-- MIB File Generated on 28-Aug-1997 at 09:54:56 RDS1-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, experimental, IpAddress, TimeTicks, Gauge, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; -- This is the MIB module for USR's extended DS1 Objects. usr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 429 } nas OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usr 1 } rds1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nas 27 } -- The USRDS1 Configuration Group usrds1ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Usrds1ConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An extension of dsx1 MIB configuration table as defined in RFC1406, which contains configurable parameters." ::= { rds1 1 } usrds1ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Usrds1ConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the usrds1ConfigTable, an extension to dsx1 as defined in RFC1406, indexed by usrds1CfgIndex which corresponds to dsx1LineIndex defined RFC1406." INDEX { usrds1CfgIndex } ::= { usrds1ConfigTable 1 } Usrds1ConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { usrds1CfgIndex INTEGER, usrds1CfgRspToRemoteLpbk INTEGER, usrds1CfgJitterAttnution INTEGER, usrds1CfgXmitLineBuildOut INTEGER, usrds1CfgDialInAdr INTEGER, usrds1CfgDialInOutTrunkSt INTEGER, usrds1CfgDialInAdrAckWink INTEGER, usrds1CfgDialOutAdrDly INTEGER, usrds1CfgDialIOTrunkType INTEGER, usrds1CfgPriSwitchType INTEGER, usrds1CfgIdleByte INTEGER, usrds1CfgAnlgBlockErrCode INTEGER, usrds1CfgDgtlBlockErrCode INTEGER, usrds1CfgNoIgwAvailErCode INTEGER, usrds1CfgChanBlockErrCode INTEGER, usrds1CfgBlockCallType INTEGER, usrds1ShrtHaulDist INTEGER, usrdsx1NicCfgType INTEGER, usrds1ToneType INTEGER, usrds1NumDtmfTones INTEGER, usrchT1E1DialOutSlctDirct INTEGER, usrchT1E1DialOutNextDS0 INTEGER, usrds1CfgRcvGain INTEGER, usrds1CfgCht1Profile INTEGER, usrds1CfgCallProceedngRsp INTEGER, usrds1CfgAlertingRsp INTEGER, usrds1CfgOverLapRxMode INTEGER } usrds1CfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU to which this entry is applicable. This index corresponds to dsx1LineIndex defined in RFC1406. The value of usrds1CfgIndex matches the value of the index for the corresponding NAC entity in the entity table of the chassis MIB." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 1 } usrds1CfgRspToRemoteLpbk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ ignore(1), respond(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object configures the specified CSU to either ignore or respond to remotely initiated loopback requests." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 2 } usrds1CfgJitterAttnution OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ attenJitterOnRcvr(1), attenJitterOnTxmtr(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is used to select how the jitter attenuation circuit on the CSU is to be used. It can be used to attenuate jitter on the receiver, or the transmitter." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 3 } usrds1CfgXmitLineBuildOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ dB0pt0(1), negdB7pt5(2), negdB15pt0(3), negdB22pt5(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the amount of attenuation that is to be applied to the transmit signal in order to control cross-talk, etc. Value shown in the enumeration are negative." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 4 } usrds1CfgDialInAdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ noAddress(1), dnis(2), ani-dnis(3), ani(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether or not type of MF/DTMF will be transferred as part of the call setup for the specified T1 line." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 5 } usrds1CfgDialInOutTrunkSt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ wink(1), immediate(2), dialTone(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This will set the Dial-in/Dial-out trunk start signal type. Default = wink(1)." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 6 } usrds1CfgDialInAdrAckWink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ disabled(1), enabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Allows to enable/disable an acknowledgment wink after the dial-in address information has been received." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 7 } usrds1CfgDialOutAdrDly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (70..3000) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Allows an adjustable delay on sending out address information from the T1 NAC to the TELCO." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 8 } usrds1CfgDialIOTrunkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ eAndMTypeII(1), loopStart(2), groundStart(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This will set the Dial-In/Dial-out trunk type. Default = eAndMTypeII(1)." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 9 } usrds1CfgPriSwitchType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ priSw4ESS(1), priSw5ESS(2), priSwDMS100(3), priSwICTR4(4), priSwVn4(5), priSwNI2(6), priSwINS1500(7), priSwTS014(8) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This sets the primary switch type for the T1-PRI ISDN NAC. The setting takes effect at NAC boot time. Default = priSw5ESS(2)." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 10 } usrds1CfgIdleByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This sets the idle byte pattern for the T1-PRI ISDN NAC. The setting takes effect at NAC boot time. Default = 0xFE." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 11 } usrds1CfgAnlgBlockErrCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This is the error code that will be returned to an ISDN switch when analog connections are being blocked. Default = 58." