The port's sense of a character parity bit.
Parsed from file xylo-wan.mib.txt
Company: avaya
Child arc 0 is used to translate between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 notification parameters as explained in IETF RFC 2576, section 3.
gprs232AsyncPortParity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), odd(2), even(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The port's sense of a character parity bit." ::= { globals 99 }
OID | Name | Sub children | Sub Nodes Total | Description |
---|---|---|---|---| | gprs232AsyncPortParity | 0 | 0 | None |
OID | Name | Sub children | Sub Nodes Total | Description |
---|---|---|---|---| | gpGenericMode | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines the mode for access to the serial line or TA port. The default is cli. This MIB object corresponds to the … | | gpGenericLocation | 1 | 1 | A descriptive string for a this port. This string is displayed by the CLI who command. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/ad… | | gpGenericTermVar | 1 | 1 | A string defining the type of terminal attached to the serial/ta port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/t… | | gpGenericPrompt | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines a port-specific prompt string. The prompt string consists of displayable characters and embedded formatti… | | gpGenericCliInterface | 1 | 1 | Specifies either a Unix or VMS command line interface. The default is uci. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchrono… | | gpGenericAllowBcast | 1 | 1 | Controls whether the serial/ta port can receive administrative broadcast messages. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin as… | | gpGenericBcastDirection | 1 | 1 | Defines the direction that an administrative broadcast message is sent. This parameter is valid only when the port is defined as… | | gpGenericImask7Bits | 1 | 1 | When enabled, instructs the Annex to ignore the eighth bit of all received characters on the port. This MIB object corresponds to… | | gpGenericCliImask7 | 1 | 1 | Defines whether input at the CLI is masked to 7 bits. The default is disabled. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin async… | | gpGenericBanner | 1 | 1 | Specifies whether the Annex banner and message- of-the-day are displayed on the port. The default is enabled. This has four possi… | | gpGenericTcpKeepAlive | 1 | 1 | The default keep-alive value for connections to this serial port. If this is zero, use the value specified by anxTcpKeepAlive. T… | | gpGenericDedicatedArgs | 1 | 1 | Command line arguments to be passed to process started by a dedicated port with mode set to 'telnet', 'tn3270', 'rlogin', 'connec… | | gpGenericModemVar | 1 | 1 | A string defining the type of modem attached to the serial port. This object is not valid for TA ports. This MIB object correspond… | | gpGenericDefSessMode | 1 | 1 | The default session mode when the DECServer command interface is configured. The default is interactive. This MIB object corres… | | gpGenericResolveProtocol | 1 | 1 | Default host protocol to use when starting a dedicated port and the protocol is not explicitly specified in the command. Is set … | | gpSignalInputStartChar | 1 | 1 | The control character sequence that restarts input if the charPortInFlowType parameter (in the char MIB) is set to xonXoff. This … | | gpSignalInputStopChar | 1 | 1 | The control character sequence that stops input if the charPortInFlowType parameter (in the char MIB) is set to xonXoff. This val… | | gpSignalOutputStartChar | 1 | 1 | The control character sequence that restarts output if the charPortOutFlowType parameter (in the char MIB) is set to xonXoff. Thi… | | gpSignalOutputStopChar | 1 | 1 | The control character sequence that stops output if the charPortOutFlowType parameter (in the char MIB) is set to xonXoff. This v… | | gpSignalIxanyFlowCtrl | 1 | 1 | This parameter specifies whether any input character will be treated as a start (xon) character when output has been suspended by… | | gpSignalForwardKey | 1 | 1 | Defines a control character sequence as an attention character to switch the user to the next session. The Annex-II only allows a… | | gpSignalBackwardKey | 1 | 1 | Defines a control character sequence as an attention character to switch the user to the previous session. The Annex-II only all… | | gpLoginVciLoginPortPasswd | 1 | 1 | Enables the port password if the port is configured as a DECServer interface port. The default is disabled. This MIB object corre… | | gpLoginVciLoginTimeout | 1 | 1 | Enables a login timer if the port is configured as a DECServer interface port. The default is disabled. This MIB object correspo… | | gpTimerForwardTimer | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines the inter-character timer that sets the amount of time, in tens of milliseconds, that will elapse before fo… | | gpTimerForwardCount | 1 | 1 | Specifies the number of received characters buffered for the port by the Annex before forwarding the characters to the host or net… | | gpTimerCliInactivity | 1 | 1 | The amount of time, in minutes, that the Annex waits before hanging up the serial/ta port after it becomes idle. A value of 0 tu… | | gpTimerInactivityTimer | 1 | 1 | The amount of time, in minutes, which a port can remain inactive before the Annex terminates all sessions and resets the port. A… | | gpTimerInputIsActivity | 1 | 1 | Controls whether received input characters are considered as activity for the port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin