that is greater than the poll interval. Reboot timeout values may range from 1 to 3600 seconds." ::={ql4SuperInfo 3} ql4PollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The poll interval is the amount of time the CPR (Cubix Processor Recovery function) will wait after polling a QL 4000 Seriesprocessor for the processor to answer before a hardware reset is initiated. Note that the reboot time is dependent on the current poll interval because timeouts are checked once per poll. The poll interval period should be less than the reboot time." ::={ql4SuperInfo 4} ql4ScanCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommand (0), scan (1)} ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This command instructs the QL Supervisor to scan this IPX net address for any QL 4000 Series processors that have been added to the net." ::={ql4SuperInfo 5} ql4Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QL4Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of QL 4000 Series processor information" ::={ql4Info 1} ql4Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QL4Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the QL 4000 Series processor table " INDEX {ql4NodeNum} ::= {ql4Table 1} QL4Entry ::= SEQUENCE { ql4NodeNum INTEGER, ql4OperatingSystem QLOS, ql4Status QLStatus, ql4CprStatus EnableDisableStatus, ql4PendOff EnableDisableStatus, ql4CprResets Counter, ql4ManResets Counter, ql4NorResets Counter, ql4Command QLCommand, } ql4NodeNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node number of the QL 4000 Series processor." ::={ql4Entry 1} ql4OperatingSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QLOS ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current operating system running on the QL 4000 Series processor: OS can be: indeterminate(0), dos(1), os2(2). " ::={ql4Entry 2} ql4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QLStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of the QL 4000 Seriesprocessor: txhold(2) - processor has been reset, network shell is not loaded present(4) - the processor is physically present, drivers are not loaded download(8) - the processor is downloading its image file active(16) - the nework shell is loaded offline(32) - the processor is being held offline reset(64) - the processor has been marked for reset timeout(128) - a transmission timeout error has occurred pendingCPR(4096)- processor has not responded to CPR" ::={ql4Entry 3} ql4CprStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of the CPR (Cubix Processor Recovery function) of a QL 4000 Series processor. Indicated as: enabled - CPR is active for a processor (unresponsive processor will be reset) disabled - CPR is inactive for a processor" ::= {ql4Entry 4} ql4PendOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of the pending Offline function of a QL 4000 Series processor. Indicated as: enabled or disabled. If Pending Offline is enabled, when a processor is reset, it will be held offline until a command is received to bring it back online. This function allows for an orderly shutdown of a subsystem." ::= {ql4Entry 5} ql4CprResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of automatic resets sent to a processor (via a CPR reset)." ::= {ql4Entry 6} ql4ManResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times a user has reset a processor using QLVision or SNMP." ::= {ql4Entry 7} ql4NorResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of normal (CTRL-ALT-DEL) resets of a processor." ::= {ql4Entry 8} ql4Command OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QLCommand ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A command for a particular QL 4000 Series processor. The commands are: online - places a processor online. offline - takes a processor offline. enableCPR - enables the CPR (Cubix Processor Recovery) function for a processor. disableCPR - disables the CPR for a processor. enablePO - enables Pending Offline function. disablePO - disables Pending Offline function. clearCtrs - clears the reset counters for a processor (cpr resets, manual resets, and normal resets). reset - resets a processor." ::= {ql4Entry 9} ql4trapString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(51)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " -- The trapString1 is 51 bytes defined by the following structure: -- trap { -- BYTE type; 41, QL 3000 Series Supervisor -- BYTE[16] name; 'QL Supervisor ' -- BYTE status; 1-active -- BYTE[6] sysStartTime; WS date/time stamp yy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss BCD -- DWORD sysUpTime; # seconds agent has been running -- BYTE[21] SupervisorAddress; ' ' -- BYTE[1] IESNumber; 0 -- BYTE[1] GroupNumber; 0 -- }" ::= {ql4TrapInfo 1} -- TRAPS ql4CPRReset TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE ql4smib VARIABLES {ql4NetAddress,ql4NodeNum} DESCRIPTION "A QL 4000 Series processor has not responded to a CPR packet and has been reset." --#TYPE "Cubix: QL4 CPR Reset" --#SUMMARY "net %s node %d: CPR reset" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1 ql4POReset TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE ql4smib VARIABLES {ql4NetAddress,ql4NodeNum} DESCRIPTION "A QL 4000 Series processor that was pending off-line, is now off-line." --#TYPE "Cubix: QL4 Off-line" --#SUMMARY "net %s node %d: Off-line" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2 ql4SupervisorStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE ql4smib VARIABLES {ql4trapString} DESCRIPTION "Cubix QL 4000 Series Supervisor status information." --#TYPE "Cubix: QL4 Supervisor Status" --#SUMMARY "Cubix QL 4000 Series Supervisor notification" --#ARGUMENTS {} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 3 END