Reference record for OID

parent (win32WMI)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) director(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) iBMPSGGenericEvent(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) umservices(159) cimv2(1) win32(2) win32WMI(10) win32NetworkClientTable(350)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/director/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/director/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/umservices/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/umservices/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/director/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/director/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/umservices/iBMPSGGenericEvent/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/umservices/cimv2/win32/win32WMI/win32NetworkClientTable
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The Win32_NetworkClient class represents a network client computer on a network.

    Membership Criteria: Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.

    Example: A computer running Windows NT workstation or Windows 95 that is part of a Windows NT domain

    Parsed from file cimwin32.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    Description by circitor

    The Win32-NetworkClient class represents a network client computer on a network.

    Membership Criteria: Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.

    Example: A computer running Windows NT workstation or Windows 95 that is part of a Windows NT domain

    Parsed from file CIMWIN32-MIB.mib
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: IBM
    Module: CIMWIN32-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    win32NetworkClientTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Win32NetworkClientEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Win32_NetworkClient class represents a network client computer on a network.

    Membership Criteria: Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.

    Example: A computer running Windows NT workstation or Windows 95 that is part of a Windows NT domain" REFERENCE "Win32_NetworkClient" ::= { win32WMI 350 }

    Information by circitor

    win32NetworkClientTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Win32NetworkClientEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Win32-NetworkClient class represents a network client computer on a network.

    Membership Criteria: Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.

    Example: A computer running Windows NT workstation or Windows 95 that is part of a Windows NT domain" REFERENCE "Win32-NetworkClient" ::= { win32WMI 350 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Bob Moore

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription win32NetworkClientEntry 4 4 None

    Brothers (55)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription win32ComputerSystemTable 1 20 The Win32_ComputerSystem class represents a computer system operating in a Win32 environment. win32TapeDriveTable 1 9 The Win32_TapeDrive class represents a tape drive on a Win32 system. win32DiskDriveTable 1 22 The Win32_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by a Win32 operating system. Any interface to a Win32 physic… win32CDROMDriveTable 1 16 The Win32_CDROMDrive class represents a CD-ROM drive on a Win32 system. win32PointingDeviceTable 1 10 The Win32_PointingDevice class represents a device used to point to regions on the display of a Win32 system. Any device used t… win32LogicalDiskTable 1 14 The Win32_LogicalDisk class represents a logical disk on a Win32 system. win32DiskPartitionTable 1 11 The Win32_DiskPartition class represents an area of a physical disk on a Win32 system.

    Example: Disk #0, Partition #1 win32BatteryTable 1 5 The Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected to the system. This could be either a UPS, or a laptop battery.

    Exampl… win32MotherboardDeviceTable 1 6 The Win32_MotherboardDevice class represents a device that contains the central components of the Win32 system.

    Example: A singl… win32ProcessorTable 1 10 The Win32_Processor class represents a device that is capable of interpreting a sequence of machine instructions on a Win32 sys… win32PrinterTable 1 17 The Win32_Printer class represents a device connected to a Win32 system that is capable of reproducing a visual image on a medi… win32UninterruptiblePowerSupplyTable 1 11 The Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply class represents a device that supplies electrical current to other parts of the system. win32POTSModemTable 1 46 The Win32_POTSModem class represents a Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) modem on a Win32 system. win32SerialPortTable 1 24 The Win32_SerialPort class represents a serial port on a Win32 system. win32NetworkAdapterTable 1 12 The Win32_NetworkAdapter class represents a network adapter on a Win32 system. win32SCSIControllerTable 1 8 The Win32_SCSIController class represents a SCSI controller on a Win32 system.

    Example: Adaptec AHA-2940UW win32CodecFileTable 1 5 The Win32_CodeFile class represents the audio and visual codec installed on the system. win32PageFileTable 1 7 The Win32_PageFile class represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Win32 system.

