Reference record for OID

parent (cMsdpSACacheEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMsdpMIB(130) cMsdpMIBobjects(1) cMsdp(1) cMsdpSACacheTable(6) cMsdpSACacheEntry(1) cMsdpSACacheStatus(10)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMsdpMIB/cMsdpMIBobjects/cMsdp/cMsdpSACacheTable/cMsdpSACacheEntry/cMsdpSACacheStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The status of this row in the table. The only allowable
    actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active',
    or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this
    entry from the cache.

    Row creation is not permitted.

    No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may
    be changed while the status value is active(1).

    Parsed from file CISCO-IETF-MSDP-MIB.mib

    Description by cisco_v1

    The status of this row in the table. The only allowable
    actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active',
    or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this
    entry from the cache.

    Row creation is not permitted.

    No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may
    be changed while the status value is active(1).

    Description by mibdepot

    The status of this row in the table. The only allowable
    actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active',
    or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this
    entry from the cache.

    Row creation is not permitted.

    No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may
    be changed while the status value is active(1).

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    The status of this row in the table. The only allowable
    actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active',
    or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this
    entry from the cache.

    Row creation is not permitted.

    No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may
    be changed while the status value is active(1).

    Information by circitor

    cMsdpSACacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table. The only allowable actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active', or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this entry from the cache. Row creation is not permitted. No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may be changed while the status value is active(1). " ::= { cMsdpSACacheEntry 10 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    cMsdpSACacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table. The only allowable actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active', or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this entry from the cache. Row creation is not permitted. No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may be changed while the status value is active(1). " ::= { cMsdpSACacheEntry 10 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    cMsdpSACacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table. The only allowable actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active', or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this entry from the cache. Row creation is not permitted. No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may be changed while the status value is active(1). " ::= { cMsdpSACacheEntry 10 }

    Information by cisco

    cMsdpSACacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table. The only allowable actions are to retrieve the status, which will be `active', or to set the status to `destroy' in order to remove this entry from the cache. Row creation is not permitted. No columnar objects are writable, so there are none that may be changed while the status value is active(1). " ::= { cMsdpSACacheEntry 10 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription cMsdpSACacheGroupAddr 0 0 The group address of the SA Cache entry. cMsdpSACacheSourceAddr 0 0 The source address of the SA Cache entry. cMsdpSACacheOriginRP 0 0 The RP of the SA Cache entry. This field is in the INDEX in
    order to catch multiple RP's advertising the same source and
    group. cMsdpSACachePeerLearnedFrom 0 0 The peer from which this SA Cache entry was last accepted.
    This address must correspond to the cMsdpPeerRemoteAddress
    value for a… cMsdpSACacheRPFPeer 0 0 The peer from which an SA message corresponding to this
    cache entry would be accepted (i.e. the RPF peer for
    cMsdpSACacheOriginRP… cMsdpSACacheInSAs 0 0 The number of MSDP SA messages received relevant to this
    cache entry. This object must be initialized to zero when
    creating a ca… cMsdpSACacheInDataPackets 0 0 The number of MSDP encapsulated data packets received
    relevant to this cache entry. This object must be
    initialized to zero when… cMsdpSACacheUpTime 0 0 The time since this entry was first placed in the SA cache.

    The first epoch is the time that the entry was first placed
    in the SA… cMsdpSACacheExpiryTime 0 0 The time remaining before this entry will expire from the SA

    The first epoch is now, and the second epoch is the time
    that …