Reference record for OID

parent (com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) com21(1141) com21Hcx(2) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup(105) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable(1) com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry(1) hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear(11)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/com21/com21Hcx/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsGroup/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsTable/com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry/hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This attribute is used to clear all the voice
    channel statistics counters in this group.
    This operation
    is only possible if the hcxStatsControl attribute
    is set to wrapCurr.

    Parsed from file com21.hcxvoice.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: COM21-HCXVOICE-MIB

    Description by circitor

    This attribute is used to clear all the voice
    channel statistics counters in this group.
    This operation
    is only possible if the hcxStatsControl attribute
    is set to wrapCurr.

    Parsed from file COM21-HCXVOICE-MIB.mib
    Module: COM21-HCXVOICE-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Com21
    Module: COM21-HCXVOICE-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nil(1), clear(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute is used to clear all the voice channel statistics counters in this group. This operation is only possible if the hcxStatsControl attribute is set to wrapCurr." ::= { com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry 11 }

    Information by circitor

    hcxStuVoiceCallStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nil(1), clear(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute is used to clear all the voice channel statistics counters in this group. This operation is only possible if the hcxStatsControl attribute is set to wrapCurr." ::= { com21HcxStuVoiceCallStatsEntry 11 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Miyazaki Randy

    Brothers (10)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription hcxStuVoiceCallStatsMacAddr 0 0 Contains IEEE 802 medium access control address
    of the ComPort device. hcxStuVoiceCallStatsNum 0 0 Defines the voice channel on the Comport device used
    for Voice. hcxStuVoiceCallCurrInCallsAllwd 0 0 Defines the number of Incoming calls allowed in the
    given 15-min time period. Incoming calls are calls
    being placed to this voice… hcxStuVoiceCallCurrOutCallsAllwd 0 0 Defines the number of Outgoing calls allowed in the
    given 15-min time period. Outgoing calls are calls
    being placed by this voice… hcxStuVoiceCallCurrInCallsBlkd 0 0 Defines the number of Incoming calls blocked in the
    given 15-min time period. Incoming calls are calls
    being placed to this voice… hcxStuVoiceCallCurrOutCallsBlkd 0 0 Defines the number of Outgoing calls blocked in the
    given 15-min time period. Outgoing calls are calls
    being placed by this voice… hcxStuVoiceCallPrevInCallsAllwd 0 0 Defines the number of Incoming calls allowed in the
    previous 15-min time period. Incoming calls are calls
    being placed to this vo… hcxStuVoiceCallPrevOutCallsAllwd 0 0 Defines the number of Outgoing calls blocked in the
    previous 15-min time period. Outgoing calls are calls
    being placed by this vo… hcxStuVoiceCallPrevInCallsBlkd 0 0 Defines the number of Incoming calls blocked in the
    previous 15-min time period. Incoming calls are calls
    being placed to this vo… hcxStuVoiceCallPrevOutCallsBlkd 0 0 Defines the number of Outgoing calls blocked in the
    previous 15-min time period. Outgoing calls are calls
    being placed by this vo…