Reference record for OID

parent (win32SerialPortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32SerialPortTable(150) win32SerialPortEntry(1) win32SerialPortSettableRLSD(11)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/director/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/director/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/umservices/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/umservices/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/director/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/director/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/umservices/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/umservices/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32SerialPortTable/win32SerialPortEntry/win32SerialPortSettableRLSD
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The SettableRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is settable.

    Parsed from file cimwin32.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    Description by circitor

    The SettableRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is settable.

    Parsed from file CIMWIN32-MIB.mib
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: IBM
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    win32SerialPortSettableRLSD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SettableRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is settable." REFERENCE "Win32_SerialPort.SettableRLSD" ::= { win32SerialPortEntry 11 }

    Information by circitor

    win32SerialPortSettableRLSD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SettableRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is settable." REFERENCE "Win32-SerialPort.SettableRLSD" ::= { win32SerialPortEntry 11 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Bob Moore

    Brothers (22)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription win32SerialPortKeyIndex 0 0 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_SerialPort.KeyIndex win32SerialPortBinary 0 0 The Binary property determines whether the serial port is configured for binary data transfer. Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, … win32SerialPortMaximumInputBufferSize 0 0 The MaximumInputBufferSize property indicates the maximum input buffer size for this serial port. win32SerialPortMaximumOutputBufferSize 0 0 The MaximumOutputBufferSize property indicates the maximum output buffer size for this serial port. win32SerialPortProviderType 0 0 The ProviderType property indicates the provider type for this serial port. win32SerialPortSettableBaudRate 0 0 The SettableBaudRate property determines whether the baud rate is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE,… win32SerialPortSettableDataBits 0 0 The SettableDataBits property determines whether data bits are settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, da… win32SerialPortSettableFlowControl 0 0 The SettableFlowControl property determines whether flow control is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRU… win32SerialPortSettableParity 0 0 The SettableParity property determines whether parity is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity i… win32SerialPortSettableParityCheck 0 0 The SettableParityCheck property determines whether parity check is settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRU… win32SerialPortSettableStopBits 0 0 The SettableStopBits property determines whether stop bits are settable for this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, st… win32SerialPortSupports16BitMode 0 0 The Supports16BitMode property determines whether 16-bit mode is supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, … win32SerialPortSupportsDTRDSR 0 0 The SupportsDTRDSR property determines whether Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Data Set Ready (DSR) signals are supported on this… win32SerialPortSupportsElapsedTimeouts 0 0 The SettableElapsedTimeouts property determines whether elapsed timeouts are supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALS… win32SerialPortSupportsIntTimeouts 0 0 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_SerialPort.SupportsIntTimeouts win32SerialPortSupportsParityCheck 0 0 The SupportsParityCheck property determines whether parity check is supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRU… win32SerialPortSupportsRLSD 0 0 The SupportsRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE o… win32SerialPortSupportsRTSCTS 0 0 The SupportsRTSCTS property determines whether Ready To Send (RTS) and Clear To Send (CTS) signals are supported on this serial… win32SerialPortSupportsSpecialCharacters 0 0 The SupportsSpecialCharacters property determines whether special characters are supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or … win32SerialPortSupportsXOnXOff 0 0 The SupportsXOnXOff property determines whether XOnXOff flow control is supported on this serial port.

    Values: TRUE or FALSE. If… win32SerialPortSupportsXOnXOffSet 0 0 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_SerialPort.SupportsXOnXOffSet win32SerialPortStatus 0 0 The Status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses c…