Reference record for OID

parent (uxsStatusFSysEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cai(791) caiUniSecuT2(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cai(791) caiSysMgr(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cai(791) caiSysMgr(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cai(791) caiSysMgt(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cai(791) caiUniSecuT2(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cai(791) caiSysMgr(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cai(791) caiSysMgr(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cai(791) caiSysMgt(2) agentWorks(9) unix(4) caiUxOs(5) uxsStatusGroup(2) uxsStatusFSysGroup(6) uxsStatusFSysTable(2) uxsStatusFSysEntry(1) uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus(27)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cai/caiUniSecuT2/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cai/caiSysMgr/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cai/caiSysMgr/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cai/caiSysMgt/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cai/caiUniSecuT2/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cai/caiSysMgr/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cai/caiSysMgr/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cai/caiSysMgt/agentWorks/unix/caiUxOs/uxsStatusGroup/uxsStatusFSysGroup/uxsStatusFSysTable/uxsStatusFSysEntry/uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the defined limits, warning(3) - The resource has breached the warning threshold, critical(4) - The resource has breached the critical threshold.

    Parsed from file caiuxos-2.4.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: CAIUXOS

    Description by circitor

    &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the defined limits, warning(3) - The resource has breached the warning threshold, critical(4) - The resource has breached the critical threshold.

    Parsed from file CAIUXOS.mib
    Module: CAIUXOS

    Information by mibdepot

    uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), warning(3), critical(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "&The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the defined limits, warning(3) - The resource has breached the warning threshold, critical(4) - The resource has breached the critical threshold." ::= { uxsStatusFSysEntry 27 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Computer Associates International
    Module: CAIUXOS

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by circitor

    uxsStatusFSysInodesStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), warning(3), critical(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "&The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the defined limits, warning(3) - The resource has breached the warning threshold, critical(4) - The resource has breached the critical threshold." ::= { uxsStatusFSysEntry 27 }

    Brothers (38)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription uxsStatusFSysName 0 0 &The file system mount name. uxsStatusFSysRelatedTo 0 0 &The device from which the file system is mounted. uxsStatusFSysType 0 0 &The type of the mounted file system. The value is platform dependent. uxsStatusFSysStatus 0 0 &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the … uxsStatusFSysSpaceTotal 0 0 &The amount of space available on the file system in kilobytes. uxsStatusFSysSpaceValue 0 0 &The amount of space used on the file system in kilobytes. uxsStatusFSysSpaceWarnValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured warning value. uxsStatusFSysSpaceCritValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured critical value. uxsStatusFSysSpaceWarn 0 0 &The value for used file system space, either as a percentage or in kilobytes, that is considered a warning level for that reso… uxsStatusFSysSpaceCrit 0 0 &The value for used file system space, either as a percentage or in kilobytes, that is considered a critical level for that res… uxsStatusFSysSpaceMonitor 0 0 &Defines the level of monitoring for the resource's status. Valid values: do-not-monitor(1), warning-only(2), critical-only(3) … uxsStatusFSysSpaceStatus 0 0 &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the … uxsStatusFSysSpaceDValue 0 0 &The difference of used space, in kilobytes, since the last poll. uxsStatusFSysSpaceDWarnValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured warning value. uxsStatusFSysSpaceDCritValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured critical value. uxsStatusFSysSpaceDWarn 0 0 &The value for used file system space delta, either as a percentage or in kilobytes, that is considered a warning level for tha… uxsStatusFSysSpaceDCrit 0 0 &The value for used file system space delta, either as a percentage or in kilobytes, that is considered a critical level for th… uxsStatusFSysSpaceDMonitor 0 0 &Defines the level of monitoring for the resource's status. Valid values: do-not-monitor(1), warning-only(2), critical-only(3) … uxsStatusFSysSpaceDStatus 0 0 &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the … uxsStatusFSysInodesTotal 0 0 &The amount of inodes configured on the file system. uxsStatusFSysInodesValue 0 0 &The amount of used inodes on the file system. uxsStatusFSysInodesWarnValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured warning value. uxsStatusFSysInodesCritValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured critical value. uxsStatusFSysInodesWarn 0 0 &The value for inodes, either as a percentage or absolute value, that is considered a warning level for that resource. Valid ra… uxsStatusFSysInodesCrit 0 0 &The value for inodes, either as a percentage or absolute value, that is considered a critical level for that resource. Valid r… uxsStatusFSysInodesMonitor 0 0 &Defines the level of monitoring for the resource's status. Valid values: do-not-monitor(1), warning-only(2), critical-only(3) … uxsStatusFSysInodesDValue 0 0 &The difference in the number of used inodes since the last poll. uxsStatusFSysInodesDWarnValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured warning value. uxsStatusFSysInodesDCritValue 0 0 &The absolute value used for threshold calculation based on the configured critical value. uxsStatusFSysInodesDWarn 0 0 &The value for inodes delta, either as a percentage or absolute value, that is considered a warning level for that resource. Va… uxsStatusFSysInodesDCrit 0 0 &The value for inodes delta, either as a percentage or absolute value, that is considered a critical level for that resource. V… uxsStatusFSysInodesDMonitor 0 0 &Defines the level of monitoring for the resource's status. Valid values: do-not-monitor(1), warning-only(2), critical-only(3) … uxsStatusFSysInodesDStatus 0 0 &The current status of the resource: unknown(1) - An error occurred during data collection, ok(2) - The resource is within the … uxsStatusFSysMountedMonitor 0 0 &Defines the level of monitoring for the resource's status. Valid values: do-not-monitor(1) or monitor(2). uxsStatusFSysMountedStatus 0 0 &The mounted status of the device: unknown(1) - An error occurred collecting the file system information. up(2) - The file syst… uxsStatusFSysLossAction 0 0 &Defines the action to take if the file system is removed from the file system table. Valid values: remove(1), up(2) or down(3). uxsStatusFSysLossStatus 0 0 &The status relating to the existence of the object. Valid values: unknown(1), up(2) or down(3). uxsStatusFSysRemove 0 0 &Removes the file system watcher from the agent.