Reference record for OID

parent (portTopNEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) ciscoStackMIB(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) stack(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) ciscoStackMIB(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) stack(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) ciscoStackMIB(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) stack(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) ciscoStackMIB(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) workgroup(5) stack(1) portTopNGrp(20) portTopNTable(2) portTopNEntry(1) portTopNUtilization(4)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/workgroup/ciscoStackMIB/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/workgroup/stack/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/workgroup/ciscoStackMIB/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/workgroup/stack/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/workgroup/ciscoStackMIB/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/workgroup/stack/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/workgroup/ciscoStackMIB/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/workgroup/stack/portTopNGrp/portTopNTable/portTopNEntry/portTopNUtilization
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The utilization of the port in the system.
    The utilization is computed in the following

    Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2)

    10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000

    where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet
    6.4 is preamble of Ethernet
    10,000 is 10Mbps

    100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 1,000,000

    1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000,000

    All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * N * 1,000
    (where N is N Mbps)

    Token Ring Utilization:
    (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS)

    4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 4,000,000
    where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 16,000,000
    where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    FDDI Utilization:

    I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    FDDI Util =
    Interval * 100,000,000

    where 64 is Preamble of FDDI,
    8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI,
    32 is the CRC, and
    16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI.

    Parsed from file CISCO-STACK-MIB.mib

    Description by cisco_v1

    The utilization of the port in the system.
    The utilization is computed in the following

    Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2)

    10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000

    where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet
    6.4 is preamble of Ethernet
    10,000 is 10Mbps

    100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 1,000,000

    1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000,000

    All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * N * 1,000
    (where N is N Mbps)

    Token Ring Utilization:
    (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS)

    4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 4,000,000
    where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 16,000,000
    where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    FDDI Utilization:

    I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    FDDI Util =
    Interval * 100,000,000

    where 64 is Preamble of FDDI,
    8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI,
    32 is the CRC, and
    16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI.

    Description by oid_info

    portTopNUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX INTEGER(1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
    DESCRIPTION "The utilization of the port in the system.
    The utilization is computed in the following methods:
    Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2)
    10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util = ------------------------------------------
    Interval * 10,000
    where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet
    6.4 is preamble of Ethernet
    10,000 is 10Mbps
    100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util = --------------------------------------
    Interval * 1,000,000
    1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util = --------------------------------------
    Interval * 10,000,000
    Token Ring Utilization:
    (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS)
    4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 * ------------------------
    Interval * 4,000,000
    where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG
    16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 * ------------------------
    Interval * 16,000,000
    where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG
    FDDI Utilization:
    I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    FDDI Util = ------------------------------------------------
    Interval * 100,000,000
    where 64 is Preamble of FDDI,
    8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI,
    32 is the CRC, and
    16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI."

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    The utilization of the port in the system.
    The utilization is computed in the following

    Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2)

    10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000

    where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet
    6.4 is preamble of Ethernet
    10,000 is 10Mbps

    100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 1,000,000

    1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000,000

    All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * N * 1,000
    (where N is N Mbps)

    Token Ring Utilization:
    (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS)

    4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 4,000,000
    where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 16,000,000
    where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    FDDI Utilization:

    I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    FDDI Util =
    Interval * 100,000,000

    where 64 is Preamble of FDDI,
    8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI,
    32 is the CRC, and
    16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI.

    Parsed from file cisco-stack-mib.mib.txt
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    The utilization of the port in the system.
    The utilization is computed in the following

    Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2)

    10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000

    where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet
    6.4 is preamble of Ethernet
    10,000 is 10Mbps

    100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 1,000,000

    1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * 10,000,000

    All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes)
    Ethernet Util =
    Interval * N * 1,000
    (where N is N Mbps)

    Token Ring Utilization:
    (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS)

    4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 4,000,000
    where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets)
    Token Ring Util = 100 *
    Interval * 16,000,000
    where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG

    FDDI Utilization:

    I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes)
    FDDI Util =
    Interval * 100,000,000

    where 64 is Preamble of FDDI,
    8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI,
    32 is the CRC, and
    16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI.

