Reference record for OID

parent (mscApsOperEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nortel(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nt(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nortel(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) northernTelecom(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nt(562) msCarrier(36) mscPassport(2) mscComponents(1) mscAps(134) mscApsOperTable(13) mscApsOperEntry(1) mscApsFarEndRequest(4)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nortel/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nt/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nortel/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/northernTelecom/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nt/msCarrier/mscPassport/mscComponents/mscAps/mscApsOperTable/mscApsOperEntry/mscApsFarEndRequest
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This attribute indicates the request currently being received from the
    far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of the protection
    line. Requests are prioritized so that high priority requests preempt
    or block those with a lower priority. The possible requests, in order
    of priority from highest to lowest, are as follows.

    lockoutOfProtection the working line is prevented from
    switching to the protection line under any circumstances due to an
    ProtectionLockout command being in effect.

    forcedSwitch the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch -force command in effect
    against it. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher
    priority than a forcedSwitch.

    signalFail the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF).
    Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BER
    exceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a locked Sonet, Sdh,
    or Path component. Note that a signalFail on the protection line
    has higher priority than a forcedSwitch.

    signalDegrade the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation (SD).
    For more information on the conditions required to declare and
    clear an SD please refer to the desription for attribute

    A such that the signal BER exceeds the value provisioned in the
    signalDegradeRatio attribute, or is still exceeding

    manualSwitch the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch command in effect against it.

    waitToRestore the protection line is active, provisioned attribute
    revertive is yes, and the working line has recovered from a Signal
    Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined by attribute
    waitToRestorePeriod the working line will automatically revert to
    being the receive active line and the request will change to

    reverseRequest the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the far end.
    This request is only applicable when the provisioned mode is

    doNotRevert the protection line is active, provisioned attribute
    revertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recovered from
    a signalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) a forcedSwitch or
    manualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active line will
    not automatically revert to the working line.

    noRequest the working line is active and no other requests are in

    Parsed from file nortelPC-apsV1.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-ApsMIB

    Description by circitor

    This attribute indicates the request currently being received from the
    far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of the protection
    line. Requests are prioritized so that high priority requests preempt
    or block those with a lower priority. The possible requests, in order
    of priority from highest to lowest, are as follows.

    lockoutOfProtection the working line is prevented from
    switching to the protection line under any circumstances due to an
    ProtectionLockout command being in effect.

    forcedSwitch the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch -force command in effect
    against it. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher
    priority than a forcedSwitch.

    signalFail the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF).
    Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BER
    exceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a locked Sonet, Sdh,
    or Path component. Note that a signalFail on the protection line
    has higher priority than a forcedSwitch.

    signalDegrade the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation (SD).
    For more information on the conditions required to declare and
    clear an SD please refer to the desription for attribute

    A such that the signal BER exceeds the value provisioned in the
    signalDegradeRatio attribute, or is still exceeding

    manualSwitch the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch command in effect against it.

    waitToRestore the protection line is active, provisioned attribute
    revertive is yes, and the working line has recovered from a Signal
    Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined by attribute
    waitToRestorePeriod the working line will automatically revert to
    being the receive active line and the request will change to

    reverseRequest the line indicated by attribute
    nearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the far end.
    This request is only applicable when the provisioned mode is

    doNotRevert the protection line is active, provisioned attribute
    revertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recovered from
    a signalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) a forcedSwitch or
    manualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active line will
    not automatically revert to the working line.

