Reference record for OID

parent (ef6000PortEntry, fcEosPortEntry)
node code
node names
  • ef6000PortMedia
  • fcEosPortMedia
  • dot oid
    asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) ef-6000(2) ef6000Port(3) ef6000PortTable(1) ef6000PortEntry(1) ef6000PortMedia(8)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) ef-6000(2) ef6000Port(3) ef6000PortTable(1) ef6000PortEntry(1) fcEosPortMedia(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) fcEos(2) fcEosPort(3) fcEosPortTable(1) fcEosPortEntry(1) ef6000PortMedia(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) fcEos(2) fcEosPort(3) fcEosPortTable(1) fcEosPortEntry(1) fcEosPortMedia(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) ef-6000(2) ef6000Port(3) ef6000PortTable(1) ef6000PortEntry(1) ef6000PortMedia(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) ef-6000(2) ef6000Port(3) ef6000PortTable(1) ef6000PortEntry(1) fcEosPortMedia(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) fcEos(2) fcEosPort(3) fcEosPortTable(1) fcEosPortEntry(1) ef6000PortMedia(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mcData(289) commDev(2) fibreChannel(1) fcSwitch(1) fcEos(2) fcEosPort(3) fcEosPortTable(1) fcEosPortEntry(1) fcEosPortMedia(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/ef-6000/ef6000Port/ef6000PortTable/ef6000PortEntry/ef6000PortMedia
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/ef-6000/ef6000Port/ef6000PortTable/ef6000PortEntry/fcEosPortMedia
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/fcEos/fcEosPort/fcEosPortTable/fcEosPortEntry/ef6000PortMedia
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/fcEos/fcEosPort/fcEosPortTable/fcEosPortEntry/fcEosPortMedia
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/ef-6000/ef6000Port/ef6000PortTable/ef6000PortEntry/ef6000PortMedia
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/ef-6000/ef6000Port/ef6000PortTable/ef6000PortEntry/fcEosPortMedia
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/fcEos/fcEosPort/fcEosPortTable/fcEosPortEntry/ef6000PortMedia
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mcData/commDev/fibreChannel/fcSwitch/fcEos/fcEosPort/fcEosPortTable/fcEosPortEntry/fcEosPortMedia
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    A bit map to represent the media of the installed transceiver.
    bit 0 single mode (sm)
    bit 1 reserved
    bit 2 multi-mode, 50m (m5)
    bit 3 multi-mode, 62.5 (m6)
    bit 4-6 reserved
    bit 7 copper

    Parsed from file fceos.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: FCEOS-MIB

    Description by circitor

    A bit map to represent transmission media of the port.
    bit 0 single mode (sm)
    bit 1 reserved
    bit 2 multi-mode, 50m (m5)
    bit 3 multi-mode, 62.5 (m6)
    bit 4-6 reserved
    bit 7 copper

    Parsed from file EF-6000-MIB.mib
    Module: EF-6000-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: McData Corporation
    Module: EF-6000-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    fcEosPortMedia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A bit map to represent the media of the installed transceiver. bit 0 single mode (sm) bit 1 reserved bit 2 multi-mode, 50m (m5) bit 3 multi-mode, 62.5 (m6) bit 4-6 reserved bit 7 copper" ::= { fcEosPortEntry 8 }

    Information by circitor

    ef6000PortMedia OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A bit map to represent transmission media of the port. bit 0 single mode (sm) bit 1 reserved bit 2 multi-mode, 50m (m5) bit 3 multi-mode, 62.5 (m6) bit 4-6 reserved bit 7 copper" ::= { ef6000PortEntry 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Levitt Glenn