a… | | gpTimerOutputIsActivity | 1 | 1 | Controls whether transmitted output characters are considered as activity for the port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/ad… | | gpTimerResetIdleTimer | 1 | 1 | Defines whether input or output resets the idle timer for the port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta p… | | gpTimerLongBreak | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the Annex returns the user to the CLI prompt after receiving a break greater than two seconds. Th… | | gpTimerShortBreak | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the Annex returns the user to the CLI prompt after receiving a break shorter than two seconds. Th… | | gpSecurityUserName | 1 | 1 | A string defining the default user name for the user of this serial/ta port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchro… | | gpSecurityCli | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether security is enabled for the port. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta por… | | gpSecurityConnect | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the host-based security policy is enabled for access from the port to the network. This MIB objec… | | gpSecurityPortServer | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the host-based security policy is enabled for access to the port from the port server. This MIB o… | | gpSecurityPortPasswd | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines a password for the port for local password protection. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchr… | | gpSecurityIpsoClass | 1 | 1 | Defines the IP security classification for packets sent and received on this port. The default value is none. This MIB object co… | | gpSecurityIpx | 1 | 1 | Controls whether IPX security is enabled on this port. The default is disabled. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asyn… | | gpLineEditAttnChar | 1 | 1 | Defines a control character sequence as an attention character to return the user to the CLI prompt. The Annex-II only allows x … | | gpLineEditEcho | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the Annex echoes all characters as they are received from the port. This MIB object corresponds t… | | gpLineEditTelnetEscape | 1 | 1 | Defines the control character that returns the user to the 'telnet:' prompt when running the CLI telnet command. This value of th… | | gpLineEditTelnetCRLF | 1 | 1 | Defines what characters are transmitted out the port to the network when the End-of-Line character is sensed. 'enabled' means tra… | | gpLineEditMapToLower | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex translates all upper case characters to lower case as they are received from the port. This MIB object co… | | gpLineEditMapToUpper | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex translates all lower case characters to upper case as they are transmitted to the port. This MIB object c… | | gpLineEditCharErase | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the Annex echoes the character erase and word erase characters for a video terminal (enabled) or f… | | gpLineEditEraseChar | 1 | 1 | Defines the character erase control character sequence. This value of this object can be either a single displayable character or… | | gpLineEditLineErase | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether the Annex echoes the line erase character for a video terminal (enabled) or for a hard-copy termi… | | gpLineEditEraseLine | 1 | 1 | Defines the line erase control character sequence. This value of this object can be either a single displayable character or two … | | gpLineEditEraseWord | 1 | 1 | Defines the word erase control character sequence. This value of this object can be either a single displayable character or two … | | gpLineEditHardwareTabs | 1 | 1 | When enabled, this parameter allows the Annex to expand ASCII tab characters. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchr… | | gpLineEditRedisplayLine | 1 | 1 | Defines the reprint line control character sequence. This value of this object can be either a single displayable character or tw… | | gpLineEditToggleOutput | 1 | 1 | Defines the flush control character used to flush the output buffer. This value of this object can be either a single displayable… | | gpLineEditNewLineTerm | 1 | 1 | This parameter controls whether a carriage return is echoed as just a carriage return (enabled), or whether the carriage return i… | | gpNetLocalAddr | 1 | 1 | The Internet address for the Annex's side of the point-to-point (SLIP or PPP) link. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin a… | | gpNetRemoteAddr | 1 | 1 | The Internet address for the host at the remote end of the point-to-point (SLIP or PPP) link. This MIB object corresponds to the … | | gpNetPppDialupAddr | 1 | 1 | local(1) - The annex will get the PPP dialup addresses from the port parameters local_address and remote_address. acp(2) - The An… | | gpNetMetric | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines the hop count to the remote end of the SLIP or PPP interface. Setting this object to 0 defaults to a value … | | gpNetSlipSecure | 1 | 1 | If anxEnableSecurity is not set, this parameter selects slip session logging. If anxEnableSecurity is set, this parameter permits… | | gpNetInactivity | 1 | 1 | The number of units allowed for serial protocol inactivity on the port. The type of unit, minutes or seconds, is defined by the … | | gpNetDoCompression | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex will attempt to negotiate TCP/IP header compression on this serial link. This MIB object corresponds to … | | gpNetAllowCompression | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex will allow TCP/IP header compression on this serial link only if the other end of the serial link initiat… | | gpNetInactivityUnits | 1 | 1 | The type of units that are used for the port's net inactivity timer. See also the anxpNetInactivity object. The default value is… | | gpSlipSubnetMask | 1 | 1 | The subnet mask for this SLIP interface. