Reference record for OID

parent (csPwVcEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) csRoot(3085) csProduct(3) csOrionMIB(1) csOrionVPNInfo(4) csOrionVPNVRouterInfo(2) csOrionPWE3(14) csOrionPWE3Objects(1) csPwVcTable(1) csPwVcEntry(1) csPwVcType(16)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/csRoot/csProduct/csOrionMIB/csOrionVPNInfo/csOrionVPNVRouterInfo/csOrionPWE3/csOrionPWE3Objects/csPwVcTable/csPwVcEntry/csPwVcType
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This value dictates what service-specific tables are indexed
    by csPwVcIndex and csPwVcInstance. For example, if set for
    'cem' csPwVcIndex indexes the csPwVcCemTable in [CEMMIB].

    Note: CEM will also have the MSBit set in the VC type
    (0x8008). This is the 'Control Word' bit used within the
    'Virtual Circuit FEC Element' when LDP signaling is used

    Parsed from file orion_mib_v31.txt
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    This value dictates what service-specific tables are indexed
    by csPwVcIndex and csPwVcInstance. For example, if set for
    'cem' csPwVcIndex indexes the csPwVcCemTable in [CEMMIB].

    Note: CEM will also have the MSBit set in the VC type
    (0x8008). This is the 'Control Word' bit used within the
    'Virtual Circuit FEC Element' when LDP signaling is used

    Parsed from file COSINE-ORION-MIB.mib

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: CoSine Communication
    Module: COSINE-ORION-MIB (orion_mib_v31)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-create
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    csPwVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { frameRelay(1), atmAal5Vcc(2), atmTransparent(3), ethernetVLAN(4), ethernet(5), hdlcCisco(6), ppp(7), cem(8), atmVccCell(9), atmVpcCell(10), transparentLanService(11), unspecified(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value dictates what service-specific tables are indexed by csPwVcIndex and csPwVcInstance. For example, if set for 'cem' csPwVcIndex indexes the csPwVcCemTable in [CEMMIB]. Note: CEM will also have the MSBit set in the VC type (0x8008). This is the 'Control Word' bit used within the 'Virtual Circuit FEC Element' when LDP signaling is used " REFERENCE "Martini, et al, . Note: as specified in l2circuit-trans: It is REQUIRED to assign the same VC ID, and VC type for a given circuit in both directions." DEFVAL {unspecified} ::= { csPwVcEntry 16 }

    Information by circitor

    csPwVcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { frameRelay(1), atmAal5Vcc(2), atmTransparent(3), ethernetVLAN(4), ethernet(5), hdlcCisco(6), ppp(7), cem(8), atmVccCell(9), atmVpcCell(10), transparentLanService(11), unspecified(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value dictates what service-specific tables are indexed by csPwVcIndex and csPwVcInstance. For example, if set for 'cem' csPwVcIndex indexes the csPwVcCemTable in [CEMMIB]. Note: CEM will also have the MSBit set in the VC type (0x8008). This is the 'Control Word' bit used within the 'Virtual Circuit FEC Element' when LDP signaling is used " REFERENCE "Martini, et al, . Note: as specified in l2circuit-trans: It is REQUIRED to assign the same VC ID, and VC type for a given circuit in both directions." DEFVAL {unspecified} ::= { csPwVcEntry 16 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jou Lianghwa

    Brothers (33)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription csPwVcIndex 0 0 Primary index for the conceptual row identifying a VC (or
    set of VCs) within this PW Emulation VC table. csPwVcID 0 0 Used in the outgoing VC ID field within the 'Virtual
    Circuit FEC Element' when LDP signaling is used. csPwVcOutboundGroupID 0 0 Used in the outbound Group ID field within the 'Virtual
    Circuit FEC Element' when some control methods (for example
    LDP) is used … csPwVcInboundGroupID 0 0 Obtained from the inbound Group ID field in the remote
    'Virtual Circuit FEC Element' as received by control methods
    are used for … csPwVcInboundMTU 0 0 MTU of the interface at the remote PE. 0 means assume same as outbound MTU csPwVcPeerAddrType 0 0 Denotes the address type of the peer node signaling address
    if PW signaling is used for the VC creation. It should be
    set to 'not… csPwVcPeerIpv4Addr 0 0 If csPwVcPeerAddrType is set to ipV4(1), then this value will
    contain the IPv4 address of the peer node PW/PE signaling
    entity. T… csPwVcPeerIpv6Addr 0 0 If csPwVcPeerAddrType is set to ipV6(2), then this value will
    contain the Ipv6 address of the peer node PW/PE signaling
    entity. T… csPwVcOutboundVcLabel 0 0 The VC label used in the outbound direction. It may be set
    up manually if owner is 'manual' or automatically otherwise.
    Examples:… csPwVcInboundVcLabel 0 0 The VC label used in the inbound direction. It may be set up
    manually if owner is 'manual' or automatically otherwise.
    Examples: … csPwVcInboundMode 0 0 This object is used to enable greater security for
    implementation that use global VC label space. In
    conservative mode, inbound p… csPwVcName 0 0 The canonical name assigned to the VC. This name can be
    used to refer to the VC on the node console port. csPwVcDescr 0 0 A textual string containing information about the VC.
    If there is no description this object contains a zero
    length string. csPwVcCreateTime 0 0 System time when this VC was created. csPwVcUpTime 0 0 Number of consecutive ticks this VC has been 'up' in
    both directions together (i.e. 'up' is observed in
    csPwVcOperStatus.) csPwVcOwner 0 0 Set by the operator to indicate the protocol responsible
    for establishing this VC. Value 'manual' is used in all
    cases where no s… csPwVcPsnType 0 0 Set by the operator to indicate the PSN type on which this
    VC will be carried. Based on this object, the relevant PSN
    table entri… csPwVcPriority 0 0 This object define the relative priority of the VC instance
    in a lowest-to-highest fashion. VC instances with the same
    priority a… csPwVcAdminStatus 0 0 The desired operational status of this VC. It is set by
    the operator if csPwVcIsIf is set to false. Otherwise, it
    reflects the if… csPwVcOperStatus 0 0 Indicates the actual combined operational status of this
    VC. It is 'up' if both csPwVcInboundOperStatus and
    csPwVcOutboundOperSta… csPwVcInboundOperStatus 0 0 Indicates the actual operational status of this VC in the
    inbound direction.

    - down: if PW signaling has not yet finis… csPwVcOutboundOperStatus 0 0 Indicates the actual operational status of this VC in the
    outbound direction
    - down: if PW signaling has not yet finish… csPwVcRowStatus 0 0 For creating, modifying, and deleting this row. csPwVcStorageType 0 0 This variable indicates the storage type for this
    object. csPwVcCeIntf 0 0 This object is used to identify the CE interface.
    This format allows for many formats. We only support LI
    for now.

    The format use… csPwVcForwardSlot 0 0 Slot number of the data forwarding processor engine.
    0 means not set. csPwVcForwardPE 0 0 Processor engine number of the data forwarding processor engine.
    0 means not set. csPwVcCtrlWord 0 0 Include and except control word in the data packets. csPwVcSeqNumber 0 0 Include and check the sequence numbers. csPwVcTestResult 0 0 The result of the previous testing request. csPwVcVlanId 0 0 The result of the previous testing request.
    Note: A valid VLAN ID should be provided if
    Connected to a BI. csPwVcCustomerId 0 0 Customer ID field. csPwVcCustomerName 0 0 Customer name field.