Reference record for OID

parent (hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) huawei(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) huaweiDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) huawei(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) hwDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) iMAP(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) huaweiDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) iMAP(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) hwDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) huawei(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) huaweiDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) huawei(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) hwDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) iMAP(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) huaweiDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) iMAP(2011) huaweiMgmt(5) hwDatacomm(25) hwRmExt(145) hwTunnelExtObjects(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable(3) hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry(1) hwPwVcType(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/huawei/huaweiMgmt/huaweiDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/huawei/huaweiMgmt/hwDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/iMAP/huaweiMgmt/huaweiDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/iMAP/huaweiMgmt/hwDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/huawei/huaweiMgmt/huaweiDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/huawei/huaweiMgmt/hwDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/iMAP/huaweiMgmt/huaweiDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/iMAP/huaweiMgmt/hwDatacomm/hwRmExt/hwTunnelExtObjects/hwTnl2Pwe3VllTable/hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry/hwPwVcType
  • Description by mibdepot

    Specifies an indication of the L2Vpn's VC encapsulation type:
    1: frameRelayDlciMartini(1) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame Relay DLCI(Martini Mode).
    2: atmAal5SduVccTransport(2) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM AAL5 SDU VCC transport.
    3: atmTransparentCellTransport(3) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM transparent cell transport.
    4: vlan(4) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Vlan.
    5: ethernet(5) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Ethernet.
    6: hdlc(6) -indicates that the encapsulation type is HDLC.
    7: ppp(7) -indicates that the encapsulation type is PPP.
    8: cem(8) -indicates that the encapsulation type is SONET/SDH Circuit Emulation Service Over MPLS(CEM).
    9: atmN2OneVccCellTransport(9) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport.
    10: atmN2OneVpcCellTransport(10) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM n-to-one VPC cell transport.
    11: ipLayer2Transport(11) -indicates that the encapsulation type is IP Layer2 Transport.
    12: atmOne2OneVccCellMode(12) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM one-to-one VCC Cell Mode.
    13: atmOne2OneVpcCellMode(13) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM one-to-one VPC Cell Mode.
    14: atmAal5PduVccTransport(14) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM AAL5 PDU VCC transport.
    15: frameRelayPortMode(15) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame-Relay Port mode.
    16: cep(16) -indicates that the encapsulation type is SONET/SDH Circuit Emulation over Packet (CEP).
    17: saE1oP(17) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic E1 over Packet (SAE1oP).
    18: saT1oP(18) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic T1 (DS1) over Packet (SAT1oP).
    19: saE3oP(19) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic E3 over Packet (SAE3oP).
    20: saT3oP(20) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic T3 (DS3) over Packet (SAT3oP).
    21: cESoPsnBasicMode(21) -indicates that the encapsulation type is CESoPSN basic mode.
    22: tDMoIPbasicMode(22) -indicates that the encapsulation type is TDMoIP basic mode.
    23: l2VpnCESoPSNTDMwithCAS(23) -indicates that the encapsulation type is CESoPSN TDM with CAS.
    24: l2VpnTDMoIPTDMwithCAS(24) -indicates that the encapsulation type is TDMoIP TDM with CAS.
    25: frameRelayDlci(25) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame Relay DLCI.
    26: ipInterworking(64) -indicates that the encapsulation type is IP-interworking.
    27: unknown(255) -indicates the unknown encapsulation type.

    Parsed from file HUAWEI-RM-EXT-MIB.mib.txt
    Company: huawei

    Information by mibdepot

    hwPwVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { frameRelayDlciMartini(1), atmAal5SduVccTransport(2), atmTransparentCellTransport(3), vlan(4), ethernet(5), hdlc(6), ppp(7), cem(8), atmN2OneVccCellTransport(9), atmN2OneVpcCellTransport(10), ipLayer2Transport(11), atmOne2OneVccCellMode(12), atmOne2OneVpcCellMode(13), atmAal5PduVccTransport(14), frameRelayPortMode(15), cep(16), saE1oP(17), saT1oP(18), saE3oP(19), saT3oP(20), cESoPsnBasicMode(21), tDMoIPbasicMode(22), l2VpnCESoPSNTDMwithCAS(23), l2VpnTDMoIPTDMwithCAS(24), frameRelayDlci(25), ipInterworking(64), unknown(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies an indication of the L2Vpn's VC encapsulation type: Options: 1: frameRelayDlciMartini(1) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame Relay DLCI(Martini Mode). 2: atmAal5SduVccTransport(2) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM AAL5 SDU VCC transport. 3: atmTransparentCellTransport(3) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM transparent cell transport. 4: vlan(4) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Vlan. 5: ethernet(5) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Ethernet. 6: hdlc(6) -indicates that the encapsulation type is HDLC. 7: ppp(7) -indicates that the encapsulation type is PPP. 8: cem(8) -indicates that the encapsulation type is SONET/SDH Circuit Emulation Service Over MPLS(CEM). 9: atmN2OneVccCellTransport(9) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM n-to-one VCC cell transport. 10: atmN2OneVpcCellTransport(10) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM n-to-one VPC cell transport. 11: ipLayer2Transport(11) -indicates that the encapsulation type is IP Layer2 Transport. 12: atmOne2OneVccCellMode(12) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM one-to-one VCC Cell Mode. 13: atmOne2OneVpcCellMode(13) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM one-to-one VPC Cell Mode. 14: atmAal5PduVccTransport(14) -indicates that the encapsulation type is ATM AAL5 PDU VCC transport. 15: frameRelayPortMode(15) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame-Relay Port mode. 16: cep(16) -indicates that the encapsulation type is SONET/SDH Circuit Emulation over Packet (CEP). 17: saE1oP(17) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic E1 over Packet (SAE1oP). 18: saT1oP(18) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic T1 (DS1) over Packet (SAT1oP). 19: saE3oP(19) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic E3 over Packet (SAE3oP). 20: saT3oP(20) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Structure-agnostic T3 (DS3) over Packet (SAT3oP). 21: cESoPsnBasicMode(21) -indicates that the encapsulation type is CESoPSN basic mode. 22: tDMoIPbasicMode(22) -indicates that the encapsulation type is TDMoIP basic mode. 23: l2VpnCESoPSNTDMwithCAS(23) -indicates that the encapsulation type is CESoPSN TDM with CAS. 24: l2VpnTDMoIPTDMwithCAS(24) -indicates that the encapsulation type is TDMoIP TDM with CAS. 25: frameRelayDlci(25) -indicates that the encapsulation type is Frame Relay DLCI. 26: ipInterworking(64) -indicates that the encapsulation type is IP-interworking. 27: unknown(255) -indicates the unknown encapsulation type. " ::= { hwTnl2Pwe3VllEntry 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Lwu Zhao

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription hwPwVllTnlId 0 0 The object indicates the tunnel ID. hwAcIndex 0 0 The object indicates the AC index of a PWE3. hwPwVllIfName 0 0 The object indicates the interface name of a PWE3. hwMasterSlaveFlag 0 0 The object indicates the master and slave flags of a PWE3. hwPwVllPeerIp 0 0 The object indicates the peer IP address of a PWE3. hwPwVllVcId 0 0 The object indicates the VC ID of a PWE3. hwPwVllSvcFlag 0 0 This object indicates the type of a PWE3.
    Static PWs (1)
    Dynamic PWs (0) hwSvcReceiveLabel 0 0 This object indicates the inbound label. hwSvcTransmitLabel 0 0 This object indicates the outbound label.