Reference record for OID

parent (ikeTunnelHistEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) ipsecMIB(503) ipsecMIBObjects(1) ipsecHistory(4) ipsecHistPhaseOne(2) ikeTunnelHistTable(1) ikeTunnelHistEntry(1) ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) ipsecMIB(503) ipsecMIBObjects(1) ipsecHistory(4) ipsecHistPhaseOne(2) ikeTunnelHistTable(1) ikeTunnelHistEntry(1) ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) ipsecMIB(503) ipsecMIBObjects(1) ipsecHistory(4) ipsecHistPhaseOne(2) ikeTunnelHistTable(1) ikeTunnelHistEntry(1) ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/experimental/ipsecMIB/ipsecMIBObjects/ipsecHistory/ipsecHistPhaseOne/ikeTunnelHistTable/ikeTunnelHistEntry/ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/experimental/ipsecMIB/ipsecMIBObjects/ipsecHistory/ipsecHistPhaseOne/ikeTunnelHistTable/ikeTunnelHistEntry/ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/experimental/ipsecMIB/ipsecMIBObjects/ipsecHistory/ipsecHistPhaseOne/ikeTunnelHistTable/ikeTunnelHistEntry/ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue
  • Description by mibdepot

    The value of the remote peer identity.

    If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
    is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.

    If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is
    the host name used to identify the remote peer.

    Parsed from file ipsec_flow.mib.txt
    Company: flowpoint
    Module: IPsecT1-MIB

    Information by mibdepot

    ikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the remote peer identity. If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer. If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is the host name used to identify the remote peer." ::= { ikeTunnelHistEntry 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (37)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ikeTunHistIndex 0 0 The index of the ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel History Table.
    The value of the index is a number which begins at one and
    is incremente… ikeTunHistTermReason 0 0 The reason the ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel was terminated.
    Possible reasons include:
    1 = other
    2 = normal termination
    3 = operator req… ikeTunHistActiveIndex 0 0 The index of the previously active ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistPeerLocalType 0 0 The type of local peer identity. The local peer may be
    indentified by:
    1. an IP address, or
    2. a host name. ikeTunHistPeerLocalValue 0 0 The value of the local peer identity.

    If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
    is the IP Address used to identify the l… ikeTunHistPeerIntIndex 0 0 The internal index of the local-remote peer association.
    This internal index is used to uniquely identify
    multiple associations b… ikeTunHistPeerRemoteType 0 0 The type of remote peer identity. The remote peer may be
    indentified by:
    1. an IP address, or
    2. a host name. ikeTunHistLocalAddr 0 0 The IP address of the local endpoint for the ipsec
    Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistLocalName 0 0 The DNS name of the local IP address for the ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. If the DNS name associated with the local
    tunnel endpoint … ikeTunHistRemoteAddr 0 0 The IP address of the remote endpoint for the ipsec
    Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistRemoteName 0 0 The DNS name of the remote IP address of ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. If the DNS name associated with the remote
    tunnel endpoint is … ikeTunHistNegoMode 0 0 The negotiation mode of the ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistDiffHellmanGrp 0 0 The Diffie Hellman Group used in ipsec Phase-1 IKE
    negotiations. ikeTunHistEncryptAlgo 0 0 The encryption algorithm used in ipsec Phase-1 IKE
    negotiations. ikeTunHistHashAlgo 0 0 The hash algorithm used in ipsec Phase-1 IKE
    negotiations. ikeTunHistAuthMethod 0 0 The authentication method used in ipsec Phase-1 IKE
    negotiations. ikeTunHistLifeTime 0 0 The negotiated LifeTime of the ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel
    in seconds. ikeTunHistStartTime 0 0 The time when the ipsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel was started
    in hundredths of seconds. ikeTunHistActiveTime 0 0 The length of time the ipsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel was been
    active in hundredths of seconds. ikeTunHistTotalRefreshes 0 0 The total number of security associations refreshes performed. ikeTunHistTotalSas 0 0 The total number of security associations used during the
    life of the ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInOctets 0 0 The total number of octets received by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInPkts 0 0 The total number of packets received by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInDropPkts 0 0 The total number of packets dropped by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel during receive processing. ikeTunHistInNotifys 0 0 The total number of notifys received by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInP2Exchgs 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges received by
    this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInP2ExchgInvalids 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges received and
    found to be invalid by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInP2ExchgRejects 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges received and
    rejected by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistInP2SaDelRequests 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 security association
    delete requests received by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutOctets 0 0 The total number of octets sent by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutPkts 0 0 The total number of packets sent by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutDropPkts 0 0 The total number of packets dropped by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel during send processing. ikeTunHistOutNotifys 0 0 The total number of notifys sent by this ipsec Phase-1
    IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutP2Exchgs 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges sent by
    this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutP2ExchgInvalids 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
    found to be invalid by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutP2ExchgRejects 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
    rejected by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. ikeTunHistOutP2SaDelRequests 0 0 The total number of ipsec Phase-2 security association
    delete requests sent by this ipsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.