Reference record for OID

parent (a3filterUserMaskEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) a3Com(43) brouterMIB(2) a3ComFilter(10) a3filterUserMaskTable(2) a3filterUserMaskEntry(1) a3filterUserMaskLocType(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/a3Com/brouterMIB/a3ComFilter/a3filterUserMaskTable/a3filterUserMaskEntry/a3filterUserMaskLocType
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This object determines if this table entry specifies
    packet location via the mnemonic, protocol.field
    semantics or via the numerical offset.length semantics.

    If this object is set to protocolFieldSemantics (1),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocField is used to
    identify the packet location where the mask is applied.

    If this object is set to offsetLengthSemantics(2), then
    the offset and lengths identified by a3filterUserMaskLocOffset
    and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are measured from the start
    of the datalink layer.

    If this object is set to dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics(3),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the data link protocol

    If this object is set to ipOffsetLengthSemantics(4),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the IP protocol

    If this object is set to appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(5),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the AppleTalk protocol

    Similar semantics apply to the remaining enumerations
    for this object.

    Parsed from file 3Com-filter.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: A3Com-Filter-r5-MIB

    Description by circitor

    This object determines if this table entry specifies
    packet location via the mnemonic, protocol.field
    semantics or via the numerical offset.length semantics.

    If this object is set to protocolFieldSemantics (1),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocField is used to
    identify the packet location where the mask is applied.

    If this object is set to offsetLengthSemantics(2), then
    the offset and lengths identified by a3filterUserMaskLocOffset
    and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are measured from the start
    of the datalink layer.

    If this object is set to dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics(3),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the data link protocol

    If this object is set to ipOffsetLengthSemantics(4),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the IP protocol

    If this object is set to appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(5),
    then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and
    a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the
    mask is applied. The offset and length are measured
    starting from the data field of the AppleTalk protocol

    Similar semantics apply to the remaining enumerations
    for this object.

    Parsed from file A3Com-Filter-r5-MIB.mib
    Module: A3Com-Filter-r5-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: 3Com
    Module: A3Com-Filter-r5-MIB (3Com-filter.mib)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-write
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    a3filterUserMaskLocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { protocolFieldSemantics (1), offsetLengthSemantics (2), dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics (3), ipOffsetLengthSemantics (4), ipxOffsetLengthSemantics (5), appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(6), decNetOffsetLengthSemantics (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object determines if this table entry specifies packet location via the mnemonic, protocol.field semantics or via the numerical offset.length semantics. If this object is set to protocolFieldSemantics (1), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocField is used to identify the packet location where the mask is applied. If this object is set to offsetLengthSemantics(2), then the offset and lengths identified by a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are measured from the start of the datalink layer. If this object is set to dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics(3), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the data link protocol layer. If this object is set to ipOffsetLengthSemantics(4), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the IP protocol layer. If this object is set to appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(5), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the AppleTalk protocol layer. Similar semantics apply to the remaining enumerations for this object." ::= { a3filterUserMaskEntry 3 }

    Information by circitor

    a3filterUserMaskLocType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { protocolFieldSemantics (1), offsetLengthSemantics (2), dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics (3), ipOffsetLengthSemantics (4), ipxOffsetLengthSemantics (5), appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(6), decNetOffsetLengthSemantics (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object determines if this table entry specifies packet location via the mnemonic, protocol.field semantics or via the numerical offset.length semantics. If this object is set to protocolFieldSemantics (1), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocField is used to identify the packet location where the mask is applied. If this object is set to offsetLengthSemantics(2), then the offset and lengths identified by a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are measured from the start of the datalink layer. If this object is set to dataLinkOffsetLengthSemantics(3), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the data link protocol layer. If this object is set to ipOffsetLengthSemantics(4), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the IP protocol layer. If this object is set to appleTalkOffsetLengthSemantics(5), then the value of a3filterUserMaskLocOffset and a3filterUserMaskLocLength are used to determine where the mask is applied. The offset and length are measured starting from the data field of the AppleTalk protocol layer. Similar semantics apply to the remaining enumerations for this object." ::= { a3filterUserMaskEntry 3 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jeremy Siegel

    Brothers (13)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription a3filterUserMaskIndex 0 0 An index identifying a specific Mask. All user
    configured masks must have an index between 1 and 64. a3filterUserMaskName 0 0 A text string used to help identify a specific Mask.
    Each entry must have a unique name. a3filterUserMaskLocField 0 0 This object specifies the location in the packet
    where the operation should take place. This object
    takes effect only when a3fil… a3filterUserMaskLocOffset 0 0 When specifying a packet location via the offsetLength
    semantics, this parameters indicates the offset from the
    beginning of the … a3filterUserMaskLocLength 0 0 When specifying a packet location via the offsetLength
    semantics, this parameter indicates the length of the
    bit field used in th… a3filterUserMaskOperator 0 0 This object, together with a3filterUserMaskOperand, cause
    bit operations to be performed on the bit field identified
    by a3filterU… a3filterUserMaskOperand 0 0 This object, together with a3filterUserMaskOperator, cause
    bit operations to be performed on the bit field identified
    by a3filter… a3filterUserMaskComparison 0 0 This object specifies the type of comparison to make
    between the output of the operation specified by
    a3filterUserMaskLocation, a… a3filterUserMaskMatchType 0 0 a3filterUserMaskMatchtype a3filterUserMaskMatchBits 0 0 A string of bits that is compared against the data
    at the specified location in the packet. This object
    is relevant only if a3fi… a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1 0 0 The value used to compare against the data at the
    specified location in the packet. This object is
    relevant only if the value of… a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2 0 0 The value used to compare against the data at the
    specified location in the packet. This object is used
    along with a3filterUserM… a3filterUserMaskStatus 0 0 This object is used to add and delete entries
    in this table. See the notes describing
    RowStatus at the beginning of this MIB.
