Reference record for OID

parent (ctPicEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cabletron(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cabletron(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cabletron(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cabletron(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(52) mibs(4) ctron(1) ctSystem(5) ctPIC(9) pic(1) ctPicTable(2) ctPicEntry(1) ctPicSMB1promVersion(30)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cabletron/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cabletron/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cabletron/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cabletron/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/mibs/ctron/ctSystem/ctPIC/pic/ctPicTable/ctPicEntry/ctPicSMB1promVersion
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Describes the current version of the SMB1 prom.
    If the Module does not contain an SMB1 prom
    this object will be set to blanks (ascii 32).

    Parsed from file ctpic-mib.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: CT-PIC-MIB

    Description by circitor

    Describes the current version of the SMB1 prom.
    If the Module does not contain an SMB1 prom
    this object will be set to blanks (ascii 32).

    Parsed from file CT-PIC-MIB.mib
    Module: CT-PIC-MIB

    Information by mibdepot

    ctPicSMB1promVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the current version of the SMB1 prom. If the Module does not contain an SMB1 prom this object will be set to blanks (ascii 32)." ::= { ctPicEntry 30 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Enterasys Networks Inc.
    Module: CT-PIC-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by circitor

    ctPicSMB1promVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the current version of the SMB1 prom. If the Module does not contain an SMB1 prom this object will be set to blanks (ascii 32)." ::= { ctPicEntry 30 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    McTague Charles N.

    Brothers (39)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ctPicSlot 0 0 Specific slot which the module that realizes this PIC
    resides. If the PIC is associated with the chassis
    and not a specific modu… ctPicIndex 0 0 Uniquely identifies the instance of a PIC in a particular
    slot. ctPicLocation 0 0 Defines location of the PIC chip. This takes on any of
    the encoding values defined below for backplane, module,
    daughter board, … ctPicStatus 0 0 Provides the status of the specific PIC chip. the values
    are defined as follows:
    other(1) - firmware can not determine status
    pre… ctPicVersion 0 0 Reflects the version of the PIC implementation that this
    PIC conforms to. This has the format x.yy . If non-existent,
    this objec… ctPicModuleType 0 0 Defines the standard module type value as defined in
    ctron-oids. ctPicMfgPN 0 0 Describes the manufacturing level part number of the module
    associated with this PIC. This information is encoded as
    7 C… ctPicMfgSN 0 0 Describes the manufacturing level serial number of the module
    associated with this PIC. This information is encoded as
    3… ctPicMfgPartNumb 0 0 This object presents the part number portion of the
    ctPicMfgPN object. This object contains the same information
    however in a mo… ctPicMfgSerialNumb 0 0 This object presents the serial number portion of the
    ctPicMfgSN object. This object contains the same information
    however in a … ctPicMfgReworkLocation 0 0 The 2 character code that defines the location this
    module was last reworked. This object contains the same
    information as presen… ctPicMfgMfgLocation 0 0 The two character code that defines the location
    this module was manufactured at. This object contains the same
    information as pr… ctPicMfgDateCode 0 0 The 3 byte date code field when this module was last
    reworked. This is in year/week format. This object
    contains the same inform… ctPicMfgRevisionCode 0 0 The 3 character board level revision code field of this
    module. This object contains the same information as
    presented in ctPicM… ctPicTLPN 0 0 Describes the top level part number of the module associated
    with this PIC. This information is encoded as follows:
    7 Characters… ctPicTLSN 0 0 Describes the top level serial number of the module
    associated with this PIC. This information is encoded
    as follows:
    3 bytes - D… ctPicTLPartNumb 0 0 This object presents the part number portion of the
    ctPicTLPN object. This object contains the same information
    however in a mor… ctPicTLSerialNumb 0 0 This object presents the serial number portion of the
    ctPicTLSN object. This object contains the same information
    however in a m… ctPicTLReworkLocation 0 0 The 2 character code that defines the location this
    module was last reworked. This object contains the same
    information as presen… ctPicTLMfgLocation 0 0 The two character code that defines the location
    this module was manufactured at. This object contains the same
    information as pr… ctPicTLDateCode 0 0 The 3 byte date code field when this module was last
    reworked. This is in year/week format. This object
    contains the same inform… ctPicTLRevisionCode 0 0 The 3 character top level revision code field of this module.
    This object contains the same information as presented in
    ctPicTLSN… ctPicPcbRevision 0 0 Defines the Cabletron revision of the art work for this
    module. If non-existent, this object will be set to all
    blanks(ascii 32). ctPicMacAddr 0 0 The base MAC address(ethernet format)assigned to the module.
    If this field is not used then it should have a value of a
    zero leng… ctPicNumbRsvdAddrs 0 0 The number of reserved MAC addresses starting at the
    address as defined in ctPicMacAddr. If no MAC addresses
    are reserved this o… ctPicBoardRevision 0 0 Defines the Cabletron board level revision level code for
    this module. If non-existent, this object will be set to
    blanks (ascii… ctPicModuleTypeString 0 0 Describes the module associated with this PIC in a
    human readable format. If non-existent, this object
    will be set to blanks (as… ctPicDCDCconverterType 0 0 Describes the voltage of the installed DCDC Converter
    input and output lines.
    If the Module does not contain a DCDC Converter
    this… ctPicDCDCconvInputPower 0 0 Describes the maximum allowed input power
    for the DCDC input line.
    If the Module does not contain a DCDC Converter
    this object wil… ctPicAtmMacAddr 0 0 The Atm MAC address(atm format)assigned to the chassis.
    If this field is not used then it should have a value of a
    zero length st… ctPicOEMVendorId 0 0 Represents the OEM vendor for a product.
    If the Module does not program this value
    this object will be set to blanks (ascii 32). ctPicOEMVendorName 0 0 ASCII name of the OEM vendor for the product.
    If the Module does not program this value
    this object will be set to blanks (ascii … ctPicMfg97SN 0 0 Describes the manufacturing level serial number of the module
    associated with this PIC. This information is encoded as
    4… ctPicMfg97DateCode 0 0 The 4 byte date code field when this module was last
    reworked. This is in year/week format. This object
    contains the same inform… ctPicMfg97RevisionCode 0 0 The 2 character board level revision code field of this
    module. This object contains the same information as
    presented in ctPicM… ctPicTL97SN 0 0 Describes the top level serial number of the module
    associated with this PIC. This information is encoded
    as follows:
    4 bytes - D… ctPicTL97DateCode 0 0 The 4 byte date code field when this module was last
    reworked. This is in year/week format. This object
    contains the same inform… ctPicTL97RevisionCode 0 0 The 2 character top level revision code field of this module.
    This object contains the same information as presented in
    ctPicTL97… ctPicOEMTLSN 0 0 Describes the top level serial number of the module as specified
    by the OEM for this device. If non-existent, this object will …