Reference record for OID 1.2.840.10036.

1.2.840.10036. (dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot11(10036) dot11smt(1) dot11WirelessNetworkManagement(22) dot11WNMReport(2) dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportTable(9) dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportEntry(1) dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtDeviceType(12)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/member-body/us/ieee802dot11/dot11smt/dot11WirelessNetworkManagement/dot11WNMReport/dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportTable/dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportEntry/dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtDeviceType
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the type of device in which the IEEE 802.11 STA resides.

    Parsed from file 802_11mib.txt
    Company: ieee
    Module: IEEE802dot11-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: IEEE
    Module: IEEE802dot11-MIB (802_11mib)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved(0), referenceDesign(1), accessPointWirelessRouterSoho(2), enterpriseAccessPoint(3), broadbandGateway(4), digitalStillCamera(5), portableVideoCamera(6), networkedWebCamera(7), digitalAudioStationary(8), digitalAudioPortable(9), setTopBoxMediaServer(10), tvMonitorDigitalPictureFrame(11), gameConsoleGameAdaptor(12), gamingDevice(13), mediaServerMediaAdaptor(14), networkStorageDevice(15), externalCard(16), internalCard(17), ultraMobilPc(18), notebookComputer(19), personalDigitalAssistant(20), printerPrintServer(21), phoneDualMode(22), phoneSingleMode(23), smartphoneDualMode(24), smartphoneSingleMode(25), otherDevices(221) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a status variable. It is written by the SME when a management report is completed. This attribute indicates the type of device in which the IEEE 802.11 STA resides." ::= { dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportEntry 12 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.2.840.10036)

    Vic Hayes

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.2.840)

    Joyce Hsu

    Brothers (12)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtIndex 0 0 Index for Manufacturer Information STA Report elements in dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoReportTable, greater than 0.
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtRqstToken 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the request t…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtIfIndex 0 0 The ifIndex for this row of WNMDiagMfrInfo Report has been received on.
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtEventStatus 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute contains the status val…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrOi 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrIdString 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrModelString 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrSerialNumberString 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrFirmwareVersion 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtMfrAntennaType 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Manufactu…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtCollocRadioType 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute contains the type of th…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11WNMDiagMfrInfoRprtCertificateID 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the SME when a management report is completed.

    This attribute indicates the Certifica…