Reference record for OID

parent (juniPppSummary, usdPppSummary)
node code
node names
  • juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • dot oid
    asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniPppMIB(11) juniPppObjects(1) juniPppSummary(7) juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniPppMIB(11) juniPppObjects(1) juniPppSummary(7) usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdPppMIB(11) usdPppObjects(1) usdPppSummary(7) juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdPppMIB(11) usdPppObjects(1) usdPppSummary(7) usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniPppMIB(11) juniPppObjects(1) juniPppSummary(7) juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniPppMIB(11) juniPppObjects(1) juniPppSummary(7) usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdPppMIB(11) usdPppObjects(1) usdPppSummary(7) juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdPppMIB(11) usdPppObjects(1) usdPppSummary(7) usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime(25)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniPppMIB/juniPppObjects/juniPppSummary/juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniPppMIB/juniPppObjects/juniPppSummary/usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdPppMIB/usdPppObjects/usdPppSummary/juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdPppMIB/usdPppObjects/usdPppSummary/usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniPppMIB/juniPppObjects/juniPppSummary/juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniPppMIB/juniPppObjects/juniPppSummary/usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdPppMIB/usdPppObjects/usdPppSummary/juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdPppMIB/usdPppObjects/usdPppSummary/usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP Link interface
    creation or deletion in the system. If the number of PPP interfaces has
    been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the system, then this
    object contains a zero value.

    Parsed from file juniPpp.mi2.txt
    Company: None
    Module: Juniper-PPP-MIB

    Description by circitor

    The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP Link interface
    creation or deletion in the system. If the number of PPP interfaces has
    been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the system, then this
    object contains a zero value.

    Parsed from file Juniper-PPP-MIB.mib
    Module: Juniper-PPP-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Juniper Networks/Unisphere
    Module: Juniper-PPP-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP Link interface creation or deletion in the system. If the number of PPP interfaces has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the system, then this object contains a zero value. " ::= { juniPppSummary 25 }

    Information by circitor

    juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP Link interface creation or deletion in the system. If the number of PPP interfaces has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the system, then this object contains a zero value. " ::= { juniPppSummary 25 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Scano John

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLastChangeTime 0 0 None

    Brothers (85)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription juniPppSummaryPppInterfaceCount, usdPppSummaryPppInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppIpNCPs, usdPppSummaryPppIpNCPs 1 1 The total number IP NCPs configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppOsiNCPs, usdPppSummaryPppOsiNCPs 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppIfAdminUp, usdPppSummaryPppIfAdminUp 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system that are
    administratively configured to up(1). juniPppSummaryPppIfAdminDown, usdPppSummaryPppIfAdminDown 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system that are
    administrateively configued to down(2). juniPppSummaryPppIfOperUp, usdPppSummaryPppIfOperUp 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system with an operational
    state of up(1). juniPppSummaryPppIfOperDown, usdPppSummaryPppIfOperDown 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system with an operational
    state of down(2). juniPppSummaryPppIfOperDormant, usdPppSummaryPppIfOperDormant 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system with an operational
    state of dormant(5). juniPppSummaryPppIfNotPresent, usdPppSummaryPppIfNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system with an operational
    state of notPresent(6). juniPppSummaryPppIfLowerLayerDown, usdPppSummaryPppIfLowerLayerDown 1 1 The total number of PPP interfaces in the system with an operational
    state of lowerLayerDown(7). juniPppSummaryPppIpNcpOpened, usdPppSummaryPppIpNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppIpNcpClosed, usdPppSummaryPppIpNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppOsiNcpOpened, usdPppSummaryPppOsiNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of opened. juniPppSummaryPppOsiNcpClosed, usdPppSummaryPppOsiNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of closed. juniPppSummaryPppIfLastChangeTime, usdPppSummaryPppIfLastChangeTime 1 1 The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP interface
    creation or deletion in the system. If the number of PPP inter… juniPppSummaryPppLinkInterfaceCount, usdPppSummaryPppLinkInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfAdminUp, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfAdminUp 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system that are
    administratively configured to up(1). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfAdminDown, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfAdminDown 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system that are
    administrateively configued to down(2). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperUp, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperUp 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of up(1). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperDown, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperDown 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of down(2). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperDormant, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfOperDormant 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of dormant(5). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfNotPresent, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP link interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of notPresent(6). juniPppSummaryPppLinkIfLowerLayerDown, usdPppSummaryPppLinkIfLowerLayerDown 1 1 The total number of PPP Link interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of lowerLayerDown(7). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkInterfaceCount, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNCPs, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNCPs 1 1 The total number IP NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNCPs, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNCPs 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfAdminUp, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfAdminUp 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system that are
    administratively configured to up(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfAdminDown, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfAdminDown 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system that are
    administrateively configued to down(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperUp, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperUp 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of up(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperDown, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperDown 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of down(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperDormant, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfOperDormant 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of dormant(5). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfNotPresent, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of notPresent(6). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfLowerLayerDown, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfLowerLayerDown 1 1 The total number of PPP network interfaces in the system with an
    operational state of lowerLayerDown(7). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpOpened, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpClosed, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpOpened, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of opened. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpClosed, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of closed. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIfLastChangeTime, usdPppSummaryPppNetworkIfLastChangeTime 1 1 The value of the sysUpTime at the time of the last PPP network
    interface creation or deletion in the system. If the number of P… juniPppSummaryPppIpv6NCPs 1 1 The total number IPv6 NCPs configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppIpv6NcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP IPv6 NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppIpv6NcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP IPv6 NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6NCPs 1 1 The total number IPv6 NCPs configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6NcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP IPv6 NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6NcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP IPv6 NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppStaticInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of static PPP interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppMplsNCPs 1 1 The total number MPLS NCPs configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppIpAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppIpAdminClose 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppIpv6AdminOpen 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppIpv6AdminClose 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppOsiAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppOsiAdminClose 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppMplsAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppMplsAdminClose 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system that are
    administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppIpNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppIpNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of PPP IP NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppIpv6NcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP IPV6 NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppIpv6NcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of PPP IPV6 NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppOsiNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppOsiNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of PPP OSI NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppMplsNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of PPP MPLS NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppMplsNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of PPP MPLS NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppMplsNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of PPP MPLS NCPs in the system with an operational state
    of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppMplsNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of PPP MPLS NCPs in the system with an operational
    state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppLinkStaticInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of static PPP Link interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkStaticInterfaceCount 1 1 The total number of static PPP network interfaces configured in the system. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsNCPs 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces. juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpAdminClose 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6AdminOpen 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6AdminClose 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to close(2… juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiAdminClose 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to close(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsAdminOpen 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to open(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsAdminClose 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces that are administratively configured to close(2… juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of IP NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6NcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkIpv6NcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of IPV6 NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkOsiNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of OSI NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of noResources(4). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsNcpOpened 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of opened(1). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsNcpClosed 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of not-opened(2). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsNcpNotPresent 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of notPresent(3). juniPppSummaryPppNetworkMplsNcpNoResources 1 1 The total number of MPLS NCPs in the system configured on PPP network
    interfaces with an operational state of noResources(4).