Reference record for OID

parent (pnniMIBObjects)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagement(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagment(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagement(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagment(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagement(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagment(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagement(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagment(5) atmfPnni(4) pnniMIB(1) pnniMIBObjects(1) pnniIfTable(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagement/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagment/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagement/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagment/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagement/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagment/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagement/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/atmForum/atmForumNetworkManagment/atmfPnni/pnniMIB/pnniMIBObjects/pnniIfTable
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to
    configure a physical interface on a switching system which
    is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may
    represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber
    connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for
    PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific
    lowest-level node within the switching system.

    An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify
    the interface on the local switching system. This index has
    the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573
    for the same interface, since this table correlates with
    the ifTable in RFC 1573.

    One row in this table is created by the managed system for
    each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or

    Parsed from file PNNI-MIB.mib
    Module: PNNI-MIB

    Description by cisco_v1

    The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to
    configure a physical interface on a switching system which
    is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may
    represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber
    connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for
    PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific
    lowest-level node within the switching system.

    An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify
    the interface on the local switching system. This index has
    the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573
    for the same interface, since this table correlates with
    the ifTable in RFC 1573.

    One row in this table is created by the managed system for
    each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or

    Description by oid_info

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to
    configure a physical interface on a switching system which
    is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may
    represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber
    connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for
    PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific
    lowest-level node within the switching system.

    An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify
    the interface on the local switching system. This index has
    the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573
    for the same interface, since this table correlates with
    the ifTable in RFC 1573.

    One row in this table is created by the managed system for
    each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or

    Parsed from file pnni.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: PNNI-MIB

    Description by cisco

    The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to
    configure a physical interface on a switching system which
    is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may
    represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber
    connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for
    PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific
    lowest-level node within the switching system.

    An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify
    the interface on the local switching system. This index has
    the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573
    for the same interface, since this table correlates with
    the ifTable in RFC 1573.

    One row in this table is created by the managed system for
    each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or

    Information by circitor

    pnniIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PnniIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to configure a physical interface on a switching system which is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific lowest-level node within the switching system. An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify the interface on the local switching system. This index has the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573 for the same interface, since this table correlates with the ifTable in RFC 1573. One row in this table is created by the managed system for each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or atmLogical(80)." ::= { pnniMIBObjects 8 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    pnniIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PnniIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to configure a physical interface on a switching system which is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific lowest-level node within the switching system. An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify the interface on the local switching system. This index has the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573 for the same interface, since this table correlates with the ifTable in RFC 1573. One row in this table is created by the managed system for each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or atmLogical(80)." ::= { pnniMIBObjects 8 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: ATM Forum
    Module: PNNI-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    pnniIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PnniIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to configure a physical interface on a switching system which is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific lowest-level node within the switching system. An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify the interface on the local switching system. This index has the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573 for the same interface, since this table correlates with the ifTable in RFC 1573. One row in this table is created by the managed system for each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or atmLogical(80)." ::= { pnniMIBObjects 8 }

    Information by cisco

    pnniIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PnniIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pnniIfTable contains the attributes necessary to configure a physical interface on a switching system which is capable of being used for PNNI routing. Interfaces may represent physical connection points (i.e. copper/fiber connection points) or VPCs which have been configured for PNNI's use. Each interface is attached to a specific lowest-level node within the switching system. An ifIndex is used as the instance ID to uniquely identify the interface on the local switching system. This index has the same value as the ifIndex object defined in RFC 1573 for the same interface, since this table correlates with the ifTable in RFC 1573. One row in this table is created by the managed system for each row in the ifTable that has an ifType of atm(37) or atmLogical(80)." ::= { pnniMIBObjects 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    McCloghrie Keith

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription pnniIfEntry 11 11 An entry in the table, containing PNNI specific interface
    information in this switching system.

    Brothers (19)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription pnniBaseGroup 12 24 None pnniNodeTable 1 16 The pnniNodeTable collects attributes that affect the
    operation of a PNNI logical node.

    There is a single row in this table for e… pnniNodePglTable 1 11 Peer group leader election information for a PNNI node in
    this switching system. pnniNodeTimerTable 1 14 A table of initial PNNI timer values and significant
    change thresholds. pnniNodeSvccTable 1 6 A table of variables related to SVCC-based routing control
    channels. pnniScopeMappingTable 1 16 The pnniScopeTable contains the mappings of membership and
    connection scope from organizational scope values (used at
    UNI interfa… pnniSummaryTable 1 7 A list of the summary address prefixes that may be
    advertised by the specified logical PNNI entity. pnniLinkTable 1 15 This table contains the attributes necessary to describe
    the operation of logical links attached to the local
    switching system an… pnniNbrPeerTable 1 13 The pnniNbrPeer Object contains all the attributes
    necessary to describe the relationship a node in this
    switching system has wit… pnniNbrPeerPortTable 1 3 A table of all ports in Hello state 2-Way Inside to a given
    neighboring peer node. A concatenation of the Node Index
    of the node… pnniSvccRccTable 1 11 A table containing the attributes necessary to analyze the
    operation of the PNNI protocol on SVCC-based Routing
    Control Channels.… pnniPtseTable 1 8 The pnniPtse object contains the attributes that describe
    the most recent instances of PTSEs in a node's topology
    database. A co… pnniMapTable 1 12 A table containing attributes necessary to find and analyze
    the operation of all links and nodes within the PNNI
    hierarchy, as se… pnniMapNodeTable 1 15 A list of nodes as seen from the perspective of a local
    node. The pnniMapNodeTable contains all information
    learned by the local… pnniMapAddrTable 1 6 The pnniMapAddr MIB Object contains a list of all reachable
    addresses from each node visible to the local node. The
    Local Node I… pnniMapTnsTable 1 6 A list of all reachable transit networks from each node
    visible to the local node. The Local Node Index,
    Advertising Node ID, Ad… pnniMetricsTable 1 16 This entity's table of PNNI parameters either associated
    with a PNNI entity or for the connectivity between a PNNI
    node and a rea… pnniRoutingGroup 5 82 None pnniSummaryAddressTable 1 7 A list of the summary address prefixes that may be
    advertised by the specified logical PNNI entity.