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta/sync port parameter 'subnet… | | gpSlipMtuSize | 1 | 1 | Force the compressed SLIP interface to use a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of either 1024 bytes (large) or 256 bytes (small). … | | gpSlipNoIcmp | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex will discard any ICMP packets directed to this SLIP link. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asy… | | gpSlipTos | 1 | 1 | When enabled, the Annex sends interactive traffic over this SLIP link before any other traffic. This MIB object corresponds to th… | | gpPPPMru | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines the maximum receive unit in bytes. The default value is 1500. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin a… | | gpPPPAcm | 1 | 1 | This parameter specifies which of the first 32 bytes (0x00, ... 0x1F) can be sent as clear text and which need to be escaped. A b… | | gpPPPSecurityProto | 1 | 1 | Defines which security protocol will be used to authenticate the remote user. This parameter must be set and the Annex enable_sec… | | gpPPPRemoteUser | 1 | 1 | The username used by the Annex to identify itself if the remote PPP peer asks for authentication. This MIB object corresponds to … | | gpPPPRemotePasswd | 1 | 1 | The password used by the Annex to identify itself if the remote PPP peer asks for authentication. Reading this parameter will ret… | | gpPPPNcp | 1 | 1 | A bitmask to set the PPP NCP Options: 0x0001 NCP_ALL 0x0002 NCP_IPCP 0x0004 NCP_ATCP 0x0008 NCP_IPXCP 0x0010 NCP_MP 0x0020 NCP_CCP 0x0… | | gpPPPIpxNetwork | 1 | 1 | The IPX network number for an IPX PPP connection using this port. When the IPX PPP connection is established the network number w… | | gpPPPIpxNode | 1 | 1 | The IPX node number for an IPX PPP connection using this port. The value of this object is a 12 digit hexadecimal number string re… | | gpARAPGuest | 1 | 1 | If enabled, allows ARAP guest login service. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta port parameter 'at_gues… | | gpARAPNodeid | 1 | 1 | The default AppleTalk node ID hint that is used by the Annex on this port. The address consists of two parts separated by a dot.… | | gpARAPSecurity | 1 | 1 | Controls whether ACP service is enabled for this port when establishing an AppleTalk connection. This MIB object corresponds to t… | | gpARAPV42BIS | 1 | 1 | Controls whether V.42bis compression is done during an ARAP session. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta … | | gpTN3270PrinterHost | 1 | 1 | The IP address of the machine running a Berkeley-style lpd server. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta po… | | gpTN3270PrinterName | 1 | 1 | A valid printer name contained in the /etc/printcap file on the remote host. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchro… | | gpLATAuthMap | 1 | 1 | This port parameter is functionally identical to anxpLatAuthGroupVal and corresponds to the NA/admin Annex parameter 'group_value… | | gpLATbEnable | 1 | 1 | Controls interpretation of LAT Data-B packets received from host. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin asynchronous/ta por… | | gpLATMultiSession | 1 | 1 | This parameter allows multisession operation to be managed on a per port basis. If multisessions for the server has not been enab… | | gpcharPortInFlowType | 1 | 1 | The port's type of input flow control. 'none' indicates no flow control at this level or below. 'xonXoff' indicates software flo… | | gpcharPortOutFlowType | 1 | 1 | The port's type of output flow control. 'none' indicates no flow control at this level or below. 'xonXoff' indicates software fl… | | gpcharPortSessionMaximum | 1 | 1 | The maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed on the port. A value of -1 indicates no maximum. Setting the maximum to less t… | | gprs232AsyncPortBits | 1 | 1 | The port's number of bits in a character. This object corresponds to the admin parameter data_bits | | gprs232AsyncPortStopBits | 1 | 1 | The port's number of stop bits. This object corresponds to the admin parameter stop_bits | | gpV120Mru | 1 | 1 | This parameter defines the maximum receive unit in bytes. The default value is 256. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin as… | | gpMpMrru | 1 | 1 | This parameter sets the upper limit of the MRRU LCP negotiation. All LCP negotiations will start with this value; negotiation down… | | gpMpEndPointClass | 1 | 1 | This parameter sets the preference for the Endpoint Discriminator. PPP Magic Number Block(5) isexcluded; it doesn't guarantee uniq… | | gpMpEndPointValue | 1 | 1 | This parameter sets the value of the Endpoint Discriminator for options that require user-configured information. This parameter i… | | gpProxyArpEnable | 1 | 1 | Specifies whether the Annex will proxy ARP all remote IP connections. A value of enabled(1) will allow the Annex to proxy all rem… | | gpPPPTraceLevel | 1 | 1 | Controls whether PPP trace messages are sent to the syslog facility or not. The default value is none(0). This MIB object corres… |