Reference record for OID

parent (decAtmPortLedEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decAtmChassisMIB(30) decAtmChassisMIBObjects(1) decAtmLed(4) decAtmPortLedTable(2) decAtmPortLedEntry(1) decAtmPortLedProgram(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decAtmChassisMIB/decAtmChassisMIBObjects/decAtmLed/decAtmPortLedTable/decAtmPortLedEntry/decAtmPortLedProgram
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The decAtmLedProgram string is a sequence of instructions
    for the LED state. The LED constantly repeats the
    program. Each LED state is represented by a two octet
    sequence where the value of the first octet of the pair
    indicates the color of the LED, and the value of the
    second octet of the pair indicates the duration in which
    that color will be present.

    | Color | Duration | | Color | Duration |

    The 'color' octet may have one of the following values:

    0 - off
    1 - other
    2 - red
    3 - yellow
    4 - green
    5 - blue
    6 - red-blinking
    7 - yellow-blinking
    8 - blue-blinking
    9 - green-blinking

    The value 'off' indicates that the LED is off.

    The value 'other' indicates a color not covered by any
    others in the list.

    The value of the second octet in each pair indicates the
    duration in which that color will be present. A value
    of zero indicates that the LED is off. A value of 0xff
    indicates that the LED is always on. Values in between
    0 and 0xff indicate the duration in 10 ms ticks.

    A zero length string may be returned if the LED is 'not
    present'. This indicates that the LED is currently not

    Activity LEDs are a special case. Activity LEDs are
    defined as LEDs which blink whenever data is received on
    the line. They are typically on solid under heavy
    activity. Since these LEDs can change rapidly, the
    following rules apply:

    o The initial state of activity LEDs is off.
    o If the line shows activity any time in a 10 second
    period, then the LED is shown as on.
    o If the line shown inactivity any time in a 10 second
    period, then the LED is shown as off.

    See the 'pcomLedProgram' object in the DECHUB900-COMMON MIB
    for examples.

    Parsed from file GSatm-Chassis.mib.V.txt
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    The decAtmLedProgram string is a sequence of instructions
    for the LED state. The LED constantly repeats the
    program. Each LED state is represented by a two octet
    sequence where the value of the first octet of the pair
    indicates the color of the LED, and the value of the
    second octet of the pair indicates the duration in which
    that color will be present.

    | Color | Duration | | Color | Duration |

    The 'color' octet may have one of the following values:

    0 - off
    1 - other
    2 - red
    3 - yellow
    4 - green
    5 - blue
    6 - red-blinking
    7 - yellow-blinking
    8 - blue-blinking
    9 - green-blinking

    The value 'off' indicates that the LED is off.

    The value 'other' indicates a color not covered by any
    others in the list.

    The value of the second octet in each pair indicates the
    duration in which that color will be present. A value
    of zero indicates that the LED is off. A value of 0xff
    indicates that the LED is always on. Values in between
    0 and 0xff indicate the duration in 10 ms ticks.

    A zero length string may be returned if the LED is 'not
    present'. This indicates that the LED is currently not

    Activity LEDs are a special case. Activity LEDs are
    defined as LEDs which blink whenever data is received on
    the line. They are typically on solid under heavy
    activity. Since these LEDs can change rapidly, the
    following rules apply:

    o The initial state of activity LEDs is off.
    o If the line shows activity any time in a 10 second
    period, then the LED is shown as on.
    o If the line shown inactivity any time in a 10 second
    period, then the LED is shown as off.

    See the 'pcomLedProgram' object in the DECHUB900-COMMON MIB
    for examples.

    Parsed from file DEC-ATM-CHASSIS-MIB.mib

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: DEC

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    decAtmPortLedProgram OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..48)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The decAtmLedProgram string is a sequence of instructions for the LED state. The LED constantly repeats the program. Each LED state is represented by a two octet sequence where the value of the first octet of the pair indicates the color of the LED, and the value of the second octet of the pair indicates the duration in which that color will be present. + | Color | Duration | | Color | Duration | + The 'color' octet may have one of the following values: 0 - off 1 - other 2 - red 3 - yellow 4 - green 5 - blue 6 - red-blinking 7 - yellow-blinking 8 - blue-blinking 9 - green-blinking The value 'off' indicates that the LED is off. The value 'other' indicates a color not covered by any others in the list. The value of the second octet in each pair indicates the duration in which that color will be present. A value of zero indicates that the LED is off. A value of 0xff indicates that the LED is always on. Values in between 0 and 0xff indicate the duration in 10 ms ticks. A zero length string may be returned if the LED is 'not present'. This indicates that the LED is currently not visible. Activity LEDs are a special case. Activity LEDs are defined as LEDs which blink whenever data is received on the line. They are typically on solid under heavy activity. Since these LEDs can change rapidly, the following rules apply: o The initial state of activity LEDs is off. o If the line shows activity any time in a 10 second period, then the LED is shown as on. o If the line shown inactivity any time in a 10 second period, then the LED is shown as off. See the 'pcomLedProgram' object in the DECHUB900-COMMON MIB for examples." ::= { decAtmPortLedEntry 3 }

    Information by circitor

    decAtmPortLedProgram OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..48)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The decAtmLedProgram string is a sequence of instructions for the LED state. The LED constantly repeats the program. Each LED state is represented by a two octet sequence where the value of the first octet of the pair indicates the color of the LED, and the value of the second octet of the pair indicates the duration in which that color will be present. + | Color | Duration | | Color | Duration | + The 'color' octet may have one of the following values: 0 - off 1 - other 2 - red 3 - yellow 4 - green 5 - blue 6 - red-blinking 7 - yellow-blinking 8 - blue-blinking 9 - green-blinking The value 'off' indicates that the LED is off. The value 'other' indicates a color not covered by any others in the list. The value of the second octet in each pair indicates the duration in which that color will be present. A value of zero indicates that the LED is off. A value of 0xff indicates that the LED is always on. Values in between 0 and 0xff indicate the duration in 10 ms ticks. A zero length string may be returned if the LED is 'not present'. This indicates that the LED is currently not visible. Activity LEDs are a special case. Activity LEDs are defined as LEDs which blink whenever data is received on the line. They are typically on solid under heavy activity. Since these LEDs can change rapidly, the following rules apply: o The initial state of activity LEDs is off. o If the line shows activity any time in a 10 second period, then the LED is shown as on. o If the line shown inactivity any time in a 10 second period, then the LED is shown as off. See the 'pcomLedProgram' object in the DECHUB900-COMMON MIB for examples." ::= { decAtmPortLedEntry 3 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Ron Bhanukitsiri

    Brothers (2)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription decAtmPortLedIndex 0 0 Secondary index which lets us model ports with multiple LEDs. decAtmPortLedDescr 0 0 A textual description of the information which the LED is
    meant to convey. i.e.:

    +5 Volt Power, DC Okay
    ATM port activity.