Reference record for OID

parent (dot1agCfmLtrEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) ieee(111) standards-association-numbers-series-standards(2) lan-man-stds(802) ieee802dot1(1) ieee802dot1mibs(1) ieee8021CfmMib(8) dot1agMIBObjects(1) dot1agCfmMep(7) dot1agCfmLtrTable(2) dot1agCfmLtrEntry(1) dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier(7)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • /iso/identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • /iso/org/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbered-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/ieee/standards-association-numbers-series-standards/lan-man-stds/ieee802dot1/ieee802dot1mibs/ieee8021CfmMib/dot1agMIBObjects/dot1agCfmMep/dot1agCfmLtrTable/dot1agCfmLtrEntry/dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by cisco_v1

    An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress
    Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that
    transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next
    hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of
    the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags
    field is false, the contents of this field are undefined,
    i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored
    by the receiver.

    Description by cisco

    An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress
    Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that
    transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next
    hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of
    the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags
    field is false, the contents of this field are undefined,
    i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored
    by the receiver.

    Description by ieee802

    An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress
    Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that
    transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next
    hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of
    the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags
    field is false, the contents of this field are undefined,
    i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored
    by the receiver.

    Description by mibdepot

    An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress
    Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that
    transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next
    hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of
    the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags
    field is false, the contents of this field are undefined,
    i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored
    by the receiver.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None
    Module: IEEE8021-CFM-MIB

    Description by circitor

    An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress
    Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that
    transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next
    hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of
    the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags
    field is false, the contents of this field are undefined,
    i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored
    by the receiver.

    Parsed from file IEEE8021-CFM-MIB.mib
    Module: IEEE8021-CFM-MIB

    Information by cisco_v1

    dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver." REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { dot1agCfmLtrEntry 7 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco Systems
    Module: IEEE8021-CFM-MIB (
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: OCTET STRING
    ( SIZE (
    8 ) )

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by cisco

    dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { dot1agCfmLtrEntry 7 }

    Information by ieee802

    dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { dot1agCfmLtrEntry 7 }

    Information by mibdepot

    dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { dot1agCfmLtrEntry 7 }

    Information by circitor

    dot1agCfmLtrNextEgressIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet field holding the Next Egress Identifier returned in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR. The Next Egress Identifier Identifies the Linktrace Responder that transmitted this LTR, and can forward the LTM to the next hop. This is the same value as the Egress Identifier TLV of the forwarded LTM, if any. If the FwdYes bit of the Flags field is false, the contents of this field are undefined, i.e., any value can be transmitted, and the field is ignored by the receiver. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses and" ::= { dot1agCfmLtrEntry 7 }

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3)

    Frank Farance

    Brothers (20)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription dot1agCfmLtrSeqNumber 0 0 Transaction identifier/Sequence number returned by a previous
    transmit linktrace message command, indicating which LTM's
    response… dot1agCfmLtrReceiveOrder 0 0 An index to distinguish among multiple LTRs with the same LTR
    Transaction Identifier field value. dot1agCfmLtrReceiveOrder
    are a… dot1agCfmLtrTtl 0 0 TTL field value for a returned LTR. dot1agCfmLtrForwarded 0 0 Indicates if a LTM was forwarded by the responding MP, as
    returned in the 'FwdYes' flag of the flags field. dot1agCfmLtrTerminalMep 0 0 A boolean value stating whether the forwarded LTM reached a
    MEP enclosing its MA, as returned in the Terminal MEP flag of
    the Fla… dot1agCfmLtrLastEgressIdentifier 0 0 An octet field holding the Last Egress Identifier returned
    in the LTR Egress Identifier TLV of the LTR.
    The Last Egress Identifie… dot1agCfmLtrRelay 0 0 Value returned in the Relay Action field. dot1agCfmLtrChassisIdSubtype 0 0 This object specifies the format of the Chassis ID returned
    in the Sender ID TLV of the LTR, if any. This value is
    meaningless i… dot1agCfmLtrChassisId 0 0 The Chassis ID returned in the Sender ID TLV of the LTR, if
    any. The format of this object is determined by the
    value of the dot1… dot1agCfmLtrManAddressDomain 0 0 The TDomain that identifies the type and format of
    the related dot1agCfmMepDbManAddress object, used to access
    the SNMP agent of … dot1agCfmLtrManAddress 0 0 The TAddress that can be used to access the SNMP
    agent of the system transmitting the CCM, received in the CCM
    Sender ID TLV from… dot1agCfmLtrIngress 0 0 The value returned in the Ingress Action Field of the LTM.
    The value ingNoTlv(0) indicates that no Reply Ingress TLV was
    returned… dot1agCfmLtrIngressMac 0 0 MAC address returned in the ingress MAC address field.
    If the dot1agCfmLtrIngress object contains the value
    ingNoTlv(0), then the… dot1agCfmLtrIngressPortIdSubtype 0 0 Format of the Ingress Port ID.
    If the dot1agCfmLtrIngress object contains the value
    ingNoTlv(0), then the contents of this object… dot1agCfmLtrIngressPortId 0 0 Ingress Port ID. The format of this object is determined by
    the value of the dot1agCfmLtrIngressPortIdSubtype object.
    If the dot1… dot1agCfmLtrEgress 0 0 The value returned in the Egress Action Field of the LTM.
    The value egrNoTlv(0) indicates that no Reply Egress TLV was
    returned i… dot1agCfmLtrEgressMac 0 0 MAC address returned in the egress MAC address field.
    If the dot1agCfmLtrEgress object contains the value
    egrNoTlv(0), then the c… dot1agCfmLtrEgressPortIdSubtype 0 0 Format of the egress Port ID.
    If the dot1agCfmLtrEgress object contains the value
    egrNoTlv(0), then the contents of this object a… dot1agCfmLtrEgressPortId 0 0 Egress Port ID. The format of this object is determined by
    the value of the dot1agCfmLtrEgressPortIdSubtype object.
    If the dot1ag… dot1agCfmLtrOrganizationSpecificTlv 0 0 All Organization specific TLVs returned in the LTR, if
    any. Includes all octets including and following the TLV
    Length field of …