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 12 } usrds1CfgDgtlBlockErrCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This is the error code that will be returned to an ISDN switch when digital connections are being blocked. Default = 58." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 13 } usrds1CfgNoIgwAvailErCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This is the error code that will be returned to an ISDN switch when there are no modems available to accept the requested connection. Default = 58." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 14 } usrds1CfgChanBlockErrCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This is the error code that will be returned to an ISDN switch when connections to a specific B channel are being blocked. Default = 58." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 15 } usrds1CfgBlockCallType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), blockNone(2), blockAnalog(3), blockDigital(4), blockAll(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object determines if a PRI span line will block calls of a specific type. This object does not apply to a NAC operating in Rob Bit T1 mode. Default = blockNone(2)." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 16 } usrds1ShrtHaulDist OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), len0thru133Ft(2), len133thru266Ft(3), len266thru399Ft(4), len399thru533Ft(5), len533thru655Ft(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Various distance ranges supported by Short Haul NIC Default=len0thru133Ft." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 17 } usrdsx1NicCfgType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), longHaul(2), shortHaul(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Type of T1/E1 interface configured - Short haul of long haul." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 18 } usrds1ToneType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), mf(2), dtmf(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "DS1 Tone type (MF/DTMF) - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 19 } usrds1NumDtmfTones OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "DS1 Num. of DTMF tones - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 20 } usrchT1E1DialOutSlctDirct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), down(2), up(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object defines whether DS0 are chosen hunting up or down from the currently defined staring DS0. Default=down." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 21 } usrchT1E1DialOutNextDS0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..33) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object defines the starting DS0s to do dial-out hunting from." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 22 } usrds1CfgRcvGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ notSupported(1), dB12(2), dB26(3), dB36(4), dB43(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the amount of Receiver Gain that is applied to the received signal at the CSU. T1 Long Haul: 26 dB and 36 dB are allowed. T1 Short Haul: 12 dB is allowed. E1 Long Haul: 43 dB is allowed. E1 Short Haul: 12 dB is allowed." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 23 } usrds1CfgCht1Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ other(1), eAndMTypeIIFGB(2), eAndMTypeIIFGD(3), eAndMTypeIIGeneric(4), loopStart(5), groundStart(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The following object is used to configure profile for channelized T1. Following are the profile setting for each available option. Each option is ordered by uds1Cht1Profile" ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 24 } usrds1CfgCallProceedngRsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ off(1), on(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This Object determines to send CALL_PROCEEDING and CONNECT response, when a SETUP message received from TELCO. Default = ON." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 25 } usrds1CfgAlertingRsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ off(1), on(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This Object determines to send ALERTING response, when a SETUP message is received from TELCO. Default = OFF." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 26 } usrds1CfgOverLapRxMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enable(1), disable(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This Object allows dialed digits to arrive in separate messages. Default=disabled(2)." ::= { usrds1ConfigEntry 27 } -- The USRDS1 Status Group usrds1StatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Usrds1StatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "USR's DS1 Status table contains various CSU status information. There is no corresponding table in the dsx1 MIB defined by RFC1406." ::= { rds1 2 } usrds1StatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Usrds1StatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "There is one entry in this Status table for each CSU in the chassis." INDEX { usrds1StatIndex } ::= { usrds1StatTable 1 } Usrds1StatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { usrds1StatIndex INTEGER, usrds1StatReceiverGain INTEGER, usrds1StatSwitchTypeActve INTEGER, usrds1StatDchanState INTEGER, usrds1StatE1ContCrc INTEGER, usrds1StatE1PhysicalState INTEGER, usrds1StatLoopBackInit INTEGER, usrds1StatDs0SrvcChngLst DisplayString, usrds1SignalModeActive INTEGER, usrinCallmodemNotAvail