    noRequest the working line is active and no other requests are in

    Parsed from file Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-ApsMIB.mib
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-ApsMIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Northern Telecom, Ltd.
    Module: Nortel-MsCarrier-MscPassport-ApsMIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    mscApsFarEndRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noRequest(0), doNotRevert(1), reverseRequest(2), waitToRestore(6), manualSwitch(8), signalDegrade(10), signalFail(12), forcedSwitch(14), lockoutOfProtection(15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the request currently being received from the far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of the protection line. Requests are prioritized so that high priority requests preempt or block those with a lower priority. The possible requests, in order of priority from highest to lowest, are as follows. lockoutOfProtection the working line is prevented from switching to the protection line under any circumstances due to an ProtectionLockout command being in effect. forcedSwitch the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch -force command in effect against it. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher priority than a forcedSwitch. signalFail the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF). Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BER exceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a locked Sonet, Sdh, or Path component. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher priority than a forcedSwitch. signalDegrade the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation (SD). For more information on the conditions required to declare and clear an SD please refer to the desription for attribute signalDegradeRatio. A such that the signal BER exceeds the value provisioned in the signalDegradeRatio attribute, or is still exceeding manualSwitch the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch command in effect against it. waitToRestore the protection line is active, provisioned attribute revertive is yes, and the working line has recovered from a Signal Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined by attribute waitToRestorePeriod the working line will automatically revert to being the receive active line and the request will change to noRequest. reverseRequest the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the far end. This request is only applicable when the provisioned mode is bidirectional. doNotRevert the protection line is active, provisioned attribute revertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recovered from a signalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) a forcedSwitch or manualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active line will not automatically revert to the working line. noRequest the working line is active and no other requests are in effect. DESCRIPTION" ::= { mscApsOperEntry 4 }

    Information by circitor

    mscApsFarEndRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noRequest(0), doNotRevert(1), reverseRequest(2), waitToRestore(6), manualSwitch(8), signalDegrade(10), signalFail(12), forcedSwitch(14), lockoutOfProtection(15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the request currently being received from the far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of the protection line. Requests are prioritized so that high priority requests preempt or block those with a lower priority. The possible requests, in order of priority from highest to lowest, are as follows. lockoutOfProtection the working line is prevented from switching to the protection line under any circumstances due to an ProtectionLockout command being in effect. forcedSwitch the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch -force command in effect against it. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher priority than a forcedSwitch. signalFail the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal failure (SF). Failures include LOS, LOF, received AIS-L, a signal BER exceeding 10-3, LOP, received AIS-P, LCD, or a locked Sonet, Sdh, or Path component. Note that a signalFail on the protection line has higher priority than a forcedSwitch. signalDegrade the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is experiencing a signal degradation (SD). For more information on the conditions required to declare and clear an SD please refer to the desription for attribute signalDegradeRatio. A such that the signal BER exceeds the value provisioned in the signalDegradeRatio attribute, or is still exceeding manualSwitch the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel has a Switch command in effect against it. waitToRestore the protection line is active, provisioned attribute revertive is yes, and the working line has recovered from a Signal Fail or Signal Degrade. After the period defined by attribute waitToRestorePeriod the working line will automatically revert to being the receive active line and the request will change to noRequest. reverseRequest the line indicated by attribute nearEndRequestChannel is active due to a request from the far end. This request is only applicable when the provisioned mode is bidirectional. doNotRevert the protection line is active, provisioned attribute revertive is no, and either: (1) the working line has recovered from a signalFail or signalDegrade; or (2) a forcedSwitch or manualSwitch request has been cleared. The receive active line will not automatically revert to the working line. noRequest the working line is active and no other requests are in effect. DESCRIPTION" ::= { mscApsOperEntry 4 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Sharon Chisholm

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Mike Bobbitt

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mscApsNearEndRxActiveLine 0 0 This attribute indicates which near end line is active for receiving
    data from the far end. mscApsNearEndRequest 0 0 This attribute indicates the request currently being transmitted to the
    far end in the SONET/SDH line overhead K1 byte of the pr… mscApsNearEndRequestChannel 0 0 This attribute indicates to which channel the nearEndRequest
    applies. mscApsFarEndRequestChannel 0 0 This attribute indicates to which channel the farEndRequest applies. mscApsSdOnLines 0 0 This attribute indicates which lines (if any) are currently
    experiencing a Signal Degrade (SD).

    Description of bits:
    protection(0)… mscApsSwitchovers 0 0 This attributes counts the number of times that a switchover of the
    active line has occurred since the Aps component became acti… mscApsTimeUntilRestore 0 0 This attribute indicates the amount of time in minutes until the
    receive active line is automatically switched back from the
    prot… mscApsProtocolFailureAlarm 0 0 This attribute indicates whether the Aps component is experiencing
    an APS protocol failure alarm. Protocol failure alarms includ… mscApsModeMismatchAlarm 0 0 This attribute indicates whether the Aps component is experiencing
    an APS mode mismatch alarm (code 7011 5272). This alarm