Reference record for OID

parent (mgcResolutionEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) stratacom(351) ciscoWan(150) ciscoWanMgMIB(10) ciscoWanMgMIBObjects(1) mediaGatewayControllerResolution(5) mgcResolutionTable(1) mgcResolutionEntry(1) mgcResolutionRowStatus(6)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/stratacom/ciscoWan/ciscoWanMgMIB/ciscoWanMgMIBObjects/mediaGatewayControllerResolution/mgcResolutionTable/mgcResolutionEntry/mgcResolutionRowStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry.

    An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option.
    mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName,
    mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference
    should be provided when creating an entry.
    mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with
    index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS
    resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8
    IP addresses can be added to one mgcName.
    For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest
    will be used.
    Before creating an entry in this table one entry should
    already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same
    name as mgcResolutionName.

    When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would
    be set to 'active' by the agent.

    An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to
    'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided
    to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should
    not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured
    for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul
    session group or announcement server and there is no
    external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name.

    Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService',
    'notReady' will not be used.

    Parsed from file CISCO-WAN-MG-MIB.mib
    Module: CISCO-WAN-MG-MIB

    Description by cisco_v1

    Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry.

    An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option.
    mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName,
    mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference
    should be provided when creating an entry.
    mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with
    index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS
    resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8
    IP addresses can be added to one mgcName.
    For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest
    will be used.
    Before creating an entry in this table one entry should
    already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same
    name as mgcResolutionName.

    When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would
    be set to 'active' by the agent.

    An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to
    'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided
    to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should
    not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured
    for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul
    session group or announcement server and there is no
    external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name.

    Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService',
    'notReady' will not be used.

    Description by mibdepot

    Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry.

    An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option.
    mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName,
    mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference
    should be provided when creating an entry.
    mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with
    index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS
    resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8
    IP addresses can be added to one mgcName.
    For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest
    will be used.
    Before creating an entry in this table one entry should
    already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same
    name as mgcResolutionName.

    When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would
    be set to 'active' by the agent.

    An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to
    'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided
    to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should
    not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured
    for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul
    session group or announcement server and there is no
    external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name.

    Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService',
    'notReady' will not be used.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None
    Module: CISCO-WAN-MG-MIB

    Description by cisco

    Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry.

    An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option.
    mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName,
    mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference
    should be provided when creating an entry.
    mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with
    index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS
    resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8
    IP addresses can be added to one mgcName.
    For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest
    will be used.
    Before creating an entry in this table one entry should
    already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same
    name as mgcResolutionName.

    When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would
    be set to 'active' by the agent.

    An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to
    'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided
    to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should
    not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured
    for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul
    session group or announcement server and there is no
    external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name.

    Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService',
    'notReady' will not be used.

    Information by circitor

    mgcResolutionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry. An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option. mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName, mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference should be provided when creating an entry. mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8 IP addresses can be added to one mgcName. For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest will be used. Before creating an entry in this table one entry should already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same name as mgcResolutionName. When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would be set to 'active' by the agent. An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to 'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul session group or announcement server and there is no external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name. Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService', 'notReady' will not be used." ::= { mgcResolutionEntry 6 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    mgcResolutionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry. An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option. mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName, mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference should be provided when creating an entry. mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8 IP addresses can be added to one mgcName. For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest will be used. Before creating an entry in this table one entry should already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same name as mgcResolutionName. When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would be set to 'active' by the agent. An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to 'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul session group or announcement server and there is no external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name. Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService', 'notReady' will not be used." ::= { mgcResolutionEntry 6 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Stratacom
    Module: CISCO-WAN-MG-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    mgcResolutionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry. An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option. mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName, mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference should be provided when creating an entry. mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8 IP addresses can be added to one mgcName. For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest will be used. Before creating an entry in this table one entry should already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same name as mgcResolutionName. When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would be set to 'active' by the agent. An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to 'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul session group or announcement server and there is no external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name. Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService', 'notReady' will not be used." ::= { mgcResolutionEntry 6 }

    Information by cisco

    mgcResolutionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls the creation and deletion of a table entry. An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo' option. mgcResolutionIndex, mgcResolutionName, mgcResolutionIpAddress, and mgcResolutionPreference should be provided when creating an entry. mgcResolutionIndex can be 1 - 88. Entries with index 89 - 176 will be implicitly added when VDNS resolves IP addresses of domain servers. Usually maximum 8 IP addresses can be added to one mgcName. For external DNS server only 3 IP addresses with the highest will be used. Before creating an entry in this table one entry should already been created in mgDomainNameTable with the same name as mgcResolutionName. When the row is successfully created, the RowStatus would be set to 'active' by the agent. An entry may be deleted by setting the RowStatus to 'destroy'. Only mgcResolutionIndex should be provided to delete an entry. The last IP within 1 - 88 should not be deleted if the mgcResolutionName is still configured for MGC, tftp server, external DNS server, PRI backhaul session group or announcement server and there is no external resolved IP (entry 89 - 176) for this domain name. Other options such as `createAndWait', 'notInService', 'notReady' will not be used." ::= { mgcResolutionEntry 6 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Clyde Iwamoto

    Brothers (6)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mgcResolutionIndex 0 0 Serves as index to this table.

    The table will be divided into two, index 1 to 88 will
    be used by the user and index 89 to 176 wil… mgcResolutionName 0 0 Denotes the name of the entity (MGC and/or NE) whose
    address is to be resolved. Once the row has become
    active, this value may no… mgcResolutionIpAddress 0 0 Denotes the IP address of the entity. Once the row has
    become active, this value may not be changed. To change
    the IP address, an… mgcResolutionCommState 0 0 Indicates whether the address is the one currently
    applied for communications with the system of that
    'csActive' - name reso… mgcResolutionPreference 0 0 This object can be used by the MG in the selection
    of an IP address if multiple IP addresses are
    available for the same name.

    This… mgcDnsResolutionFlag 0 0 All entries statically configured by the customer
    (i.e. all entries in the top half of the table)
    will have the flag set to 'inte…