INTEGER, usrinCallInvlidBearerCapa INTEGER, usrinCallInvalidChannlID INTEGER, usrinCallInvlidProgrsInd INTEGER, usrinCallInvlidCallngPrty INTEGER, usrinCallInvlidCalledPrty INTEGER, usrinCallCallBack INTEGER, usrinCallLoopStrtNoRngOff INTEGER, usroutCallTelcoDisconnct INTEGER, usroutCallEMWinkTimeOut INTEGER, usroutCallEMWinkTooShort INTEGER, usroutCallNoChannelAvail INTEGER, usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialIn INTEGER, usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialOut INTEGER, usrdiscNoTelcoRespGround INTEGER, usrds0BulkAccessABStat OCTET STRING, usrds0BlkAccessStatDs0Mdm OCTET STRING } usrds1StatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU to which this entry is applicable. The value of this object matches the value of the index for the corresponding NAC entity in the entity table of the chassis MIB." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 1 } usrds1StatReceiverGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ dB0pt0(1), negdB2pt9(2), negdB5pt8(3), negdB7pt5(4), negdB8pt7(5), negdB11pt6(6), negdB14pt5(7), negdB15pt0(8), negdB17pt4(9), negdB20pt3(10), negdB22pt5(11), negdB23pt2(12), negdB26pt1(13), negdB29pt0(14), negdB31pt9(15), negdB34pt8(16), negdB37pt7(17), negdB40pt6(18), negdB43pt5(19) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the amount of gain applied to boost the receive signal level to an appropriate operating level." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 2 } usrds1StatSwitchTypeActve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ priSw4ESS(1), priSw5ESS(2), priSwDMS100(3), priSwICTR4(4), priSwVn4(5), priSwNI2(6), priSwINS1500(7), priSwTS014(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the primary switch type that the T1-PRI ISDN NAC is currently connected to." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 3 } usrds1StatDchanState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ dChannelUp(1), dChannelDown(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the operational status of the D channel on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 4 } usrds1StatE1ContCrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object indicates when continuous CRC errors are being received on the E1 DS1 span line on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 5 } usrds1StatE1PhysicalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ psF1Operational(1), psF2Fc1RaiTempCrcErrors(2), psF3Fc2LossOfSignal(3), psF4Fc3AlarmIndSignal(4), psF5Fc4RaiContCrcErrors(5), psF6PowerOn(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the physical state of the E1 DS1 span line on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 6 } usrds1StatLoopBackInit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none(1), network(2), command(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object tells if the loopback was initiated by the network or by command" ::= { usrds1StatEntry 7 } usrds1StatDs0SrvcChngLst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..96)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains the current list of DS0s that have changed their state from In Service to Out of Service or Vice versa. The list is included in the corresponding SNMP trap." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 8 } usrds1SignalModeActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none(1), robbedBit(2), bitOriented(3), messageOriented(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is the same as in 1406 but shows what the module booted up with. This is needed until the changes to the 1406 object can be done without rebooting the card to make active." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 9 } usrinCallmodemNotAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time an incoming call can not be completed due to no idle modem available." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 10 } usrinCallInvlidBearerCapa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid bearer capability. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 11 } usrinCallInvalidChannlID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid channel ID. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 12 } usrinCallInvlidProgrsInd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid progress indicator. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 13 } usrinCallInvlidCallngPrty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid calling party number. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 14 } usrinCallInvlidCalledPrty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid called party number. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 15 } usrinCallCallBack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NPRI blocks the incoming call. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 16 } usrinCallLoopStrtNoRngOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Loop start, Pegged every time the no ring off after ring on. - CHT1 PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 17 } usroutCallTelcoDisconnct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the TELCO disconnect a setting up call. - PRI only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 18 } usroutCallEMWinkTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "E&M Wink start, Pegged every time the TELCO fails to wink (5 sec) - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 19 } usroutCallEMWinkTooShort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "E&M Wink start, Pegged every time the wink too short (less than 260 ms) - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 20 } usroutCallNoChannelAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Incremented every time the NCC receives outgoing call request from TPS but there is no channel available for the outgoing call." