Reference record for OID

parent (chanParamEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) satelcom(397) channel(4) chanParamTable(3) chanParamEntry(1) chanParamDlciATM(58)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/satelcom/channel/chanParamTable/chanParamEntry/chanParamDlciATM
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Determines whether fragmentation should be implemented on
    frames on this link.

    Parsed from file SATELCOM-MIB.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: SATELCOM-MIB

    Description by circitor

    Determines whether fragmentation should be implemented on
    frames on this link.

    Parsed from file SATELCOM-MIB.mib
    Module: SATELCOM-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: MegaPAC
    Module: SATELCOM-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    chanParamDlciATM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), all(129) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines whether fragmentation should be implemented on frames on this link." REFERENCE "RLAY" ::= { chanParamEntry 58 }

    Information by circitor

    chanParamDlciATM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), on(2), all(129) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines whether fragmentation should be implemented on frames on this link." REFERENCE "RLAY" ::= { chanParamEntry 58 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    George Ian

    Brothers (65)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription chanParamIndex 0 0 Index.
    The position of this channel in the controller channel
    Table. chanParamName 0 0 Name.
    A user defined name for routing calls to this channel. chanParamDRCMask 0 0 DRC Mask.
    A four character string used to force expicit routing
    to the named resource. chanParamTerminalType 0 0 Terminal Type.
    If the channel is to perform terminal emulation, then the
    setting defined will be specific to the users terminal e… chanParamCircuitType 0 0 Circuit Type.
    The type of circuit used on this channel chanParamOptions 0 0 Options.
    A range of channel options, these options may be
    specified individually or added together. chanParamBuffers 0 0 Buffers.
    The number of system buffers allocated to this channel
    for incoming calls. chanParamDiscMode 0 0 DISC Mode.
    The number of the character in decimal which forces
    disconnection of the call. chanParamMenuNumber 0 0 Menu Number.
    Specifies which menu will be displayed to the user by the
    presentation service chanParamHelpNumber 0 0 Help Number.
    Specifies which help screen will be displayed to the user by
    the presentation service. chanParamNewsNumber 0 0 News Number.
    The number of the menu which will be displayed if an
    outgoing channel is unavailable. chanParamCallPriority 0 0 Call Priority.
    Call and Resource priorities are used primarily for
    providing alternate routing. For a call to succeed the
    Call Pri… chanParamResourcePriority 0 0 Resource Priority.
    Call and Resource priorities are used primarily for
    providing alternate routing. For a call to succeed the
    Call… chanParamPadEnable 0 0 Pad Enable.
    The effect of the PAD Enable parameters are as follows:

    enable PAD services enabled. The logical
    channel will res… chanParamPadRecall 0 0 Pad Recall (1).
    This parameter allows the user to escape from the data
    transfer state to the PAD command state. The permitted
    valu… chanParamEcho 0 0 Echo.
    Determines whether 'echo' is enabled or disabled. If
    set to controlled, the echo facility is controlled by the
    operator. chanParamDataForwarding 0 0 Data Forwarding.
    This parameter controls which character or characters
    cause the accumulated data to be forwarded. The possible
    va… chanParamDelay 0 0 Delay.
    Specifies the idle time in tenths of a second, allowable
    between successive characters before the accumulated data
    is forwa… chanParamDRI 0 0 DRI.
    Flow control of terminal by the MegaPAC. Valid settings are:
    enabled MegaPAC flow controls terminal using XON/XOFF.
    c… chanParamPadSignals 0 0 Pad Signals.
    Enable X.28 prompts and/or messages to be displayed on
    the users terminal. chanParamBreak 0 0 Break.
    The Action the MegaPAC will take on receipt of a Break Signal.
    The valid values are:

    0 When the MegaPAC receives a Br… chanParamPadding 0 0 Padding.
    The number of NULL characters inserted after a carriage
    return. chanParamFold 0 0 Fold.
    The number of characters output before line folding
    occurs. Setting to 0 disables line folding. chanParamDRO 0 0 Data Restraint Out. chanParamLFI 0 0 LFI.
    This parameter controls linefeed insertion after a
    carriage return. The valid settings are:

    0 Line feed insertion disab… chanParamLFPad 0 0 LFPad.
    The number of NULL padding characters sent to a device
    following a linefeed character. chanParamEdit 0 0 Edit.
    Controls editing of text in data transfer state. chanParamCharDel 0 0 Char Delete.
    The keystroke used for deleting a character. chanParamBufferDel 0 0 Buffer Delete.
    The keystroke used for deleting the buffer. chanParamDisp 0 0 Disp.
    The keystroke used to redisplay the data in the buffer. chanParamEditServiceSignals 0 0 Edit Service Signals.
    This parameter enables the user to edit the PAD service
    signals (echoing). The valid settings are:

    0 N… chanParamEchoMask 0 0 Echo Mask.
    This parameter controls the characters which should not
    be echoed. The valid settings are:

    0 All characters shoul… chanParamParityTreatment 0 0 Parity Treatment.
    Determines the parity generation and checking performed
    valid settings are:

    0 No parity generation or chec… chanParamPageWait 0 0 Page Wait.
    Specifies the number of lines to be transmitted, after
    which the MegaPAC will wait until instructed by the user to
    cont… chanParamForce 0 0 Force.
    The ASCII character which will force data forwarding,
    0 disables forced data forwarding. chanParamBreakChar 0 0 Break Character.
    The ASCII character in decimal which is used to
    simulate a BREAK signal. chanParamNetworkParity 0 0 Network Parity.
    With the Terminal type set to ASYN+X28, the parity can
    be forced onto the network side by selecting the approriat… chanParamEscapeDelay 0 0 Escape Delay.
    Specifies the time in tenths of a second, that after
    receiving an ESC character, all characters are buffered
    before … chanParamStationAddress 0 0 Station Address.
    Physical Unit Address of the Cluster Controller. chanParamProvideXID 0 0 Provide XID. chanParamMode 0 0 Mode.
    This parameter provides a number of additional connection
    facilities for channels on virtual controllers. chanParamPortMatch 0 0 Port Match.
    This parameter optionally allows the Source
    and Destination ports to be used in conjunction
    with the IP address for ro… chanParamReverseTelnetPort 0 0 Reverse Telnet Port.
    The port number which will respond to TELNET
    open requests. The default value for TELNET
    ports is '23'. chanParamBroadcastFilterTimer 0 0 Broadcast Filter Timer. chanParamInhibitLearning 0 0 Inhibit Learning.
    This parameter determines whether the 'bridge'
    will work in Directed or Learning mode. If
    InhibitLearning is set… chanParamRetainSession 0 0 Retain Session.
    This parameter determines if and how a session will be
    cleared down when the call is cleared. The parameter is
    onl… chanParamPrinterType 0 0 Printer Type.
    If set to IBM the logical channel will act as an
    appication system printer, otherwise it operates in
    screen emulatio… chanParamScreenPrinter 0 0 Screen Printer.
    If set to YES, screen printer requests are to be processed
    and sent to this LU address (in this mode, the termina… chanParamLocalPrinter 0 0 Local Printer.
    This parameter specifies the channel to which screen printing
    should be directed. It takes precedence over the val… chanParamInterlockBind 0 0 Interlock Bind.
    This parameter is only applicable to channels (2) to (n).
    When set to YES, an UNBIND request will be sent to the … chanParamRedirectPrintTo 0 0 Redirect Printer To.
    This parameter is only applicable to channels (2) to (n).
    If set to (0), then no redirection takes place. Ot… chanParamLUBase 0 0 First LU defined by up-stream host. chanParamLUOffset 0 0 LU Offset. chanParamLUTotal 0 0 Total number of LUs to be allocated to down-
    stream PU's. chanParamDlciBase 0 0 The channel DLCI address. chanParamDlciAdjacentBase 0 0 The DLCI number on the cross connected port in the
    MegaPAC used when groups of channels are being switched
    across the MegaPAC. Us… chanParamDlciPriority 0 0 A value from 0 to 32 indicating the relative priority of this
    DLCI to the other data streams on this trunk, i.e. other DLCIs.
    The… chanParamDlciCir 0 0 The committed information rate for this DLCI - the units are in 80bits/sec chanParamDlciBc 0 0 Bc(Burst Commit) - the committed burst that the MegaPAC
    will allow to be transmitted on this DLCI; the units are 80bits. chanParamDlciBe 0 0 Be(Burst Excess) is the excess above the Bc that will be
    transmitted to the line by the MegaPAC in any given Tc.
    The units are 80… chanParamDlciDe 0 0 DE(Discard Eligibility) when set will indicate that in
    a congested situation this frame should be discarded first. chanParamDlciProtocol 0 0 Specifies header in RFC 1480/1490 connections chanParamDlciDsap 0 0 Used in RFC 1490 SNA connections - each SAP identifies a specific
    PU, hence by using different SAPs, multiple PUs can be multipl… chanParamDlciSsap 0 0 Used in RFC 1490 SNA connections - each SAP identifies a specific
    PU, hence by using different SAPs, multiple PUs can be multipl… chanParamDlciPutype 0 0 Used in RFC 1490 SNA connections - specifies type 2.0 or 2.1