Reference record for OID

parent (etsysSntpClientUServerEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) enterasys(5624) etsysMibs(1) etsysModules(2) etsysSntpClientMIB(38) etsysSntpClientObjects(1) etsysSntpClientUnicast(2) etsysSntpClientUServerTable(6) etsysSntpClientUServerEntry(1) etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/enterasys/etsysMibs/etsysModules/etsysSntpClientMIB/etsysSntpClientObjects/etsysSntpClientUnicast/etsysSntpClientUServerTable/etsysSntpClientUServerEntry/etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence
  • Description by circitor

    The precedence that this server has in relation to its peers
    in the determining the sequence of servers that SNTP requests
    will be sent to.

    When the poll interval, as specified by
    etsysSntpClientUnicastPollInterval, expires the SNTP client on
    this device will send SNTP requests to the servers listed in
    this table. The client will continue sending requests to
    different servers until a successful response is received or
    all servers are exhausted. This object indicates the order in
    which to query the servers. A server entry with a precedence
    of 1 will be queried before a server with a precedence of 2,
    and so forth. If more than one server has the same precedence
    then the requesting order will follow the lexicographical
    ordering of the entries in this table.

    Parsed from file ENTERASYS-SNTP-CLIENT-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    etsysSntpClientUServerPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The precedence that this server has in relation to its peers in the determining the sequence of servers that SNTP requests will be sent to. When the poll interval, as specified by etsysSntpClientUnicastPollInterval, expires the SNTP client on this device will send SNTP requests to the servers listed in this table. The client will continue sending requests to different servers until a successful response is received or all servers are exhausted. This object indicates the order in which to query the servers. A server entry with a precedence of 1 will be queried before a server with a precedence of 2, and so forth. If more than one server has the same precedence then the requesting order will follow the lexicographical ordering of the entries in this table." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { etsysSntpClientUServerEntry 3 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    McTague Charles N.

    Brothers (8)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription etsysSntpClientUServerAddrType 0 0 This object specifies how etsysSntpClientUServerAddr is
    encoded. Support for all possible enumerations defined by
    InetAddressTyp… etsysSntpClientUServerAddr 0 0 The encoded unicast IP address or hostname of a SNTP server.
    Unicast SNTP requests will be sent to this address. If this
    address… etsysSntpClientUServerLastUpdateTime 0 0 The local date and time that the response from this server was
    used to update the system time on the device since agent
    reboot. … etsysSntpClientUServerLastAttemptTime 0 0 The local date and time that this SNTP server was last queried
    since agent reboot. Essentially, this value is a
    timestamp for th… etsysSntpClientUServerLastAttemptStatus 0 0 The status of the last SNTP request to this server since
    agent reboot. If no requests have been made then this object
    should ret… etsysSntpClientUServerNumRequests 0 0 The number of SNTP requests made to this server since
    the last agent reboot. This includes retry attempts to
    the server. etsysSntpClientUServerNumFailedRequests 0 0 The number of SNTP requests made to this server that did
    not result in a successful response since the last agent
    reboot. This i… etsysSntpClientUServerStatus 0 0 The row status of this conceptual row in the table.

    - The server is available for use in SNTP client operations.
    Other writ…