Reference record for OID

parent (ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CnMib(18) ieee8021CnMIBObjects(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable(7) ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry(1) ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds(6)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CnMib/ieee8021CnMIBObjects/ieee8021CnRpPortPriTable/ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry/ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Counter64
    UNITS "centiseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
    "This object returns the total number of centi-seconds that
    any of the Reaction Points (RPs) controlled by this entry
    has had its rpEnabled variable in the TRUE state. That is,
    once each centi-second, this counter is incremented by the
    number of RPs this entry controls that are actively rate
    limiting output frames.
    Dividing the change in this object over a time interval by the
    length of the interval yields the average number of RPs active
    over that interval. Dividing the change in this object by the
    change in ieee8021CnRpPortPriCreatedRps over that same time
    interval yields the average lifetime of an active RP during that
    "802.1Qau clause 32.10.3, 32.13.1"

    View at

    Description by ieee802

    This object returns the total number of centi-seconds that
    any of the Reaction Points (RPs) controlled by this entry
    has had its rpEnabled variable in the TRUE state. That is,
    once each centi-second, this counter is incremented by the
    number of RPs this entry controls that are actively rate
    limiting output frames.

    Dividing the change in this object over a time interval by the
    length of the interval yields the average number of RPs active
    over that interval. Dividing the change in this object by the
    change in ieee8021CnRpPortPriCreatedRps over that same time
    interval yields the average lifetime of an active RP during that

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from IEEE Management Information Bases (MIBs)

    Information by ieee802

    ieee8021CnRpPortPriCentiseconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "centiseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the total number of centi-seconds that any of the Reaction Points (RPs) controlled by this entry has had its rpEnabled variable in the TRUE state. That is, once each centi-second, this counter is incremented by the number of RPs this entry controls that are actively rate limiting output frames. Dividing the change in this object over a time interval by the length of the interval yields the average number of RPs active over that interval. Dividing the change in this object by the change in ieee8021CnRpPortPriCreatedRps over that same time interval yields the average lifetime of an active RP during that interval. " REFERENCE "802.1Qau clause 32.10.3, 32.13.1" ::= { ieee8021CnRpPortPriEntry 6 }

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3)

    Frank Farance

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ieee8021CnRpPortPriComponentId 0 0 The bridge component within the system to which the information
    in this ieee8021CnRpGroupEntry applies. If the system is
    not a B… ieee8021CnRpPortPriPriority 0 0 This object indicates the lowest numerical
    Congestion Notification Priority Value that this entry's
    Reaction Point serves. ieee8021CnRpPortPriIfIndex 0 0 This object indicates the interface on which the selected
    Reaction Points reside.

    Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL,… ieee8021CnRpPortPriMaxRps 0 0 An integer controlling the maximum number of Reaction Points
    allowed for this CNPV on this Port. An end station SHALL
    not create … ieee8021CnRpPortPriCreatedRps 0 0 This object returns the number of times any of the
    Reaction Points (RPs) controlled by this entry has had
    its rpEnabled variable …