Reference record for OID

parent (alarmModelEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) alarmMIB(118) alarmObjects(1) alarmModel(1) alarmModelTable(2) alarmModelEntry(1) alarmModelRowStatus(10)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/alarmMIB/alarmObjects/alarmModel/alarmModelTable/alarmModelEntry/alarmModelRowStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    alarmModelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
    "Control for creating and deleting entries. Entries may be
    modified while active. Alarms whose alarmModelRowStatus is
    not active will not appear in either the alarmActiveTable
    or the alarmClearTable. Setting this object to notInService
    cannot be used as an alarm suppression mechanism. Entries
    that are notInService will disappear as described in RFC2579.
    This row can not be modified while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. In these
    cases, an error of `inconsistentValue will be returned to
    the manager.
    This entry may be deleted while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. This results
    in the deletion of this entry and entries in the active alarms
    referencing this entry via an alarmActiveModelPointer.
    As all read-create objects in this table have a DEFVAL clause,
    there is no requirement that any object be explicitly set
    before this row can become active. Note that a row consisting
    only of default values is not very meaningful."

    View at

    Description by circitor

    Control for creating and deleting entries. Entries may be
    modified while active. Alarms whose alarmModelRowStatus is
    not active will not appear in either the alarmActiveTable
    or the alarmClearTable. Setting this object to notInService
    cannot be used as an alarm suppression mechanism. Entries
    that are notInService will disappear as described in RFC2579.

    This row can not be modified while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. In these
    cases, an error of `inconsistentValue' will be returned to
    the manager.

    This entry may be deleted while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. This results
    in the deletion of this entry and entries in the active alarms
    referencing this entry via an alarmActiveModelPointer.

    As all read-create objects in this table have a DEFVAL clause,
    there is no requirement that any object be explicitly set
    before this row can become active. Note that a row consisting
    only of default values is not very meaningful.

    Parsed from file ALARM-MIB.mib
    Module: ALARM-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from RFC3877

    Information by circitor

    alarmModelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control for creating and deleting entries. Entries may be modified while active. Alarms whose alarmModelRowStatus is not active will not appear in either the alarmActiveTable or the alarmClearTable. Setting this object to notInService cannot be used as an alarm suppression mechanism. Entries that are notInService will disappear as described in RFC2579. This row can not be modified while it is being referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. In these cases, an error of `inconsistentValue' will be returned to the manager. This entry may be deleted while it is being referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer. This results in the deletion of this entry and entries in the active alarms referencing this entry via an alarmActiveModelPointer. As all read-create objects in this table have a DEFVAL clause, there is no requirement that any object be explicitly set before this row can become active. Note that a row consisting only of default values is not very meaningful." ::= { alarmModelEntry 10 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription alarmModelIndex 0 0 An integer that acts as an alarm Id
    to uniquely identify each alarm
    within the named alarm list. alarmModelState 0 0 A value of 1 MUST indicate a clear alarm state.
    The value of this object MUST be less than the
    alarmModelState of more severe ala… alarmModelNotificationId 0 0 The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of this alarm
    state transition. If there is no notification associated
    with this alarm s… alarmModelVarbindIndex 0 0 The index into the varbind listing of the notification
    indicated by alarmModelNotificationId which helps
    signal that the given al… alarmModelVarbindValue 0 0 The value that the varbind indicated by
    alarmModelVarbindIndex takes to indicate
    that the alarm has entered this state.

    If alarmMo… alarmModelDescription 0 0 A brief description of this alarm and state suitable
    to display to operators. alarmModelSpecificPointer 0 0 If no additional, model-specific Alarm MIB is supported by
    the system the value of this object is `0.0'and attempts
    to set it to … alarmModelVarbindSubtree, alarmModelRowStatus 0 0 Control for creating and deleting entries. Entries may be
    modified while active.

    This row can not be deleted while it is being r… alarmModelResourcePrefix 0 0 The value of AlarmActiveResourceId is computed
    by appending any indexes extracted in accordance
    with the description of alarmMode…