Reference record for OID

parent (t11ZsZoneMemberEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) t11ZoneServerMIB(160) t11ZsMIBObjects(1) t11ZsConfiguration(1) t11ZsZoneMemberTable(6) t11ZsZoneMemberEntry(1) t11ZsZoneMemberID(5)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/t11ZoneServerMIB/t11ZsMIBObjects/t11ZsConfiguration/t11ZsZoneMemberTable/t11ZsZoneMemberEntry/t11ZsZoneMemberID
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    t11ZsZoneMemberID OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
    "This object contains the Member Identifier of the
    Zone or Alias. The interpretation of this object
    depends on the value of the corresponding instance
    of t11ZsZoneMemberFormat:
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \N_Port_Name\, then
    this object contains an N_Port_Name.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \Domain_ID and physical
    port\, then this object contains a 4-octet value in
    network byte order. The first octet is zero,
    the second octet contains the Domain_ID, and the
    last 2 octets contain the physical port number.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \N_Port_ID\, then this
    object contains the 3-octet Nx_Port FC_ID.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \Alias Name\, then
    this object contains the value of t11ZsAliasName
    for some Alias in the same Zone Set database.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \Node_Name\, then
    this object contains an 8-octet Node_Name.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is \F_Port_Name\, then
    this object contains an 8-octet F_Port_Name.
    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is one of the \Vendor
    Specific\ values, then this object contains a value
    of 1 to 255 octets in a format defined by the relevant
    This object cannot be modified while the corresponding
    value of t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus object is \active\."

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    This object contains the Member Identifier of the
    Zone or Alias. The interpretation of this object
    depends on the value of the corresponding instance
    of t11ZsZoneMemberFormat:

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_Name', then
    this object contains an N_Port_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Domain_ID and physical
    port', then this object contains a 4-octet value in
    network byte order. The first octet is zero,
    the second octet contains the Domain_ID, and the
    last 2 octets contain the physical port number.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_ID', then this
    object contains the 3-octet Nx_Port FC_ID.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Alias Name', then
    this object contains the value of t11ZsAliasName
    for some Alias in the same Zone Set database.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Node_Name', then
    this object contains an 8-octet Node_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'F_Port_Name', then
    this object contains an 8-octet F_Port_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is one of the 'Vendor
    Specific' values, then this object contains a value
    of 1 to 255 octets in a format defined by the relevant

    This object cannot be modified while the corresponding
    value of t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus object is 'active'.

    Parsed from file rfc4936-Fibre-Channel-Zone-Server.mib-2.txt
    Company: None
    Module: T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB

    Description by circitor

    This object contains the Member Identifier of the
    Zone or Alias. The interpretation of this object
    depends on the value of the corresponding instance
    of t11ZsZoneMemberFormat:

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_Name', then
    this object contains an N_Port_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Domain_ID and physical
    port', then this object contains a 4-octet value in
    network byte order. The first octet is zero,
    the second octet contains the Domain_ID, and the
    last 2 octets contain the physical port number.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_ID', then this
    object contains the 3-octet Nx_Port FC_ID.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Alias Name', then
    this object contains the value of t11ZsAliasName
    for some Alias in the same Zone Set database.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Node_Name', then
    this object contains an 8-octet Node_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'F_Port_Name', then
    this object contains an 8-octet F_Port_Name.

    - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is one of the 'Vendor
    Specific' values, then this object contains a value
    of 1 to 255 octets in a format defined by the relevant

    This object cannot be modified while the corresponding
    value of t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus object is 'active'.

    Parsed from file T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB.mib
    Module: T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from RFC4936

    Information by mibdepot

    t11ZsZoneMemberID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the Member Identifier of the Zone or Alias. The interpretation of this object depends on the value of the corresponding instance of t11ZsZoneMemberFormat: - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_Name', then this object contains an N_Port_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Domain_ID and physical port', then this object contains a 4-octet value in network byte order. The first octet is zero, the second octet contains the Domain_ID, and the last 2 octets contain the physical port number. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_ID', then this object contains the 3-octet Nx_Port FC_ID. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Alias Name', then this object contains the value of t11ZsAliasName for some Alias in the same Zone Set database. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Node_Name', then this object contains an 8-octet Node_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'F_Port_Name', then this object contains an 8-octet F_Port_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is one of the 'Vendor Specific' values, then this object contains a value of 1 to 255 octets in a format defined by the relevant vendor. This object cannot be modified while the corresponding value of t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus object is 'active'." ::= { t11ZsZoneMemberEntry 5 }

    Information by circitor

    t11ZsZoneMemberID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the Member Identifier of the Zone or Alias. The interpretation of this object depends on the value of the corresponding instance of t11ZsZoneMemberFormat: - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_Name', then this object contains an N_Port_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Domain_ID and physical port', then this object contains a 4-octet value in network byte order. The first octet is zero, the second octet contains the Domain_ID, and the last 2 octets contain the physical port number. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'N_Port_ID', then this object contains the 3-octet Nx_Port FC_ID. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Alias Name', then this object contains the value of t11ZsAliasName for some Alias in the same Zone Set database. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'Node_Name', then this object contains an 8-octet Node_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is 'F_Port_Name', then this object contains an 8-octet F_Port_Name. - if t11ZsZoneMemberFormat is one of the 'Vendor Specific' values, then this object contains a value of 1 to 255 octets in a format defined by the relevant vendor. This object cannot be modified while the corresponding value of t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus object is 'active'." ::= { t11ZsZoneMemberEntry 5 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription t11ZsZoneMemberParentType 0 0 This object determines whether this member belongs
    to a Zone or Zone Alias. t11ZsZoneMemberParentIndex 0 0 This object contains the index value of the Zone or
    Zone Alias to which this member belongs.

    If the value of the corresponding in… t11ZsZoneMemberIndex 0 0 An index value that uniquely identifies this Zone
    Member amongst all Zone Members in the Zone Set
    database of a particular Fabric… t11ZsZoneMemberFormat 0 0 This object identifies the format of the
    Zone/Zone Alias member's identifier contained in

    This object cannot be… t11ZsZoneMemberRowStatus 0 0 The status of this conceptual row.

    The corresponding instances of t11ZsZoneMemberID and
    t11ZsZoneMemberFormat objects must be set…