Reference record for OID

parent (ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021MvrpxMib(22) ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortTable(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry(1) ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly(1)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021MvrpxMib/ieee8021MvrpxMIBObjects/ieee8021MvrpxPortTable/ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry/ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
    "The mode of operation of the MVRP state machines on
    this port, if enabled. The value of this object and the value
    of the individual Port+Attribute type enable object
    ieee8021QBridgePortMvrpEnabledStatus combine to control the
    state machines as follows:
    MVRP state machines
    not implemented true(1) Full participant
    false(2) true(1) Full participant
    true(1) true(1) New-only participant
    not implemented false(2) MVRP disabled
    false(2) false(2) MVRP disabled
    true(1) false(2) MVRP disabled
    This object affects all MVRP Applicant and Registrar state
    machines on this port. A change to the value of this object
    will cause a reset of all MVRP state machines for this attribute
    type on this port.
    The value of this object MUST be retained across
    reinitializations of the management system."
    DEFVAL { false }

    View at

    Description by ieee802

    The mode of operation of the MVRP state machines on
    this port, if enabled. The value of this object and the value
    of the individual Port+Attribute type enable object
    ieee8021QBridgePortMvrpEnabledStatus combine to control the
    state machines as follows:

    MVRP state machines

    not implemented true(1) Full participant
    false(2) true(1) Full participant
    true(1) true(1) New-only participant
    not implemented false(2) MVRP disabled
    false(2) false(2) MVRP disabled
    true(1) false(2) MVRP disabled

    This object affects all MVRP Applicant and Registrar state
    machines on this port. A change to the value of this object
    will cause a reset of all MVRP state machines for this attribute
    type on this port.

    The value of this object MUST be retained across
    reinitializations of the management system.

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from IEEE Management Information Bases (MIBs)

    Information by ieee802

    ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of operation of the MVRP state machines on this port, if enabled. The value of this object and the value of the individual Port+Attribute type enable object ieee8021QBridgePortMvrpEnabledStatus combine to control the state machines as follows: ieee8021MvrpxPortNewOnly ieee8021QBridgePortMvrpEnabledStatus MVRP state machines not implemented true(1) Full participant false(2) true(1) Full participant true(1) true(1) New-only participant not implemented false(2) MVRP disabled false(2) false(2) MVRP disabled true(1) false(2) MVRP disabled This object affects all MVRP Applicant and Registrar state machines on this port. A change to the value of this object will cause a reset of all MVRP state machines for this attribute type on this port. The value of this object MUST be retained across reinitializations of the management system." REFERENCE "," DEFVAL { false } ::= { ieee8021MvrpxPortEntry 1 }

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3)

    Frank Farance

    Brothers (2)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ieee8021MvrpxPortMvrpNewPropagated 0 0 The mode of operation of the MVRP on this port, if enabled.
    If this object contains the value true(1), then all Static VLAN
    Regis… ieee8021MvrpxPortXmitZero 0 0 Selects whether MVRP is enabled to transmit 0 as the attribute
    value for the one VLAN ID for which this Port is in the untagged