Reference record for OID

parent (wanAtmStatsEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) netElement(7) lanprobe(6) echotestStatus(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) netElement(7) lanprobe(6) general(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) sysServices(7) lanprobe(6) echotestStatus(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) sysServices(7) lanprobe(6) general(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) netElement(7) lanprobe(6) echotestStatus(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) netElement(7) lanprobe(6) general(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) sysServices(7) lanprobe(6) echotestStatus(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) sysServices(7) lanprobe(6) general(1) rmonExtension(5) statsExtension(1) wanStatsMIB(8) wanStatsMIBObjects(1) wanSignalingStats(1) wanAtmStatsTable(5) wanAtmStatsEntry(1) wanAtmStatsInLOSs(35)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/hp/nm/system/netElement/lanprobe/echotestStatus/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/hp/nm/system/netElement/lanprobe/general/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/sysServices/lanprobe/echotestStatus/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/sysServices/lanprobe/general/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/hp/nm/system/netElement/lanprobe/echotestStatus/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/hp/nm/system/netElement/lanprobe/general/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/sysServices/lanprobe/echotestStatus/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/sysServices/lanprobe/general/rmonExtension/statsExtension/wanStatsMIB/wanStatsMIBObjects/wanSignalingStats/wanAtmStatsTable/wanAtmStatsEntry/wanAtmStatsInLOSs
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    A loss of signal error from far end of link.

    Parsed from file agilent-wanstats.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: WANSTATS-MIB

    Description by circitor

    A loss of signal error from far end of link.

    Parsed from file WANSTATS-MIB.mib
    Module: WANSTATS-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Hewlett-Packard
    Module: WANSTATS-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    wanAtmStatsInLOSs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A loss of signal error from far end of link." ::= { wanAtmStatsEntry 35 }

    Information by circitor

    wanAtmStatsInLOSs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A loss of signal error from far end of link." ::= { wanAtmStatsEntry 35 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Peterson Tyler

    Brothers (37)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription wanAtmStatsIndex 0 0 The value of this object uniquely identifies this wanAtmStatsTable entry. wanAtmStatsDataSource 0 0 This object identifies the source of the data that this
    wanAtmStatsEntry analyzes. This source can be any interface on
    this devi… wanAtmStatsDropEvents 0 0 The total number of events in which frames were dropped by the
    probe due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not
    nece… wanAtmStatsInCells 0 0 The total number of cells seen coming from the far end of the
    link including errored cells. wanAtmStatsOutCells 0 0 The total number of cells seen coming from the near end of the
    link including errored cells. wanAtmStatsInCLP1 0 0 The total number of cells with the CLP bit set seen coming from
    the far end of the link. wanAtmStatsOutCLP1 0 0 The total number of cells with the CLP bit set seen coming from
    the near end of the link. wanAtmStatsConnectionEvents 0 0 This counter counts the sum of the following errors:
    1) SSCOP Connection Disconnect Counter
    The abnormal occurrence of this event… wanAtmStatsErroredPDUs 0 0 This counter counts the sum of the following errors:
    1) Invalid PDUs.
    These are defined in SSCOP and consist of PDUs with
    incorrec… wanAtmStatsSetupAttempts 0 0 This counter counts the number of call setup attempts (both
    successful and unsuccessful) detected on this interface. wanAtmStatsInRoutesUnavailable 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsOutRoutesUnavailable 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsInResourcesUnavailable 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsOutResourcesUnavailable 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsInUnsuccessfulCalls 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsOutUnsuccessfulCalls 0 0 This counter is incremented when a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE
    (only when not preceded by a RELEASE mesg for the same call),
    ADD PA… wanAtmStatsInIncorrectMsgs 0 0 The Incorrect Messages Counter reflects any sort of incorrect
    information in a message. This includes:

    ? RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLE… wanAtmStatsOutIncorrectMsgs 0 0 The Incorrect Messages Counter reflects any sort of incorrect
    information in a message. This includes:

    ? RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLE… wanAtmStatsInPartyEvents 0 0 This counter monitors error events that occur due to the
    originating user doing something wrong. This counter is
    incremented when… wanAtmStatsOutPartyEvents 0 0 This counter monitors error events that occur due to the
    originating user doing something wrong. This counter is
    incremented when… wanAtmStatsInExpiries 0 0 The Timer Expiries Counter provides a count of network timer
    expiries, and to some extent, host or switch timer expiries.
    The con… wanAtmStatsOutExpiries 0 0 The Timer Expiries Counter provides a count of network timer
    expiries, and to some extent, host or switch timer expiries.
    The con… wanAtmStatsInRestartErrors 0 0 The Restart Activity Counter provides a count of host, switch,
    or network restart activity. This counter is incremented when
    rece… wanAtmStatsOutRestartErrors 0 0 The Restart Activity Counter provides a count of host, switch,
    or network restart activity. This counter is incremented when
    tran… wanAtmStatsInSVCs 0 0 SVC VCCs established at this signaling entity for incoming
    connections. wanAtmStatsOutSVCs 0 0 SVC VCCs established at this signaling entity for outgoing
    connections. wanAtmStatsInOCDs 0 0 An out of cell delineation from far end of the link. wanAtmStatsOutOCDs 0 0 An out of cell delineation from near end of the link. wanAtmStatsInLOCs 0 0 A loss of cell delineation error from far end of the link.
    This is a persistent OCD condition. wanAtmStatsOutLOCs 0 0 A loss of cell delineation error from near end of link.
    This is a persistent OCD condition. wanAtmStatsInLOFs 0 0 A loss of frame error from far end of link. wanAtmStatsOutLOFs 0 0 A loss of frame error from near end of link. wanAtmStatsInLOPs 0 0 A loss of pointer error from far end of link. wanAtmStatsOutLOPs 0 0 A loss of pointer error from near end of link. wanAtmStatsOutLOSs 0 0 A loss of signal error from near end of link. wanAtmStatsOwner 0 0 The entity that configured this entry. wanAtmStatsStatus 0 0 The status of this wanAtmStatsTable entry.