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 21 } usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "In E&M dialin state machine, TELCO does not respond to NCT disconnect signal. Pegged every time when it happens. - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 22 } usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "In E&M dialout state machine, TELCO does not respond to NCT disconnect signal. Pegged every time when it happens. - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 23 } usrdiscNoTelcoRespGround OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "In ground start dial in and dial out state machine, TELCO, does not respond to NCT disconnect signal. Pegged every time when it happens. - CHT1 only." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 24 } usrds0BulkAccessABStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains the AB bit status. It contains a string of bytes which contain the ABCD signaling transmit and receive bits for each DS0 on the span line." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 25 } usrds0BlkAccessStatDs0Mdm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains all of the ids0Stat table parameters for all the DS0's on the DS1." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 26 } -- The USRDS1 Command Group usrds1CmdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Usrds1CmdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This Command table contains an entry for each of the manageable CSUs in the chassis. It provides a means through which to take specific actions on one or more CSUs in the chassis." ::= { rds1 3 } usrds1CmdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Usrds1CmdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "There is one entry in the DS1 Command table per CSU in the chassis." INDEX { usrds1CmdIndex } ::= { usrds1CmdTable 1 } Usrds1CmdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { usrds1CmdIndex INTEGER, usrds1CmdMgtStationId OCTET STRING, usrds1CmdReqId INTEGER, usrds1CmdFunction INTEGER, usrds1CmdForce INTEGER, usrds1CmdParam OCTET STRING, usrds1CmdResult INTEGER, usrds1CmdCode INTEGER } usrds1CmdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each CSU in the chassis. The value of usrds1CmdIndex matches the value of the index for the corresponding NAC entity in the entity table of the chassis MIB." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 1 } usrds1CmdMgtStationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..8)) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object is a generic read-write variable that a Management Station (MS) can use to guarantee that the results from a given command are the result of that specific MS. Each MS must SET a unique value to this object when doing commands and GET the value of this object together with usrds1CmdReqId and usrds1CmdResult to detect interference from other MSs." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 2 } usrds1CmdReqId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains the value of the request-id field in the SNMP PDU which invoked the current or most recent command on this DS1 interface. If the request-id is unknown or undefined, this object contains the zero value." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 3 } usrds1CmdFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ noCommand(1), forceReceiverReframe(2), inService(3), localOutOfService(4), disconnect(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the command being requested." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 4 } usrds1CmdForce OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ force(1), noForce(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "In some cases, the DS1 interface may be in a state such that certain commands could adversely affect connections. In such cases, a command request with usrds1CmdForce not defined, or set to noForce will result in a warning. If the operator elects to ignore such warnings, usrds1CmdForce can be set to force in a re-issued request and the command will be carried out regardless of its potentially hazardous effects." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 5 } usrds1CmdParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..24)) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains parameters that are specific to the particular command being issued. In some cases, there will be no additional parameters required." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 6 } usrds1CmdResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none(1), success(2), inProgress(3), notSupported(4), unAbleToRun(5), aborted(6), failed(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object contains the result of the most recently requested command, or the value none(1) if no commands have been requested since the last reset." