Reference record for OID

parent (mscFrDteErrEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nortel(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nt(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nortel(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nt(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscFrDte(101) mscFrDteErrTable(26) mscFrDteErrEntry(1) mscFrDteErrType(2)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nortel/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nt/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nortel/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nt/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscFrDte/mscFrDteErrTable/mscFrDteErrEntry/mscFrDteErrType
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The type of error that was last seen on this interface. The error types are
    as follows:

    receiveShort: This error indicates a received frame was discarded
    because it was less than four octets long or it was missing the
    Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for a SNAP header.

    receiveLong: This error indicates a received frame was discarded
    because it was longer than expected. This error is currently not used on
    this interface.

    illegalDlci: This error indicates that a received frame was discarded
    because it's Q.922 address was not two octets in length. This error could
    also indicate that a frame was discarded because it was received on a
    DLCI reserved for LMI which had not been provisioned active.

    dlcmiProtoErr: This error indicates an LMI frame was received with
    contents formatted incorrectly.

    dlcmiUnknownIe: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    which contained an unsupported Information Element (IE) type

    dlcmiSequenceErr: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    whose Keep Alive Sequence was incorrect.

    dlcmiUnknownRpt: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    which contained a Report-type Information Element with an invalid type
    of report.

    noErrorSinceReset: This error type indicates that there has not been an
    error since the interface has been reset.

    unknownError: This error type contains the cumulation of receive
    frame errors that did not fit one of the MIB error descriptions above.
    These errors include those counted by the following attributes:

    ulpUnknownProtocol - A received frame was discarded because the
    Upper Level Protocol (ULP) encapsulation used was unsupported.

    badFc - A received frame was discarded because the frame control
    character was incorrect.

    defragSequenceErrors - A fragment was received which was discarded
    due to an out of sequence error detection.

    Parsed from file nortelPC-frameRelayDteV1.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-FrameRelayDteMIB

    Description by circitor

    The type of error that was last seen on this interface. The error types are
    as follows:

    receiveShort: This error indicates a received frame was discarded
    because it was less than four octets long or it was missing the
    Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for a SNAP header.

    receiveLong: This error indicates a received frame was discarded
    because it was longer than expected. This error is currently not used on
    this interface.

    illegalDlci: This error indicates that a received frame was discarded
    because it's Q.922 address was not two octets in length. This error could
    also indicate that a frame was discarded because it was received on a
    DLCI reserved for LMI which had not been provisioned active.

    dlcmiProtoErr: This error indicates an LMI frame was received with
    contents formatted incorrectly.

    dlcmiUnknownIe: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    which contained an unsupported Information Element (IE) type

    dlcmiSequenceErr: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    whose Keep Alive Sequence was incorrect.

    dlcmiUnknownRpt: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received
    which contained a Report-type Information Element with an invalid type
    of report.

    noErrorSinceReset: This error type indicates that there has not been an
    error since the interface has been reset.

    unknownError: This error type contains the cumulation of receive
    frame errors that did not fit one of the MIB error descriptions above.
    These errors include those counted by the following attributes:

    ulpUnknownProtocol - A received frame was discarded because the
    Upper Level Protocol (ULP) encapsulation used was unsupported.

    badFc - A received frame was discarded because the frame control
    character was incorrect.

    defragSequenceErrors - A fragment was received which was discarded
    due to an out of sequence error detection.

    Parsed from file Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-FrameRelayDteMIB.mib
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-FrameRelayDteMIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Northern Telecom, Ltd.
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-FrameRelayDteMIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    mscFrDteErrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknownError(1), receiveShort(2), receiveLong(3), illegalDlci(4), dlcmiProtoErr(5), dlcmiUnknownIe(6), dlcmiSequenceErr(7), dlcmiUnknownRpt(8), noErrorSinceReset(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of error that was last seen on this interface. The error types are as follows: receiveShort: This error indicates a received frame was discarded because it was less than four octets long or it was missing the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for a SNAP header. receiveLong: This error indicates a received frame was discarded because it was longer than expected. This error is currently not used on this interface. illegalDlci: This error indicates that a received frame was discarded because it's Q.922 address was not two octets in length. This error could also indicate that a frame was discarded because it was received on a DLCI reserved for LMI which had not been provisioned active. dlcmiProtoErr: This error indicates an LMI frame was received with contents formatted incorrectly. dlcmiUnknownIe: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received which contained an unsupported Information Element (IE) type dlcmiSequenceErr: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received whose Keep Alive Sequence was incorrect. dlcmiUnknownRpt: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received which contained a Report-type Information Element with an invalid type of report. noErrorSinceReset: This error type indicates that there has not been an error since the interface has been reset. unknownError: This error type contains the cumulation of receive frame errors that did not fit one of the MIB error descriptions above. These errors include those counted by the following attributes: ulpUnknownProtocol - A received frame was discarded because the Upper Level Protocol (ULP) encapsulation used was unsupported. badFc - A received frame was discarded because the frame control character was incorrect. defragSequenceErrors - A fragment was received which was discarded due to an out of sequence error detection." DEFVAL { noErrorSinceReset } ::= { mscFrDteErrEntry 2 }

    Information by circitor

    mscFrDteErrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknownError(1), receiveShort(2), receiveLong(3), illegalDlci(4), dlcmiProtoErr(5), dlcmiUnknownIe(6), dlcmiSequenceErr(7), dlcmiUnknownRpt(8), noErrorSinceReset(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of error that was last seen on this interface. The error types are as follows: receiveShort: This error indicates a received frame was discarded because it was less than four octets long or it was missing the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) for a SNAP header. receiveLong: This error indicates a received frame was discarded because it was longer than expected. This error is currently not used on this interface. illegalDlci: This error indicates that a received frame was discarded because it's Q.922 address was not two octets in length. This error could also indicate that a frame was discarded because it was received on a DLCI reserved for LMI which had not been provisioned active. dlcmiProtoErr: This error indicates an LMI frame was received with contents formatted incorrectly. dlcmiUnknownIe: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received which contained an unsupported Information Element (IE) type dlcmiSequenceErr: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received whose Keep Alive Sequence was incorrect. dlcmiUnknownRpt: This error indicates that an LMI frame was received which contained a Report-type Information Element with an invalid type of report. noErrorSinceReset: This error type indicates that there has not been an error since the interface has been reset. unknownError: This error type contains the cumulation of receive frame errors that did not fit one of the MIB error descriptions above. These errors include those counted by the following attributes: ulpUnknownProtocol - A received frame was discarded because the Upper Level Protocol (ULP) encapsulation used was unsupported. badFc - A received frame was discarded because the frame control character was incorrect. defragSequenceErrors - A fragment was received which was discarded due to an out of sequence error detection." DEFVAL { noErrorSinceReset } ::= { mscFrDteErrEntry 2 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Sharon Chisholm

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Mike Bobbitt

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mscFrDteErrData 0 0 An octet string containing the first part of the frame in which an error
    was last detected. mscFrDteErrTime 0 0 The time at which the last error was detected and recorded in errType. mscFrDteErrDiscards 0 0 Number of inbound frames dropped because of format errors or because
    the virtual circuit was not known. Format errors, in this c… mscFrDteErrFaults 0 0 This attribute counts the number of times LMI has taken down the
    interface. When the procedure attribute of the Lmi component is… mscFrDteErrFaultTime 0 0 The last time the errFaults counter was incremented.