Reference record for OID

parent (crc64PSTotalStats)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) controlResources(2066) crcNetPath64(1) crc64PvcStats(3) crc64PSTotalStats(4) crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx(24)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/controlResources/crcNetPath64/crc64PvcStats/crc64PSTotalStats/crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 7th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96

    Parsed from file crcnp64.mib.txt
    Company: paradyne
    Module: CRC-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Child arc 0 is used to translate between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 notification parameters as explained in IETF RFC 2576, section 3.

    Information by mibdepot

    crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is within the 7th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96 intervals." ::= { crc64PSTotalStats 24 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Mandal Sadhan

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription crc64PSTotalCirBin7Rx 0 0 None

    Brothers (41)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription crc64PSTotalRxOctets 1 1 Octets received on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalTxOctets 1 1 Octets transmitted on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalRxPackets 1 1 Packets received on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalTxPackets 1 1 Packets transmitted on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalNumberOfBecn 1 1 Number of BECN frames seen on this PVC in the previous
    96 intervals. crc64PSTotalNumberOfFecn 1 1 Number of FECN frames seen on this PVC in the previous
    96 intervals. crc64PSTotalNumberOfRxDe 1 1 Number of Receive Frames with DE on this PVC in the
    previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalNumberOfTxDe 1 1 crc64PSTotalNumberOftxDe crc64PSTotalCirBin0Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 0 Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin1Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 1st Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin2Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 2nd Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin3Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 3rd Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin4Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 4th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin5Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 5th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin6Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 6th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin7Tx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Tx data is
    within the 7th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin0Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 0 Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin1Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 1st Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin2Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 2nd Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin3Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 3rd Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin4Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 4th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin5Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 5th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalCirBin6Rx 1 1 Identifies the percentage of Tc that the Rx data is
    within the 6th Bin range on this PVC in the previous 96
    intervals. crc64PSTotalRxKbps 1 1 Kilobits per second received on this PVC in the previous
    96 intervals. crc64PSTotalTxKbps 1 1 Kilobits per second transmitted on this PVC in the
    previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol1RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #1 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol1TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #1
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol2RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #2 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol2TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #2
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol3RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #3 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol3TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #3
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol4RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #4 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol4TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #4
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol5RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #5 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol5TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #5
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol6RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #6 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol6TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #6
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol7RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #7 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol7TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #7
    in the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol8RxBps 1 1 Bits per second received on this PVC for Protocol #8 in
    the previous 96 intervals. crc64PSTotalProtocol8TxBps 1 1 Bits per second transmitted on this PVC for Protocol #8
    in the previous 96 intervals.