Reference record for OID 1.0.9798.5.1.1

1.0.9798.5.1 (mechanisms)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) standard(0) iso9798(9798) part(5) mechanisms(1) ua-identity-based-FS(1)}
  • {iso(1) std(0) iso9798(9798) part(5) mechanisms(1) ua-identity-based-FS(1)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/standard/iso9798/part/mechanisms/ua-identity-based-FS
  • /iso/std/iso9798/part/mechanisms/ua-identity-based-FS
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    Fiat and Shamir (FS) identity based algorithm, unilateral authentication
    View at

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.0)

    ISO and IEC

    Brothers (8)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    1.0.9798.5.1.2 ua-identity-based-GQ1 0 0 Guillou and Quisquater (GQ1) identity based algorithm, unilateral authentication
    1.0.9798.5.1.3 ua-integer-factorization-GQ2 0 0 Guillou and Quisquater (GQ1) integer factorization algorithm, unilateral authentication
    1.0.9798.5.1.4 ua-discrete-logarithms-prime-number-SC 0 0 SChnorr (SC) mechanism based on discrete logarithms with respect to prime numbers, unilateral authentication
    1.0.9798.5.1.5 ua-discrete-logarithms-composite-number-GPS1 0 0 Girault, Poupard and Stern (GPS1) mechanism based on discrete logarithms with respect to composite numbers, unilateral authenti…
    1.0.9798.5.1.6 ua-discrete-logarithms-composite-number-GPS2 0 0 Girault, Poupard and Stern (GPS2) mechanism based on discrete logarithms with respect to composite numbers, unilateral authenti…
    1.0.9798.5.1.7 ua-asymmetric-encipherment 0 0 Mechanism based on asymmetric encipherment systems, unilateral authentication
    1.0.9798.5.1.8 ma-asymmetric-encipherment 0 0 Mechanism based on asymmetric encipherment systems, mutual authentication
    1.0.9798.5.1.9 ua-discrete-logarithms-ecc-GPS 0 0 Unilateral authentication Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Girault, Poupard and Stern (GPS) algorithm based on discrete logari…