    Brothers (70)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ef6000PortIndex, fcEosPortIndex 0 0 The fixed physical port number on the switch.
    It ranges from 1 to the number of physical ports that can be
    supported in the switc… ef6000PortPhyState, fcEosPortPhyState 0 0 The physical state of the port. ef6000PortOpStatus, fcEosPortOpStatus 0 0 The operational status of the port.
    The online(1) state indicates that user frames can be passed. ef6000PortAdmStatus, fcEosPortAdmStatus 0 0 The desired state of the port.
    A management station may place the port in a desired
    state by setting this object accordingly. The… ef6000PortConnector, fcEosPortConnector 0 0 Supported connector types of the port. ef6000PortDistance, fcEosPortDistance 0 0 A bit map to represent distance types of the Port.
    bit 0 unknown
    bit 1-3 reserved
    bit 4 long distance (l)
    bit 5 intermedi… ef6000PortType, fcEosPortXceiverType 0 0 The type of the installed transceiver. ef6000PortSpeedCap, fcEosPortSpeedCap, ef6000PortSpeed 0 0 A bit map to represent the speed of optical transceiver.
    bit 0 100 MBytes/Sec
    bit 1 reserved
    bit 2 200 MBytes/Sec
    bit 3 … ef6000PortConfigSpeed, fcEosPortConfigSpeed 0 0 The configured port speed. ef6000PortSpeed, fcEosPortOpSpeed 0 0 The operating port speed. fcEosPortConfigType 0 0 The configured port type. fcEosPortOpType 0 0 The operating port type. fcEosPortALPAIndex 0 0 The ALPA-Index bit map that identifies the list of
    ALPA's associated with the FL_port. Only applicable for flPorts. fcEosPortFAN 0 0 This object identifies/configures if the port supports
    Fabric Address Notification mode. Only applicable for flPorts. ef6000PortTxWords32, fcEosPortTxWords32, ef6000PortTxWords 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of words
    within frames that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence a… ef6000PortRxWords32, fcEosPortRxWords32, ef6000PortRxWords 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of words
    within frames that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are … ef6000PortTxFrames32, fcEosPortTxFrames32, ef6000PortTxFrames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxFrames32, fcEosPortRxFrames32, ef6000PortRxFrames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxThroughput, fcEosPortTxThroughput 0 0 The Bps (bytes per second) transmission rate of the port. ef6000PortRxThroughput, fcEosPortRxThroughput 0 0 The Bps (bytes per second) reception rate of the port. ef6000PortTxC2Words32, fcEosPortTxC2Words32, ef6000PortTxC2Words 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
    that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence … ef6000PortRxC2Words32, fcEosPortRxC2Words32, ef6000PortRxC2Words 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
    that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are… ef6000PortTxC2Frames32, fcEosPortTxC2Frames32, ef6000PortTxC2Frames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC2Frames32, fcEosPortRxC2Frames32, ef6000PortRxC2Frames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC2Octets32, fcEosPortTxC2Octets32, ef6000PortTxC2Octets 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC2Octets32, fcEosPortRxC2Octets32, ef6000PortRxC2Octets 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
    that the port has received. fcEosPortRxC2FabricReject32 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 fabric rejects. fcEosPortRxC2FabricBusy32 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 2 fabric busies. ef6000PortTxC3Words32, fcEosPortTxC3Words32, ef6000PortTxC3Words 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
    that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence … ef6000PortRxC3Words32, fcEosPortRxC3Words32, ef6000PortRxC3Words 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
    that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are… ef6000PortTxC3Frames32, fcEosPortTxC3Frames32, ef6000PortTxC3Frames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC3Frames32, fcEosPortRxC3Frames32, ef6000PortRxC3Frames 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC3Octets32, fcEosPortTxC3Octets32, ef6000PortTxC3Octets 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC3Octets32, fcEosPortRxC3Octets32, ef6000PortRxC3Octets 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
    that the port has received. ef6000PortC3Discards32, fcEosPortC3Discards32, ef6000PortC3Discards 0 0 A 32 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has discarded. ef6000PortDiscardFrames, fcEosPortDiscardFrames 0 0 The number of frames
    that the port has discarded. ef6000PortTxLinkResets, fcEosPortTxLinkResets 0 0 The number of link resets
    initiated by this switch port. ef6000PortRxLinkResets, fcEosPortRxLinkResets 0 0 The number of link resets
    initiated by the attached N_port. ef6000PortTxOLSs, fcEosPortTxOLSs 0 0 The number of offline sequences
    initiated by this switch port. ef6000PortRxOLSs, fcEosPortRxOLSs 0 0 The number of offline sequences
    initiated by the attached N_port. fcEosPortLIPsGenerated 0 0 The number of LIPs generated/initiated/sent by this port.
    Only applicable for flPort. fcEosPortLIPsDetected 0 0 The number of LIPs detected/received by this port.
    Only applicable for flPort. fcEosPortAddrIDErrors 0 0 The number of address ID errors. fcEosPortDelimiterErrors 0 0 The number of delimiter errors. ef6000PortSyncLosses, fcEosPortSyncLosses 0 0 The number of loss of synchronization timeout. ef6000PortSigLosses, fcEosPortSigLosses 0 0 The number of times that a Loss of Signal is detected. ef6000PortProtocolErrors, fcEosPortProtocolErrors 0 0 The number of protocol errors detected. ef6000PortInvalidTxWords, fcEosPortInvalidTxWords 0 0 The number of Invalid Transmission words
    that the port has received. ef6000PortLinkFailures, fcEosPortLinkFailures 0 0 The number of transitions to an LFx state. ef6000PortCrcs, fcEosPortCrcs 0 0 The number of CRC errors
    detected from frames received. ef6000PortTruncs, fcEosPortTruncs 0 0 The number of frames shorter than the Fibre Channel minimum. ef6000PortTxWords64, fcEosPortTxWords64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of words
    within frames that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence a… ef6000PortRxWords64, fcEosPortRxWords64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of words
    within frames that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are … ef6000PortTxFrames64, fcEosPortTxFrames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxFrames64, fcEosPortRxFrames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of (Fibre Channel) frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC2Words64, fcEosPortTxC2Words64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
    that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence … ef6000PortRxC2Words64, fcEosPortRxC2Words64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of class 2 4-byte words
    that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are… ef6000PortTxC2Frames64, fcEosPortTxC2Frames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC2Frames64, fcEosPortRxC2Frames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC2Octets64, fcEosPortTxC2Octets64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC2Octets64, fcEosPortRxC2Octets64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 2 Octets
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC3Words64, fcEosPortTxC3Words64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
    that the port has transmitted. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence … ef6000PortRxC3Words64, fcEosPortRxC3Words64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of class 3 4-byte words
    that the port has received. (Primitive signals
    and primitive sequence are… ef6000PortTxC3Frames64, fcEosPortTxC3Frames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC3Frames64, fcEosPortRxC3Frames64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has received. ef6000PortTxC3Octets64, fcEosPortTxC3Octets64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
    that the port has transmitted. ef6000PortRxC3Octets64, fcEosPortRxC3Octets64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 Octets
    that the port has received. ef6000PortC3Discards64, fcEosPortC3Discards64 0 0 A 64 bit counter for the number of Class 3 frames
    that the port has discarded. fcEosPortTxFlows 0 0 The number of flows rerouted from this port. fcEosPortRxFlows 0 0 The number of flows rerouted to this port.