    Example: C:\\PAGE… win32DriverVXDTable 1 9 The Win32_DriverVXD class represents a virtual device driver on a Win32 system. win32AccountTable 1 6 The Win32_Account class represents data about a user or group that is known to the Win32 system. Any user or group data, whose … win32SystemAccountTable 1 5 The Win32_SystemAccount class represents data about the Win32 system. win32GroupTable 1 5 The Win32_Group class represents data about a group that is known to the Win32 system.

    Example: WORKGROUP win32UserAccountTable 1 12 The Win32_UserAccount class represents data about a user that is known to the Win32 system.

    Example: mvotava win32NetworkConnectionTable 1 14 The Win32_NetworkConnection class represents a network connection in a Win32 environment.

    Example: Any network connection win32DeviceMemoryAddressTable 1 4 The Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress class represents a device memory address on a Win32 system.

    Example: ScsiPort0 device memory addre… win32PortResourceTable 1 4 The Win32_PortResource class represents a port number on a Win32 system. win32DMAChannelTable 1 4 The Win32_DMAChannel class represents a direct memory access (DMA) channel on a Win32 system. win32EnvironmentTable 1 7 The Win32_Environment class represents an environment or system environment on a Win32 system.

    Example: COMPUTERNAME win32IRQResourceTable 1 5 The Win32_IRQResource class represents an interrupt request line (IRQ) number on a Win32 system.

    Example: IRQ 5 win32LoadOrderGroupTable 1 6 The Win32_LoadOrderGroup class represents a grouping of system services defining execution dependencies. The services must be i… win32ShareTable 1 8 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_Share win32RegistryTable 1 7 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_Registry win32NetworkProtocolTable 1 21 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_NetworkProcotol win32ProcessStartupTable 1 16 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_ProcessStartup win32ProcessTable 1 15 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_Process win32ThreadTable 1 11 "
    REFERENCE "Win32_Thread win32OperatingSystemTable 1 27 The Win32_OperatingSystem class represents an operating system installed on a Win32 system. Any operating system that can be in… win32PrintJobTable 1 14 The Win32_PrintJob class represents a print job generated by a Win32 application. Any unit of work generated by the Print comma… win32ScheduledJobTable 1 11 The Win32_ScheduledJob class represents a job scheduled using the NT schedule service. This class isonly instrumented on NT3.51… win32BIOSTable 1 5 The Win32_BIOS class represents the attributes for only the System BIOS installed on a Win32 system.

    Example: Phoenix ROM BIOS P… win32BootConfigurationTable 1 8 The Win32_BootConfiguration class represents the boot configuration on a Win32 system. win32DesktopTable 1 20 The Win32_Desktop class represents the desktop layout of a Win32 system.

    Example: The number and position of shortcuts on a Wind… win32DisplayConfigurationTable 1 14 The Win32_DisplayConfiguration class represents the display information of a Win32 system

    Examples: Video adapter manufacturer, … win32DisplayControllerConfigurationTable 1 13 The Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration class represents the video adapter configuration information of a Win32 system.

    Example… win32LogicalMemoryConfigurationTable 1 7 The Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration class represents the logical memory configuration on a Win32 system. win32NetworkLoginProfileTable 1 31 The Win32_NetworkLoginProfile class represents the network login information of a particular user on a Win32 system. win32OSRecoveryConfigurationTable 1 9 The Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration class represents the configuration information necessary to recover from an operating system … win32PrinterConfigurationTable 1 30 The Win32_PrinterConfiguration class defines a printer configuration. win32ProgramGroupTable 1 5 The Win32_ProgramGroup class represents a program group in a Win32 system, such as Accessories or Startup. win32SerialPortConfigurationTable 1 28 The Win32_SerialPortConfiguration class represents a serial port configuration. win32TimeZoneTable 1 23 The Win32_TimeZone class represents the time zone information for a Win32 system. For example, (GMT08:00) Pacific Time (US & Ca… win32VideoConfigurationTable 1 29 The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a configuration of a video subsystem. win32LogicalDiskToPartitionTable 1 4 The Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition class represents an association between a logical disk drive and the disk partition it resides… win32DiskDriveToDiskPartitionTable 1 4 The Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition class represents an association between a disk drive and a partition existing on it. cimBIOSElementTable 1 8 "