Reference record for OID

parent (package)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) inmod(1831) informationModel(0) package(4) serviceFiltering(1)}
  • {itu-t(0) null(0) q(17) inmod(1831) informationModel(0) package(4) serviceFiltering(1)}
  • {ccitt(0) recommendation(0) q(17) inmod(1831) informationModel(0) package(4) serviceFiltering(1)}
  • {ccitt(0) null(0) q(17) inmod(1831) informationModel(0) package(4) serviceFiltering(1)}
  • iri oid
  • /itu-t/recommendation/q/inmod/informationModel/package/serviceFiltering
  • /itu-t/null/q/inmod/informationModel/package/serviceFiltering
  • /ccitt/recommendation/q/inmod/informationModel/package/serviceFiltering
  • /ccitt/null/q/inmod/informationModel/package/serviceFiltering
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    serviceFiltering MANAGED OBJECT CLASS
    DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992": top;
    serviceFilteringPackage PACKAGE
    serviceFilteringBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    DEFINED AS "This object class is used to specify how IN calls are to be filtered. It contains the criteria for filtering and specifies the treatment of filtered calls.
    The object is created by the SSF as a result of the receipt of an activateServiceFiltering operation from the SCF.
    - If the filteringCriteria attribute in the received operation has the value serviceKey, the filtering will be activated for that particular service and the serviceFiltering object will be associated with that particular service.
    - If the filteringCriteria attribute in the received operation has the value dialledNumber or callingPartyNumber, the filtering will be activated for the particular services associated with the calling party or dialled number.
    The SCF specifies that the network-dependent default duration is to be used by setting the attribute duration to "-2".
    This object instance is automatically deleted when the stopTime is reached or when duration expires. Prior to deletion, the objectId, filteringCriteria and the countersValues are passed to the INAP ASE to be used in the INAP serviceFilteringResponse operation.
    The serviceFilterId attribute is used as the RDN for naming.
    The startTime attribute specifies the time at which service filtering will be or is started.
    The stopTime attribute specifies the time at which service filtering will be stopped. If the incoming message specified a duration, the stop time is derived by adding the duration to the start time. If default timing was specified in the incoming request the stopTime will be set at the time this object instance is created by adding the default duration (specified in the serviceFilteringDefaultDuration object) to the specified start time.
    NOTE - This implies that changes to the default duration made subsequent to creation of this object instance will have no effect on the stopTime.
    The releaseCause specifies the release cause to be used for filtered calls.
    The billingChargingCharacteristics attribute specifies the charging to be applied to filtered calls.
    The filteredCallTreatment attribute specifies the treatment to be given to calls that have been filtered, e.g. inBandInfo, tone, etc.;;

    serviceFilterId GET,
    startTime GET,
    stopTime GET,
    releaseCause GET,
    billingChargingCharacteristics GET,
    filteredCallTreatment GET;;;
    timeBasedFilteringPackageBhvr BEHAVIOUR
    "This package specifies that all calls an interval of at least "interval" must pass between calls that invoke SCF service logic";;
    interval GET-REPLACE;

    View at

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T Q.836.1

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 0.0.17)


    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 0)

    ITU-T Study Group 17

    Brothers (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription countersPackage 0 0 countersPackage PACKAGE
    countersPackageBhvr BEHAVIOUR
    "This package specifies the maximum number of counters to be used and pro…