Reference record for OID

parent (cbrPhyStatTotalEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyStat(2) cbrPhyStatTotalTable(3) cbrPhyStatTotalEntry(1) cbrPhyStatTotalIndex(1)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyStat/cbrPhyStatTotalTable/cbrPhyStatTotalEntry/cbrPhyStatTotalIndex
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
    interface to which this entry is applicable. The
    interface identified by a particular value of this
    index is the same interface as identified by the
    same value as a cbrPhyStatLineIndex object instance.

    Parsed from file mariposa.mib.txt
    Company: marconi
    Module: MARIPOSA-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Marconi
    Module: MARIPOSA-MIB (mariposa.mib)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: InterfaceIndex

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    cbrPhyStatTotalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface to which this entry is applicable. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value as a cbrPhyStatLineIndex object instance." ::= { cbrPhyStatTotalEntry 1 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Osanitsch John

    Brothers (19)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription cbrPhyStatTotalESs 0 0 The sum of Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1
    interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
    Invalid 15 minute intervals count as … cbrPhyStatTotalSESs 0 0 The number of Severely Errored Seconds
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
    hour interval. Invalid 15 minute interv… cbrPhyStatTotalSEFSs 0 0 The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
    hour interval. Invalid 15 minut… cbrPhyStatTotalUASs 0 0 The number of Unavailable Seconds encountered by
    a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
    Invalid 15 minute intervals co… cbrPhyStatTotalCSSs 0 0 The number of Controlled Slip Seconds encountered
    by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
    interval. Invalid 15 minute interva… cbrPhyStatTotalPCVs 0 0 The number of Path Coding Violations encountered
    by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
    interval. Invalid 15 minute interval… cbrPhyStatTotalLESs 0 0 The number of Line Errored Seconds encountered by
    a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
    Invalid 15 minute intervals c… cbrPhyStatTotalBESs 0 0 The number of Bursty Errored Seconds (BESs)
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
    hour interval. Invalid 15 minute in… cbrPhyStatTotalLCVs 0 0 The number of Line Code Violations (LCVs)
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
    minute interval. Invalid 15 minute in… cbrPhyStatTotalRCS 0 0 The number of Receive Controlled Slips
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
    minute interval. noSuchInstance will be r… cbrPhyStatTotalTCS 0 0 The number of Transmit Controlled Slips
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
    minute interval. noSuchInstance will be … cbrPhyStatTotalLOSFSs 0 0 The number of Loss of Signal Failure Seconds
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
    minute interval. noSuchInstance wil… cbrPhyStatTotalLOFFSs 0 0 The number of Loss of Frame Failure Seconds (Red
    Alarm) encountered by a DS1 interface in the
    current 15 minute interval. noSuchI… cbrPhyStatTotalXmtFarEndLOFFSs 0 0 The number of seconds that near end has been sending
    Far End Loss of Frame Failure signals (Yellow Alarm)
    encountered by a DS1 in… cbrPhyStatTotalRcvFarEndLOFFSs 0 0 The number of seconds that the near end has been receiving
    Far End Loss of Frame Failure signals (Yellow Alarm)
    encountered by a … cbrPhyStatTotalAISFSs 0 0 The number of seconds that the AIS Failure state
    encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
    minute interval. noSuchInstance… cbrPhyStatTotalXmtAISFSs 0 0 The number of seconds that the AIS Failure signal
    transmission was encountered by a DS1 interface in
    the current 15 minute interv… cbrPhyStatTotalValidIntervals 0 0 The number of previous near end intervals for
    which valid data was collected. The value will be
    96 unless the interface was brou… cbrPhyStatTotalResetStatistics 0 0 Reset all statistics Counters. At system startup
    the value of this object is set to noChange meaning
    statistics have not been res…