Reference record for OID 1.2.840.10036.

1.2.840.10036.1.9.1 (dot11RSNAConfigEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ieee802dot11(10036) dot11smt(1) dot11RSNAConfigTable(9) dot11RSNAConfigEntry(1) dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime(16)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/member-body/us/ieee802dot11/dot11smt/dot11RSNAConfigTable/dot11RSNAConfigEntry/dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation.

    The maximum lifetime of a PMK in the PMK cache.

    Parsed from file 802_11mib.txt
    Company: ieee
    Module: IEEE802dot11-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: IEEE
    Module: IEEE802dot11-MIB (802_11mib)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-write
    Syntax: Unsigned32
    1..4294967295 )

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a control variable. It is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation. The maximum lifetime of a PMK in the PMK cache." DEFVAL { 43200 } ::= { dot11RSNAConfigEntry 16 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.2.840.10036)

    Vic Hayes

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.2.840)

    Joyce Hsu

    Brothers (38)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigVersion 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    The highest RSNA version this entity supports. See…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseKeysImplemented 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    This object indicates how many pairwise keys the e…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupCipher 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyMethod 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyTime 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyPackets 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupRekeyStrict 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigPSKValue 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupUpdateCount 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigPairwiseUpdateCount 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigGroupCipherSize 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauthThreshold 0 0 dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauththreshold
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigNumberOfPTKSAReplayCountersImplemented 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    Specifies the number of PTKSA replay counters per …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSATimeout 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAAuthenticationSuiteSelected 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAPairwiseCipherSelected 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAGroupCipherSelected 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAPMKIDUsed 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAAuthenticationSuiteRequested 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAPairwiseCipherRequested 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAGroupCipherRequested 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNATKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the MAC when the condition described below occurs.

    Counts the number of times that a …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNA4WayHandshakeFailures 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when the condition described below occurs.

    Counts …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigNumberOfGTKSAReplayCountersImplemented 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    Specifies the number of GTKSA replay counters per …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSTKKeysImplemented 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    This object indicates how many STK keys the entity…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSTKCipher 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSTKRekeyTime 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSMKUpdateCount 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSTKCipherSize 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSMKLifetime 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by an external management entity.
    Changes take effect as soon as practical in the imple…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigSMKReauthThreshold 0 0 dot11RSNAConfigSMKReauththreshold
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAConfigNumberOfSTKSAReplayCountersImplemented 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    Specifies the number of STKSA replay counters per …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNAPairwiseSTKSelected 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when a security association is established.

    The se…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNASMKHandshakeFailures 0 0 This is a status variable.
    It is written by the RSNA Key Management in the SME when the condition described below occurs.

    Counts …
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNASAERetransPeriod 0 0 This is a control variable.
    It is written by the SME when establishing or becoming a member of a BSS.
    Changes take effect for the…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNASAEAntiCloggingThreshold 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    This object specifies the maximum number of SAE p…
    1.2.840.10036. dot11RSNASAESync 0 0 This is a capability variable.
    Its value is determined by device capabilities.

    This object specifies the maximum number of synch…