Reference record for OID

parent (ieee8021XPaePortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021XPaeMIB(15) ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects(1) ieee8021XPaeSystem(1) ieee8021XPaePortTable(5) ieee8021XPaePortEntry(1) ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities(7)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021XPaeMIB/ieee8021XPaeMIBObjects/ieee8021XPaeSystem/ieee8021XPaePortTable/ieee8021XPaePortEntry/ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
    "The capabilities of this PAE port.
    \suppImplemented\ : A PACP EAP supplicant functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on.
    \authImplemented\ : A PACP EAP authenticator functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on.
    \mkaImplemented\ : The KaY MKA functions are implemented
    in this PAE if this bit is on.
    \macsecImplemented\ : The MACsec functions in the
    Controlled Port are implemented in this PAE if this
    bit is on.
    \announcementsImplemented\ : The EAPOL announcement can be
    sent in this PAE if this bit is on.
    \listenerImplemented\ : This PAE can receive EAPOL announcement
    if this bit is on.
    \virtualPortsImplemented\ : Virtual Port functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on."
    REFERENCE "802.1X Clause 12.9.2, Figure 12-3"

    View at

    Description by ieee802

    The capabilities of this PAE port.

    'suppImplemented' : A PACP EAP supplicant functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on.

    'authImplemented' : A PACP EAP authenticator functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on.

    'mkaImplemented' : The KaY MKA functions are implemented
    in this PAE if this bit is on.

    'macsecImplemented' : The MACsec functions in the
    Controlled Port are implemented in this PAE if this
    bit is on.

    'announcementsImplemented' : The EAPOL announcement can be
    sent in this PAE if this bit is on.

    'listenerImplemented' : This PAE can receive EAPOL announcement
    if this bit is on.

    'virtualPortsImplemented' : Virtual Port functions are
    implemented in this PAE if this bit is on.

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from IEEE Management Information Bases (MIBs)

    Information by ieee802

    ieee8021XPaePortCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { suppImplemented(0), authImplemented(1), mkaImplemented(2), macsecImplemented(3), announcementsImplemented(4), listenerImplemented(5), virtualPortsImplemented(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The capabilities of this PAE port. 'suppImplemented' : A PACP EAP supplicant functions are implemented in this PAE if this bit is on. 'authImplemented' : A PACP EAP authenticator functions are implemented in this PAE if this bit is on. 'mkaImplemented' : The KaY MKA functions are implemented in this PAE if this bit is on. 'macsecImplemented' : The MACsec functions in the Controlled Port are implemented in this PAE if this bit is on. 'announcementsImplemented' : The EAPOL announcement can be sent in this PAE if this bit is on. 'listenerImplemented' : This PAE can receive EAPOL announcement if this bit is on. 'virtualPortsImplemented' : Virtual Port functions are implemented in this PAE if this bit is on." REFERENCE "802.1X Clause 12.9.2, Figure 12-3" ::= { ieee8021XPaePortEntry 7 }

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3)

    Frank Farance

    Brothers (17)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ieee8021XPaePortNumber 0 0 An interface index indicates the port number associated with
    this port. Each PAE is uniquely identified by a port number.
    The po… ieee8021XPaePortType 0 0 The port type of the PAE.

    realPort(1) : indicates the PAE is for a real port.

    virtualPort(2) : indicates the PAE is for a virtual… ieee8021XPaeControlledPortNumber 0 0 An interface index indicates the port number associated with
    PAC or SecY's Controlled Port. ieee8021XPaeUncontrolledPortNumber 0 0 An interface index indicates the port number associated with
    PAC or SecY's Uncontrolled Port. If the PAE supports a
    real port, t… ieee8021XPaeCommonPortNumber 0 0 An interface index indicates the port number associated with
    PAC or SecY's 'Common Port'. All the virtual ports created
    for a gi… ieee8021XPaePortInitialize 0 0 The initialization control for this Port. Setting this object
    'true' causes the Port to be reinitialized, terminating (and
    potent… ieee8021XPaePortVirtualPortsEnable 0 0 Enable or disable to Virtual Ports function for this Real Port
    PAE, the object ieee8021XPaePortType in the same row has the
    value… ieee8021XPaePortMaxVirtualPorts 0 0 The maximum number of virtual ports can be supported in this
    port. ieee8021XPaePortCurrentVirtualPorts 0 0 The current number of virtual ports is running in this port. ieee8021XPaePortVirtualPortStart 0 0 This object will be 'true' if the virtual port is created by
    receipt of an EAPOL-Start packet. ieee8021XPaePortVirtualPortPeerMAC 0 0 The source MAC address of the received EAPOL-Start if
    ieee8021XPaePortVirtualPortStart is set 'true'.

    If ieee8021XPaePortVirtualP… ieee8021XPaePortLogonEnable 0 0 Enable or disable to transmit network announcement
    information. ieee8021XPaePortAuthenticatorEnable 0 0 Enable or disable to the Authenticator function in this PAE.

    This object will be read only and returns 'false' if the value
    of th… ieee8021XPaePortSupplicantEnable 0 0 Enable or disable to the Supplicant function in this PAE.

    This object will be read only and returns 'false' if the value
    of the o… ieee8021XPaePortKayMkaEnable 0 0 Enable or disable the MKA protocol function in this PAE.

    This object will be read only and returns 'false' if the value
    of the ob… ieee8021XPaePortAnnouncerEnable 0 0 Enable or disable the network Announcer function in this PAE.

    This object will be read only and returns 'false' if the value
    of t… ieee8021XPaePortListenerEnable 0 0 Enable or disable the network Listener function in this PAE.

    This object will be read only and returns 'false' if the value
    of th…