Reference record for OID

parent (juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry, usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry)
node code
node names
  • juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • dot oid
    asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniDhcpMIB(22) juniDhcpObjects(1) juniDhcpProxy(2) juniDhcpProxyClient(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniDhcpMIB(22) juniDhcpObjects(1) juniDhcpProxy(2) juniDhcpProxyClient(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdDhcpMIB(22) usdDhcpObjects(1) usdDhcpProxy(2) usdDhcpProxyClient(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdDhcpMIB(22) usdDhcpObjects(1) usdDhcpProxy(2) usdDhcpProxyClient(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniDhcpMIB(22) juniDhcpObjects(1) juniDhcpProxy(2) juniDhcpProxyClient(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) juniperUni(4874) juniperUniMibs(2) juniMibs(2) juniDhcpMIB(22) juniDhcpObjects(1) juniDhcpProxy(2) juniDhcpProxyClient(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdDhcpMIB(22) usdDhcpObjects(1) usdDhcpProxy(2) usdDhcpProxyClient(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) unisphere(4874) usMibs(2) usDataMibs(2) usdDhcpMIB(22) usdDhcpObjects(1) usdDhcpProxy(2) usdDhcpProxyClient(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable(2) usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry(1) usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniDhcpMIB/juniDhcpObjects/juniDhcpProxy/juniDhcpProxyClient/juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable/juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniDhcpMIB/juniDhcpObjects/juniDhcpProxy/juniDhcpProxyClient/juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable/juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdDhcpMIB/usdDhcpObjects/usdDhcpProxy/usdDhcpProxyClient/usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable/usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdDhcpMIB/usdDhcpObjects/usdDhcpProxy/usdDhcpProxyClient/usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable/usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniDhcpMIB/juniDhcpObjects/juniDhcpProxy/juniDhcpProxyClient/juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable/juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/juniperUni/juniperUniMibs/juniMibs/juniDhcpMIB/juniDhcpObjects/juniDhcpProxy/juniDhcpProxyClient/juniDhcpProxyClientServerTable/juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdDhcpMIB/usdDhcpObjects/usdDhcpProxy/usdDhcpProxyClient/usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable/usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/unisphere/usMibs/usDataMibs/usdDhcpMIB/usdDhcpObjects/usdDhcpProxy/usdDhcpProxyClient/usdDhcpProxyClientServerTable/usdDhcpProxyClientServerEntry/usdDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Permits configuration of the client's operation status with respect
    to this server:
    disable Bar the client from using this server to obtain new
    address leases; and cause any leases from that server,
    that are currently in use by the client, to be released.
    drain Bar the client from using this server to obtain new
    address leases; but permit any leases from that server,
    that are currently in use by the client, to remain in
    use until they expire naturally.
    enabled Allow the client to use the server to obtain new address

    Implementations that don't support administrative control of the server
    always report the value of enable(2), and disallow setting this object
    to any other value.

    Parsed from file juniDhcp.mi2.txt
    Company: None
    Module: Juniper-DHCP-MIB

    Description by circitor

    Permits configuration of the client's operation status with respect
    to this server:
    disable Bar the client from using this server to obtain new
    address leases; and cause any leases from that server,
    that are currently in use by the client, to be released.
    drain Bar the client from using this server to obtain new
    address leases; but permit any leases from that server,
    that are currently in use by the client, to remain in
    use until they expire naturally.
    enabled Allow the client to use the server to obtain new address

    Implementations that don't support administrative control of the server
    always report the value of enable(2), and disallow setting this object
    to any other value.

    Parsed from file Juniper-DHCP-MIB.mib
    Module: Juniper-DHCP-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Juniper Networks/Unisphere
    Module: Juniper-DHCP-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), drain(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Permits configuration of the client's operation status with respect to this server: disable Bar the client from using this server to obtain new address leases; and cause any leases from that server, that are currently in use by the client, to be released. drain Bar the client from using this server to obtain new address leases; but permit any leases from that server, that are currently in use by the client, to remain in use until they expire naturally. enabled Allow the client to use the server to obtain new address leases. Implementations that don't support administrative control of the server always report the value of enable(2), and disallow setting this object to any other value." ::= { juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry 3 }

    Information by circitor

    juniDhcpProxyClientServerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), drain(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Permits configuration of the client's operation status with respect to this server: disable Bar the client from using this server to obtain new address leases; and cause any leases from that server, that are currently in use by the client, to be released. drain Bar the client from using this server to obtain new address leases; but permit any leases from that server, that are currently in use by the client, to remain in use until they expire naturally. enabled Allow the client to use the server to obtain new address leases. Implementations that don't support administrative control of the server always report the value of enable(2), and disallow setting this object to any other value." ::= { juniDhcpProxyClientServerEntry 3 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Scano John

    Brothers (14)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription juniDhcpProxyClientServerAddress, usdDhcpProxyClientServerAddress 0 0 The IP address of a DHCP server with which DHCP transactions are
    conducted by this client. juniDhcpProxyClientServerRowStatus, usdDhcpProxyClientServerRowStatus 0 0 Supports 'createAndGo' and 'destroy' only. juniDhcpProxyClientServerOperStatus, usdDhcpProxyClientServerOperStatus 0 0 Reports the client's current operation status with respect to this
    disabled The client is barred from using this serve… juniDhcpProxyClientServerLeases, usdDhcpProxyClientServerLeases 0 0 Total number of address leases granted to the client by this server
    (including those that have expired). The number of active l… juniDhcpProxyClientServerDiscovers, usdDhcpProxyClientServerDiscovers 0 0 Number of DHCP Discovers directed (i.e. nonbroadcast) by the client to
    this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerOffers, usdDhcpProxyClientServerOffers 0 0 Number of DHCP Offers received by the client from this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerRequests, usdDhcpProxyClientServerRequests 0 0 Number of DHCP Requests sent by the client to this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerAcks, usdDhcpProxyClientServerAcks 0 0 Number of DHCP ACKS received by the client from this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerNaks, usdDhcpProxyClientServerNaks 0 0 Number of DHCP NAKS received by the client from this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerDeclines, usdDhcpProxyClientServerDeclines 0 0 Number of DHCP Declines sent by the client to this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerReleases, usdDhcpProxyClientServerReleases 0 0 Number of DHCP Releases sent by the client to this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerInforms, usdDhcpProxyClientServerInforms 0 0 Number of DHCP Informs sent by the client to this server. juniDhcpProxyClientServerBadMessages, usdDhcpProxyClientServerBadMessages 0 0 Number of DHCP Proxy messages received by the client from this server,
    that were discarded because of apparent corruption. juniDhcpProxyClientServerUnknownMessages, usdDhcpProxyClientServerUnknownMessages 0 0 Number of DHCP Proxy messages received by the client from this server,
    that were discarded because they contained information or…