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 7 } usrds1CmdCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ noError(1), unable(2), unrecognizedCommand(6), slotEmpty(8), noResponse(12), unsupportedCommand(20), deviceDisabled(22), pendingSoftwareDownload(73), pendingSDL2(113) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The value of this object upon command completion indicates a further description of what went wrong if the command was unsuccessful." ::= { usrds1CmdEntry 8 } -- The USRDS1 Event Configuration Table usrds1EventCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Usrds1EventCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A trap/log enable table that defines a column for every event that a DS1 entity can generate." ::= { rds1 4 } usrds1EventCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Usrds1EventCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "There is one entry in this table for every CSU that exists in the chassis." INDEX { usrds1EventIndex } ::= { usrds1EventCfgTable 1 } Usrds1EventCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { usrds1EventIndex INTEGER, usrds1EventYellowAlarm INTEGER, usrds1EventRedAlarm INTEGER, usrds1EventLossOfSignal INTEGER, usrds1EventAlarmIndSignal INTEGER, usrds1EventYellowAlarmClr INTEGER, usrds1EventRedAlarmClr INTEGER, usrds1EventLossOfSgnlClr INTEGER, usrds1EventAlrmIndSgnlClr INTEGER, usrds1EventContCrcAlrm INTEGER, usrds1EventContCrcAlrmClr INTEGER, usrds1EventPhysStateChng INTEGER, usrds1EventDs0InSrvc INTEGER, usrds1EventDs0OutOfSrvc INTEGER, usrds1EventDs0ServStateMt INTEGER, usrds1EventloopBack INTEGER, usrds1EventloopBackCleard INTEGER, usrds1EvntelcoAbnornalRsp INTEGER, usrds1EventDchanInSrvc INTEGER, usrds1DchanOutOfSrvc INTEGER, usrds1EventDs0InConnFail INTEGER, usrds1EventDs0OutConnFail INTEGER } usrds1EventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each CSU in the chassis. The value of usrds1EventIndex matches the value of the index for the corresponding NAC entity in the entity table of the chassis MIB." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 1 } usrds1EventYellowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a yellow alarm condition on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 2 } usrds1EventRedAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a red alarm condition on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 3 } usrds1EventLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of loss of signal on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 4 } usrds1EventAlarmIndSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of an alarm indication signal (AIS) on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 5 } usrds1EventYellowAlarmClr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a yellow alarm condition being cleared on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 6 } usrds1EventRedAlarmClr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a red alarm condition being cleared on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 7 } usrds1EventLossOfSgnlClr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of loss of signal condition being cleared on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 8 } usrds1EventAlrmIndSgnlClr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of an alarm indication signal (AIS) being cleared on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 9 } usrds1EventContCrcAlrm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a continuous CRC condition on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 10 } usrds1EventContCrcAlrmClr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of the clearing of a continuous CRC condition on the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 11 } usrds1EventPhysStateChng OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a change in the physical state of the specified DS1." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 12 } usrds1EventDs0InSrvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a change in the service state of a DS0 on this span line from Out of Service to In Service. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 13 } usrds1EventDs0OutOfSrvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a change in the service state of a DS0 on this span line from In Service to Out of Service. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 14 } usrds1EventDs0ServStateMt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap when - B - channel(s), specified, change to Maintenance Service State." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 15 } usrds1EventloopBack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap when - The span line has been looped up. Loop back has occurred on span line." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 16 } usrds1EventloopBackCleard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap when - The span line has been looped down. Loop back has cleared on span line." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 17 } usrds1EvntelcoAbnornalRsp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap when - NCC signal TELCO to disconnect a call, the TELCO failed to respond." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 18 } usrds1EventDchanInSrvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a change in the service state of a D channel on this span line from Out of Service, Maintenance or Standby to Inservice. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 19 } usrds1DchanOutOfSrvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a change in the service state of a D channel on this span line from In service to Out of Service, Maintenance or Standby. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 20 } usrds1EventDs0InConnFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a incoming call failure at the DS0 level. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 21 } usrds1EventDs0OutConnFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enableTrap(1), disableAll(2), enableLog(3), enableAll(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Enable the generation of an SNMP trap upon detection of a out going call failure at the DS0 level. Default = disableAll(2)." ::= { usrds1EventCfgEntry 22 } END