Reference record for OID 2.16.840.1.113883.3.447

2.16.840.1.113883.3 (externalUseRoots)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) hl7(113883) externalUseRoots(3) dA(447)}
  • {joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) hl7(113883) externalUseRoots(3) dA(447)}
  • iri oid
  • /joint-iso-itu-t/country/us/organization/hl7/externalUseRoots/dA
  • /joint-iso-ccitt/country/us/organization/hl7/externalUseRoots/dA
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    View at

    First Registration Authority

    ACS, Inc.

    Address: 9040 Roswell Road
    Atlanta, GA 30350
    United States (the)

    Phone: +1 770 829 1186

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent 2.16.840.1)

    Karen Hughes

    Brothers (6167)

    To many brothers! Only 100 nearest brothers are shown.

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.397 wanda 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.398 claudy 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.399 odette 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.400 popHealth1 0 0 popHealth CONNECT Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.401 wfubmc 0 0 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.402 thinc 0 0 Taconic Health Information Network and Community
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.403 wsupg 0 0 Wayne State University Physician Group
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.404 nhin 0 0 NHIN Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.405 hmc 0 0 Harrison Medical Center
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.408 lmh 0 0 Lexington Memorial Hospital
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.409 ekcita 0 0 East Kern County Integrated Technology Association
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.412 omrs-nhin 0 0 The NHIN Gateway for the Open Electronic Medical Record System
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.413 chsnhin1 0 0 Conemaugh Health System NHIN Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.416 popHealth2 0 0 popHealth Federal Partner CONNECT Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.417 nhinwin 0 0 Windows Based NHIN Computer
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.418 nhinlin 0 0 Linux Based NHIN Computer
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.419 aBCBSMHIE1 0 0 BCBSM NHIN connect NHIE Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.420 nhin3mirthcorpcom 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.421 mpha-LN 0 0 Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association - Pharmacist License Number
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.422 cpsm-ln 0 0 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba License Number
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.423 nuance-health 0 0 Nuance Healthcare OID Registry
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.424 nhinri1c23 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.425 nhinri2c23 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.426 nhinri3c23 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.428 heartlandhealth 0 0 Mosaic Life Care (previously, Heartland Health)
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.429 nhs 0 0 Northwest Health Services, Inc.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.430 vircodev 0 0 Virco Lab, Inc. Development
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.431 hvhs 0 0 Heritage Valley Health System
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.432 care-align 0 0 CareAlign Suite
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.434 muschealth 0 0 MUSCHealth - Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.435 cess24test 0 0 CESS 2.4 Validation Test
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.437 lacie 0 0 Lewis And Clark Information Exchange OID Root
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.438 healthBridge3 0 0 HealthBridge NHIN Gateway (NHIN3)
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.439 ctaNHINgateway 0 0 CTA NHIN Connect Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.440 maehc 0 0 Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.441 greenway 0 0 Greenway Medical Technologies
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.442 sOLITCON 0 0 Health Information Exchange
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.443 netHealth 0 0 Net Health
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.444 picomux 0 0 Mirth Corp Pico Mux
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.445 templateRootCDAConsentDirectiveIG 0 0 Template Root for CDA Consent Directive Implementation Guide
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.446 sequest 0 0 Sequest Technologies, Inc.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.448 wellsoft 0 0 Wellsoft OID Registrar
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.449 signaemr 0 0 SignaEMR Health Level 7 (HL7) messages
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.450 jwu009 0 0 James Wu project
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.451 medisyn 0 0 MEDiSYN Systems, Inc.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.452 cmich-chp-tech 0 0 Central Michigan University College of Health Professions Tech
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.453 vangentHIE 0 0 VangentHIE
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.454 ihsnhin 2 5 Indian Health Service NHIN Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.456 musc-muha 0 0 Medical University Hospital Authority (Medical University of South Carolina - MUSC)
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.457 citius 0 0 CitiusTech
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.458 gRRHIO 0 0 Greater Rochester RHIO
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.459 cbrs 0 0 CBR Services
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.460 excessmileage 0 0 Rationale for Excess/Additional Mileage
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.461 i2qmed 0 0 I2Qmed provider gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.464 hedis 0 0 Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.465 mirthmuxdev02 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.466 techsant-01 0 0 Techsant Technologies LLC.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.467 remNHINnode 0 0 Reference EBHR Model NHIN Node
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.468 fei 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.469 axway 0 0 Axway IHE
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.471 emr-link 0 0 EMR-Link
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.472 alickfieldexperimentation 0 0 Alick Field Experimentation
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.473 ellumen-nhie1 0 0 Ellumen NHIE 1
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.474 ce-hie-nhin-01 0 0 CareEntrust HIE NHIN Connect NODE 01
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.475 aegis-skb 0 0 AEGIS-SKB
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.476 s1199SEIU 0 0 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.478 spectramedi 0 0 SpectraMedi Transcription Services
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.479 indigo 0 0 Indigo Consulting OID
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.480 sfhmc 0 0 St Francis Hospital and Medical Center
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.481 ntsp 0 0 NORTH TEXAS SPECIALTY PHYSICIANS
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.482 uimcc 0 0 University of Illinois Medical Center
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.483 brookdale 0 0 Brookdale
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.484 corespondHIE 0 0 CORESPONDHIE
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.485 connect 0 0 connect testing
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.486 sandlot 0 0 Sandlot
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.487 dexma 0 0 The dexma project
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.488 devnchiegatewayorg 0 0
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.489 hylandSoftware 0 0 Hyland Software Inc.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.492 smcpartners 0 0 SMC Partners
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.493 successehs 3 14 SuccessEHS, Inc.
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.494 jdsu 0 0 JDS Uniphase
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.495 oidPVSWNHIE1 0 0 Pervasive NHIN Connect NHIE Gateway
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.496 fauji 0 0 Fauji Foundation
    2.16.840.1.113883.3.497 umonahealth 0 0 Umona Health, LLC