    Information by circitor

    portTopNUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The utilization of the port in the system. The utilization is computed in the following methods: Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2) 10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000 where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet 6.4 is preamble of Ethernet 10,000 is 10Mbps 100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 1,000,000 1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000,000 All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * N * 1,000 (where N is N Mbps) Token Ring Utilization: (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS) 4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 4,000,000 where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG 16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 16,000,000 where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG FDDI Utilization: I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) FDDI Util = Interval * 100,000,000 where 64 is Preamble of FDDI, 8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI, 32 is the CRC, and 16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI." ::= { portTopNEntry 4 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    portTopNUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The utilization of the port in the system. The utilization is computed in the following methods: Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2) 10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000 where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet 6.4 is preamble of Ethernet 10,000 is 10Mbps 100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 1,000,000 1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000,000 All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * N * 1,000 (where N is N Mbps) Token Ring Utilization: (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS) 4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 4,000,000 where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG 16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 16,000,000 where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG FDDI Utilization: I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) FDDI Util = Interval * 100,000,000 where 64 is Preamble of FDDI, 8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI, 32 is the CRC, and 16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI." ::= { portTopNEntry 4 }

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from Cisco "SNMP v2 MIBs".

    Information by mibdepot

    portTopNUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The utilization of the port in the system. The utilization is computed in the following methods: Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2) 10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000 where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet 6.4 is preamble of Ethernet 10,000 is 10Mbps 100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 1,000,000 1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000,000 All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * N * 1,000 (where N is N Mbps) Token Ring Utilization: (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS) 4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 4,000,000 where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG 16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 16,000,000 where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG FDDI Utilization: I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) FDDI Util = Interval * 100,000,000 where 64 is Preamble of FDDI, 8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI, 32 is the CRC, and 16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI." ::= { portTopNEntry 4 }

    Information by cisco

    portTopNUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The utilization of the port in the system. The utilization is computed in the following methods: Ethernet Utilization: (If Full Duplex, multiply by 2) 10 Mbps I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000 where 9.6 is interframe gap of Ethernet 6.4 is preamble of Ethernet 10,000 is 10Mbps 100 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 1,000,000 1000 Mbps I/O-pkts * (96 + 64) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * 10,000,000 All other I/O-pkts * (9.6 + 6.4) + (0.8 * I/O-Bytes) Ethernet Util = Interval * N * 1,000 (where N is N Mbps) Token Ring Utilization: (Assuming that Octets is from AC byte through FCS) 4 Mbps Pkts * 32 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 4,000,000 where 32 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG 16 Mbps Pkts * 64 + (8 * Octets) Token Ring Util = 100 * Interval * 16,000,000 where 64 is bits in SD, ED, FS and IFG FDDI Utilization: I/O-Pkts * (64 + 8 + 32 + 16) + (8 * I/O-Bytes) FDDI Util = Interval * 100,000,000 where 64 is Preamble of FDDI, 8 is the Start Delimiter (SD) of FDDI, 32 is the CRC, and 16 is the End of Frame Sequence (EFS) of FDDI." ::= { portTopNEntry 4 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription portTopNIndex 0 0 An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
    the portTopN table among those in the same report.
    This index is between 1 and N, w… portTopNModuleNumber 0 0 The module number of the port counter data
    entry. portTopNPortNumber 0 0 The port number of the port counter data entry. portTopNIOOctets 0 0 The Input and Output octets of the port in the
    system. portTopNIOPkts 0 0 The Input and Output packets of the port in the
    system. portTopNIOBroadcast 0 0 The Input and Output broadcast packets of the
    port in the system. portTopNIOMulticast 0 0 The Input and Output multicast packets of the
    port in the system. portTopNInErrors 0 0 The Input error packets of the port in the
    system. portTopNBufferOverFlow 0 0 The number of buffer overflow of the port in
    the system.