Reference record for OID

parent (cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgDelay(6)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgDelay
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This parameter specifies the delay option for the service.

    MIN - Packets are expedited without queuing and they
    experience lowest possible delay.

    LOW - Packets are forwarded based on the priority (configured
    order) of the service and they experience relatively lower
    delays compared to NORMAL delay service.

    NORMAL - Packets are forwarded based on the bandwidth
    configured using CrBFQ scheduling mechanism. There are no
    tight bounds on delay experienced by the packets.

    Parsed from file qos.mib.txt
    Company: codex
    Module: QOS-OPT-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Codex
    Module: QOS-OPT-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    QoSSPCfgDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { NORMAL (2), LOW (3), MIN (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter specifies the delay option for the service. MIN - Packets are expedited without queuing and they experience lowest possible delay. LOW - Packets are forwarded based on the priority (configured order) of the service and they experience relatively lower delays compared to NORMAL delay service. NORMAL - Packets are forwarded based on the bandwidth configured using CrBFQ scheduling mechanism. There are no tight bounds on delay experienced by the packets." DEFVAL { NORMAL } ::= { cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry 6 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    McGinty Thomas

    Brothers (16)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription QoSSPCfgProfileNumber 0 0 Profile number used to reference this Service Profile. QoSSPCfgEntryNumber 0 0 Entry number used to reference this table record. QoSSPCfgService 0 0 This is the service configured.

    BE - The default best effort service. If CS is configured,
    CS0 PHB becomes the default best effo… QoSSPCfgClassSelecter 0 0 This parameter provides a choice between one of three
    implementations of CS PHB Group.

    BS8 - Each Class Selector PHB uses one ser… QoSSPCfgBandwidth 0 0 This parameter specifies the bandwidth in kbps, for the
    packets using this service. QoSSPCfgQLength 0 0 This parameter specifies the size of the queue in kilo bytes.
    A large queue size provides the ability to buffer a large
    number of… QoSSPCfgWeightFactor 0 0 This parameter specifies the weight factor in term of
    negative power of 2, for computing average queue length.
    The weight factor … QoSSPCfgAFx1MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx1MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx1MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the… QoSSPCfgAFx2MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx2MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx2MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the… QoSSPCfgAFx3MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx3MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx3MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the…